HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesDECEIVED JAN 2 5)985 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION January 21, 1985 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wright at 5:06 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Wright, Commissioners Commissioners Conti, Dahlquist, Donovan, Morrison, Popovich and Regan. Council Liaison Pettine. Absent - None. Staff: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Marsha Payne, AAII Doug Duncanson, Park Supt. Ken Price, Rec. Supr. Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced Mr. Ron Paige, Park Development Consultant. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM; There was no one present for the open forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the December 10, 1984, meeting were approved as amended, page 4, line 3, under Committee Assignments: Delete the word "park". Commissioner Regan was appointed Scribe for the December 10, 1984, meeting. Commissioner Dahlquist was appointed Scribe. APPROVAL OF AGENDA; Agenda Changes were: Chairman Wright announced Item A under New Business had been withdrawn from the Agenda. Commissioner Donovan asked for an Item A under Additional Business regarding the triangle of land in the Tamarack/El Camino Real area. Commissioner Morrison asked for an Item A under Committee Reports on the Latchkey Program. Commissioner Dahlquist asked for an Item B under Unfinished Business regarding the Kelly Tree Farm. Commissioner Regan asked for an Item B under Additonal Business, Levante Lot. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan X MINUTES Page 2 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS The Commission approved the Agenda as amended. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; A. Use of Cadencia Park Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, gave the report on this item, stating at the December meeting, Cadencia Park use was discussed and the City Council's direction for staff to look into other sites and come up with cost figures to upgrade them. The Commission revised its recommendation on use of the facility, and staff discussed that recommendation with the users of the field, the homeowners and Mike Glass, representing La Costa Youth Association. Mr. Glass asked Mr. Bradstreet to state their agreement with the recommendation of the Commission. Mr. Bradstreet stated the homeowners wanted a couple of conditions in the agreement and all parties have agreed. Mr. Bradstreet stated staff looked at various sites, but felt no money should be spent to upgrade a site on a temporary basis. League usage of Cadencia Park would be only until a City-owned park site was available. At that time, Cadencia would revert to a practice facility. The League play would be completed as close to noon on Saturday as possible. Mr. Bradstreet added that of the eleven sites investigated, seven were not within the City's jurisdiction and it would not be feasible to spend money on those. The Commissioners felt the City Council should be urged to pursue the completion of other fields as quickly as possible. Commissioner Dahlquist recommended the position of the Commission should be reiterated to Council as passed by motion at the December 19, 1984, meeting. Commissioner Donovan questioned the port-a-potty situation, and Mr. Bradstreet answered there is to be no port-a-potty at all on the field on Saturday. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted the agreement as stated previously: "Cadencia Field remain an active league field until there are adequate fields opened in City-owned parks. At that time, Cadencia Field should revert to a practice field. If, at any time in the future, the need arises for an active league field, Cadencia Field should be considered to be re-opened." The portable restrooms will be eliminated and league games will be sheduled in the morning with the attempt made to conclude as close to noon as possible, with the starting time on Saturday mornings to be 8:00 a.m. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan X MINUTES Page 3 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS B. Kelly Tree Farm Commissioner Dahlquist asked about this item, which was brought up at the December meeting. Dave Bradstreet stated he had no information at the present time, but would report at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS; A. Relocation of Building on Twin Inns Property to Leo Camllo Ranch This item was withdrawn from the Agenda. B. Kawasaki's Use of Agua Hedionda Lagoon Mr. Gary Bozych, Kawasaki Corporation, addressed the Commission requesting access to the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to launch jet skis for testing purposes. He stated this area is next to the designated ski area now. They have contacted SDG&E, who owned the land now leased to the City, and they are agreeable to a sub-lease. Mr. Bozych stated they are only asking for access; there would be no building—everything is portable. They would truck in the equipment, do the testing and leave. Marsha Payne stated the road goes through the tomato field, and is gated, making it private. Kawasaki Corporation would provide adequate insurance. In answer to query, Mr. Bozych stated Kawasaki would only ask for this access until the City felt it was necessary to change the agreement. Mrs. Payne stated the testing would only be done during the week, and not on the weekend, and would cause no conflict. Commissioner Dahlquist asked whether they were asking for exclusive use and staff answered they would not have exclusive use. It was determined that other people could picnic or use the area while they were testing. There was a discussion about the noise level, with Mr. Bozych stating the skis they would be testing would be the same as those using the lagoon. Commissioner Regan commented about the mud in the area during rain, and Mrs. Payne said that had been explained to Kawasaki, with the stipulation they would not use for three or four days following any rain. Mrs. Payne stated the sub-lease would be on a year-to-year basis, with 30-day option to cancel. MINUTES Page 4 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Parks