HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-06; Municipal Water District; MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TEE BOARD OF DImCTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 6, 1962 AT 2:OO P.M. AT 2698 STATE STREET, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA: President Kelly called the meeting to order at 2:06 P.M. weth Directors Carnohan, Coe Greek and Maerkle answering roll call. Acting Manager Kubota, Engineer Clayton, Legal Counsel Swirsky, Pipeline Superintendent Tucker, Mr. William A. Wahler, Earth- fill Consultant, and Office Secretary were also present. Upon motion of Director Greek, seconded by Director Coe, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of January 16, 1962 were approved as presented. I Squires Dam: Engineer Clayton presented Boyle Engineering's Earthfill Dam Consultant, Mr. William Wahler who briefed the Board on the proposal of his firm, Soil Mechanics and Foundati Engineers, Inc., for the installation of a piezometer system in Squires Dh. He explained that the instrumentation of the dam would allow the inspectors to assess the stability of the embankment and the water pressures within the embankment if a problem does develop, and is installed primarily as a safety measure. The installa was not included in the original bid for two reasons, one is the guarantee of the wor and the other that you cannot get an economical instrementation done. He stressed th fact that, although this installation was included in the plans submitted to the Stat it is not required, but it would aid greatly in negotiations with the State and give representatives the assurance which they require for the high safety factor. Mr. Wahler analyzed the proposal submitted, stating that approximately 2/3rd's of the cost will be for manual labor, 20% for fabrication and installation, and the remainde of the cost covers the materials listed, bringing the total of the lump sum proposal to $4,500 .OO Director Greek protested the fact that this matter had not been discussed by the Board previously as he felt it should have been brought up for the Board's attention, and suggested that additional time be taken to study the proposal. Mr, Wahler pointe out that this work would require certain materials which will have to be odered in advance of actual comncment of the project and also that the work will have to be coordinated with the Contractor for the project. After discussion, upon motion by Director Coe, seconded by Director Carnohan, and unanimously carried, it was moved that the District authorize the installation of the zometer system for Squires Dam by Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineers, Inc., at a total contract price of $4500.00. Engineer Clayton reported the District has had a request from the State that the conc encasement for the inlet-outlet pupe under the dam be extended an additional 150 feet in order to protect it against deferential settlement and corrosion. After discussir the matter with the State, an estimate has been made for 200 feet of concrete to be F at a cost of $20.00 per yard for approximately 30 yards of concrete. After discussic upon motion by DiEector Maerkle, seconded by Director Greek, and unanimously Carried, it was moved that this recommendation be approved as Change Order No. 1, for the Squj Dam Project, in the approximate amount of $600.00. Squires Dam Access Road: The Engineer reviewed the events which have transpired in regard to the grade change: in the access road for Squires Dam. After the Contractor had reviewed the revised pl for the access road he had submitted a letter requesting an additional $10,000.00 due substantial changes in the scope of work which would result from these grade revisior After a meeting with the Contractor, it was agreed that he, R. E. Melbourne, and Mr. Gordon Kelso of Boyle Engineering would get together in order to compute the additioI volume of fill for placement material which will result from the additional depth of in moving the alignment and raising the grade. After a complete study of the matter, they have come up with .an.agreement which has bc accepted by Mr. Melbourne, which is that the claim for extra payment would be peesen: in the amount of $1500.00, with the by-product of having the rough grading done at tl Chlorination Station site for the need fill material. The Engineer pointed out that Contractor had made an estimate of $3500.00 for the grading at the Chlorination Stat: and that the District under this new proposal would be taking care of the extra paymc claim for $1500.00 for the access road grade revisions, but as a secondary benefit w( get the rough grading on the Chlorination Station site. I u Director Carnohan stated that he and some of the other Directors have looked over the site of the access road and feel that the proposed routing which involves such deep cuts and fills may present a problem of maintenance in future years. Also, the owners of the "Tootsie K" Ranch have indicated they would much rather have the road around the hill as it would give them better access for development of their property. The Engineer explained that this route was selected for several reasons, (1) that from the standpoint of the Tootsie K people, the road was put where it would do them the least harm, (2) the Chlorination Station must be located near the Dam so this influenced the location, and (3) it was designed to keep the road out from the good land which is in the area. After discussion, it was suggested that perhpps it might be more feasible to relocate the Chlorination Station and take the road around the topside of the hill, thereby abandoning the road in its present location. Engineer Clayton offered the suggestion that a committee be appginted to meet with the Engineer and Contractor and look over the problem involved and come up with a satisfactory sol1 President Kelly appointed a committee consisting of Directors Maerkle and Carnohan, along with himselS to discuss this matter at a meeting to be held on Friday, February 1962 at 2:OO P.M. The Board requested an opinion from the Contractor, R. E. Melbourne, who was present during the discussion, and he informed the Board that he felt that the hard work on the realignment of the road had been done and that he has now reached a point where he can goahead with the project. A relocation of the site at this time would present problems, since the fabricated piping has already been ordered and a change would be costly and delay the project. After hearing the Contractor's objections on this matter, it was decided to proceed with the present plans and the meeting was called off. After further discussion, upon motion by Director Coe, seconded by Director.Greek, and unanimously carried, it was moved that the District accept the proposal OR the claim for extra payment on the access road grade revisions, as outlined by the Contractor, R. E. Melbourne, and Boyle Engineering. The Manager called the Board's attention to the fact that tbe Contractor has now completed the