HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION
April 19, 1956
The meeting was called to order at 7:52 by Chairman Westree. Present
besides the Chairman were Commissioners Stuart, Felt, Nielson, McClellan
and Huritington (8:20 P.M.). Also present was City Manager Nelson and
Mr. R. L. Watson.
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 15, 1956 were read and
approved as written.
Secretary read a letter from Mrs. Harry Amundson, 2143 State Street,
San Diego, requesting the Commission take action on removal of eucalyptus
tree in front of her property at 855 Gak Avenue, which is rooting into
the sewer line and causing considerable damage. Chairman Westree informed
the Commission he has been working closely with Director of Public Works
Anthony on the matter and, after the matter was discussed with the City
Attorney, it appears that the City may have some liability in the matter.
The fault lies in the choice of sewer pipe arid method of installation and
Mr. Anthony has suggested the sharing of the cost of proper installation
of cast iron pipe which it is felt would be on an equjfeble bhsis. The :
Commission was*reluctant to authorize removal of the tree as it was
felt that the problem as presented is not a part of the Commission's
activity. After discussion, Comm. McClellan moved that the matter be
referred to the City Council with the recommendation that the Commission
does not feel this removal can be justified under the policy on tree
removal which the Commission has adopted and does not feel it can depart
from the policy; also, pointing out that funds were expended last year
for the trimming of this tree, anticipating that it would be a permanent
tree and suggesting that other City Departments take corrective measures.
Seconded by Comm. Nielson. All ayes. Motion carried.
Commissioners Felt and Stuart inquired about the recent removal of
the two Cypress trees on Lincoln Street. Chairman Westree advised that the
Director of Public Works had conferred with him prior to the removal of
same and permission was granted as the trees were dead and were very
Comm. Huntington presented an oral request for the removal of several
Avocado seedlings which extend out to the pavement on his property located
on Magnolia, just east of Pio Pico Drive, in order to have adequate
approach to the property for' transporting supplies for the construction
of a residence on the property.
After discussion, Comm. McClellan moved that permission be granted
to Comm. Huntington for the removal of six (]6_) Avocado seedlings, with
promise of adequate replacement of trees when construction is completed.
Seconded by Comm. Stuart. All ayes. Motion carried. Recommendation
will be forwarded to the City Council.
Comm. Huntington asked that the Commission j^ive consideration to
the formation of a "Slow-Pitch" SoftballEeague for the City. He explained
the only expense involved would be reimbursement to the School District
for the use of the flood lights for the field. Sponsors could be obtained
from local organizations and local businesses. By common consent Comm.
Huntington was instructed to ?et all the details on the project and to
present a report at the next regular meeting. In the meantime, City
Manager ^elson will contact the School District in an effort to work out
some agreement for the payment of the utilities.
Attention was called to a letter .vhich was recently published in
the Carlsbad Journal regarding recreational facilities and protection
of children at the beaches during the vacation season. After discussion,
it was agreed that advance publicity should be given the lifeguard
protection at the State and, other recreational facilities of the City.Beach
Public Works Director Anthony will be directed to place the City owned
trash cans in use at the beaches for the approaching vacation season.
Contractor R. L. U'atson presented a proposed plan for the rest-rooms
and tool room structure for Holiday Park. After examination of the
plans, members of the Commission felt that the overall dimensions of the
proposed building were not adequate and it was suggested that each toilet
section be expanded to 100 sq. ftl, with two toilet fixtures and that the
tool house be expanded to provide a minimum of 350 sq. feet for storage
space. It was further recommended that the entire structure bo of concrete
block, with concrete floors in order to provide for a minimum of Maintenance!
The possibility of keeping the cost of the structure below the $2,000 limit
was discussed so that advertsing for bids would not be necessary and the
construction could be supervised by Mr. Watson, with possibly some volunteer
labor and donations of materials, thus Keeping the cost of the structure
at a minimum. Mr. Watson was directed to revise the plans in accordance
with the changes discussed and to contact the C',airraan at the time the
plans are complete so a special meeting of the Commission may be called
to review the plans, in order to expedite the construction of the building.
Comm. Huntington reported he had obtained permission from the
Boys' Club, in cooperation with the School, for the picnic tables for
the Park to be assembled by members of the Club. It was decided that
a total of twelve tables would be needed for the present Park site.
After discussion, Comm. Huntinrton moved the Commission authorize Herbert
Cole (Cole's Cabinet Shop) to construct one table, furnish ami cut out
material, at a cost of $35.00 and t^at the Boy's Club be asked to assemble
said table which will be put on display at the Park at which time the
Commission will take offers from other organizations for tables. Seconded
by Comm. Nielson. All ayes. Motion carried.
Chairman Westree presented a sketch for the proposed sign for
Holiday Park, which was reviewed by the Commission.
It was reported that the barbeque which was donated for use at the
Park is not designed for outdoor use and after ,, discussion, it was decided
that it be stored at the City yard until sorie plans are worked out ft>r
its use.
After a report that the City-owned surf-board is at present beiny
stored by George Keese, former lifeguard, and is not longer of any use
to the City, Comm. Felt moved that the surf-board be sold. Seconded
by Comm. McClellan. All ay^s. Motion carried.
The Commission reviewed the price lists which have been submitted
to date on the purchase of Cocoas Plumosas for planting on Elm Ave nue.
Comm. Nielson was instructed to contact the various nurserys to standardize
the size of the trees available and to ascertain if such purchase could
l)e made with his Nursery License which he very generously offered for
City use.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the
meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M.