and Recreation Commission granted Kawasaki Corporation request for access to the south shore of Agua Hedionda for jet ski testing, with staff drawing up the proper agreement. C. Calavera Hills Park/School Issue Dave Bradstreet reported he was prepared to report on this matter, and Mr. Casey Dunlap, Facility Manager for the School District, was present to answer any questions. Mr. Bradstreet used a transparency to show the proposed school site, and referred to Attachment C in the packet. He said the school district would like the City to purchase six acres and the school district purchase four acres. Portable classrooms would be placed on the site, with a permanent facility to be built later. The City would acquire the six acres through dedication or purchase, and develop that land. Mr. Bradstreet said this was to be "joint" use, with the school using the fields exclusively during school hours, and the City using after those hours. The City would build the fields and play areas. Mr. Bradstreet stated the total acreage the City will have in Calavera Hills for a park will be 20.32 acres, with eight acres already dedicated. However, the exact number of acres the developer will dedicate to the City is not known at this time. Mr. Bradstreet said the City Attorney thought there might be a problem as far as the Ouimby Act is concerned, with exclusive use of the property by the school district. The City could purchase the six acres or try to have it dedicated. To purchase the land would cost $80,000 per acre, and the City could end up with a $900,000 investment to provide a facility adjacent to an elementary school site. He stated the element calls for the City to utilize school facilities as special use areas. However, this type of concept of purchasing part of the school site would necessitate a change in the element to co-incide with that proposal. Mr. Bradstreet restated the proposal of the City purchasing or acquiring six of the ten acres needed, with the school district purchasing the remaining four acres, and the City building the fields for joint use by the school and the City. The City would do all the development and the maintenance issues have not been addressed at this time. Mr. Dunlap stated this would be a further step in the joint use agreement between the school district and the City. They need a school site, and need four acres for the buildings, and the City needs park sites within the City. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan MINUTES Page 5 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Commissioners questioned the number of people to live in this area at buildout, and compared this with the number of people in the southern quadrant where a park is desperately needed. Mr. Bradstreet stated this land is available now and he has been directed to go ahead with the park in this area. In answer to query as to why Calavera Hills Park was being considered before Stagecoach, Mr. Bradstreet said because the land and funds were available and he had been directed to proceed with this park and. Commissioner Donovan stated she did not see anything "joint" about the proposal presented this evening. The Parks and Recreation Director stated the school district wants the City to buy the land and develop it, and he felt the proposal needs more study. Mr. Dunlap stated the school district needs ten acres of land and they would be willing to buy four acres and allow the City the use of the facility after school hours. Commissioner Dahlquist commented that it is illegal to restrict the use of public land. She inquired whether there was any extra acreage available in Calavera Hills. Mr. Bradstreet stated there was none, inasmuch as the developer agreed that any excess land use would be paid to the City in fees—not land. Commissioner Dahlquist stated she felt the terminology should be standardized and refer to City activities and "outside" activities. She also felt there was no advantage to this, except to the school district. Commissioner Conti stated there were two legal objections to this proposal and he felt the Commission should wait until there is a legal interpretation. Chairman Wright stated this would involve spending approximately one million dollars in an area that has adequate park land, while other areas need to be developed—particularly Stagecoach Park. He agreed with Commissioner Dahlquist that the City needs to develop the land it has, particularly in the south portion. He stated he wanted to direct staff to get an interpretation on the legality of the question. Chairman Wright reiterated the Commission does endorse school sites next to existing parks, but this is different and he did not feel the City could legally participate in this type of proposal. MINUTES Page 6 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS The Commission discussed the wording on the usage of school facilities after school hours, and agreed this was to be free of charge. Chairman Wright stated the Commission would direct staff to get a legal interpretation on this proposal and the Civic Center Act. He added the City Council/school district liaison committee should know of the reservations this Commission has about the educational/park proposal. Review of C.I.P. Dave Bradstreet gave the presentation on this item, using transparencies the same as in the packet and given to the Commissioners today. He went through these two reports in detail, reading from the transparencies, showing the projects proposed and the dates they might be completed. In answer to query as to why these school/park projects were shown on the project list, Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, explained that some projects shown on the report might not be viable and may even be illegal, as suggested by the Commission. Those projects would be dropped from the report upon determination they were not viable or legal. City Manager Frank Aleshire clarified the report, stating the Department submits a list of projects they might want to spend money on during the next year. Ttie Commission is asked to give opinions on those projects, and the City Council would schedule public hearings on