The meeting was called to order at 2:02 P.M. by Vice President Palmer in the absence of President Maerkle (2:16 P.M.), with Directors Carmichael, Kelly,
and Mac Leod . answering roll call. n.1~0 present were General Manager Kubota, Superintendent Henley, and Office Secretary. Legal Counsel Swirsky was absent.
Approval of Upon motion of Director Carmichael , seconded by Director Kelly, Minutes and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of I
March 19, 1969, were approved as written.
Upon motion of Director Kelly, seconded by Director Mac Leod, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of April 2, 1969, were approved as transcribed and mailed out by the Secretary.
La Costa Mr. Burton Kramer was prF!sent for the Board’s consideration of a South request by Rancho La Costa, Inc. by letter dated April 11, 1969, for the formation of a committee of this District and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District to evaluate the respective responsibilities and to develop a mutually acceptable program of water service for the La Costa South Subdivision. After discussion, a special committee comprised of Director Mac Leod, Legal Counsel Swirsky and the Manager was appointed to meet with 01 ivenhain and work out a sound program for this area. The Manager wi 11 advise 01 ivenhain of the action today and that the District is available to meet with them. The request from La Costa wi 11 a1 so be acknowledged and they wi 11 be advised of this standing committee and that we are awaiting 2 date for a joint committee meeting to dis- cuss the matter.
Mr. Kramer left the meeting at this time, 2:10 P.M.
Committee Reports:
City of Carlsbad The Manager informed the Board that in the absence of the Water Service Legal Counsel there was nothing further to report on the meeting of the Attorneys for the two agencies which was held last week. Some comments were received in a telephone conversation with Don Martinson, who is serving as Special Legal Counsel on this matter, and he indicated that the Attorneys have agreed that the issue is a very complicated matter and will require considerable research. One of the most sound approaches to the problem, as discussed, would be for the District to assume operation of the City Water Department, and the Committee will be doing research on the method of financing of the District’s Improvement Districts No. 2 and No. 3. The Attorneys will continue their discussions and will bring back a report to the dgencies on this local service problem.
Director Maerkle arrived at this tipe, 2:16 P.M., and took charge of the meeting.
San Diego County Director Kelly reported that the regular meeting of the Authority Water Authority Board of Directors has been postponed for a week because of the IDA Convention and will be held next Thursday.
Irrigation Districts Directors Falmer and Carmichael and Secretary Wilda Simpson Association Convention reported 02 their attendance at the Irrigation Districts
1969 in Sacramento.
Public Relations The Manager reported that, at the request of the President of Program the Board, he had made some inquiries as to the possibility of this District seeking some professional advise and some type of program for public information aimed. primarily to correct some of the impressions on the part of people in the District and other agencies and to provide factual information. He had contacted the San Diego County Water Authority in this regard and was referred to a Mr. Fred Whi tney who had done this type of work for them until 1966 and is now at San Diego State College as a professor of journalism. He came up to the District yesterday and met with the Board President, Director Carmichael and the Manager to discass a public information program. On the basis of the discussions,
Association Convention which was held April 9 thru April 11 ,
his idea was to spend about a month going into the data and District files
available and to develop a program that he feels this District should have. Based on his hourly fee of $25.'00 per hour, he set. as a maximum the sum of $600.00 for the first section of the work. It was pointed out that Mr. Whitney did question what the public reaction would be to the District going out and expending publ ic funds for a publ ic re1 ations consultant. The Board discussed this point at considerable length and it was decided not to retain Mr. Whitney at this time, and Director Kelly agreed to draft up some news releases on the District and some material for an ad in the Carlsbad Journal.
A recess was called at 3:20 P.M. and the meeting was resumed at 3:35 P.M.
Legal Counsel Is Report:
The Manager, in the absence of the Legal Counsel, reported that the Agreements covering the La Costa South Subdivision and the reservoir pipeline, as amended, have been executed and returned by La Costa.
Superintendent 's Report:
La Costa Reservoir The Superintendent reported that the contract for the La and Pi pel i ne Costa reservoir pipeline has been awarded to the Don Hubbard
this week. The steel for the La Costa Reservoir has not been dej ivered as yet but delivery is expected some time this week or next. Another leak was experienced on the main 1 ine to La Costa which was caused by corrosion of a coup1 ing on the air release, but the repairs were complFted and the line was only down for about 2 hours.
