January 19, 1956
The meeting was called to order at 7:4-0 P.M. by Chairman Westree.
Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Huntington, McClellan, Felt,
Stuart, Christiansen and Nielson, Also present were City Manager Nelson and
representatives of the Senior and Junior Woman's Clubs*
The minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1956 were read and approved*
Correspondence was read as follows:
(l) Letter dated January 16, 1956, from the Woman's Club of Carlsbad,
stating that the Club wishes to go on record as favoring the building of a
picnic Shelter in Holiday Park and requesting that the Club be consulted in the
locating of rest rooms in Holiday Park,
(2) Letter dated January 16, 1956, from the Woman's Club of Carlsbad,
endorsing the recommendation of the Whitnall Engineering firm in regard to the
purchase of additional property for Holiday Park as it concerns the available
Kruger property.
(3) Letter from State of California, Recreation Commission, dated
January 5, 1956, extending invitation to City officials to participate in the
eighth annual California Recreation Conference scheduled for San Diego, from
February 12 to 15, 1956.
The recommendation of the Woman's Club in regard to the installation
of a picnic shelter was discussed at length. It was generally agreed that the
plan for the Park would include some type of sheltertwith structural details to
be decided upon at a later date when funds are available for the erection of
the Park buildings.
Members ,of the Roman's Club present protested the proposed location
for the rest-rooms, for the reason that the rest-room structure would be placed
directly across from the site which has been selected for the construction of
the Clubhouse and it was their opinion that such structures would detract from
the Clubhouse. It was pointed out that it is imperative from an economical
standpoint that the rest-rooBB be located adjacent to the clubhouse so that the
same lines can be used for sewer facilities and that it is anticipated t ^at,
prior to the construction of the Clubhouse, adequate landscaping will be put
in to camouflage the rest-room structures.
Mrs. Richard K. Smith, representing the Jr. Woman's Club,, requested
that the Club be granted permission to proceed with the installation of the
chain link fencing for the playground area in accordance with the original
park plan. An extensive examination of the proposed park lay-out was made
with members of the Commission and representatives of the Clubs offering their
recommendations. It was the final decision of the Commission that permission
be granted to the Junior Woman's Club to enable them to proceed with the fencing
of the playground plot which comprises an area of 75 feet by 4.5 feet on the
^astern boundary of Pio Pico Drive, thereby giving flexibility in determining
the location of the rest-rooms.
Coiom. Huntington contacted Lt. loiters of the Police Department and
it was arranged that under the supervision of the Boy Scouts, the remaining
avocado trees in the park area will be removed within the next few days.
Tentative plans were made for a joint meeting of the Club representatives
and Commissioner Nielson to survey the park area to determine the location
of the fence and to consider the best possible site for the rest-rooms.
Discussion was resumed on the selection of a replacement tree for
Elm Avenue» Secretary read a communication from the City of Pasadena in reply
to an inquiry from the Commission as to the selection of the Cocos Plumosa
for this area and their experiences and observation on this particular tree.
The Commission briefly reviewed other possible varieties of trees which have been
suggested and after discussion, were in agreement that the Commission should go
on record as favoring the Cocos Plumose. Coram. Felt moved that a recommendation
be forwarded to the Citv Council to the effect that, after careful consideration
and investigation, the Commission wishes to stand by the original choice of the
Cocoa Plumose as the replacement tree for Elm Avenue with the notation that tvis
decision was made upon the advice of several local nurserymen and the City of
Pasadena who have suggested this choice. Seconded by Comm, McClellan, All
ayes. Motion carried. It was also pointed out that the Commission should
follow through with their recommendation that the trees which were removed
from the property fronting the Union and Hancock Stations on Elm Avenue,
should be replaced by the owner with suitable trees.
Action was taken on the following requests for tree removal,
Guy Anson, 982 Pine Street - Request for removal of Olive Tree,
Inspection of tree shows it to be in very bad condition and it is one of
several trees which have been topped by the power company because of power
lines. Owner wishes to replace with Star Pine, Recommendation of the Commission
that the removal be permitted at the owner's expense,
F. L. Jerman, 2737 Madison Street - Request for removal of Sycamore
Tree, After inspection, removal recommended as it is large, hazardous tree,
extending into traffic area of the street. Estimated cost of removal has been
set at $40,00, Commission recommends that permission for removal be granted
with the agreement that the City will pay half of the removal cost, or a
maximum of $20,00*
K. Christiansen - 2796 Carlsbad Blvd, - Request permission for
removal of large Century Plants located on property directly across from
the Carlsbad Hotel, Plants have large sharp points and are hazardous to
persons using walkway. Commission recommends removal of plants.
Chairman Westree reported that the San Diego Gas and Electric Company
has contacted the City in regard to heavy pruning of the trees on the property
adjoining the Freiburger building on Elm Avenue, in order to allow the
installation of power lines, Comm, McClellan moved that the Chairman be
delegated to conduct negotiations with the San Diego Gas and Electric Company
and make what ever arrangments are necessary for the trimming. Seconded by
Comm, Christiansen, All ayes. Motion carried.
Chairman Westree submitted an offer for donation of a Pain Tree to
the City by D. Chalmers, 3812 Skyline Drive, No action was taken on this offer,
A tentative list of suitable trees to be purchased for the Park was
submitted by the Chairman. After discussion, Comm, Stuart moved that the
Chairman and Commissioner Nielson make the selection of these trees as soon
as possible, with the total expenditure of funds not to exceed $200,00,
Seconded by Comm, Christiansen, All ayes. Motion carried.
The type of tables and benches to be placed at the Park was discussed
and a committee, consisting of Commissioners Sfuart, McClellan and Huntington,
was appointed to look into the prices and construction of tables and benches
and report back to the Commission at the next regular meeting.
Commissioner Huntington requested that the Commission give consideration
to the formation of a Teen*age Club in the community and askwdf the City could
endorse such a movement. Arrangements were made to have the Jr. Chamber of
Commerce,which has been organized at the Pine Street School, present their
plans and recommendations for the formation of such a Club at the next meeting
of the Commission,
City Manager Nelson presented a letter from the firm of Gordon Whitnall
Associates, along with a tentative sketch of a proposed park to be located
on the Florence Magee property located west of Carlsbad Blvd, The sketch
was exemined and discussed but the Commission did not feel that any further
action could be taken on this plan as the property is not available for purchase
at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M.