HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS The Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order in the City Council Chambers at 7:10 p.m. by acting Chairman Raul Tarango. ROLL CALL Raul Tarango Betty Wollrich Barbara Donovan Shirley Dahlquist APPROVAL OF MINUTES Absent: James Kinghorn Laurie Nelson Boone Commissioner Donovan requested that the minutes be changed to show that the Commission went on a tour of the park system prior to the meeting, and also a correction on her first name, from Betty to Barbara. C otiissioner Wollrich moved the minutes be approved as amended. Commissioner Tarango seconded the motion. AYES ' OLD BUSINESS: Summary of Capital Improvement Project Prioritization At the June 5, 1979 City Council meeting, Council directed the Parks and Recreation Commission to review, prioritize and make recommendations for Parks Capital Improvement Projects. After a lengthy discussion, the Commission recommended the following list of projects, which appears in rank order: La Costa Canyon, Multi-Use Athletic Areas, Trail System, Cannon Lake Park, Duck Landing, Alta Mira, Hosp Grove, Carillo Ranch Park, San Marcos Canyon Park, Hub Park, Larwin Park, Calavera Community Park, Alga Hills Park, Fuerte Park, San Marcos Creek Park, Calavera Hills South, Calavera Hills North, El Camino Glens, Stagecoach Park and La Costa North. Commissioner Wollrich moved that the recommended CIP priority list be.submitted to the City Council. C nissioner Donovan seconded the motion. AYES Clean-Up Schedule at Laguna Riviera Tennis Courts Commissioner Dahlquist requested that the current clean-up schedule at the Laguna Riviera Tennis Courts be examined. Currently, the courts are cleaned on Fridays. However, due to heavy weekend use, the courts need cleaning again by Monday morning, when tennis instruction is held. Director Bradstreet stated that he would check into the possibility' of rescheduling the cleaning at Laguna Riviera. Chase Field Parking C missioner Dahlquist that a parking problem still exists at Cudse Field, especially on weekends, and requested that the situation be reinvestigated. Director stated that he would consult with the City Engineer and look into the matter further: X X X X X X MINUTES OF: DA... OF MEETING : TIME OF MEETING : PLACE OF MEETING: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers _ 2 — COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: End of Year Status Report Director Bradstreet stated that bids.have been received for 23 concrete picnic tables for the parks system. Marchetti Parks and Recreation Products, Inc., with a low bid of $2.82 per table, is the recommended vendor. Director Bradstreet reported that the irrigation has been laid and the grading has been completed on the Laguna Riviera Slope Planting project. Currently, the architects, Kater & Grina are eradicating the weeds to prepare the area for planting and hydro-seeding. Eventually 8 varities of eucalyp- tus and 700 various> plants will cover the site. Director Bradstreet reported that through the efforts of staff and the on-site caretaker at Carillo Ranch, a great deal of ~'ogress has been made toward restoring the ranch. The City . .is no plans to develop the site for at least five years. However, in the meantime, staff is looking into grants as possible sources of funding to continue restoration operations Commission Elections Commissioner Wollrich moved that Raul Tarango be Chairman of the Commission. Commissioner Dahlquist seconded the motion. AYES COUNCIL LIASON REPORT (by Council Claude A. Lewis) The fiscal year 1979-80 Budget Session is being held in the City Council Chambers on July 23, 1979. Councilman Lewis extended an invitation to the Commission to attend. Problems with the solar heating system for the Carlsbad Municipal Swim Complex still exist. Plans and specifications will be presented to Council on July 17, 1979 for initial plan check. Council Lewis relayed the compliments of the Carlsbad Little League -to the Parks and Recreation Department for their a^ssitance throughout the year. Commissioner Dahlquist requested the status of the Agua ~»«Jp- Hedionda Lagoon Study. Councilman Lewis stated that due to the chairman of that committee being ill, the study is pending However, the buoys are up on the lagoon, and a tour of the Mission Bay system is scheduled for August 9, 1979. He invited Commission members to attend the tour. Director Bradstreet added that Mike Little, Administrative Assistant, is currently working on a report on • the Agua Hedionda Lagoon also. The report will examine usage, noise control, harbor patrol and a fee study for boat use. "problem exists at the restrooms at Holiday Park. Adult males . 7e been loitering in the area at night, and harrassing younger males. Councilman Lewis asked whether additional' might alleviate the problem. Director Bradstreet stated that he would check into the matter and determine whether additional lighting is needed in the area. X X X MINUTES OF: DA OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING . CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 16, 1979 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers — 3 — DIRECTOR'S REPORT Status of Magnolia Plans are to develop this site into a multi-purpose play area. The project is being coordinated by the Rotary Club. The Carlsbad Soccer Club has also indicated they wish to partici- pate in the development of Magnolia. Staff has submitted plans for irrigation design to the Rotary Club. However, before work can be continued at this site, approval must be obtained from the school district. Director Bradstreet has met with Bob Crawford of the school district to discuss plans for this project. Status of Levante Plans are to develop this site into 3 ballfields, one large ' turf area, a basketball court and redo the playground area. This project is being coordinated with the Encinitas Optimist C-^-'ib and the Encinitas Union Elementary School District. Fred i .ey of the La Costa Land Co. has also displayed an interest in participating in the development of this site. Director Bradstreet has met with Supt. Lindstrom and Charlie Harp of the Optimist Club. Cost estimates for materials to develop the area range from $40,000 (excluding lights) to $84,000 (including lights). The school district has approved $20,000 for the projects. George Scott of the Optimist Club, and other volunteers moved over 3000 cubic yards of soil to completely grade the field. However, a potential hazzard exists in the area, since the speed limit is not posted. Director Bradstreet is referring this matter to the Traffic Engineer. Director Bradstreet asked for proposals for develop- ment of the vacant lot across the street from the school/park site. A brief discussion followed, and the matter was deferred to a later date. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ; Director Bradstreet suggested that members of the community who have made significant contributions on various City projects, should be presented with certificates of recognition for community involvment by the Council. Director Bradstreet asked the Commission to consider changing time 'of the meetings. Commissioner Dahlquist suggested tabling the matter until more Commissioner members are present. Chairman Tarango adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. ' 8/1/79 vlh