The District is taking water delivery at 7 cfs from the Authority, he reported, and the lake level is at 497.6 ft.
Contracting Conpany and work on the project was commenced
Maintenance The Superintendent reported that routine maintenance was continued Program during the past month and the cleaning of the District's "E" and "B" Reservoirs was completed this week. The interior of the "E" tank is in good shape, he reported, but cost figures are being obtained from the Unit E Project contractor on some remedial work which is needed at "B" Reservoir.
Manager's Report:
I.D. No. 2 The Manager reported that the Progress Payment No. 2 which Unit "E" Project was authorized for payment at the last meeting, subject to
of $43,472.00 making a net amount p..yable to the contractor of $25,528.00. This represents a 20% completion for the total project.
The letter agreement from the San Diego Gas and Electric Company for the fill at La Costa and the question on the wording in one of the condi ti ons specified has been resolved, and they have completed their inspection of the drainage culvert, the Manager reported. It was his recommendation that the agreement be approved, as submitted, and he requested authorization to execute same. After discussion, upon motion of Director Carmichael, seconded by Director Mac Leod, and unanimously carried, it was moved that this agreement be approved with the San Diego Gas and Electric Company and that the Managw be authorized to execute this document on behalf of the District.
The Manager presented for approval Snvoi ce No. 4392, dated Apri 1 2 , 1969, submitted by Benton Engineering in the amount of $706.00 covering the soi 1 s work for the La Costa Reservoir site. He explained that this billing was in accordance with their original proposal , and after checking with the Board Members, it was included for payment with the regular invoices and he requested that this payment be ratified After discussion, upon motion of Director Palmer, seconded by Director Carmichael, and unanimously carried, the Board ratified payment of this invoice.
his verification, was evaluated and adjusted to gross earnings
The Contractor has now sent in a change order for the foundation work at the "D-2" Reservoir and the Manager will be evaluating this and will have a report at the next meeting. The Manager will get in touch with Board Members for an inspection tour of the reservoir projects on Friday morning.
Meeting Apri 1 16, 1969 -2-
Point "D" The Manager informed the Board that we are still planning on the con- Project struction of the Point "D" valve instal lation during the first part of May.
El Camino Real The Manager reportgd that the District is now proceeding with the Widening preliminary work on this project and have requested the maps for
Office. The Manager will be scheduling a conference with the Road Department as soon as they can get a look at the ififormation as to what the project will be. The Ci ty of Carl sbad has a1 so been a1 erted as to what they want to do with the Cal avera Vaul t.
Water Rate The Manager submitted for the Board's review a summary of detailed Study statistics for the City of Carl sbad wholesale water services for
outlining his recommendations on the wholesale water rate study. It was his recom- mendations that the current water rate structure for wholesale water be maintained for at least the first six months fcr fiscal year 1969-70, with the reservation that the District may increase its charges, if necessary, based on operational costs and fluctuation of water revenues. The only change recommended involves an adjust- ment of the current charge for chlorination of water and, based on the increased requirements by the City of Carlsbad, a uniform charge of $1 .OO per acre foot was suggested. After discussion, upcn motion of Director Palmer, seconded by Director Mac Leod, and unanimously carried, it was moved that this new method of bi 11 ing for the City of Carl sbad be adopted subject to the approval of the Legal Counsel.
Squires Based on the readings for the month of March, the Manager reported, Dam the District's losses ran about 23 acre feet. Preliminary figures had indicated a higher loss but the metw for the Squires Dam Vault was found to be out of balance, thus causing the over-reading.
Fi 1 tration Board Members are in t!?e process of reviewing the Fi 1 tration Study Study Group Report and the Manager indicated that the matter will be put
can be made on the matter. An invoice in the amount of $56.92 from the San Diego County Water Authority covering costs of the report was presented for payment. After discussion, upon motion of Director Carmichael , seconded by Director Palmer, it was moved that this invoice be approved for payment. Four Ayes. One No, (Director Kelly) . Motion carried.
