President Maerkle called the meeting to order at 2:OO P.M., with Directors Carmichael,
Kelly, Palmer and Mac Leod answering roll call. Also present were General Manager
Kubota, Superintendent Henley, Mr. Paul Swirsky and Office Secretary.
Personnel: Director Carmichael reported that the Personnel Committee had met for the
purpose of selecting a replacement for the position of Legal Counsel. In
accordance with a letter of instruction from the President of the Board on how to
proceed, a total of six candidates were considered on the basis of the two major
requirements for the position, (1) residency in the District, and (2) experience in
water law and procedures. After serious consideration, the committee had concluded
that Attorney Paul Swirsky was the candidate and had talked with him and invited him
to be present at the meeting today to discuss the matter. After discussion, Director
Carmichael offered a motion that the District hire Attorney Paul Swirsky for the posit
of Legal Counsel. The motion was duly seconded by Director Palmer and unanimously
carried. The Committee then presented for the Board's consideration three formulas
covering the scope of services and the remuneration for the position. After discussio.
the Board selected formula #3 as the basis for the Legal Counsel's monthly retainer fe,
which Director Carmichael outlined as follows: A monthly retainer fee in the sum of
$320.00, which fee will cover the attendance at all regular meetings of the Board of
Directors, estimated at approximately 8 hours, and other general services of 4 hours,
for a total aggregate time of 12 hours per month. For any and all periods of time in
excess of that outlined above, the fee of $30.00 per hour will be paid. A contract
covering these services will be drawn up and submitted to the Board for final approval
Attorney Paul Swirsky was then introduced and officially seated with the Board of
Directors to assume his duties in the position of Legal Counsel for the District.
The Manager reported that Mrs. Dennis, the Office Secretary, returned to work yesterda:
and has submitted a report from her medical doctors covering the sick leave which was
paid during her illness.
The Manager reported that a new employee, Mrs. Helen Swayze, ha5 been hired to fill
the new position of Secretary 11, and she comes to the District well qualified with
over 6 years experience with the Oceanside Federal Savings and Loan Association. He
explained that she is presently residing in Vista but her husband is employed in
Carlsbad and she has indicated that, if the job works out, they will take steps to
sell their home and move to Carlsbad under the residency requirement.
City of Carlsbad The Manager reported that after the last meeting a call was receiv
Water Service from the City of Carlsbad asking that the District staff meet with
Discussions at the meeting centered around the District's method of computing the wate
sales to the City and their water statistics compiled for the month showing the Mutual
sold 75 acre feet less water than the City was billed for. It was the City's position
that their metered sales should be used as the basis for the billing and they requeste
that the District take the bill back and re-estimate it in favor of the city. No fin
decision was reached at the meeting on resolving this matter but it was agreed that th
District should proceed as soon as possible with the installation of the metering
station for Chestnut Avenue to provide an accurate metering program. In the meantime,
since that meeting, the City has forwarded their check in payment of this billing basec
on their actual meter readings, therby leaving an unpaid balance of $3,797.80 for the
75 acre feet difference. After discussion, Director Carmichael offered a motion that
this check be returned to the City. Legal Counsel Swirsky reviewed the letter submittl
by City Manager Charles Martin setting forth the City's position and the check submitt1
by the City as payment. It was his recommendation that the District keep the check as
it is not represented as full payment and go to negotiations on the matter. The City
should also be advised that until full payment is made and the issue is settled no
agricultural refunds will be paid to the City. After further discussion, Director
Carmichael withdrew his motion and the Board agreed to proceed on the recommendations
of the Legal Counsel. The Manager was instucted to contact the City and arrange for
a meeting on this matter. He reported that Mayor Dunne is out of town but the City
Manager is making arrangements for Councilmen Jardine and McComas and the City Manager
to meet with the District's Committee on Friday morning, September 6, 1968, at 11:oo
A.M. at the District office.