most of them before any action would be taken. As far as the school/park items, Mr. Aleshire stated this was to be studied, and had been requested by the City Council. However, the Council may choose not to follow through. He stated he had gotten a different opinion today as to the legality of this type of proposal, and it had been stated that it was legal to have the joint agreement to develop the school/park site. Mr. Aleshire suggested the Commission invite the City Attorney to one of their meetings. Commissioner Dahlquist asked when the Kelly project is built up the hill, would it be possible to get an entrance to Macario, and felt this development should be moved up from the 115 position. Dave Bradstreet answered, stating there are no utilities to Macario or any access to the area. The City Council priority is for community parks, and although there are things going on in the Macario area, other things will be coming up first. MINUTES Page 7 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Donovan asked for Stagecoach to be moved out of the #5 position and made #4, with Calavera Hills moved to #5. Dave Bradstreet answered that Calavera Hills has been funded and Stagecoach has not. Stagecoach is 11 for the next fiscal year. He added the funding for Calavera is a carryover from last year. In explanation, the figures shown in the 1984-85 column should be "arrowed" over to the next column. Commissioner Morrison questioned the TOT, and and asked why this no longer went to Parks and Recreation. Frank Mannen said this was never designated for one purpose. At one time it was for special purposes, but that was changed a number of years back. The bed tax was never allocated by ordinance. Commissioner Regan suggested these reports on projects should be brought to the Commission in October or November, to get their input. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted the Amended CIP report; with the figures to be carried forward from the 1984-85 column; Alga Norte to be in the 1985-86 column. Update the Parks and Recreation Committee Assignments Dave Bradstreet will have a list of new committee assignments mailed to the Commissioners. Chairman Wright explained that Committees meet as the need arises, with no regular meetings scheduled. Change of February 18, 1985, Commission Meeting Since February 18, 1985, is a Holiday, the Commission meeting date was changed to February 25, 1985, at Levante, if the hall is available. Council Report Council Liaison Pettine reported the Parks and Recreation Department will be competing with others on the budget hearings, but he hoped they would be a top priority. He also expressed pleasure at the solving of the Cadencia Park problem. Committee Reports Commissioner Morrison had asked for information on the Latchkey Program, and stated there would be a committee meeting before the next Commission meeting. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan MINUTES Page 8 January 21, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Additional Business Tamarack/El Camino Triangle Commissioner Donovan stated she had gotten telephone calls from citizens asking why the City was landscaping part of some strips of land that was part of a private interprise, and Dave Bradstreet answered the Department had made a mistake and thought the land was the City's. The City improved the land and then found out it belonged to the Woodward project. He stated the City is maintaining this land now, but eventually this will become the responsibility of the homeowners association. Levante Lot The recommendation was made that something be done with this lot—and it was noted that if the lot were sold, this would eliminate the access to the open space. Agenda Item Request Commissioner Dahlquist asked that the Hunt Properties project be placed on the agenda for Commission discussion. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of January 21, 1985, was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _--•' riett Babbitt Minutes Clerk "~ February 15, 1985 TO: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Parks & Recreation Director LARWIN SPECIAL USE AREA BALL FIELD DEVELOPMENT Background On November 19, 1984, the Parks & Recreation Commission directed staff to prepare a master plan for ball field development on the Larwin park site located in District 2, north of Elm Street, east of El Camino Real. The Commission further requested staff to contact the area homeowners association for any volunteer assistance. History of Land Dedication and Park Plans o CT 72-21 Tanglewood on 2-11-77 Dedicated a total of: 7.81 acres o CT 74-25 Tanglewood on 6-11-81 Dedicated a total of: 10.75 acres ' o CT-74-4 Quail Ridge on 6-16-81 Dedicated a total of: 4.0 acres 22.56 acres Under the old park master plan the City was going to develop this 22 acre site into a community park. In June of 1982, the revised Parks and Recreation Element under the park inventory matrix included the Larwin site as a possible community park location. However, after a site analysis, the consultant recommended that the Larwin site be sold or traded for areas of higher recreation value because the land was not conducive to community park development. Staff has designated the Larwin site as open space and has relocated the proposed community park to the vicinity of the Carlsbad High School site located north of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The rationale in locating the proposed community park adjacent to the high school was that it best met the conditions of the educational park concept. Ball Field Master Plan Analysis In order to determine the feasibility of developing the Larwin site into a Special Use Area (ball field), staff has prepared a master plan including / cost estimates. Attachment A-l February 15, 1985 Page 2 The initial grading plan prepared by Rick Engineering indicates that there is room for only one youth ball field, a small off street parking area, and a space for a restroom. The cost to develop the proposed facility has been estimated to be $215,000+. Staff has been in contact with the area homeowners and homeowners association to see if they would be interested in