portions of the fill areas which require a high degree of fineness of fill and compaction and that the inspection requirements could now be lightened to allow a reduction in compaction and still get a good servicable road. The Board was in agreement with this suggestion. The Manager informed the Board that im addition to the construction program now under- way for Squires Dam there are two additional phases of the project which have to planned and approved, -- the Chlorination Station plans and complete construction project, and also the instrumentation for the Squires Dam yalye Station to tie in wit1 the Sante Fe Tank. Engineer Clayton informed the BQard that it is planned ot use most of the Calayara take-off controls for this instrumentation and it was his suggest that the District have George Meese, the electrician who services the system, to get together with the Engineer and the Manager to go over the present system to prepare a proposal for submission at our next meeting. Squires Dam: The Manager presented for payment Progress Payment No. 2 for Improve Progresss Payment District No. 4, Squires Darn, covering work completed during January No. 2 for a total earnings amount of $6,600.00. He recommended that a partial payment be approved in the amount of $5,000.00. After discussion, upon motion by Director Maerkle, seconded by Director Camohan, and unazlinously carried, &e Board approved a partial payment on Progress Payment No. 2, Imprpvement District No. 4, in t amount of $5,000 -00. Consf&ruction Program: Improvement The project for the Unit l'Atl Pipelines has been completed and a sumu District NO. 3 for final payment has been submitted to the E. C. Collins Company Unit "A" for their approval. Unit "B" the funds due the W. A. Crail Construction Company on this projecf have not been r&ased as the matter is still being negotiated with the Attorneys who have requested a release on the"stop-notices" which were filed agair the project . I I I Unit "C" The. Unit"C" Contractor, Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, has completed the project and the final payment of t-he 10% retention is now due. After discussion, upon motion by Director Maerkle, seconded by Director Greek, and unanimous1 carried, the Board authorized the final payment for the Unit "CY Contractor, Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, in the amount of $14,449.50, as recommended by the Manager . Improvement District No. 2 - Manager reported that the Imprgvement District No. 2 Coatractor, I John R. Dayies and SOR, has resumed work on the proj-ect in order to replace eight valves which were found to be the low pressure type where the installatic should have been made with high pressure valves. A billing in the amount of $2,064.53 was presented for payment, as submitted by John R. Davies and SOP, covering the extra work which was authorized for Improv nt Distric No. 2. The Manager briefly reviewed the items listed, and recommended appro d: a1 be given for this payment, less the 10% retention, for an amount due and payabl? of $1,858.08. After discussion, upon motion by Director Carnohan, seconded by pirector Maerkle, and Unanimously carried, payment in the amount of $1,858.08 was au orized to John R. Davie,s- and SOB for extra work on the Improvement District No. 2 Pipeline T Wojiect . Director Greek left the meeting at 4:55 P.M. '. The Manager informed the Board that funds have been received from the City f or payment for the 325 feet of unused pipe from the I.D. No. 2 project:which was purch sed by the City Water Department. A credit has also been received from the Republ' Supply upon motion by Director Maerkle, seconded by Director Coe, and unanimously rried, it was moved t& the Manager be instructed to forward a letter to the Repub ic Supply Company thanking them for their courtesies extended in connection with this t contract for pipe for Improvement District No. 2 . President Kelly reported he received a call from Mr. Hunter, Right of Way R resentatil for the San Diego Gas and Electric Qmpany, regarding the electric extensio to the pumping station on the Lewis property. Attorney Swirsky inf.ormed the Board that he has been attempting to negotiate for this required easement and that Mr. Ca well has agreed to give an easement for a utility line to go across his property. H L ever, Because of pmious business dealings with the Gas and Electric Company on a reimbursem contract, he will not grant this as an unrestricted easement for the benefi of the Company. Mr. Hunt& agreed over the telephone to acceptthe restricted ease ent for the District% use but has now come back with the idea that he fds that we should have to obtain an unrestricted easement for the Gas and Electric's Company' use. It was the Attorney's opinion that their regulations do not requxre the Dis rict to of having to secure such an easement €or them. After discussion, it was ag eed that tl Attorney should continue his negotiations with Mr. Cladwekl for the xestric ed easemen; for the District's use and, under the circumstances, that the San Diego Gas 9 and Electr: Company would almost certainly have to accept it. Water Service; The Manager asked for clarification as to whether the shQrte ed collect: period for the water billing which was established uring the: heavy usage mo ths would remain in effect during the winter season for both irrigation and domestic ccmnts. : was the interpretation of the-Legal Counsel that the entire billing program would be conducted in accordance with the new procedures adopted. The Manager reported the San Marcos County Water District has completed the removal of their connections from our line and there is ody pne fire hydrant rema' ing on the District line. A communication has been received from the South Coast Asphalt Products Co any reques. that the Districf; take title to materials at their yard to slave taxing the hipment, It was the Legal Counsel's opinion that the liability factor would be too 4 g 'eat OIL an arrangement of this type and that the Disfrict should continue to purchase eir mater: on the present basis of on the job delivery. Company for pipe returned, a total credit allowance of $1,150.00. After discussion, + Id 4 1 4 1 obtain a unrestricted easement and the District should not be placed in th position i I. t I 1 I I I Finances: Upon motion of Director Carnohan, seconded by Director Maerkle, in che amount of $12,066.08, be ratified. b At the Board's request, Director Carnohan will review the Contract between the District and Schwabacher and Compaay €or financial services for Improvement Distzict No, 4 to ascertain if there might be any basis €or an adjustment on this fe ?, The meeting was declared adjourned at 5 :05 P .M unanimously carried, it was moved that Check No, 4654 thru No, 4 73 i I 13/&LFp$J;A, 2" " 'w ~ ~. . President -of the Board of /Director CllRLSU MuNICIPh WATEX DISTRICT I ATTEST: /- -+L&L?-,L&( / k:, 4 <..<::A?"> /5 SecretaZYof the Board of Directors CkhLSrn "CCIph wm DISTRICT I I 1 I 1 I i I i I I ~ ~ i i I I I I I ~ I i