HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-22; Parking Authority; Minutestee ting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CARLSBAD PARKING AUTHORITY November 22, 1976 4:00 P.M. Council Chambers The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Dunne at 4:07 P.M. ' ROLL CALL: Directors Dunne, Killen, Richardson and Sugg ABSENT:- Director McComas ' • Also present were City Manager Paul Bussey and City Attorney Vincent Biondo. . • Al'PROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special meetings held July 29, 1976 September 2, 1976 and September 24, 1976 were approved as presented. Director Killen abstained from voting on the Minutes of September 24 , 197.6 due to his absence from that meeting. THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR EXPANSION OF PLAZA CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER. Jhe City Attorney reported the primary purpose of th'e Third Supplement is to adopt the new site.plan. After negotiations with the May Company it was staff's recommendation that it would be to the- mutual advantage of all parties to have a portion of Marron Road from its intersection with Monroe Street to its iatersection with Jefferson Street dedicated to the City of Carlsbad as a public street. This would seem to solve some of the questidns'as far as the Coastal Commission is con- cerned. It is presently included as a part of the new parking area. The City Manager info.rmed the Directors this Third. Supplement was approved by the City Council on November 16, 1976 by Resolution No. 4042. The site plan was reviewed arid following further discussion the Third Supplement to the Agreement was approved and the Chairman of the Parking Authority was authorized to execute the Agreement. AUDIT REPORT - FISCAL YEAR 1975-76. The Audit Report for fiscal year" 1 975-76 prepared by Wayne Carroll, Certified Public Accountant, was reviewed and by proper motion approved. PAYMENT OF BILLS: The following bills were' submitted for payment Wayne Carrol 1, CPA preparation of Audit Bankers Trust Company Co-paying Agent Security Pacific Bank Services as Fiscal Agent Authori zati on in the amount Account. was given of $1 ,025 for the 47 from $315.00 50.00 660.4^ payment of bills the Working Capital Dunne Sugg Killen Richardson Dunne Sugg Kil len Ri chardson Dunne Sugg Killen • Ri chardson Dunne Sugg Kill en Ri chardson