contributing towards the development of this special use area. To date, the homeowners association has been non- committal. The area homeowners along the eastern boundary of the subject site indicated that they do not want a ball park facility next to their homes. They would, however, like the City to develop a residential park setting similar to Holiday Park on the flat area just west of them. Staff has also been in contact with a potential volunteer person that would have graded the ball field site, but feels that because there is only room for one field, they cannot justify the cost involved for the minimal amount of recreation use. Summary The Revised Parks and Recreation Element recommends that the City concentrate on the community park development program and to continue the joint use and development of school areas. Building the field in the Larwin area would help in alleviating the existing ball field shortage. If the Commission wishes to recommend to the City Council to go ahead with the proposed develop- ment plans, it will cost approximately $215,000. Staff has included Larwin as a possible project for consideration in the 85-86 CIP. DAVID BRADSTREET A-2 .U.ft. &AU_ v- .OT J JANUARY 25, 1985 TO: PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Parks Superintendent KELLY TREE FARM - DONATIONS The Parks Division contacted Mr. Sippel, Manager of the Kelly Ranch Christmas Tree Farm in early January regarding tree donations. To date, no response has been given. Staff has sinced researched the feasibility of obtaining trees from Kelly Ranch. The analysis of this was that it would not be cost effective because of the hand labor necessary to dig and ball-out each tree. The Soil Conservation District has Mondell Pines availabe for $10 which are comparable in size and are already balled into burlap. These trees are also more drought-tolerant and insect and disease resistant than the Monterey Pines at the Kelly Christmas Tree Farm. Therefore, staff recommends not obtaining trees from the Kelly property but rather using the Mondell Pine from the Soil Conservation District. It is also recommended the Mondell be used in a tree planting program in undeveloped areas or for replanting in various park sites. DOUG DUNCANSON D JD : kaw Attachment B January 24, 1985 TO: MAYOR CASLER COUNCILMEMBER CHICK COUNCILMEMBER KULCHIN COUNCILMEMBER LEWIS COUNCILMEMBER PETTINE FROM: Parks and Recreation Commission SUMMARY REPORT OF ACTION ITEMS FROM 1/21/85 A. We are remaining fixed in our recommendation to Council: Cadencia Field remain an active league field until there are adequate fields opened in city-owned parks. At that time, Cadencia Field should revert to a practice filed. If, at any time in the future, the need arises for an active league field, Cadencia Field should be considered •v reopened. No porta-potties. Schedule league games in the morning and conclude as close to noon as possible. Unanimous. B. Kawasaki can use the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon for the testing of jet skis under an agree- ment drawn up by staff. Conti abstained. C. Accept the C.I.P. with new recommendations. Unani- mous. Respectfully submitted, SHIRLEY DAHLQUIST PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER SD:vf c. City Manager Parks and Recreation Commissioners Parks and Recreation Director . , _Attachment C JANUARY 25, 1985 TO: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: MAYOR CASLER YOUR SUMMARY REPORT OF JANUARY 21, 1985 Oops! vf needs updated list of Council Members, as I'm sure you noticed. A. Cadencia Field may crop up on agenda for years'to come. We appreciate your recommendations. B. Parks & Recreation has approved Kawasaki's request for jet ski testing in the past. I assume certain dates and times were included in your agreement. _ \ C. Haven't seen new recommendations for C.I.P. but ' look forward to them. Addenda: I saw paddle tennis being played last weekend - two courts with 4 players on each - all mature adults (sometimes known as senior citizens). It looked like a good alternative to tenn-is and provided more action than ping-pong. Thanks for your advice. MARY CASEER MC:gb C-2 RECEIVED JAN 2 51985 January 24, 1985 TO: CITY COUNCIL PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: City Manager TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX At the Park and Recreation Commission meeting January 21 Marjorie Morrison asked if TOT revenue was earmarked for Parks and Recreation. The answer is no, but there is an interesting history. 1964 - TOT passed at 4%. Expected revenue - $3,000. Earmarked for Parks and Recreation Capital acquisitions. Deposited in General Fund. 1969 - Ordinance changed to allow revenue to be used for "wages of city employees whose duties relate to Parks and Recreation". 1970 - Ordinance amended to deposit TOT revenue in Parks and Recreation Fund. 1972 - Ordinance amended to deposit "up to $60,000 in Parks and Recreation Fund", with balance going to General Fund "to provide municipal services to La Costa". This happened when the La Costa annexation took place. 1976 - Ordinance amended to delete all restrictions on revenue and place TOT in General Fund. Council members Lewis, Casler, Skotnicki, Packard and Mayor Frazee. 1984 - TOT Revenue Park & Recreation Expenditures Park Capital Projects $1,007,268 $1,590,203 $1,042,287 FRANK ALESHIRE FA:b Attachment D Code, relating .lurch 9. sions Code, relating to •larch 9. •ndments: Amend, andand amended. ended, and re-refer to 11). idar. (May 23).' .yes 78. Noes 0. Page for assignment. snded, and re-refer to isent Calendar. (Ayes I to Com. on FIN. ion Code, relating to FRIDAY, JULY 6,1984 681 A.B. No. 2724—Bane. - An act to amend Section J0133.1 of the Business and Professions Code, to amend Section 1101.1 of the Corporations Code, to amend Sections 5205.5,5403,5650, 5750, 5759, 6150, 6)52, 6650, 7451, 7500, 8150, and 8156 of, to add Sections 5117.5, 6053, and 6528 to, to repeal Section 7508 of, and to repeal and add Section 7505 of, the Financial Code, and to amend Section 53630 of the Government Code, relating to savings and loan associations. 