HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-21; Municipal Water District; MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OE
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by President Haasl
with Directors Henley, Maerkle, Woodward and Bonas (1:20] pre'sent. Also in attendance were General Manager Brammell,
District Engineer Greaney, Superintendent Musser, Legal Counsel Moser, Administrative Analyst Poole and Executive Secretarl
Woodward. Steve Deering, Julia Renyer, Danny Roy, Barbara
Hallman, Patty Heissenberger, Jack Kubota, Katheryn Horton, Lola Sherman, Ralph Anderson and Harold Engelmann also attended.
Prior to beginning the meeting, President Haasl presente.d a
Service Award to Danny Roy acknowledging ten years of combined
service to the City of Carlsbad and the District and congratulated him.
Pledge of Allegiance The pledge of allegiance tc the flag was given.
Workshop - Luke-Dudek Report
Workshop to review Squires Study
by Luke-Dudek Engineering
Steve Deering made the presentation using graphics of sketches and cost figures as he moved through the report. He advised that the printed report is still a draft and asked for input from the
Board members. After giving a brief overview of District facil- ities, he went through the six phases of design and construction
activities Luke-Dudek is recommending in the report.
Phase 1 is a recommendation for fencing (already undertaken by
the District), some improvements to the existing flowmeter and chlorine mixing to improve disinfection between the reservoir and the system, update the chlorination facilities, and provide addi- tional chemical microbiological monitoring within the system.
Recommendation: These should be done immediately. Estimated cost of Phase 1 is $475,000.
Phase 2 - Because lining and covering Squires I would require
that it be taken out of service for up to six months, and the fact that developing Squires I1 would require that an Environmen-
tal Impact Report be approved as well as getting the support of the people, Luke-Dudek is suggesting that the District, beyond Phasel,buildabouta10milliongallontankatthe Squires site
at the 500-515 foot elevation and provide piping from the
existing system to that tank. This would allow Squires I to be taken off the system for whatever work is required. Also suggested was a pump station at the toe of Squires I to allow
pumping water fromthe reservoir or the systemup tothe tankand
constantly maintain a grade line above that service area of about
500 rather than allowing it to fluctuate with the level of the
lake as it does now. It would also permit use of the bottom
increment of water in Squires I.
Recommendation: The tank, pump station and interconnecting
pipelines are also recommended for immediate construction. Estimated cost of Phase 2 is $6,825,000. L-D also suggests that
during the design and construction of this Phase the District
actively pursue participation in Mount Israel with Olivenhain,
determine the feasibility and cost of that as compared to doing
additional work at Squires I and 11.
Phase 3: . If it appears that Mount Israel is too far in the future, not feasible or too expensive, and the District still wants to store treated water in Squires I, L-D then suggests that
when that decision is made, the design and construction of the
lining and covering of Squires I be started. If Mount Israel appears as if it will go ahead very quickly and there is a lot of
public support for it and funding, thentheDistrictcouldmakea considered decision to delay the lining and covering of Squires I
because Mount Israel would provide longer term storage.
I Recommendation: Depends on the feasibility and availability of
Mount Israel. The estimated cost of lining and covering Squires
I is $5,950,000. t
Phases 4, 5 and 6 are involved with bringing in a raw water line,
having our own filtering and purifying system,.and so are farther
in the future and more expensive alternatives. Phase 4 is esti-
mated at $17,550,000; Phase 5 at $945,000; and Phase 6 at $7,425,000. Mr. Deering said phases 5 and 6 would only be needed if a raw water line is brought into the acqueduct.
Discussion followed with Director Maerkle saying that bringing in
arawwaterlinewouldbe veryexpensive. Mr. Deeringagreedbut emphasized the advantage of having an additional source of water.
He also mentioned the long turnover time if treated water is
stored in Squires I after it is lined and covered and the
possibility of water quality problems. Director Haasl added that
Lake Skinner, the treatment facility for San Diego, is already overloaded and will probably be asking water districts to provide their own treatment facilities.
Mr. Deering responded to a question on the pump station (Phase
2) that it would make it possible to-serve the entire District with water should the acqueduct be down. At the present time we can only take the reservoir down to 480.
Mr. Deering also felt that our master plan should be updated
concurrently with doing some of the first phases.
-2- October 21, 1987
Mr. Greaney asked if there was any benefit to having a water treatment facility as the water is taken out of the reservoir. Mr. Deering said it might be the answer to the current
disinfection problem but he would have to do additional studies before making a recommendation.
Mr. Musser mentioned that the water coming from Squires I is
getting a different treatment process than the water coming from the aqueduct. Free chlorine 'at Squires; the other chloraminated. He explained the mixing ratio. Discussion followed on the need
for the 10 million gallon tank at the Squires site. A 5 million gallon tank would take care of the current needs while Squires I is being lined and covered and additional storage may never be needed.
Mr. Brammell said he hopes the Board will make some policy decisions on (1) the immediate water quality issues by . considering doing Phases 1 and 2 immediately; (2) consider the number of days of stored water we want to have on hand to decide the answers we need, i.e. the technical answers for 10 days would be different than 20 or 40 days and will affect development fees and water rates; (3) the issue .of whether we will go with
treated or nontreated water; he referred to page V-7 which suggests consideration of this before we go into Phase 3; we may
not want to do Phase 3 but instead do Phases 4, 5 and 6. This
last would require additional information regarding Mount Israel. I Mr. Brammell agreed with Mr. Deering's suggestion that the
District update its master plan and get some hydraulic analyses done so that informed decisions can be made, but feels we should address Phases 1 and 2 as quickly as possible. Mr. Brammell
added that regarding the issue of cost, there are a number of programs that may be available to us in terms of financing these projects. Metropolitan Water District has a summer pricing program that may help. MET is trying to encourage local agencies
to provide treatment facilities so that they can downsize their facilities. The County Water Authority may also have a progran available.
