The meeting was called to order at 2:05 P.X. by President friaerkle with Directors
Carmichael, Engelrn anr;, Kelly and Mac Leod answering roll call. Also present were Pianager Priday, Legal Counsel Swirsky, EKgineer Kubota, Public Relations Consultan Mitchell arld Office Secretary. Mrs. Arthur Bonas, Citizen's Advisory Cornrcittee, Nrs . Ruth Honnol ti, League of Laomen Voters, Gi 1 Lavis 9 Reporter for the Bl acie- Tribune, were also present. Representing the City of Carlsbad were Mr. Ron Beckma Public Works Eirector and Mr. Herbert Ketay, Utilities Director.
Notice of Legal Counsel Swirsky presented for the District's officiai records a Meet i n 9 "Declaration of Service by Nail 'I, executed by Barbara Soule, on the
due to a legal technicality regarding the posting of notice of adjournment, it was necessary to make thha's a Special Meeting.
Report of Tri- Director !kc ieod, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committec Asencies Pipeline reported that he and Director Kelly txet last Frici3.y with the Co~ri~i ttee staff to interview and make a decision on a financial consultai
sentative of the firm of Stone and Youngberg, Mr. Bob Bulot, who presented their proposal based on a fee for the report of $300.00 per day, not to exceed $2,40(3.00
and for the sale of bonds, one-half of one persent (1/2 of 1%) of the first $ I
I%llion Gf securities sold, plus additional fees il-, excess of the first $1 Million The minimum fee for each sale of General Ob1 igation bonds would be $10,000.00.
The second proposal reviewed was submitted by James W. Guerin with a fee for the pre-authorization study and report set at $1,000.00, with post-authorization servim fee based on 1/5 of 1% of gar value of bonds sold for either project, but not less than $3,500.00 in connection with any bond issue sold on a single date. Ihe Cornmi. also met prior to this meeting and after reviewing the reports, he informed the Bo it was quite obvious from the fee structure which firm wo~lld be seclected. After discussion, upon motion of Director Mac Leoci, seconded by Bi rector Kelly, and unanimously carried, it was moved that the District accept tile proposal of James
W. Guerin for financial advisorbf services for these projects.
Legal Counsel reported that as a matter of procedure we are also, at G Committee level 9 trying to secure a report for employment of the bond Counsel and a Eond Calendar but it has not been received yet. Any action on that matter will be deferred until the next regl;l ar meeting.
notice of special meeting for this date and time. He explaind that
for this project. At that time, they met first with a repre-
Director Carmichael voiced his opposition to the Tri-Agencies Pipeiine Project and a proposed 4.4 liillion Dollar bond issue an4 requested further discussion on the entire project. Luring the discussion, he also expressed concern over possible inequities in tile financing of the project. as he felt that residents in the City 0- Zarlsbad have an adequate water supply and are pa.;!j~~: for their improvements throl the City's capital improveKent ir;ater bond issue and should not be obligated to brir in more water so outlying areas can be developed. He also suggested that perhaps the San ijiego County Na-ter Authority should participate in a major pipeline projeci of this type as they have in otner areas.
Engineer Kubota reviewed the mag of the Tri-Agencies Pipeline t~ discuss the total impact of the project and to clarify the $4.4 Million bond issue figure quoted by Girector Carrnichael. He expl air;ed tnat, to his knowledge, no determination has been made as to the amount of tile bond issue and that this is a compi&ttion of the projected works for the South Aqueduct Connection and the Tri-Agencies Pipeline Project.
Engineer Kubota gave some historical data on the development of the original pipeli system that was constructed in 1957 to bring water into the area and was financed by the entire bistrict under itxprovement District Eo. 1. He stressed the fact that for the past two summers the District has been utilitizing the entire capacity of the pipe1 ine into the Carlsbaa service area and that the City area needs the capacity of another pipeline regaruless of the Tri-Agencies Pipeline. Director Carmichael pointed out that the District is providing water to over 300 acres of tomatoes and if there is an emergency the agricultural water use would have to be
curtailed to provide additional' water for 'domestic use within the City.
The Engineer informed the Loard that the geogrhpky, of the Tri-Agencies 1 ine was determined by the needs of the three agencies involved, Oceanside, Vista and Carlsbaci. Another important consideration in the pipeline capacities and the reaches to be served is the advantages of high pressure water, thus eliminating the expense of pumping in certain areas.
Referring to Director Carmichael 's suggestion on the Water Authority's participatic
in the project, he explained thrat the Authority's position has been and continues to be that this is a local project and should be funded locally. Their involvemeni in the project at this time is in the providing of technical engineering services ilnd assistance ii? t&.~preparation of the EIR. This does not ll;ean9 however, that the three agencies coiectively cannot go back again and ask them once more, he ,' informed the Board.
Proposed College Director Kelly advised the Board of his participation in the % Avenue and Cannon formation of a proposed improvement district in the College AVE Road Improvement and Cannon Road areas which would extend the sewer and some of District the roads so that his area can develop. He displayed a map showirrg a realignment of the pipeline OYI a road alignment which
he noted will result in a redaction of 875 feet for the pipel ine and will also shorten up Oceanii de's shsre of the pipel ine by 1,000 to 1,200 feet. He also passe a 1 ist of the advantages and disadvantages of a street alignment for this portion c the project. 'He urged that the routing for the roadway and the pipel ine be coordinatea in the same place in order to save money and future maintenance. Engin Kubota reported that a meeting was held with the City people 1 ast week on the
pipeline routing and they don't feel there will be any advance engineering and plar on road a1 i gnments in this area.
In discussing tne tiixing for? the project, it was pointed out that the bond issue' might have to be cielayed mtil November so that these matters can be worked out. Engineer Kubota reported that in putting the project together, one of the next steps involves the three agencies getting together to 'draw up a Joint PoHers Agree- ment to cover the various financial res?onsibifities and maintenance of the pipelin This matter will be discussed at the next District Staff meeting.
I President Maerkle called for a short recess at this time, 3:lO P.M. and the meetins was resumed at 3: 30 P.M.
copies of Exnibit "A" for the South Aqueduct Connection Report were distributed by the Engineer. He also recalled copies of the graph in the Tri-Agencies Pipeline Report in which an error was ciiscovered and distributed new sheets.
El ecti on Legal Counsel informed the Board that the decision has just be? Expen di tu re that all office holders must file Election Forrii No. 703 by Janc, Statements 31, 1975, and the County Registrar of Voters Office is sending up the proper form. Forms will be ccmpleted by Legal Counsel and he requested that all Board Members contact his office and execute sme by Frid in order to meet this tieadline.
There being no further discussion on the matter of the Tri-Agencies Pipeline Projec at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 3:40 P.M.
Respectfully submi tteti,
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Meeting of January 29, 1975