1984 Feb. 7—Read first time. To print.Feb. 8—From printer. May be heard in committee March 9.Feb. 14—Referred to Com. on FIN. k INS. April 12—From committee chairman, with author's amendments: Amend, andre-refer to Com. on FIN. & INS. Read second time and amended. April 23—Re-referred to Com. on FIN. & INS. April 24—In committee: Set, first hearing. Failed passage. Reconsideration granted. April 30—From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended, and re-refer to Com. on W. & M. (Ayes 13. Noes 0.) (April 24). May 1—Read second time and amended. May 3—Re-referred to Com. on W. & M. May 21—From committee chairman, with author's amendments: Amend, andre-refer to Com. on W. & M. Read second time and amended. May 22—Re-referred to Com. on W. & M. , May 31—From committee: Do pass. To Consent Calendar. (May 30). June 4—Read second time. To Consent Calendar. 'June 11—Read third time, passed, and to Senate. (Ayes 76. Noes 0. Page 16376.) . June 12—In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. June 14—Referred to Com. on B. & C. June 20—From committee chairman, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on B. & C.June 28—From committee: Do pass, and re-refer to Com. on FIN. Re-referred.(Ayes 6. Noes 0.) . A.B. No. 272fcJV|jjixme Waters (Principal coauthor: Senator Stiern). •"MTwrio amend Section 40043 of the Education Code, and to repeal Sectionf 1 of Chapter 1502 of the Statutes of 1982, relating to education, and declaring I the urgency thereof,- to take effect immediately. 1984 "' "" " "" ' "•'•• "-•• •••• Feb. 7—Read first time. To print. Feb. 8—From printer. Feb. 13—Art. IV, Sec. 8 (a) of the Constitution dispensed with and Joint Rule 55 suspended. Without reference to committee. Art. IV, Sec. 8(b) of Constitution suspended. Read second time and amended. Read third time. Urgency clause adopted. Passed and to Senate. (Ayes 65. Noes 3. Page 10854.) Feb. 13—In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. Feb. 16—Art. IV, Sec. 8(a) of the Constitution dispensed with and Joint Rule 55 suspended. Feb. 16—Referred to Com. on ED. Feb. 22—From committee: Do pass, and re-refer to Com. on FIN. Re-referred. (Ayes 8. Noes 0.) . Feb. 29—From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended. (Ayes 13. Noes 0.). Mar. 1—Read second time, amended, and to third reading. Mar. 5—Read third time. Urgency clause adopted. Passed and to Assembly. (Ayes 37. Noes 0. Page 8173.) Mar. 5—In Assembly. Concurrence in Senate amendments pending. Mar. 8—Senate amendments concurred in. To enrollment. (Ayes 67. Noes 1. Page 11492.) Mar. 9—Enrolled and to the Governor at 2 p.m.Mar. 21—Approved by the Governor.' Mar. 21—Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 49, Statutes of 1984. •' .*£•;•- .!-'K, ••>ii Pe^yy^-uife^'-'-^.vX'i California COMPLIMENTS OF WILLIAM A. CRAVEN .A ttachment Lfrl :& AMENDED *N ' NATE MARCH 1, 1984 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY FEBRUARY 13, 1984 * ' * -"•-.*'•.-.*(, . " CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE—1983-84 REGULAR SESSION ; ASSEMBLY BILL No. 2725 Introduced by Assembly Member Maxine Waters (Principal coauthor: Senator Stiern) February 7, 1984 An aet to amend Section 40043 of the Education Code, and to repeal Section 1 of Chapter 1502 of the Statutes of 1982, relating to education, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately. • . , . ' • • -•:'••••-• LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ... AB 2725, as amended, M. Waters. School districts: Civic Center Act. 11 )^ Undef^curreht provisions of the so-called "Civic Center Aery* the" governing board of a school district is permitted to charge5 designated types4 rof community, prganizatioris for the d?r^^'^stFoi^ihgfscHciibl facilities, or for the fair rental value o/fAe/ac///fr"es, as specified. . This bill would impose a state-mandated local program by requiring the governing board of a school district to provide Jthe> use- of'- the school facilities to certain* designated organizations free of charge, when an alternative location is" not" available/ It" would," however," make this requirement inapplicable to any group which uses < school - facilities or grounds for fundraising activities which are not beneficial to youth or public school activities of the district, as determined by the governing board. - The bill would also authorize, if any group activity results in the destruction of school property, the charging of the group for an amount necessary to repay the damages , and COLT'IMENTS OF . «T .111 WILLI.'M A. CRAVEN ' Senator, Thirty-Eighth District' California Legislature Attachment E-2 S3 to o rr>srs' associations.1/5 3 032" OX COo0 I-rC/5•. n Pi T3 33 crc«-r 30rr 1h-»«r-r 0)o- <-r 0 (-W3 I—*.NCDO- rT"O T3Mo 3or-rCD •<oci-rrr O 3 onprofit organiz;s»i-r5'3, yi !•— 'r*^U3 O O f-r»-! 0^ •*^ n>3 S3'3 C ^^- O .CD,' OQ 3-oP <-I CD0<3 3CD 3. <-r 3 f"'C o- n> »U> i-j D O-'-^oP po s-33s !-n § X CA -TOO/TiCD . O: rr o"- 3 rfx :8 fe ' o-i r*>.f if*• 3-"^ CD .' f ns.g-i'.-O Cosr te o/" California do1tori•> t3'-iOTO|-(ps 3 x CDto !-*•• PSr-r o' 3 3p 3 C/5*O E^- oo3 3-g?. 8 o o cii. n1=— ^ 3 ovij- '•"""•"- i^ A L tsis lto 1 Otooo-JO>cn^.wto^ p'-< to"o ^. f2- s- 3-H-3--<p§fn- -' >^ t« S • w C/3' «^o«| o •-••fcfTi^sC/jt-t __ o £3ex(/: O— *-> r-r !-^ '•-! fL- S:cr•< r-r D"CO o•-( (TO *K'3. N £H-1^^ inp_ It2CD"Ln 'O 0 e"il services, seto O-1 ffQ Oc 3a-<J3 Qr- ol CD (^r-r O Otor-r </3 r-ro r-rrr *-* .r^ OQ' n>to -< 0" 0> n iharged for ar, and furthe\wenr- r-r tA 3'- rT=rn> Q-Q VIr-r•-«unciy grdraorbyp which usesng activitiesubl schoolverningCO toon AB 2725 1 (g) As used in this section, 2 Jthe direct costs to the district, pmte*^ior^zea costs of 3* the school facilities or grounds used for the duration of 4 ftthe activity authorized. '* , - . 5 SEC. 2. Section 1 of Chapter 1502 of the Statutes of. 6 1982" is repealed. 