Construction The Superintendent reported that the leak at Santa Fe Reservoir has
and Operations broken loose again and there continues to be a slight seepage. Work
is continuing on the metering program, he reported, and a number of
the large consumer meters have been overhauled and calibrated.
them and discuss the water billing for the month of July, 1968.
Meeting September 4, 1968 - 1-
Maintenance: A report was made on the problem which was discovered by the Superintend,
during his regulation rounds on Friday night. A flange on the Kelly Lint
near the Sipple residence had corroded and broken off causing a leak in the line and
some water loss.
It was reported that the District has received an Award of Merit from the American
Water Works Association for a perfect safety record during the past year.
Manager's Report:
Chestnut Avenue The Manager reported that plans are being made to install the
Metering Station Venturi meter at Chestnut Avenue either Tuesday, Wednesday or
Thursday of next week. Work on the project will be commenced
about 12:OO Midnight and it is planned to allow about 3 hours to complete the job,
so that only a small area of the City will be affected.
Legal The Manager informed the Board that a letter was sent to Mr. Grosse and he
Counsel has also been asked to return all of the files on items he has handled for
Counsel for submission to the local newspapers.
Pipeline The District has not received any further word on the butterfly valve for
Projects Point "D", the Manager reported, so there has been no further planning on
the District. A press release will also be prepared on the change in Legal
this project .
Filtration Due to his absence at the last meeting of the Filtration Study Group,
Study the Manager informed the Board he had nothing further to report on the
El Camino Real The Manager informed the Board that this project is now in a dormant
Highway Project stage and the District is waiting for further design plans from the
Purchase of The Manager reported that Valley Center Municipal Water District,
"Stored Water'' responding to our request, have sent a letter which talked about
a purchase price of $17.00 per acre foot representing their costs
for this water that had been in storage. Lin Burzell got involved in the transaction
and had confronted Valley Center with their statistics and, as a result, Mr. Burzell
in his telephone conference, had suggested not more than an $11.00 per acre foot chargc
above the regular rate. Based on these figures, he suggested that the Authority go
ahead and prepare the monthly billing to Valley Center allowing a credit for about
400 acre feet of water which would basically leave the District with an extra charge
for water for the month of August of approximately $4,400.00. After discussion,
upon motion of Director CArmichael, seconded by Director Palmer, and unanimously
carried, it was moved that the Manager be authorized to proceed with the purchase of
this stored water for the month of August at the rate quoted of $11.00 per acre foot.
La Costa Legal Counsel will review the letter agreement submitted by the San Diego
Reservoir Gas and Electric Company covering the District's crossing of the San Diegc
Project Gas and Electric's easements for the La Costa Reservoir. A report will
this matter.
Discussion was held on the La Costa Reservoir Project and the Manager explained the
need for the, District to establish a schedule for the project in order to meet the
agreement with La Costa for these facilities. In this connection, he asked if the
Board wished to proceed with the engineering design and, if so, to consider a contract
with his firm to proceed with the design and construction.
A recess was called at 3:45 P.M. and the meeting was resumed at 3:55 P.N.
After further discussion, it was agreed that the Manager should prepare a proposal
to the District covering the engineering design and the soils work for the La Costa
Reservoir Project for submission at the next meeting.
be made at the next meeting and appropriate action taken by the Board on
Supnycreek The Manager reported that the people representing Mr. Guy Ward have
Road Area started the engineering design on the Ward water main extension in the
Water Service Sunnycreek Road area. However, after the last Board meeting, he explain€
could get water to his property for some planned development. He has since been in
touch with the Ward people and at the moment they are going to talk about an 8'' line
for the area. The possibility of the District participating in the project and extend-
ing a larger line on up Sunnycreek Road to serve additional properties in the area
was discussed. The Manager was instructed to contact the various neighbors in the are:
to see if there is additional interest for a pipeline that will service more than the
single ownership.
