HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF TEK REGULAR MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD PARK AMD RECREATION
October 20, 1955
The meeting was called to order at ?:30 P.H. by Chairman
Westree. Present besides the ^hairnian were Commissioners Stuart,
Felt, Nielson, HcClellan and Huntington.
Secretary read the minutes of the September 15th meeting
which were approved as read. A list of budget expenditures for
the month of September was presented. The Commission wishes to
request that these forms be submitted in detail listing the amount
of the expenditure and the item for which expended.
Secretary read a letter dated October 13, 1955 from the Chamber
of Commerce which was referred to the Commission by the City Council,
requesting that the planter boxes at either end of the Community
Parking Lot be planted and maintained with the Garden Club to have
charge of the planting. After discussion, Comm. Stuart moved that
in response to the Chamber's reguest, the Public Works Director be
instructed to provide good soil for these planter boxes and the
Chamber of Commerce be informed th^t the Commission is attempting
to see that adequate watering will be maintained by the Junior High
Chamber of Commerce. Seconded by Comm. Nielson. All ayes. Motion
carried. The letter also called attention to the fact that the
Palm Trees along Elm Avenue, bet^veen State snd Roosevelt, are a
potential fire hazard. After discussion, Comm. Nielson offered
a motion that the Department of Public Works be instructed to trim
the Cocoas ELumosos Trees along Elm Avenue and, if necessary, to
recommend the purchase of a pole saw for such trimming, with the
request that, if possible, the trimming be done before Halloweeen.
Seconded by Comm. Huntington. All ayes. Motion carried.
Considerable discussion was held on the selection of a tree for
replanting on Elm Avenue and it was pointed out that the Commission
had -nreviously decided on the Cocoas Plumosos as the most practical
tree for the reasons that it remains very clean, is symmetrical,
won't root up the sidewalk and requires a minimum of water.
Gomm. Felt offered a motion that the Commission recommend to the
City Council that we still favor the Cocoas Plumosos as the most
practical tree and, as long as there are trees of this variety
extending along Sim, the new trees be planted in conformity with
those already planted and that in the finished construction job
a circular tree well be provided of not less than 40 inches in
diameter. The Commission also urges that the replanting be done
at the earliest possible date after construction is completed.
Seconded by Nielson, All ayes. Motion carried.
It was reported that the observation has been made that the
service has not been frequent enough on tl.e trash cans and it was
suggested that since the beach season is over, perhaps most of the
trash cans should be picked up and stored for the winter, except
a few at points of greatest usage, Comm, Stuart moved that a
memorandum be sent to the City Manager telling him the refuge cans
have not been serviced often enough and there is an overflow around
most of them and the Commission suggests this be cleaned up and the
bulk of the cans be stored for the winter and if possible, storage
be made before Halloween to prevent loss of the cans,
Chairman Westree announced that the tree-pruning map has not
be located and a new survey of the trees will have to be completed
before the pruning can foe scheduled.
It was announced the Soroptimist Club of Oceanside plan to
have a "tree planting" program on United Nations Day with the tree
to be donated by Mrs. Richard Leedy and a bronze •plaque, lias been
furnished by the Soroptimist Club of Oceanside, The ceremonies will
take place at Holiday Park, October 2^4-th at 2:00 P.M, After discussion
on the selection of the tree, it was the decision of the Commission
that the Christmas Tree, symbolizing peace and good will, would
provide the most representative tree for the community as a whole,
Comm, McClellan moved a letter be written to the Soroptimist Club,
thanking them for their contribution of the tree and gtaque ' '"^
informing them that we hp.ve selected, the Christmas Tree and arrangements
have been made for the program on October 24th. Seconded by Huntington,
All ayes. Motion carried.
Gomm. Huntlngton called attention to the fact that the square
dancing clubs,which had been meeting at St. Patrick's Hall in
Carlsbad, are now meeting at the recreation center in Ocean side,
Coram. Stuart suggested that the Carlsbad Hotel might be interested
in sponsoring such a group. Chairman Westree appointed Comm.
Huntington and Comm. HcClellan as representatives of the Commission
to have charge of the recreational program for the Commission,
Discussion was held on the plans of the Chamber of Commerce
for Christmas decorations. Comm. Stuart offered a motion that
the Commission write a letter to the Chamber commending them on
their plans for Christmas decorations and that the Commission would
like to suggest they include residential decorations as well as
downtown decorations. Seconded by Comm. Huntinrton. All ayes.
Motion carried,
Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.