In response to Director Woodward's comment that Phases 1 and 2
could be funded from the $10 million budgeted for the Squires problem, Mr. Brammell agreed and added that the $10 million is tc be borrowed. The water rates and Major Facilities Charges were established based upon amortizing that debt.
Ralph Anderson agreed with President Haasl that the City Council would probably want to provide input in these decisions.
I Recess
Oral Communications
from the Audience
President Haasl called for i recess at 2:15 p.m. The meet-
ing resumed at 2:35 p.m.
-3- October 21, 1987
Consent Calendar
A- Ratification of Checks After Director Maerkle pulled
B, Ratification of Investments item F and Director Bonas
C, Purchase Orders NONE items E and G, Director Henley
D, Offer and Acceptance - La Costa made a motion to approve the Greens Condos, CT 79-5, Lots remaining items, seconded by
6 & 7, CRMWD NO, 78-402 Director Maerkle and unani- E, Approval of the Shores, CT 84- mously carried.
18/CP 288, CRMWD NO, 83-108.30
I?, La Costa Hotel 61 Spa - CRMWD After discussion on items E, F
No, 83-222, Waterline Easement and G, with Mr. Greaney re- Hold Harmless Agreement sponding to inquiries and pro-
RESOLUTION NO. 558 viding the value of the water
G, Offer and Acceptance - La Costa system in item G as $224,900,
Hotel & Spa, CRMWD No. 83-222 Director Henley made a motion approving item E, seconded by 'by Director Maerkle and unanimously carried. Director Henley then made a motion approving item F including Resolution No. 558,
entitled: "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT/HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT, LA COSTA HOTEL & SPA," seconded by Director Maerkle and carried with Director Bonas voting no. Roll call was taken
to confirm the vote, Later in the meeting, after Mr. Greaney provided the value of the water system in item G, Director Maerkle made a motion, seconded by Director Henley and unan- imously carried, to approve item G, I Unfinished Business None
Committee Reports None
Staff Reports
Superintendent Mr. Musser gave the lake level as 500 feet 10 inches. We arc buying 16 c.f.s. He reported on the leak discovered late
Wednesday morning in the 27" steel line in Palomar Airport Road that required shutting down service to Carlsbad Oaks Business Park and Bressi Ranch. Discussion followed. There was another leak on Friday at Sol-Mar Mobilehome Park (old City line).
District Engineer Mr. Greaney said he will bc coming to the Engineering Com-
mittee prior to the next Board meeting regarding landscaping at
the reservoirs for a recommendation at the next Board meeting.
I Attorney
Revision to Compensation Policy - Resolution After discussion of the reso- lution prepared by Mr. Mosel at the Board's direction (see
-4- October 21, 1987
memorandum and attachment in agenda packet), Director Woodward
made a motion to postpone this item to the next Board meeting and refer it to the Personnel Committee, seconded by Director Henley and unanimously carried.
- Consideration of Compensation for After brief discussion (see
Attendance at National Water Re- memorandum in agenda packet),
sources Association Conference Director Henley made a motion to approve compensation ($100 1
for Director Maerkle's attendance at this conference, seconded by
Director Woodward and unanimously carried.
Manager's Report Mr. Brammell referred to his
written report and attachments
in the agenda packet, Director Woodward asked about the status of his motion at the last regular Board meeting to form a joint committee with the City to establish criteria for industrial and commercial developers to promote xeriscape and limit the use of high-water-use landscaping, Director Haasl felt that a workshop with the City is also needed regarding the Squires DamStudy from
Luke-Dudek as well as reclamation efforts. Mr. Brammell will make the necessary arrangements.
Consideration of Attendance at None of the Board members ex- ACWA Workshop.on December 7 & 8 pressed an interest in attend- in Los Angeles (Legislative ing this Workshop.
Preview 1988) 4
Consideration of Attendance at Mr. Brammell asked the Board
California Special Districts to notify the Secretary if
Association, San Diego County they wish to attend this meet- Chapter - November 11, 1987 ing .
Organizational Reports
San Diego County Director Bonas said the Admin-
Water Authority istrative Policy Committee had
a closed session on continuins
employee relations. Water Policy Committee goal is a 10-daq supply of water for each agency in a water emergency. General
Manager and General Counsel have been authorized to prepare E contract with E. F. Hutton for a maximum fee of $25,000 pel
. quarter. A staff recommendation was made to the Engineerins
Committee and the Board that a contract be entered into with the
engineering firm of Camp, Dresser & McKee for design services fol the Ramona pipeline. The Board has made an offer for a headquar-
ters building of approximately $2.7 million. Discussior followed . I Association of Water Reclamation Agencies Their Symposium on October 21 and 24 will take the place of their regular meeting.
-5- October 21, 1987
Directors' Reports
Director Maerkle said he read that Olivenhain Municipal Water
District is now investing in large banks as opposed to small
savings and loan offices. Mr. Brammell added that we own no stock so the recent stock market activities do not affect us; we
have a very favorable portfolio.
Director.Maerkle reviewed the water rate policies of several San Diego County water agencies who charge more (approximately 10 cents per unit) to domestic water users than they do to agricul- tural customers.
Director Haasl commended Ms. Renyer for her work on our newsletter and at the recent quarterly dinner, and Mrs. Woodward for her efforts in arranging the dinner.
The meeting adjourned at 4:07.
Respectfully submitted, &.Fib.& r sident, Board of Directors
-6- October 21, 1987