7 SEC. 3. Notwithstanding Section 6 of Article XIII B of ' 8 the California Constitution and Section 2231 or 2234 of 9 the Revenue and Taxation Code, no appropriation is 10 made by this act for the purpose of making 11 reimbursement pursuant to these sections. It is 12 recognized, however, that a local agency or school 13 district may pursue any remedies to obtain 14 reimbursement available to it under Chapter 3 15 (commencing with Section 2201) of Part 4 of Division 1 16 of that code. 17 SEC. 4. Notwithstanding Section 2231.5 of the 18 Revenue and Taxation Code, this act does not contain a 19 repealer, as required by that section; therefore, -the 20 provisions of .this act shall remain in effect unless and, 21 until they are amended or repealed by a later enacted 22 act. 24 SEC. 5. This act is an urgency statute necessary for 25 the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, 26 or safety within the meaning of Article IV of the 27 Constitution and shall go into immediate effect. The facts 28 constituting the necessity are: 29 In order to provide for the free access of Girl Scouts to 30 civic center facilities as soon as possible, it is necessary for 31 this act to take effect immediately. O 97 HO Attachment £-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS PARK SITE AND FACILITY PLANNING C. Regan S. Dahlquist J. Conti J. Popovich SCHOOL DISTRICT LIAISON J. Popovich S. Wright C. Regan - Encinitas B. Donovan - San Marcos UPDATE CITY-WIDE DEVELOPMENT PLAN J. Popovich S. Wright M. Morrison SPECIAL PROGRAMS/PROJECTS S. Dahlquist J. Popovich M. Morrison RECREATIONAL/LEISURE SERVICES J. Conti S. Wright S. Dahlquist STREET TREE & SIGNAGE PROGRAM C. Regan B. Donovan BUDGET J. Popovich C. Regan COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER PROGRAM B. Donovan Attachment F 1/21/85 NATURE AND LOCATION:! i^M^fmr^M •f ^%5^.^^^>^3*^^^^^^i^^^ ^ '- •• f^^l^:'•'• .-':•'-• t£-&tSM<zj-£% ^.^fflSW.^.'//?/?^^.'^. £fc. f;0i>%-'£$*?"r; -v.-:"-"•?'• :^^-^"A V :'••-• v--W;•-^l;v'-^.'x^V.l^..;ap NAME,r;rr*j^.^!*iV^^^^ PHONE^^. /^/i|M:v ,: ^?J&-/2S^:&&^ Attachment C-7 °1985 WRITE IT—DOIVl s\\ IT INTER-DEPARTMEN, MEMORANDUM REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM ^T f w i LH en -sinner" UHI Attachment G-2 January 30, 1985 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Parks Superintendent VERIFICATION OF FACTS ON TAMARACK TRIANGLE PROPERTY The following questions are answered as per request of the City Manager. 1. Woodward owns Lot A? A. Yes, as per final map of CT 84-14 and legal description of property (meets and bounds). 2. City maintains western half of Lot A? . A. Yes, currently maintained by Parks Division. 3. Woodward will landscape and maintain Lot A when homeowners association is formed? A. Yes. Negotiations are currently underway for the landscape improvements as well as an agreement on maintenance thereof. 4. Why is City maintaining west half of Lot A? A. Staff was originally instructed that western portion of Lot A was City property as per Tamarack Right of Way improvements (CT76-12). Local citizens requested beautification of this area. City responded and has continued to provide basic maintenance. uncanson Attachment C-3 .X JANUARY 24, 1985 *?* _ " ) TO: PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Parks Superintendent TAMARACK POINTE - LANDSCAPE STRIP In response to the request for information regarding the property adjacent to Tamarack and La Portalada, the following data is given: 1. Tamarack Avenue improvements were dedicated as a condition of CT 76-12, Resolution 6760. a) This included a 30 foot right-of-way on each side of the road which was to be landscaped. b) The landscaping consisted of irrigation, trees and hydroseeding. c) The hydroseeding was basically unsuccessful because of vandalized irrigation, weed competition, and poor germination. 2. Along with the extension of Tamarack, La Portalada Street was also extended to intersect Tamarack. 3. The new intersection of Tamarack and La Portalada created a triangle -v of land at the northwest corner of this intersection. a) This triangle area was also landscaped by the developer, Calavera Hills Company, who also dedicated Tamarack. b) The poor landscape job created requests by citizens to improve the area. c) The Parks and Recreation Department was informed that this triangle is part of the road right-of-way dedication. d) In December of 1982, a Boy Scout, for an Eagle Scout project, coordinated with City staff the re-planting of this triangle area. The re—planting includes drought—tolerant, low-growing, flowering ground cover and native—type trees. e) Subsequent to that planting, the Parks and Recreation Department was informed that the triangle property, except for the 30 foot right-of-way, did not belong to the City. The Parks Division has been providing maintenance to this landscaped triangle. 4. The area east of La Portalada and north of Tamarack is a portion of CT 84-14 being developed by the Woodward Companies. a) A meeting and subsequent letter (see Attachment A) has outlined the landscape improvement requested by the Parks and Recreation Department. b) Condition 55 and 56 of CT 84-14 (Resolution #2307; Attachment B), states that prior to final map approval, the "Developer will landscape — } the off-site "triangle1 area..." Additionally it states, "Developer shall be responsible for making arrangements satisfactory to the City Council for the maintenance of the described area..." Attachment G-H . Parks & Recreati Director January 24, 1985 Page 2 c) To date, no final map approval has been granted. d) Staff is in the process of notifying the developer that no final map approval will be given until such time as condition 55 and 56 of CT 84-14 are met and necessary agreements have been worked out. The following attachments are given as information items: A. Assessor's Parcel Book showing Tamarack right-of-way dedication. B. Portion of tentative plan map of 84-14. C. Letter to Woodward Companies regarding landcape improvements. D. Conditions of development CT 84-14, Resolution No. 2307, #55 & 56. DOUG DUNCANSON D JD: kaw Attachments (4) Attachment G-5 * .*DETAIL TV SCALE l*= 100' MAP 823-RHO AGU^ HEDIONDA MM 231 ROS 8927 OR'S HAP BK 208 PG 0TRAPPED'^fOR.* ASSESSMENT Attachment G-6 ATTACHMENT "A" Attachment C-7 1200 ELM AVENUE • %&? . • TELEPHONE CARLSBAD. CA 92008-19B9 WQfflJrM (619) 438'5571 City of Cartebab PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT February 7, 1985 Mr. James K. Montgomery The Woodward Companies, Inc. 5100 Campus Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660-2198 This is to confirm our phone conversation of 2/4/85. We discussed the following items pertaining to Lot A of CT84-14 located near the intersection of Tamarack and La Portalada Street. 