HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesCITY 'OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 19, 1979 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS ,^\ Prior to the meeting, Commission photographs were taken. The Parks and Recreation Commission' meeting was called to order by Chairman Raul Tarango at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Raul Tarango Laurie Nelson-Boone Jeanne McFadden . George Hinds John Murk Commissioner Dahl.quist arrived at 10:00 p.m. Absent: Barbara Donovan i For the benefit of members of the audience, and due to the ^mgth-of certain presentations, the. agenda items/were taken .at of sequence. *• NEW BUSINESS Old City Hall Director Bradstreet presented background information on this item. City plans had called for the demolition of this structure. However, through the efforts of the Carlsbad Historical Society- and contributions from the Friends of the Library, the building was successfullly relocated to Magee . Park. At the November 6, 1979 City Council;meeting, Council discussed the current status and potential uses for the building.. Council requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission conduct a public hearing to obtain community input in this regard, and make a recommendation to Council. , The public hearing was opened at 7:08 p.m. The Commission recognized Roy Ward, 1207 Elm Ave., a repre- sentative of the Carlsbad Historical Society. Mr. Ward stated that the Society wanted to see the building finished, with regard to installation of utilities, interior/exterior refurbishing, painting, etc. Mr. Ward respectfully requested Jrhat the Commission consider recommending that the Historical jciety act as project managers and oversee the completion of project. The Commisssion recognized Sylvia Hirschberg of the Carlsbad- Oceanside Art League. Mrs. Hirschberg requested that the Commission consider allowing the Art League to use 'the buildinj as an art gallery, and submitted a written request to this effect to the Commission. Commissioner McFadden .expressed concern that this usage might cause confict with other community uses, such as meetings. The Commission recognized Betty Wollrich, 4150 Skvline Dr. Mrs. Wollrich stated that the original landscape plans for Magee Park included the Old City Hall building, with the -intention of using it for group meetings and other community trposes. The Commis on recognized Allan Kelly of the Carlsbad His- torical Society. Mr. Kelly stated that because of the demand for use of the building, types of uses must be considered CITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 19, 1979 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers -. 2 - COMMISSIONERS carefully ,v especially with regard to impact on other potential uses. The public hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m. Commissioner Hinds suggested that the Commission tour the site before making a recommendation for use to Council. Director Bradstreet suggested that the Commission consider the comments received and make a final recommendation at the next meeting. He also expressed the opinion that the building should be available for general community use. Commissioner Murk moved to table the usage issue until thai December meeting. ' "Commissioner McFadden seconded the motion. L AYES......X X X X X Commissioner Hinds moved to recommend to Council that the Carlsbad Historical Society, in accordance with City specifi- cations and working with, appropriate City staff, oversee the completion of the Old City Hall/Library. Commissioner Boone seconded the motion. AYES ......X X X X APPROVAL OF MINUTES Director Bradstreet stated that Commissioner Donovan indi- cated that Commissioner Dahlquist ma-de the motion on page 2, for returning Commission introductory packets. Commisssioner Boone moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Murk, seconded the motion. AYES......X X X X X " Old Business Proposed Policies, Rules and Regulations for Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities:: .____ The proposal submitted to the Commission was based on a survey of cities in San Diego and Orange Counties, and on the community's needs. Recreation Superintendent Chase presented a visual comparison of services and .fees for the other cities. The. proposed usage fees for recreation facili- ties help defray some of the direct operational costs. A discussion followed. Commissioner McFadden expressed concern that the statement under item 7f on page 4 concering moral standards might pose - legal problems. Supt. Chase stated that the proposal is still subject to review by the City Attorney and Council. Commissioner Hinds expressed concern that schools and other public agencies were deleted from the classification list, and felt that further clarification in group priorities III and IV was needed, with regard to the resident/non-resident issue. CITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF:PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSIONERS DATE OF MEETING : November 19, 1979 \ Y^ TIME OF MEETING :. 7:00 p.m. \ V4 PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers \ V - 3 - \ The Commission recognized Betty Wollrich, speaking on behalf of the Carlstad Garden Club. Mrs. Wollrich asked whether an organizagion whose membership consists. of a majority of senior citizens would be charged for facility use. Supt. Chase stated that .under the proposal, the club would be under group priority III, and subject to nominal fees for use... A discussion followed on the fee schedules. By consensus, the Commission recommended the following changes to the proposal : 1. A 75% resident membership cons "resident" status. . K 2. A "3A" category for schools and other public agencies be inserted.