HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-04-22; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Teleconference CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m . ROLL CALL: Trustees DeForest, Hulsart, Larson and Parsons (McBride -Absent) STAFF PRESENT: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Sheila Crosby, Principal Librarian Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Jennifer Davidson, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting held on Feb. 26, 2020. Approved : ~j s ·-,;;..7-~ ~ ITEM #3 Motion by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Vice Chair Hu Isa rt, to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on Feb. 26, 2020 as presented. Motion carried, 4/0/1/0 (McBride-Absent). PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The board received the monthly library report for Feb. and March 2020. LIBRARY SERVICES IN THE COVID-19 PERIOD: Director Pizzuto updated the board on the status of library services in the COVID-19 period. UPDATE ON L&CA DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT: Director Pizzuto updated the board on the status ofthe recruitment for the L&CA Director position. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Pizzuto briefed the board on the department's continuing adjustments to both the current fiscal year budget expenditures and proposed FY20-21 budget, resulting from city reductions in revenue. Page 2 of 2 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the April 22, 2020 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Director Pizzuto reported on the Foundation meeting on behalf of Representative McBride who was absent from the Library Board of Trustees meeting. Director Pizzuto reported the Foundation discussed the effects of COVID-19 on investment funds, and the continued funding of Library & Cultural Arts' programs and services for FY20-21. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hu Isa rt shared that the Friends of the Library voted to re-allocate originally approved funds to meet changing library program and service delivery such as virtual programming. NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Sue Madsen summarized recent changes to programs and events due to COVID-19. The NSDC Genealogical Society is operating primarily online and through virtual programming. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Larson adjourned the meeting at 4:56 p.m. Jennifer D son Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Report for February 2020 ITEM #5 Library staff were invited to "attend" a two-day live viewing of the Public Library Association Virtual Conference featuring some of the programs held in Nashville on Feb. 27 and 28. Nineteen staff total attended the virtual conference by viewing seminars online from the comfort of the library. Senior Librarian Erin Peak, Library Assistant Sandra Riggins and Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson attended the full Public Library Association conference in- person. Highlights of the conference included presentations on decreasing barriers to library use, bringing technology and _arts programi:ning to senior adults, and training staff to serve patrons experiencing homelessness. The library's Boot Camp for Business workshop series kicked off on Feb. 4 with a presentation in the Gowland Meeting Room to help entrepreneurs and business owners discover and cultivate their gifts to further success in business. The series continued the next two Tuesdays at Cole Library with a presentation about the art.of interviewing on Feb. 11 and a presentation on social media for business on Feb. 18. More than 110 people total attended the three workshops, and the Coast News ran a feature article on the series: https://www.thecoastnews.com/carlsbad-hosting-business-boot-camp/ The library celebrated Valentine's Day with several programs throughout February. At Cole Library on Feb. 11, the Valentine's Day Story Craft featured stories and a trivia contest to highlight the different ways Valentine's Day is celebrated. The 60 children and adult attendees also played games and created mosaic heart cards for someone special. On Feb. 13 at Game On, Teens, five teens worked together on a Valentine's Day themed Escape Room. On Feb. 13, authors and Carlsbad residents Viktoria Rusnakova, originally from Slovakia, and Samuele Bagnai, originally from Italy, shared their books and love story with 10 audience members. On Feb. 19 at the Learning Center, the 11 STEAMworks Lab participants enjoyed making electric Valentine's Day cards and learning about the circulatory systems in bugs and animals. Museum Month discount passes were available during the month of February at all three Carlsbad City Library locations. All San Diego County area libraries partnered with the San Diego Museum Council to invite community members of all ages to enjoy half-price admission at more than 40 museums, cultural attractions and historic sites throughout the cour)ty. Carlsbad City Library locations distributed more than 2,500 passes to grateful patrons. CCL, Dove Lane ... On Feb. 2, the library hosted a panel of nine diverse local authors discussing