1) The Woodward Company will incorporate both sections of Lot A into the landscape maintenance agreement of the Homeowners Association -x CC&R. The landscape maintenance of both sections of Lot A shall be appro- priately spelled out in the CC&Rs and shall be approved by the City Council (as per condition 56, CT84-14). Included with the CC&R will be a statement guaranteeing that both sections of Lot A will be maintained to a clean, neat, weed-free appearance. j* 2) The Woodward Company will landscape the eastern portion of Lot A to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director, prior to Final Map approval, as spelled out in condition 55, CT84-14. 3) A third subject discussed was the maintenance of the subject two acres of Lot A until such time as units are built, occupied and a homeowners association is established. City staff will continue to provide water and all necessary maintenance, and Woodward would be billed monthly for this service. Attached is the agreement. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Doug J.'Duncanson Attachment C-8 DJD:vf Attachment c. City Manager City Attorney } LETTER OF AGREEMENT The Woodward Company hereby agrees to pay the City of Carlsbad $175 per month for the maintenance of landscaping improvement to Lot A of CT84-14. The agreement shall be in affect until such time as the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department is notified that the homeowners association has assumed the maintenance of the subject property. The effective date of this agreement is February 1, 1985. The City will bill the Woodward Company on a monthly basis for this service. Either party has the right to terminate this agreement with 30-day written notice. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR WOODWARD COMPANY, INC. Attachment C-9 ' • ' 1200 ELM AVENUE J&r%JF&. TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 &L—J& (619)438-5571 Cttp of Cartebab PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT July 9, 1984 The Woodward Companies 5100 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Don Woodward, Thank you for meeting with us regarding the property located at Tamarack Avenue and La Portalada Drive. The city has already made landscape and irrigation im- provements to the property just west of La Portalada. The Parks & Recreation department has been maintaining this area as well. The Parks & Recreation Director requests the following improvements be made to your property between La Portalada and San Diego Gas & Electric power lines. s 1. Landscape the area using drought tolerant plant material which is con- si stant with the existing planted triangle. Plants to choose from (4"liners or 1 gallon size): A. Lantana Montevidensis (Trailing Purple). B. Pyracantha Santa Cruz Prostrada (or Walderi). C. Raphiolepis Indica-(Springtime). Trees to choose from (15 gallon size): A. Platanus Acerifolia.. B. Pinus Torreyama. C. Pinus Canariensis. D. Populus Fremontii (Male Only). 2. Irrigate the area using pop-up type heads. Mounted at grade level on an automated system. (Toro Super 600 heads currently used adjacently). 3. Submit landscape and irrigation plan for the area to be developed. 4. Prior to planting, spray all weed growth with Round-up and remove (after seven days). Apply preemergence herbicide at time of planting. 5. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer and plant tabs; apply gypsum and soil amendments at time of planting. Attachment C-W Project must be In acceptable condition prior to take over by Parks & Recreation 'Department. Parks & Recreation will maintain both landscaped areas for $3,500.00 per year. This figure covers all costs of labor, materials and water. If you have any questions regarding the above requirements or specifications, please contact me at your convenience. DOUG DtJNCANSON Parks Superintendent DD:mwb c:Dave Bradstreet Mike Howes Attachment G-77 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 u. *S 14is -Til <?H 15 z^Id 16u, -i r-» rfu = - to 1| I 17 i ° 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .~ ) 27 28 design and improvement and subject to the conditions of this resolution, are consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. D. That subdivision CT 84-14 and planned unit development PDD-69 are hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2307, dated June 13, 1984, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, with the exception of th following revisions and the addition of Conditions no. 55 and 56 as recommended by staff: • "25. A six foot high decorative solid masonry wall or 4 pounds/square foot wood fence equivalent shall be constructed along the southerly property boundary at the top of the bluff from the project's westerly boundary to Pontiac Avenue. The design of this wall or wood fence shall be approved by the Land Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of any building permits. The Land Use Planning Manager may approve an alternative to this requirement if it can be demonstrated that such alternative will satisfactorily mitigate noise impacts from Tamarack Avenue." _, •& "38.b. Tamarack Avenue to secondary collector street standards along the frontage of this project." "55. Developer will landscape the off-site "triangle" area immediately adjacent to the subdivision and generally located between Tamarack Avenue and Sierra Morena Avenue to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director. The level of landscaping, including irrigation, shall be similar to that already installed by the City on a portion of the area." "56. Developer shall be responsible for making arrangements satisfactory to the City Council for the maintenance of the area described in Condition no. 55 prior to approval of the final map." Attachment G-12 1200 ELM AVENUE • ^rf^jH TELEPHONE CARLSBAD. CA 92008-1989 WfWjW (619)438-5571 Citp of Cartebab PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT January 