* Commissioner McFadden moved to accept the proposed fee sche- dules, subject to review in six months. Commissioner Hinds seconded the motion. AYES Commissioner Murk abstained from voting. Commissioner Hinds moved to accept the remainder of the proppsal, incorporating the resident status statement and "3A" category, subject to: review in six months. Commissioner Boorie seconded the motion. AYES ........ In answer to a question raised by Commissioner McFadden prior to the meeting, Director Brads treet stated that the effects of Proposition 4 on user fees are unclear at this time. REVIEW OF POOL PLANS Supt. Chase updated the Commission on the pool's status. A discussion followed. ^rector Bradstreet requested that the Commission make a recommendation to Council on the pool plans. Commissioner Boone moved to approve the general concept of 'the submitted plans and to give the Commission's support for 'the project. Commissioner Hinds seconded the motion. AYES Commissioners McFadden and Murk abstained from voting. A~na Hedionda Lagoon Report "&f»> h^rce Little, Administrative Assistant, presented a visual out- line of the issues examined in the report (lagoon surface use, liability, enforcement, and user fees). A discussion followed. A $XJ\ i£X\ 1 d\ f S V X X X k°\l2\1v\ k \b X X X V•\c•• Vrt\\A3\ - y-2,1 s>\IP"1 \p V Ao \ ^ X A f\c X X \ X X X CITY 'OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 19, 1979 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers - 4 - COMMISSIONERS ** By consensus, the Commission made the following recommen- dations for consideration in the study: 1. Eliminate jet skis on the lagoon. 2. Limit the number of boats on the lagoon. '3. Eliminate the eastern drop-off. 4. Continue to have harbor patrol under the auspices of the Police Dept. 5. Allowing sailing only on weekdays, and pos- sibly designating specific areas of the • lagoon for sailing and motoring. Commissioner Hinds moved that the proposal, with consi- deration given to the above-mentioned items, be submitted to Council. Commissioner Boone seconded the motion. AYES Athletic Field Study Director Bradstreet stated that at the November 6, 1979 City Council meeting, Council authorized the following expenditures for athletic field development: 1. Magnolia' Phase I - 1007o development and 1007o maintenance. 2. Magnolia Phase II - 507o maintenance only 3. Kelly Elementary - 50% maintenance only 4. Chase Field - $12,000 for purchase of lighting materials only 5. Levante - $11,000 for additional materials, 10070 maintenance. The remaining funds are to be used, subject to Council approval, for projects suggested by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Possible projects include Cadencia Park and an effort being coordinated by the La Costa Youth Organi- zation. Open Space Report Parks Superintendent Duncanson stated that open space areas fall under three categories: • 1. Open space maintenance districts Under this category^ th~e homeowners are assessed a fee by the City to recover maintenance costs. There are currently no such districts in Carlsbad. 2. Home owner's associations. • • These areas are maintained by residents. Several mobile home parks and subdivisions are maintained in this manner. X X X X X X CITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF: DAi'E OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 19, 1979 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers - 5 - COMMISSIONERS 3: Open space easements Ar"eas totally maintained and paid for by the City. Currently, the Woodbine Banks are the only such areas. Magee House Naming of Rooms This item was tabled until the December meeting. NEW BUSINESS . Woodbine Banks Supt. Duncanson stated that this area was the first experiment in hydro-seeding. Plans called for the gradual elimination of maintenance, with the intention that the area revert ;., to a state of natural vegetation that would require minimal maintenance. Presently, the area is self-sustaining, with "fertilization and irrigation applied as needed. New Commission Committee Assignments Director Bradstreet distributed copies of previous assign- ments for Commission review. This item was deferred to a later meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Harding Street Community Center Project on schedule. Painting, landscaping., hardware and electric work being done. Magee Park Project on schedule. Construction to begin December 1st. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Supt. Duncanson stated that the California Conservation Corps has begun work at Leo Carrillo Ranch. Commissioner Dahlquist reintroduced a motion to change the starting time of the Commission meetings to 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Boone seconded the motion. .irector Bradstreet stated that Commissioner Donovan was in favor of the motion. AYES X X X At the November meeting, the Comission decided to hold the December meeting at Magee House. Director Bradstreet stated that due to scheduling problems, the date of the meeting would have to be changed. A discussion followed. By con- sensus- the Commission changed the date of the meeting to December 11., 1979. apt. Chase stated that school rental fees for the Valley Jr. Exercise Room have been waived by the school district." Currently, the Department is being charged on a per use basis ADJOURNMENT Chairman Tarango adjourned the meeting at 10:45 p.m. X X X