everything from a travel memoir to a guide for managing stress and anxiety. More than 40 attendees enjoyed meeting and mingling with the authors during the book signing following the panel discussion. Monthly Library Report for February 2020 On Feb. 25, 64 children and adults celebrated "Fat Tuesday" and learned about how Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans, made masks and paraded around the Gowland Meeting Room to "When the Saints Go Marching In." On Feb. 28, library patrons visited Argentina without leaving Carlsbad. Camarada, a group of musicians specializing in Latin and Spanish music, performed at the library with a Grammy Award-winning tango master, tango singer and two tango dancers. The full auditorium of more than 200 people enjoyed seeing a high-caliber of international talent right here in Carlsbad. Georgina Cole ... Work began on installing the new mural at Cole Library during the library's closed hours on Presidents' Day weekend. Carlsbad artist Jason Markow was selected by a community panel to create an original work for this temporary art. Markow was inspired by his early reading experiences as a child and chose to create a mural as a homage to the 1851 classic novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville. The work was completed at the end of February. A popular Cole Children's program on Feb. 25 featured Hot Jazz for Cool Kids with 41 participants. The kids heard the book Welcome to Jazz: A Swing-Along Celebration, discussed the history of jazz and jazz terms, and heard examples of some of the great jazz artists like Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and Ray Charles. The event ended with an opportunity for the children to try some musical instruments. On Feb. 24, 19 tweens were encouraged to learn how to doodle with a purpose by attempting to create their own post-it art and Zen tangles. They discovered how relaxing and stress relieving simple doodling can be. Two popular Genealogy programs in February included a Feb. 11 presentation on migration routes atte.nded by 60 people and a Feb. 25 presentation on German research attended by 70 people, both held at the city's Faraday Center. Learning Center ... The National Pokemon Day Celebration, in honor of the popular video game character, was a massive success. Sixty-five participants of all ages enjoyed making origami Pokemon bookmarks, coloring Pokemon worksheets, participating in a scavenger hunt of Pokemon characters and taking home a special Pokemon bracelet. On Feb. 18, the Spanish Book Club selection for the month was El pals de las mujeres by Gioconda Belli and 13 club members enjoyed discussing the book. Outreach and Community Connections ... On Feb. 6, Feb. 12 and Feb. 13, Librarian Missy Shaw presented storytimes to kindergarteners and first graders at St. Patrick Catholic School, two groups at Jefferson Elementary Kids Care Monthly Library Report for February 2020 and one group at Buena Vista Elementary Kids Care. She read stories about love and gave book talks to the older children, connecting with more than 175 students total over the three days. On Feb. 19, Library & Cultural Arts staff attended the J.I.V.E. (job internship volunteer education) Expo at Sage Creek High School and spoke to 150 high school students about volunteer opportunities with the Summer Reading Adventure, teen book club and the Teen Advisory Board. Staff members from Cultural Arts, representatives from the city's Human Resources Department and the city's volunteer coordinator also attended. Library staff held an outreach event at Carlsbad's La Posada Homeless Shelter on Feb. 27. Staff brought Spanish language materials, interacted with 50 residents and processed six new applications for library cards. Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden led a tour for Grauer School students on Feb. 12 and 13. Over the course of two days, she spoke to 30 students and demonstrated how to use the library's on line resources, where print resources were located throughout the library and helped students identify books to help write their World War II research papers. On Feb. 29, Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden attended the Parks & Recreation Department's AMPED Music & Art Throwdown for teens at the Pine Avenue Community Center. She spoke with 10 teens during the event and one parent, and eight teens signed up for the library teen interest list. In February, the Books To Go team started the month with a Feb. 4 visit to the Village Voices business meeting, where staff spoke with 10 attendees about eBooks and library services. The Books To Go team also visited Valley Middle School and Magnolia ·Elementary School on Feb. 6, interacting with 83 students and 4 adults throughout the afternoon. On Feb. 13, the team visite·d two local preschools, Le Port Montessori and Pilgrim, providing storytimes to 53 preschoolers total. On Feb. 14, staff took the. book bike along on a beach route and interacted with 57 people. The book bike visited Jefferson Elementary School on Feb. 20 and connected with 72 students and ended the month with a visit to Buena Vista Elementary School on Feb. 27, where staff connected with 117 students and delivered a storytime to 22 kindergarten students. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS February 2020 Visitors, Reference, Circulation People Count Feb.-19 Jan.-20 •1 1 Dove Library 27,915 31,048 2 Cole Library 21,055 21,098 3 Library Learning Center 3,988 3,905 4 Total 52,958 56,051 Reference Questions Feb.-19 Jan.-20 •1 5 Dove Library 4,673 8,982 6 Cole Library 9,271 6,333 7 Library Learning Center 515 613 8 Total 14,459 15,928 Circulation Feb.-19 Jan.-20 •1 9 Dove Library 48,478 54,737 10 Cole Library 28,894 31,062 11 Library Learning Center 1,218 1,496 12 eAudiobook Downloads 4,516 6,598 13 eBook Downloads 5,160 6,831 14 eMagazine Downloads 2,073 1,398 15 Audio Streaming 731 280 16 Video Streaming·2 824 - 17 Total 91,894 102,402 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Feb.-19 18 Pre-School Programs 75 19 Attendance 3,176 20 School Aged Children's Programs 46 21 Attendance 1,265 22 Young Adult Programs 11 23 Attendance 54 24 Adult Programs 80 25 Attendance 1,852 Technology Usage Feb.-19 26 Computer Use 7,596 27 WiFi Use 12,150 28 Webpage Views 40,468 29 Database Usage 6,643 Facility Meeting Room Use Feb.-19 30 Events 76 31 Attendance 4,835 Volunteer Hours Feb.-19 32 Total Hours 1,225 •1 Library Learning Center began offering Saturday hours effective Nov. 16, 2019 *2 Effective Oct. 28,2019, video streaming service no longer active Jan.-20 •1 73 2,726 50 1,245 18 138 69 1,390 . •1 Jan.-20 6,872 17,515 76,309 7,149 Dec-19 •1 52 2,694 Jan.-20 •1 1,174 Feb.-20 •1 30,049 18,360 4,132 52,541 Feb.-20 •1 8,862 5,669 629 15,160 Feb.-20 •1 54,381 30,420 1,627 5,868 6,145 1,302 202 - 99,945 Feb.-20 •1 73 2,836 54 1,426 20 271 81 1,857 Feb.-20 •1 6,647 18,485 64,222 6,660 Jan.-20 •1 67 3,803 Feb.-20 •1 1,133 Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Report for March 2020 ITEM #5 Dove and Cole libraries served as mail ballot drop-off locations from Feb. 24 through Election Day on March 3. The Register of Voters staffed tables during the library's open hours, and thousands of community members took advantage of the convenient service. The Registrar of Voters reported 6,049 mail ballots were dropped off at our two locations, among the highest returns in the county. Both libraries also served as polling locations on Election Day, getting a steady stream of voters all day long. On March 2, the library celebrated Read Across America Day with Carlsbad's own, beloved children's author and former library employee Janell Cannon. During her visit to Dove Library, Janell read her favorite Dr. Seuss book and then h~r own classic book, Stellaluna, about a young bat. The 40 participants then enjoyed learning about the science of bats. On March 10, Cole Library celebrated Read Across America with author Shelley Moore Thomas. The 42 attendees enjoyed meeting the writer of the popular children's books Good Night, Good Knight and Seven Tales of Trinket. I Carlsbad City Library staff as well as staff from California State University, San Marcos, Oceanside Public Library and Escondido Public_ Library, attended training on March 4 to learn about assisting the public with the 2020 Census. Each of the three Carlsbad library locations had planned to have at least one computer dedicated to census takers between March 13 and April 30. Census Bureau staff also set up at the libraries to recruit additional census workers during February and early March. Plans to assist with the 2020 Census are on hold due to COVID-19. On March 12, all library programs for March were cancelled in response to COVID-19. All library locations were closed to the public beginning the evening of March 16. Library staff quickly incorporated several system changes to accommodate the library facility closures. This effort included extending material due dates, suspending hold expiration, extending the duration of temporary accounts and expanding their access to electronic resources, and suspending the expiration of card privileges. In addition, staff worked with the library's eBook and audiobook vendor on expanding the collection and providing instant access to eBook and audiobook content for patrons registering for a temporary library card on line. As focus shifted to promoting remote services, library staff created the Library@Home web page (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/library/services/library@home.asp ) highlighting all services available remotely and ways to continue to get in touch with staff during the library's closure. Another main area of work was moving most of the library's staff from on-site to telecommuting by late March. As another quick response to library facilities closing, library Children's Division staff created and launched an online, all-ages reading program called Spring into Reading on March 17. The program is offered in Beanstack, the library's web-based reading tracker: Monthly Library Report for March 2020 https://carlsbadlibrary.beanstack.org/reader365. From March 17-31, 146 people registered for the program, reading for a total of nearly 20,000 minutes. The Children's Division staff also created curated lists of recommended online educational resources (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/library/youth/youthresources.asp) and digital books for youth (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/library/youth/recommendations.asp} that were added to the library's website. CCL, Dove Lane ... The library hosted a full house for the film discussion and screening of the Academy Award- winning film JoJo Rabbit on March 7 in Schulman Auditorium. Audience members enjoyed getting a deeper dive into this dark comedy set in Germany during World War II. The last regularly scheduled after-school program at Dove Library before all March programs were cancelled was held on March 12. Eight members of the Book Explorers! group participated in a lively discussion about graphic novels. Georgina Cole ... On March 2, 29 tweens enjoyed a special visit from Project Wildlife whose very knowledgeable volunteer brought their bat ambassador. Tweens found out about the nearly 23 species of bats that are native to Southern California and how beneficial they are as pollinators and mammals · whose main diet is insects. Library staff from the Genealogy and Carlsbad History Division provided a tour of the Carlsbad History Collection for members of the Historic Preservation Commission and one member of the public at their March 9 meeting. The tour featured a selection of materials in the collection along with a demonstration of how staff use the resources in the collection to conduct historic property research. Staff also talked with commission members about staff plans to collect oral histories and develop a plaque program for properties and locations of note in the community. Since all on-site library programs for March were cancelled on March 12, the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS} held a live webinar program on March 12, which 48 people and 11 Genealogy and Carlsbad History Division staff members attended. Jean Wilcox Hibben presented on tricks and tips for doing German Genealogy research using the society's GoToWebinar subscription. The NSDCGS has scheduled four additional live webinars in April including an Intermediate Genealogy Class on April 14, DNA Foundations on April 16, DNA Interest Group on April 18 and Genealogy Program on April 28. Learning Center ... Prior to the Learning Center's closure, staff hosted the Lego Builders' Club on March 5, which six children attended. Monthly Library Report for March 2020 Outreach and Community Connections ... On March 5, Librarian Missy Shaw presented a storytime to two groups at Buena Vista Elementary Kids Care totaling 60 children, and on March 12, she presented a storytime to 50 kindergartners, and two storytimes to 62 first graders total at St. Patrick Catholic School. She read stories about libraries and germs and gave book talks to the older children. Librarian Missy Shaw gave a City Stuff tour to 30 students and parents from La Costa Heights Elementary School on March 11. Senior Librarian Sarah Dana also provided a tour of the Carlsbad History Room. The Books To Go team started the month with a Feb. 3 visit to the Village Voices business meeting, where staff spoke with seven attendees about eBooks and library services. Later in the month, two Books To Go visits were cancelled due to rain and four were cancelled due to COVID-19. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS March 2020 Visitors, Reference, Circulation People Count March-19 Feb.-20 •1 1 Dove Library 31,208 30,049 2 Cole Library 21,048 18,360 3 Library Learning Center 3,909 4,132 4 Total 56,165 52,541 Reference Questions March-19 Feb.-20 •1 5 Dove Library 10,086 8,862 6 Cole Library 6,192 5,669 7 Library Learning Center 578 629 8 Total 16,856 15,160 Circulation March-19 Feb.-20 *1 9 Dove Library 55,218 54,381 10 Cole Library 32,631 30,420 11 Library Learning Center 1,445 1,627 12 eAudiobook Downloads 4,955 5,868 13 eBook Downloads 5,660 6,145 14 eMagazine Downloads 2,220 1,302 15 Audio Streaming 378 202 16 Video Streaming •2 800 - 17 Total 103,307 99,945 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs March-19 18 Pre-School Programs 82 19 Attendance 3,558 20 School Aged Children's Programs 49 21 Attendance 1,135 22 Young Adult Programs 9 23 Attendance 53 24 Adult Programs 76 25 Attendance 1,973 Technology Usage March-19 26 Computer Use 8,055 27 WiFi Use 13,232 28 Webpage Views 40,587 29 Database Usage 7,206 Facility Meeting Room Use March-19 30 Events 74 31 Attendance 4,650 Volunteer Hours March-19 32 Total Hours 1,303 *1 Library Learning Center began affering Saturday haurs effective Nov. 16, 2019 *2 Effective Oct. 28,201 9, video streaming service no longer active Feb.-20 •1 73 2,836 54 1,426 20 271 81 1,857 Feb.-20 •1 6,647 18,485 64,222 6,660 Feb.-20 •1 67 3,803 Feb.-20 •1 1,133 March-20 •1•3 15,894 13,102 2,678 31,674 March-20 •1•3 5,499 3,176 270 8,945 March-20 •1•3 36,829 19,772 1,010 5,851 8,179 1,553 469 - 73,663 March-20 •1•3 30 932 23 460 3 5 32 657 March-20 •1•3 3,365 11,050 52,500 8,887 March-20 •1•3 30 4,021 March-20 •1•3 594 All library facilities ceased offering in-person services effective March 16, 2020 due to COVID-19, all e-resources and *3 databases remained available for active library card users.