24, 1985 The Woodward Companies 5100 Campus Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention Mr. Don Woodward This letter is regarding the property CT 84-14 currently being developed by your company. It has come to the attention of of the Parks and Recreation Department that conditions 55 and 56 have not been met. These items must be addressed before Final Plan approval will be granted. On July 9, 1984 your office was sent a letter requesting and specifying the landscape improvements. This letter outlined the plant material, type of irrigation, landscape plan and cost of maintenance required. The property in question is shown on the attached copy of a portion of your tentative plan. It is identified as "Lot A". Also enclosed is a copy of the July 9 letter. Parks and Recreation staff will meet with you at your convenience in order to resolve the landscaping and maintenance issues. Sincerely, DougDuncanson Parks Superintendent DJD-.kaw c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Parks & Recreation Director City Engineer Associate Planner - Mike Howes Attachment G-13 STREET SECT 42' ' 10' -£%- 3Z' i 2% \ t Attachment C-74 I _ '•"'» . 1200 ELM AVENUE >^O^ TELEPHONE: .1 CAPfLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 Si JA (619) 438-5571 Citj> of Cartebab PAHKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT July 9, 1984 The Woodward Companies 5100 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Don Woodward, Thank you for meeting with us regarding the property located at Tamarack Avenue and La Portalada Drive. The city has already made landscape and irrigation im- provements to the property just west of La Portalada. The Parks & Recreation department has been maintaining this area as well. The Parks & Recreation Director requests the following improvements be made to your property between La Portalada and San Diego Gas & Electric power lines. 1. Landscape the area using drought tolerant plant material which is con- sistent with the existing planted triangle. Plants to choose from (4"liners or 1 gallon size): A. Lantana Montevidensis (Trailing Purple). B. Pyracantha Santa Cruz Prostrada (or Walderi). C. Raphiolepis Indica (Springtime). Jrees to choose from (15 gallon size): A. Platanus. Acerifolia.. B. Pinus Torreyama. C. Pinus Canariensis. D. Populus Fremontii (Male Only). 2. Irrigate the area using pop-up type heads. Mounted at grade level on an automated system. (Toro Super 600 heads currently used adjacently). 3. Submit landscape and irrigation plan for the area to be developed. 4. Prior to planting, spray all weed growth with Round-up and remove (after seven days). Apply preemergence herbicide at time of planting. 5. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer and plant tabs; apply gypsum and . soil amendments at time of planting. Attachment G-15 t _•• I. > * ' V«>•-«-„• ' ' 'project must be in acceptable condition prior to take over by Parks & Recreation •Department. • ~ ) Parks & Recreation will maintain both landscaped areas for $3,500.00 per year. This figure covers all costs of labor, materials and water. If you have any questions regarding the above requirements or specifications, please contact me at your convenience. DOUG lNCANSON Parks Superintendent DD:mwb c:Dave Bradstreet Mike Howes Attachment G-16 FE213 BRISTOL COVE BOAT & SKI CLUB 4519-1 Cove Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 February 11, 1985 CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 1166 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Commissioners, I am writing to request your permission for our ski club to hold regular year- round water ski tournaments on AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON. Bristol Cove Boat & Ski Club was formed about one year ago and now has 66 members. During our first year we held 6 tournaments at Fiesta Island on Mission Bay and have received many compliments on our safe, efficient sporting events. These tournaments have been our major source of fund raising and we have used the proceeds to buy equipment to make them safer and more entertaining for spectators and participants. I would also like to thank you for your cooperation and invaluable help during our trash clean-up day some months ago, when club members walked the shores of the lagoon and picked up debris. I hope you each had a chance to view our 3rd Annual Christmas Parade of Lights. We had more participants than ever before and noticed numerous cars stopped on Adams Street to watch. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss water-ski tournaments on Agua Hedionda Lagoon with you at your earliest convienience. Very truly yours, BRISTGrtOVE BOAT & SKI CLUB Robert A. Spring President RAS:tam Attachment I' Parks & Recreation Commission "The Green Sheet" February 25, 1985 The Parks Division is currently removing the existing fence and backstops at Chase Field. The new equipment will be installed next week. Staff will be coordinating a project with California Conservation Corps (CCC) to reconstruct the trails at La Costa Canyon Park. This project will take approximately one month to complete. The agreement between the City and School District for the District's extended use of the pool will be presented to the Council for their approval on Tuesday, February 19. The practice schedule for the youth and teen track meets will begin the third week of March. The contestants will compete locally and will eventually reach the finals in the Los Angeles area. On March 16, the Ail-Star basketball teams for the 3rd and 4th, the 5th and 6th, and the 7th and 8th grades will be involved in the San Diego County Championships. This activity is sponsored by S.C.M.A.F. (Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation). The Recreation Division sponsored a teen dance on February 8. It was an extreme success with over 180 participants. On February 7th and 8th, the City and ARC presented the "Footlight Fantasy" at the Cultural Arts Center. This was a theater arts program for the handicapped. Over 650 people enjoyed this marvelous play. Many thanks to Carol Behr and the Recreation Division for all their hard work and dedication to this project.