HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesHIMUTES OF THE JlrjGULaR hKETI^G OF TH/; PARK >iND &JGRaATION.
August 18, 1955
The meeting was celled to order at 7:^0 P.M. by Chairman ^estree.
Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners, Nielson, Wo^lellan,
Christiansen, Felt and Huntington.
T':e minutes of the July 21st meeting were read and approved'.
Comm. Christiansen offered a motion that letters of appreciation
be forwarded to members of the committee who had charge of the Beach
Clean-up campaign and to the Chamber of Commerce commending Mr. John
MoKaig on the acquiring of the barrels for use at the beaches,
Betters will go forward to the following personsi lvir. Al Biasic,
of the -ooy's Club, Hr. S. IT, Welters of the £oy ^couts, the Chamber
of Commerce and the Manager of Hages1 limited, Seconded by ^-untington.
All ayes. Motion carried.
The Chairman wan instructed to contact Hr. Anthony, Public Works
•Director to find out if the trash cans at the benches are being serviced
by his depn-tmerit.
It was reported thr>t the piping has been installed at Holiday Park
but Mr. Iv'estree stated he had not had a chance to inspect it to see if
the original plan was followed.
The problem of the watering of the existing plantings at the park
was discussed and it was the opinion of Mr. Nielsen and NT. ^'estree
that the trees and plantings are not being adequately watered. Mr,
Kielnon has plants which are ready to be transplanted but it would take
an experienced person to talce cpre of the planting. Mr. Nielson stated
he would be glad to supervise the planting if the Cj.ty could supply
someone who could work under direction. It WRS suggested thr-t planting
be delayed until November nearer the rainy season with adequate follow-up.
It was tha decision of the members of the Commission thr?t arrange-
ments should be made with the Public ^orks Department to have the remains
of the trash bonfire removed and the weeds cut down wit': e view towards
future planting about November 1st, A committee was appointed, consisting
of Gomm. McClellan, ^ielson and Chairman Wegtree to meet with iir.
w'elson to discuss adequate watering and clean-up at the Park and to
arrange for an experienced person to he engaged to take oare of the
planting of the park in wovember.
1'he problem of tree pruning was discussed and it WPS pointed
out in discussion that arrangements should be made in the immediate
future as this is the most treacherous time for breaking of branches.
Gomm. Christiansen stated that Mr. Allen Lange received, the contract
for the pruning last year at a figure of ^1,000.00 but had informed
the Commission that he could not ecoept it at the same figure as the
bid wes low. The tree map will be obtained from Public Works Director
Anthony pnd the trees will be surveyed by the Commission to ascertain
which, trees should be given priority in the pruning schedule.
Comm. Christiansen reported the Jr. Woman's Club will meet again
in September and will want to take action on the proposed playground
for the Park. It was the decision of the Commission that a represent-
ative of the Club should, be invited to attend the September meeting,
at which time tentative approval can be given with final approval
upon the completion of the escrow on the exchange of the Woman's Club
property with the City.
Mrs. Pelt was instructed to call Bldora J^aumgartner, Youth Chairman
for the Jr. Women and arrange for their representative to attend the
Gomm. Huntington presented a tentative plan for student govern-
ment to be initiated, in the Carlsbad Pine Street School for the
seventh and eighth grade students. Under this plan, a Jr. Park and.
iiecrertion Commission would be established pnd an elected representative
would attend the meetings of the City Park and Recreation Commission,
when invited. The Commission was very much in favor of such a plan
and felt th.pt it would be of great benefit in educating the children
on keeping the City Clean and the function of City government. Comm.
Huntington was authorized to proceed with the plan with the full
approval of the Commission.
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Comm. Christiansen was instructed to obtain a plant and oard
to "be sent to Mrs. Wayne Stuart, a member of the Commission, who
is hospitalized, in I<a Jolla.
The meeting was adjourned at 9-35 P.M. with the next meeting
to be scheduled for September 15, 1955•