HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING : TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 15, 1979 7 :30 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS The Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order in the City Council Chambers by Chairman DeDiminicantanio at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Joe DeDiminicantanio Betty Wollrich Raul Tarango Laurie Nelson Boone James Kinghorn Shirley Dahlquist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Wollrich requested a correction in the spelling of Mr. Eymann's name. Commissioner Wollrich moved the minutes of the November 20, 1978 meeting be approved as corrected. Boone seconded the motion. AYES, OLD BUSINESS: Magee Park Barn Renovation and Landscape Plan Magee Park Landscaping The Carlsbad Historical Society has requested the barn not be destroyed. City Council requires a renovation plan from the Society in 90 days or the barn will be destroyed. Staff, Commissioner Wollrich, Mr. Eymann and Mr. Ledgerwood met on December 1, to discuss plants around the house with architect Bob Grina. Information gather at that meeting is being utilized by Kater and Associates to develop final plans which should be completed by January 31. Commissioner Wollrich indicated that the Carlsbad Garden Club has allocated money for a bird bath to be included in the land- scape plans which was discussed at the December 1, meeting. Plans were presented for the exterior of the comfort station to 1~ located in the park. Commissioner Wollrich moved the plans for the exterior of the comfort station be recommended. Y^ ;.•:• •. j Commissioner Tarango seconded the motion. AYES Status Pine Field Lighting-- - - . „ _ ., , ,_.,Vc,. ,., V ff. ^ Currently staff is searching for volunteers, electricians, to do the wiring if the city's liability insurance will allow it. Electrical plans have been prepared by Barney O'Neal which in- cludes a material list. Volunteers will be utilized for trench- '~ g or debris cleanup.. X X X CITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 15, 1979 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS Caretakers Agreement Leo Carrillo Ranch The Delphy family is required to vacate the property by mid January with a caretaker (city employee) to reside on the pro- perty to provide 24 hour security and maintenance. The agree- ment has been approved by Council. The request to utilize the ranch as a restaurant has been denied A letter was sent to the requestor thanking him for his interest Ken Cox Memorial Fund Equipment has been ordered and is yet to be received. EUGENE KLYCE BEQUEST Examples of parallel and horizontal bars being recommended for i: allation in Laguna Riviera Park were given to the Commission Commissioner Boone moved the equipment be accepted and ordered. Commissioner Dahlquist seconded the motion. Aye s X Closure of Chestnut Avenue The Public Works Department has recommended that Chestnut Ave. not be closed. If the Commission wants to continue the issue, ai indepth study must be submitted to Cal-Trans. Commission requested staff consider alternative street for closure due to lack of parking and the hazardous condition which currently exists. Swimming Pool Complex Update 75% of the plans have been received. Value engineering will be performed by an independent pool operator, a contractor and a designer to gain their assessment on the design. Renovation of Structures A -<smo was sent to the Planning Director indicating documentatior of history of buildings could make compliance with zoning rules easier. The Planning Director has indicated it would take many man hours for such documentation and isn't sure the city has any building that would qualify. Review of Future Park Facilities Projects The Commission's request to have all future park facilities pre- sented to them for approval has been approved by City Council. Other Ch-ris Christiansen indicated the Historical Society has put a d • on the barn at the Magee House, wants to put a roof on and paint the barn red. Alan Kelly suggested an area be put aside for an old fashion garden. He expressed concern for security and indicated a pad lock had been placed on the barn. X CITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING : TIME OF MEETING : PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 15, 1979 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Wollrich asked that a key to the lock be given to the Parks and Recreation Department. Commission request staff consider installing dusk to dawn light- ing and to check insurance policy to see if barn is included in coverage. It was also suggested a sprinkler system be installed in the barn. NEW BUSINESS: Donation to Magee House Commissioner Wollrich donated a stitchery to the Magee House which reads "Parks are Forever for Everyone, Vote Yes, June 6" because the bond issue help get the Magee project started. Commissioner Kinghorn moved to accept the stitchery and send a ]"~ ter of appreciation to Commissioner Wollrich. Commissioner Tarango seconded the motion. AYES Handicap Recreation Program A recreation program for the handicap is to start Friday, January 19, at 7:00 p.m. It is an 8 week series with modified sports, arts and crafts, board games, music and creative movement, and folk -dancing. The instructor is trained in working with the handicapped. C.P.R.S. Conference The C.P.R.S. conference will be held in March with the Director' fees being paid by C.P.R.S. This might enable a Commissioner to attend the conference. A schedule of meetings was given to the Commissioners. Anyone interested should contact the Chair- man. Committee Assignments Commissioner Dahlquist was asked to specify which committees cJ-o would like to assigned. Commissioner Dahlquist indicated she would contact the Director with her decision. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT Council will be discussing the hazardous conditions at Agua Hedionda Lagoon on January 16. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Under the Urban Open Space and Recreation Grant Program the cit> has been granted $6,113. The department will be requesting 90% "* the grant and requesting from Council a transfer of $2,825 ^_om the unappropriated fund balance which is the city's por- tion of the project for the installation of picnic tables, benches and barbeque stands. X MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING : TIME OF MEETING : PLACE OF MEETING: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 15, 1979 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kinghorn moved the Commission support the Director's request for a transfer of $2,825. Commissioner Wollrich seconded the motion. AYES The proposed Levante Park agreement with the Encinitas Elementary School District which provides a location for recreational pro- grams conducted by the city on the school district property was given to the Commission for their review. The city is paying a sewer fee and the water bill at the site. When the agreement is signed the school district will pay the water bill and the city will provide maintenance at the site. Commissioner Wollrich -moved that the joint use of Levante Park tK"~ Accepted. Commissioner Kinghorn seconded the motion. AYES The revised plans on the Harding Street Community Center will go to bid and will be opened January 22. Four sets of plans for La Costa Canyon Park were shown to the Commission. A grant was requested from the Land and Water Con- servation Fund for Phase II of the plan. That grant was denied. Each set of plans was described by Joe Eggleston. Commissioner Wollrich moved that Alternate A be recommended to Council for approval and reduce landscaping if necessary. Commissioner Kinghorn seconded the motion. .r~V I Ci O • * • • • The comfort station at Holiday Park is under construction. Mr. Brownlee requested commercial use of Lake Calavera and the city meager recommended denial. A letter was sent to Mr. Brownlee t iking him for his interest. The meeting was adjourned by Chairman DeDimincantanio at 9:45 p.m. 1/31/79 swf