HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-03-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES OP THE REGULAR MEETING OP THE CARLSBAD PARK AND RECREATION
March 18, 1957
The meeting was called to order at 7:^5 P.M. by Chairman
MoClellan* Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Prultt,
Pedley, Nielsen and Huntlngton (9:00 P.M., approx*). Also present
were City Manager Nelson and representatives of the Carlsbad Optimist
In order not to delay the Club members unnecessarilyrChairman MoClellan asked that the first order of business be the di*»
oussion and action on the Little League Baseball plans* He briefly
reviewed the action taken to date, with the reading of the memorandum
directed to the City Council by the Commission requesting expenditure
of funds for the project, and informed the Commission the Council had
asked that the matter be re-submitted naming a civic group to assume
the responsibility for maintenance of the field and equipment* He
further stated that ha, along with Comm* Huntlngton and Optimist Club
President Greg Losa, had attended a meeting of the School Board on
March 5th to ask that the School District go along with the proposal
and make the ground available and to provide water at a reasonable
proximity to the field so it could be watered down* A letter was
then read from the Carlsbad Optimist Club stating their willingness
to assume the responsibility for the Little League Program and asking
that the City enter into the program with the contribution of $200*00
to assist in the initial cost of installations* President Greg Losa
outlined the Club's tentative plans for the program stating the group
plans to run the League, furnish umpires, end maintain the field during
the summer season, with the School to utilize the property during the
regular school term* He urged that the City give future consideration
to acquiring property for an official Little League Field* After
discussion, Comm* Pedley moved, and it was seconded by Comm, Pruitt,
that the Commission forward a memorandum to the City Council recommend-
ing the Optimist Club as the responsible agency for the promotion and
operation of the Little League Baseball Program for the City of Carlsbad,
and that the appropriation of $200*00 requested for this project be
allocated to the Club for this purpose* All ayes* Motion carried*
?he minutes of the regular meetings of November, December,
January and adjourned meeting of February Jfth were read and approved
with one deletion on the minutes of the Novembernmeeting*- *', !
Chairman "oClellan read let ter of resignation submitted by
Mrs, Eva Felt* He stated he had called on Mrs, Felt and discussed
the matter but she had declined to reconsider the resignation and
asked that it stand as submitted* Comm. Pedley moved 'that the
Commission submit this letter of resignation to the Mayor* Seconded
by Comm, Pruitt* Motion carried. Discussion of possible replacements
was deferred until later in the meeting*
The Chairman submitted a request to the Commission for the
designation of street trees for Paradise Estates Subdivision now under
consideration*. Several varieties were discussed and it was decided
to hold the matter for discussloo until the next meeting when the Park
Superintendent is available*
Request was submitted for designation of a tree t tree
for the Pacific Terrace Subdivision* After discussion, the
following trees were selected by the Commission as suitable forthe area and recommended in. their order of preference as (1)
Monterey Pine, (2) Srewrf-EaoalypfSi', and (3) Pitlsphorum* Comm*
Nielsen moved, and it was seconded by Comm, Pedley, that these
trees be recommended in their order of priority as the street
tree for Pacific Terrace Subdivision, to be planted with uniform
spacing, one to a lot, after consultation with the Park Supt*
Motion carried*
Request was received for selection of street tree for
Belledonna Heights Subdivision* Since this tract Is In the first
stages of planning, it was decided to table the matter until tone
next meeting for discussion with ParV Supt*
During the discussion on street trees, Comm. Pedley
urged the requirement of sidewalks in these new areas and stressed
the need for same in other sections of the City* It was decided
to check with the Engineering Department to try to oomeup with
some idea of where the sidwalks will be Installed in relationship
to the curb so that the Commission can be guided by it in the
future planning for placement of street trees*
Discussion was held on replanting of trees on Elm Ave*
from the RR to Carlsbad Blvd, and the question of whether or
not Palm Trees should be continued twahat area* The Commission
was unanimous In their opinion that replacement of the trees
removed at this site should be made at the earliest possible date,
but it was the general feeling.that perhaps a tree with more foliage
might be better suited for the, area In order to provide shade
and pssent a better appearance* After discussion, it was decided
to hold the matter over for discussion with the Park Supt*, and
was further suggested that the property owners in the block b e
contacted to get their reaction on the replacement of these trees*
was reported that the trees at the Buy and Save Market
site will be saved and that the buildAflK has agreed to curve
the curb around them*
It was announced that the barbecue, under constructionby the Mexican-American Association will be completed in approximately
one week* Comm* Nielson stressed the fact that the name plaques
should be placed on this structure as well as the tables and benches
which have been donated by various clubs and organizations*, and
volunteered to accept the responsibility for procuring them* Comm*
Huntington suggested a letter of appreciation from the Mavor be
presented to the Mexican-American Association at the next P*T*A*
Meeting which would provide the City an opportunity to acknowledge
T>ublioly this generous contribution by the Association* Com»,
Huntington moved that a letter cf appreioation be forwarded to
the Mexican-American Association to be presented at that meeting*
Seconded by Comm. Pruitt* Motion carried*
It was announced that the picnic ramada will be startedthis week at the Park and also that the sprinkler system plans have
been approved by the Council and are with the Engineer, with
installation to begin sometime next week*
There was discussion on adoption of rules and regulations
for the Park but it was decided that present conditions do not
warrant the establishment of rules for the Park and that the matter
should be left to the discretion of the Park Supt*
• 2 -
Chairman ^oClellan reported that Ben Sohelske had
contacted him in regard to a swimming area In the lagoon* The
Commission was agreed that steps should be taken to acquire
an area for public swimming* liter discussion, the Chairman
was authorized and directed to get in touch with Kay Kalioka,
Planning consultant for the City, to request that he study
the area and bring back recommendations to the Commission.
There was discussion on the budget items which had
been renewed at the January meeting. City Manager Nelson
informed the group that the items in question will be re-charged
to proper accounts by the auditor so as not to reflect en the
Park and Recreation budget1*
The Felt landscaping natter was reviewed and the City
Manager reported that attempts had failed to meet with Mr. Felt
and his Attorney to discuss the matter, and that the last report
was that the City Attorney was to file an action agalnfrMr. Felt*
The City Manager will confer with the City Attorney on the matter
and report to the Commission.
The Commission discussed the proposal to establish
a City Park in the Hosp Eucalyptus Grove. City Manager reported
the City is negotiating with the owners, Fennel and Christiansen,
and they are agreeable to its sale to the City and are attempting
to arrive at a figure which will be mutually agreeable*
Chairman MoClellan asked for suggestions of persons
who might be selected to fill the position on the Commission vacated
by the resignation of Mrs. Felt* The persons suggested were as
follows: Mrs. Wick, Bill Torres, John MoKalg. Mrs. Leggltt. Mrs.
Albert Stein, Molly Aouna and Alice Qarola* An informal ballot
showed the Commission to favor the following persons in order of
preferencet Mrs. Albert Stein, Mrs* Molly Aouna, and Mrs. Alice
Garcia. These named will be presented to the Mayor for his consideration.
There being no further business to come before the Commission,
the meeting was ajourned at 9*55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,