HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-10-28; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF KKSTING OF CARLSBAD PARKS, RECREATION. BEACH AND TREE COMMISSION-Q^ter '-^
September 2£, 1954
The regular meeting of the PBR&T Commission was called to order by
Chairman Felt at 7:42 P. M. in the City Hall. Members of the Commission
present besides the Chairman were: Comm. Glines, Westree, Stuart, McClel-
lan, Christiansen, and Gastelum.
Comm. Westree reported that bids had been received from several
tree trimming firms seeking a contract with the City to trim and prune
eucalyptus trees. These bids were opened and revealed the following
A-l Tree Service proposed to trim 15 trees for ^1000.00.
Davey Tree Surgery Service proposed to head back and safely
prune 12 trees at the school and 3 trees at the intersection
of Grand and State Sts. for $950.00.
Valley Tree Service proposed to top and prune to 30-40 feet
the 3 trees at the corner of Grand and State Sts., the 3 or
4 trees on East side of Harding south of Pine, and 11 trees
on the south side of Pine west of Harding for $1000.00.
Allen W. Lange proposed to trim and prune 12 trees on Pine
Avenue in front of the school and 3 trees at the intersec-
tion of State and Grand Sts. for $1000.00.
Comm. Westree moved that this Commission recommend to the Director
of Public Works that the contract for trimming trees be awarded to the
Valley Tree Service on.the basis of their bid of $1000.00; for 1? trees
and that the Commission request action be taken by the Director of Pub-
lic v/orks as soon as possible to arrange for the work to be done. Se-
conded by Comm. Christiansen. Motion carried.
Mrs. Christiansen made a brief report of a meeting held last week
with Messrs. Kenyon, Broadwell, and Dean from the Division of Beaches,
Parks and representatives of the City, Messrs. Swald and Cockrill. She
reported that Mr. Drury had suggested a survey of the Carlsbad area by
the Division of Parks, Beaches park development. Mr. Kenyon recommended
that a letter requesting such a survey be sent to the Division of Parks
and Beaches, and suggested that the County Planning Commission be advised
of the contemplated action and be advised that when the survey has been
completed, they would be informed of the results and City recommendations
in this regard. Mr. Kenyon felt that a considerable portion of the north
side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (possibly from the ocean to the east of
the cove that the Commission had earlier recommended be acquired by the
City) should be acquired right away and reserved i'or recreational purposes.
Mr. George Kraft had offered by letter to remove without charge any
or all buildings on the new Park site for the salvage. After considerable
discussion, Mrs. Stuart moved that the Commission recommend to the City
Council that the buildings and structures on the new Park site with the
exception of the grease rack, be removed as offered in Mr. Kraft's letter
dated October 15, 1954. Seconded by Dr. Glines. Further discussion fol-
lowed during which Mr. Kraft agreed at any future date to remove the
grease rack for the salvage, if the Commission desired to retain it for
the present, motion carried.
A memorandum from the City Council was read approveing the proposed
plan for the Park recommended by the Commission and suggesting investi-
gation of the possibilities of arranging with Mr. and Lars. Tillman to
exchange a portion of the Park property in rear of Tillmans, for prop-
erty fronting on ?io Pico. Mesdames Felt and Stuart reported that they
had called upon Mr. and Mrs. Tillman to discuss this matter and reported
that the Tillmans were not interested in acquiring further depth to their
property; that they regretted circumstances did not permit them to give
to the City for the Park, the Pio Pico frontage property, but that they
were willing to sell the property for $2300.00. Comm. Christiansen moved
that the Commission advise the City Council about the discussion with
the Tillmans and that the Commission suggest that appraisal of the realis-
tic value be secured and that an option to purchase be negotiated in or-
der to secure this property for the Park site.. Comm. Stuart seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
A number of suggestions were received regarding the name of the new
Park. After considerable discussion, Comm. Westree moved that the Coun-
cil be advised that many names for the new Park have been submitted by
school children and public, and that the Commission recommends the Park
be named "Holiday Park". Comm. Glines secconded. Motion carried. It
was decided to request the City Council to keep as a secret the name se-
lected until the dedication ceremony. The name recommended was suggested
by Pat "Walters, Room 23> Pine Ave. School.
Arrangements for the Dedication Ceremony of the Park were discussed
and the following tentative program was agreed upon:
Music by Band in attendance
Mayor McClexlan presiding
Invocation -
Introduce Supervisor presenting Deed to Layor
Mayor accepts and presents Deed to Felt for custody of
PBR&T Commission
Felt accepts, announces the name of Park
Presents check to Pat '//alters
Introduces other members of Commission - Oldham
Introduces Mrs. Sutton.
Mrs. Sutton responds
Lockerby makes dedication of Park.
Adjourn to flag pole, where colors raised by Color
Guard of Lee Huse Post VF.Y
National Anthem
It was decided to meet at 7:30 A. M., November 10th at the
Carlsbad Hotel for breakfast to discuss final arrangements for the dedi-
cation ceremony.
Mr. Gastelum advised that he is unable to serve on the Commis-
sion and tendered his resignation. Westree moved that the letter of re-
signation be accepted with regret. Comm. Christiansen seconded. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:44 ?. K.
Temporary Secretary