President Maerkle called the meeting to order at 2:OO P.M., with Directors Carmichael
Palmer, Kelly and Mac Leod answering roll call. Also present were General Manager
Kubota, Legal Counsel Grosse, District Auditor James Gaiser, and Office Secretary.
I Approval Acceptance of the minutes of the regular meeting of December 20, 1967,
of Minutes was deferred until the next regular meeting.
District District Auditor James Gaiser appeared before the'Board and reported that
Auditing his firm is now performing auditing procedures for the District and have
Program been reviewing the minutes, ordinances and the internal control and work
authorizing the writing off of three accounts as uncollectible and recommended that
consideration be given to turning these accounts over to a collection agency as a fur.
follow-up. He informed the Board that the recommendations made by the prior auditor
have been reviewed and are in the process of being implemented where it is feasible.
programs. He called attention to Board action of September 9, 1967,
Committee Reports:
Water Service Legal Counsel reviewed a draft of the letter of explanation to the
City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad regarding the District's decision to construct a
new metering station at a location west of El Camino R ea1 and
Chestnut Avenue. In discussing the text of the letter, two additional points were
brought out; (1) That the District intends to keep its meters operative and on that
basis plans to assume the costs involved in the installation of the new meter; and
(2) That it should be made clear to the City that all future water meters are to be p;
for by the City. After further discussion, upon motion of Director Kelly, seconded by
Director Mac Leod, and unanimously carried, it was moved that this letter be accepted
with those amendments.
Mr. Gaiser left the meeting at this time - 2:20 P.M.
I. D. No. 2 - Series In regard to the sale of the Series 3 bonds for Improvement
3 Bonds District No. 2, Legal Counsel reported that he had contacted
privare investor but he has already committed himself tor the next three months. He
informed the Board that the only thing the District can do now is to mail out our
notice of intent to sell the bonds. The Manager informed the Board that in the pre-
paration of the official statment concerning these bonds, he had run into a problem
as to the project costs. In his report on the project, former Engineer Maury Ford,
had used a cost figure of $68,000 for a 1.5 m.g. tank whereas contracts awarded by
other water agencies in the County for similar projects indicate that the cost will
run around 7%~ per gallon for this type of storage. After discussion, the Manager
was instructed to go ahead and draft up the statement with the project costs based
on the tank for La Costa and the additional tank at "D" Reservoir.
Legal Counsel Report:
Line D-2 Legal Counsel reported that a meeting has been arranged with Mr. Ebrigl
Right of Way for later in the week to go over the entire matter of the D=2 right of
Mr. Russell Sheffler to see if he would be interested as a
way which lies under the lake on his property.
Line "E" Legal Counsel reported that he spoke to Mr. Graham Kelly regarding the
Right of Way easement for the "E" Line and he expects to have all of the signatures
by next month.
Superintendent's Report:
In the absence of Superintendent Henley who is on vacation, the Manager reported on
the following items :
Elm Avenue The Manager reported that a serious problem occurred in connection with tk
Project City of Carlsbad's road work on Elm Avenue at the Valley Street intersecti
when their equipment took out to within 12" of the District's main tran-
mission line in Valley Street. The District's man was on the project and contacted the
Manager and, after considerable discussions with the Contractor and City people, the
road has been restored to provide the two feet of cover for the pipeline. The Staff is
continuing to keep a close check on the project.
The Manager reported that a leak was detected this morning at the intersection of
El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road and a backhoe and operator have been obtained
from the Olivenhain Municipal Water District and we are checking the area to determine
the origin and repairs neceasary.
Arrangements are benng made for the installation of a new meter and serv ice off the
Pace-Kelly line to provide water for cattle which are being pastured in the area.
I A report has been filed with the Sheriff's Office converning damage to the windows of
the Santa Fe chlorination Station which was done by juveniles shooting bb pellets st
the area.
Manager's Report:
I.D. No. 3 The Manager reported that Resolution No. 128 which authorized the issuanc
Bonds of the bonds for I. D. No. 3 has been reviewed in detail as to the proper
procedure to be followed in calling these bonds. The Trust Officer for th
District's Paying Agent, Bank of America, has also been contacted and the procedure
has been set up whereby the District will commence publication of the official notice
to call these bonds in the financial journals for the proscribed period. Prior to the
redemption date of March 1, 1968, the District will place on deposit with Bank of
America the funds for redwing these bonds when presented, or in the event blie intere
coupons only are presented, the Bank will give notice to the Boad holder that the bond
are being called. After discussion, upon motion of Director Kelly, seconded by Direct0
Mac Leod, and unanimously caried, ti was moved that the District cproceed with the
calling of these bonds and that the official notice be issued.
Local Agency The Manager reported that he is in the proceds of preparing a draft of
Formation a report covering the District's policy on water service for the Local
Copmmission Agency Formation Commission and it will be submitted for the Boardd's
consideration shortly.
I Sumnycreek Road A report on the allocation of construction costs for property owenrs
Improvement participation in the improvement of Sunnycreek Road was presented by
the Manager. Two schedules were submitted listing 4 zones which were
set up on the basis of the actual distances of the various properties from the start
of the project at El Camino Real. Costs were reviewed as follows:
Schedule I
(Based on $6,000 Cost)
Zone 1 br 300 .OO
Zoine 2 6Q0.00
Zone 3 900.00
Zone 4 600.001
Schedule I1
(Based on 10 Ft. Pavement))$6,60Q.00 C
Zone 1 $ 400.00 Zone 2 600.00
Zone 3 700.00
Zone 4 800.00
After discussion, the Manager was instructed to continue his negaotiations with the
property owners and see which ones are willing to particiapte in the project. Upon
motion of Director Carmichael, seconded by Director Kelly, and unanimously carried,
it was moved that the Manager be authorized to proceed on the improvement of Sunnycree
Road in accordance with his preliminary report. The Manager will develop a preliminary
plan for the project based on the actual layout of the existing road and will compile
some cost estimates based on the 16 foot roadway and the alternate of 10 feet.
