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1955-05-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; Minutes
MINUTES OF MEETING QJ- PARKS. RBGRBATIOM . BSAQH AND TESE COMMISSION Hay 19 The meeting of the Parks, Becreation, Beach and Tree Commission met at the offices of the City Hall at ?:^0 P. H., May 19, 1955. Present were, Chairman Westree, members Felt, Stuart, Nielsen, Glines a> Christiansen. Nielsen and w'estree reported plans for planting at Holiday Park, stating that in the next two months, a very presentable beginning would be underway. Plantings of Cypress, poinsettias and status caspia partial- ly made along Pio Pioo. The drive will be lined with Birds of Paradise, Roses and Hibiscus. The east side and rear of the park to be planted in Poinsettias and Castor Beans. Flowering Eucalyptus trees to be set along the drive. The planning is for all year bloom display in as quick produc- ing maturity as possible. We s tree has made arrangements for the Kruegar family on Sureka & Pine to take care of the flag, raising and lowering, as soon as a broken hasp on the pole can be repaired. It was moved by Pelt and seconded by Nielsen that a letter be di- rected to the Junior Woman's Club, asking them to submit their tentative plans in writing and diagram for the children's playground; accompanied by specification and quality report on the equipment considered for in- stallation, that the Commission have the opportunity to study them before giving their recommendation. A survey of the pipe shows some of it to be over 30 years old and in poor condition. Westree has made a study and platted a layout. An es- timate from Acme Pipe Company for the pipe is ^191.69 for needed pipe, less 107°. With the additional sprinkler heads an estimated total cost of 4250.00, not to include installation costs, was accepted. Westree suggested installation of T's every ^2' of pipe for future ease in adding sprinkler heads or other connections. Dr. Glines is to contact the Lifeguard Preebern and find out if the guard service since faster Vacation time, particularly the Holiday week- end, was volunteer or if we will receive a bill for it. The budget was taken up and Christiansen reported that all monies not expended during the fiscal year automatically returns to the General Fund. Information was received from Mayor Sde thc?t money from other City - 1 - funds would be available to pay life-guard salaries and park expenses until the tax money would be available for the Commission's budget. Balances to date in the current budget remain as follows: Tree $800.00 Guard ..... ^115«28 with a probable expenditure for last 2 weeks of *150.00 Equipment . . . 180.^9 Sanitary .... 3°5»00 with a probable expenditure for last 2 weeks of y30.00. Park 7.29 with a bill still due Apodaoa of #128.00 Christiansen moved and Nielsen seconded that -IP35.00 be trans- ferred, from the Sauipment Fund to the Life Guard Fund that there be an adequate balance for the closing salary. Stuart moved and Pelt seconded that ^500.00 be transferred from the Tree Fund to the Park Fund that planting and the needed work by the City's heavy equipment could be done. Westree reported that the City had equipment that would tear out the blacktop that would have to be removed before a lawn could be started. The balance in our budget after subtraction of the life guard and sanitary costs for the last two weeks of June, together with in- curred Apodaca bill, is si>1100.06. It was generally agreed that as much work be done at the park before July 1st as our monies would allow. Westree had much data ready for the consideration of the new budget and the resulting discussion produced the following: Lifeguard 7/1 - 9/16, 2 weeks at Easter & 6/15 - 7/l) 4i,600QOO (Full time and auxiliary week-end guard) Sanitary (12 mo. 2 units park, $720.00; 4 mo. Oak Aye. 2 units,2i mo. 2 units N/slde lagoon © 430/unit/ik. 1,110.00 Trees - . .q 800.00 Possible share of Sew.er connection (&50«00 inclusion fee and part of cost of 300'connection © H?2.00 ft.) Restrooms (Construct permanent bldg. with tool room attached, 1 bldg.) 2,^00.00 Parking oar l,ot (approximately 17,000 sq. ft. 35^ sq. ft.) 5,950.00 Pipe and Sprlnk^Qrq (material only; installation by Park Supt.) 250.00 Plantings (trees, plants and lawns, fertilizers) 325.00 Equipment and storage (park mowers, tools and temp, storage shed)500.00 Park .SuptL^ (full-time man and. his pick-up) Jj-,800.00 Mileage (operation Supt. equipment) & .10 mile 5^0.00 * . • Laborer (full time, s>1.25 hour) 2,600.00 Swimming Cove (reserve fund for purchase of cove lying East of Freeway to Hoover Street) 1,000.00 s?23,975.00 Stuart moved and Glines seconded that a letter accompany this budget, advising the Council that after much consideration the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission wishes to strongly recommend the appointment of Ted Westree for the job as Park Superintendent; that the Commission feels him to be the most qualified man and the one with the greatest interest in developing the present and future parks and public grounds. The meeting was adjourned at 10M5 P. li. Respectfully submitted, KA.Y CHRISTIANSEN, Sec'y. pro tern