Rancho Carl sbad The District has been contacted by the South Bay Engineering Mobile Homes Estate Company on the mobile home project and maps on the District's
the two project sections from the San Diego County Engineer's
the period of July 1, 1963 throught March 31, 1969, and a memorandum
I on the agenda prior to the date of June 17, 1969, so that a decision
water facilities are being furnished for their work.
Miscellaneous Items:
Palomar Airport The Manager reported that the plans for modifying the Palomar Road Connection Airport Road connection with the 6" bypass and pressure reducer
the project plans. He explained that these plans and the cost estimate of $5,000.00 will be forwarded to the City advising them that if they want this the funds should be placed on deposit and the District will proceed with the project. After reviewing the plans, upon motion of Director Yac Leod, seconded by Director Palmer, and unanimously carried, it was moved that these plans be approved and that the Manager be authorized to proceed on this program.
Budget The Manager reported that the staff is now working on a compilation
have been completed and he requested the Board Is approval on
I 1969-70 of our financial status for use in drawing up the budget for the coming fiscal year. Comnittee meetings will be scheduled and Members will be meeting and working with the staff on the budget preparation.
Personnel The Manager informed the Board that Mrs. Madaline Wick was hired for the
not like the job and left. Interviets are being arranged for a replacement for this posi ti on.
Secretary I1 position, as authorized, and 1 asted only 3 days and did
Meeting April 16, 1969 -3-
City of Carlsbad The Manager reported that a staff meeting was held with the Water Statements City of Carlsbad concerning their request for adjustments for
month of October, 1968 and for spillage at Ellery Reservoir during the month of January, 1969. After reviewing their statistical data, the District allowed one spillage for January and the rest of their claim we have rejected, he informed the Board.
A meeting was also held with the City's Engineers for their Water System Improve- ment Project and the District has offered to work with them and provide any infor- mati on of Val ue.
La Costa The Manager reported that the staff has also had two meetings with Fire Chief Fox and Captain Crane of the La Costa Fire Protection area on Protection their fire protection facilities and the availability of water Trom
charges for water del ivery to the Terramar system during the
our new reservoir in the La Costa area.
Storm Ratification of the paymeyt of the invoice from 0. A. "Bud" Osuna, in Damage the amount of $518.00, for restoration of the Sunnycreek Road crossing
.other personnel time and equipment rental brought the total amount expended for thes-e repairs to around $700.00 and he suggested that it might be appropriate to ask the other property owners who use this road to share these costs and contri - bute $70.00, which represents a l/ln share of the expenses. After discussion, upon motion of Director Carmichael , seconded by Director Palmer, and unanimously carried, it was moved that payment of this invoice be ratified and that the Manager be authorized to proceed in this manner to contact the property owners on this matter.
Letter from Higgs, Jennings, Fletcher and Mack regarding the total settlement on the District's pipeline suit and forwarding checks in partial settlement of the American Pipe Corporation suit.
Approval of Proposals were subnitted by the Manager for the fencing projects Puchase Orders at "C" and "E" Reservoirs in the amounts of $1 ,458.00 and $2,017.00 respectively. He requested permission to complete the monumentation at "E" Reservoir site and also to ccntact the property owners for permission to enclose a small area at each site tLat are outside the ownership of the District in order to provide a better fence line. By common consent the Manager was authorize1 to proceed with this project as budgeted for the current year.
The Manager informed the Board that the time deposit of $115,000.00 in I. D. No. 2 Construction Funds will mature on Apri 1 21 , 1969 and the project funds will be reviewed to ascertain if any of these monies can be reinvested. After discussion, the Board agreed that this matter s"lu7d be left up to the Treasurer to work out some investment of excess funds.
Ratification Upon motion of Director Palmer , seconded by Director Mac Leod , of Checks and unanimously carried, the Board ratified Checks No. 3627 thru
April 3, 1969, thru April 16, 1969, incl.
The meeting was declared adjourned at 5: 11 P.M.
was requested by the Manager. He explained that these charges , plus
Checks No. 3688, in the amount of $33,229.61, for the period
/ 4
7-.-y/L./Lp A,&
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Mmtinn Anril 16- 1969 A