Metering The Manager informed the Board that when the Sup. returns from his vacati
Progaam it is planned to start on the metering program and systematically pull in
the meters and have them checked and calibrated. At this time the propert
owners who have not signed over their meters to the District will be given an opportun
to change their minds and go along with the program.
Syuires The Manager explained that no action has been taken on the proposal submiteed
Dam by William Wahler in the amount of $800.00 for the instrumentation program at
Squires Dam and that arrangemens will be made to have Mr. Wahler come down
and discuss the matter in detail.
The Manager reported that the barley planting on Squires Dam is making good progress
and the District has obrained a small diaphragm pump on loan for use in pressuring
our system to water the area. After discussion, the Manager was authorized to look
into the matter of installing some type of permanent unit for irrigation of the Dam
and future landscapting at the caretaker's residence.
Meeting January 3, 1968 -2-
Board Room In regard to the plans for the modification of the Board Room
Modifications conference unit, the Manager reported that the Carlsbad Cabinet Shop
has not yet submitted an estimate on the modified plan.
Delinquent The Manager reviewed the listing of delinquent accounts and informed the
Accounts Board that as of this date there is just over $106.00 outstanding and that
also the current billing for the month of November were approved at the last Council
meeting and have been received.
Agricultural The Manager reported that, following up on her phone call, the City
Credit Program Finance Director, Mrs. Thelma Sowell, had directed a letter to the
District concerning the agricultural credits due from the San Diego
County Water Authority. Due to some errors and delays the credits for the months of
August, September and October were held up and should be cleared for the January or
February billing. The entire program was reviewed with the Assistant Engineer, Mr.
Allan Jones, at the Water Authority and he explained all of the features involved in
processing these reports and the fact there is about a three month period required for
transmittal and approval of these credits by the Water Authority and Metropolitan Wate
District. A letter has been forwarded to the City regarding their credits and an ex-
planation of the procedures involved in the program. A schedule has also been set up
by the District and the City so that the reports can be processed to coincide with
the Authority's transmittal schedule and there will be no delay in obtaining these
Janitorial The Manager reported that we are still watching closely the janitorial
Service services and that, rather than making another change at this time, it
might be better to go ahead and get by until the next fiscal year when
an additional man will be needed in the field and perhaps include the building main-
tenance as part of the regular duties.
In discussing the District's maintenance program, the need for painting the exterior
trim on the Headquarter's Building was brought up and the Manager was instructed to
obtain an estimate for this work from a local painting contractor.
payment of the City of Carlsbad's billing for the month of October, and
11 11 D Reservoir The maintenance program which was budgeted for the current year at the
Painting "D" Reservoir in I. D. No. 2 was also discussed and the Manager explair
that he had planned to negotiate for this work in connection with the
La Costa tank and the other tank which has been proposed for the "D" Reservoir site.
He pointed out that in light of the new cost figures on the La Costa tank, it will be
necessary for the District to look over the project costs for the two tanks and do son
financial planning. To illustrate the additional costs involved he figured a rough
estimate on the project as follows:
1.5 m.g. at 7%~/gal. $ 120,000.00
1.25 m.g. at 7~/gal. 87 , 000.00
$ 207,000.00
I.D. No. 2 Funds 193,000.00 Funds to be advanced $ 14,000.00
The Manager will prepare a simple draft and will show in detail the project plans and
estimated costs involved for review at the next meeting. Since there has been a delay
in this project, the Manager was authorized to go ahead and see about making arrange-
ments for the repairs and painting at "D" Reservoir right away.
a. Letter from the State Division of Dam Safety requesting District action on resolu-
tion concerning the impounding of water at Squires Dam. Legal Counsel will preparc
I this document for adoption at the next regular meeting.
b. Letter from the San Diego County Water Aughority to Operating heads of all member
agencies regarding filtration program. A meeting has been scheduled for 9:30 A.M.
on January 10, 1968 and the Manager indicated that he will plan to attend this
meeting as an observor and find out more specifically what is expected of the
District if we do participate.
Finances :
Backhoe In view of the increase in field activities and the costs involved in
Purchase equipment rental on line leaks, the Manager was instructed to look into
the possibility of purchasing a used backhoe for the District.
Special Accounts Payable:
Mnntinn Tnn>"vrr 2 10LQ 13
Upon motion of Director Kelly, seconded by Director Mac Leod, and unanimously carried,
the Board approved payment of the annual dues for the calendar year 1968 to the
Irrigation Districts Association in the amount of $350.00.
An invoice in the amount of $1,035.00 was presented by the Manager covering his
services for the month of December, 1967. Upon motion of Director Carmichael, seconde
by Director Mac Leod, and unanimously carried, the Board approved payment of this
invoice to Jack Y. Kubota.
Ratification Upon motion of Director Palmer, seconded by Director Kelly, and
of Checks unanimously carried, the Board ratified Checks No. 2603 thru No. 2614,
thru January 3, 1968.
Upon proper motion the meeting was declared adjourned at 5:06 P.M.
I in the amount of $1,829.70, covering the period of December 21, 1967
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Secretary of the Board of Directors
Meeting January 3, 1968 -4-