November 17, 1955
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Nelson Westree. Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Felt,
Nielson, McClellan, Huntington and Christiansen*
Chairman Westree reported that, in response to the City Council's
memorandum regarding replanting on Elm Avenue, letters have been forwarded
to the Park Commissions in the Cities of San Diego and Pasadena informing
them the observation has been made and that the City would like to have the
benefit of their experience and suggestions of trees for residential and
park tree planting* It was also reported that the cost for the Cocas Plumosas
will be approximately $25.00 for a ten foot tree. After discussion, Coram.
McClellan moved that the Commission table action on the Council memorandum
until further information is presented* Seconded by Comrn* Nielson* All ayes.
Motion carried*
Commissioner Nielson reported that considerable progress has been
made in the planting of Holiday Park by Mr* J, H. Horn who has been engaged
by the City to take charge of the planting* To date, $30*00 has been expended
from Commission funds and an estimated 15$ of the available plantings have
been planted and Mr. Nielson pointed out that, as soon as the borders are
filled in, arrangements will be made to have the lawn put in* He called the
Commission's attention to the fact that the entire project has been planned
so as to require a minimum of labor and econominal maintenance.
A proposed plan for Holiday Park, as submitted by Gordon Whitnall
Associates, Planning Consultants, was presented for the Commission's consideration*
The sketch was examined and discussed and it was noted that there is considerable
similarity between the plan submitted and the original park plan of the Commission*
After discussion, Coram. McClellan moved that a letter be written to Mr, David
B. McCosker, who submitted the plan, thanking him for the sketch and stating
that we would like to take advantage of his offer to meet with the Commission
and would proposed December 1st and suggest that he arrive in mid-afternoon,
about 4s00 P.M., at the Park and plan to attend the evening meeting at 7s30 P.M.
Seconded by Coram. Huntington* All ayes* Motion carried* Comm* McClellan
further suggested that an alternate date of December 8th be submitte'd. Mrs,
Felt was instructed to contact the Presidents of the Junior and Senior Women's
Clubs when a definite meeting date has been scheduled so they may have an
opportunity to present their suggestions and recommendations*
Discussion was held on various trees located throughout the City
which the owners have requested to be removed* It was the decision of the
Commission that no action be taken until a survey of the trees has been made
and a policy has been set regarding removal of trees*
It was reported that Palm Trees in the Palm Vista area are overhanging
the streets and arrangements should be made to have them trimmed*
Commissioner Huntington presented two ideas for recreational facilities
in the City. Events suggested were a Crosscountry Run as an annual event and a
Volley Fall Tournament which would eventually extend to the surrounding areas*
Discussion was held on residential Christmas decorations/Comm, Huntington
offered the suggestion that perhaps the Junior Chamber of Commerce might be
interested in assuming responsibility for such a contest under the Carlsbad
Chamber of Commerce* He was instructed to look into this possibility and report
back to the Commission,
Meeting was adjourned at 8s23 P.M.