Meeting September 4. 1968 -7-
a call was received from Mr. Banning Cantarini who wanted to know how he
Miscellaneous Items:
The Manager reported on the following items:
There has been no further information received from the City of Carlsbad on their
agricultural rebate reports for the past six months and another attempt will be made
to see when this material will be available.
The easement documents for the Greenview Condominium No. 1 Subdivision have been
received from the Title Company and will be reviewed by the Legal Counsel.
Information has been received from the City Water Department that they are turning
over some $19,000 worth of pipelines and pressure reducing stations to the District.
A letter has been forwarded to the City Engineer requesting that the original linen
drawings be completed on the project and that the necessary dedication forms be
executed in favor of the District on these facilities.
In accordance with the Board's request that the Manager look into the matter of the
unissued bonds authorized in the various Improvement Districts, he reported that he
had reviewed the matter and feels that there will be a flood of bonds on the market
and the District does not have any particular plans for these funds at this time.
After discussion, the Board agreed that the sale of any additional bonds would not be
wise at this time.
A call has been received from the County of San Diego regarding the easement for the
Hughes Tool Company pipeline at Palomar Airport. Since the pipeline was constructed
in a roadway which is not a dedicated County road the District will have to take the
necessary steps to obtain an easement from the County for this facility.
Announcement from the City of Carlsbad regarding the Open House to be held for the
new City buildings on September 8, 1968, at 2:OO P.M.
Notice from the Local Agencies Formation Commission regarding the formation of a
special lighting District to be formed in the Leucadia area.
Announcement from the California Water Resoursed Association regarding meeting to be
held Friday, September 13, 1968, at 11:OO A.M. at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles,
the subject of which is to be Proposition 9.
Material has been received for the District's participation in the United Crusade
Service Fund drive which is currently underway.
Approval of The Manager requested approval to proceed immediately with the
Purchase Orders purchase of the following items, as approved under the current
Hand Hoist -- Industries Supply Company -- Estimated purchase price of $59.75.
Valve and Manhole Locator -- Goldeck Company -- Price quotation of $151.73.
Buffer and Polisher -- San Diego Janitor Supply -- Price Quotation of $300.00.
Jeep Repairs -- Sonny's Automotive -- Not to exceed estimate of $125.00.
The Manager indicated that he will also proceed with obtaining estimates for the
paving at the District's reservoirs which is included in the current budget.
After discussion, upon motion of Director Mac Leod, seconded by Director Palmer,
and unanimously carried, it was moved that these purchase orders, as outlined by
the Manager, be approved.
I Special Accounts Payable:
The following Special Accounts Payable were presented by the Manager for approval:
(1) Carlsbad Journal, in the amount of $75.00, covering the printing charges for
the Anniversary Edition.
(2) Invoice in the amount of $1,218.00, from the BIF Industries Corporation, for
the Dall Tube for Chestnut Avenue Metering Station.
(3) Invoice from Jack Y. Kubota, in the amount of $1,333.50, covering services for
the month of August, 1968.
After discussion, upon motion of Director Carmichael, seconded by Director Palmer,
and unanimously carried, the Board approved these special account payable as presented
Meeting September 4, 1968 -3-
Ratification Upon motion of Director Palmer, seconded by Director Mac Leod, and
of Checks unanimously carried, the Board ratified Checks No. 3103 thru No. 3127,
in the amount of $3,065.94, covering the period August 22, 1968, thru
September 4, 1968, inclusive.
. Refund The Nanager requested permission to draw the warrants for payment of the
Agreements Pipeline Refund Agreements in accordance with the Budget. After
discussion, the Manager was authorized to proceed with these payments.
I There being no further business TO come before the Board at this time, upon motion of
Director Carmichael, seconded by Director Mac Leod, the meeting was declared adjourned
at 4:46 P.M.
ATTEST: +g-.->. <" ,~ e;< 4 /q
JL. c CL??& Cc: r k";,'.
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Meeting September 4, 1968 -4-