HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-04; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTLJ RECEIVED FED 1 Meeting of: • ~ Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 3:00 p.m. February 4, 1985 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wood at 3:07 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present: Chairman Wood, Commissioners Melideo and O'Day. Conmissioner Harkins reported to the Chairman and left due to illness. Absent: Conmissioner Punches. Staff Members present: Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Vincent Jimno, Chief of Police Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the January 7, 1985, meeting were approved as presented. ACTION ITEMS; 2. Unicornio and El Fuerte - request to change the traffic control. Mr. Allen Spousta, 2818 Esturion Court, addressed the Conmission, using the chalkboard to indicate the signs as installed November 21, 1984 at Unicornio and El Fuerte. He stated that Alga Road is a four-way stop, with a downhill qrade for El Fuerte to a dead end. Mr. Spousta told of near misses he has had at the Unicornio - El Fuerte corner since the new signs have been installed. He indicated the "yield" sign that had been installed is ignored by traffic, with the result that El Fuerte cars are nearly hit by cars turning left onto El Fuerte. He suggested since El Fuerte will eventually become a through street, that people start getting used to that now. He suggested the stop sion be removed from El Fuerte and the "yield" sign be changed to a "stop". Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant, agreed with the description aiven by Mr. Spousta, and stated Alga will become a signalized corner when El Fuerte becomes a through street. In answer to query, Steve Tisdale stated there have been no reported accidents since the signs were installed last November. Police Chief Jijmo added the Police could watch the corner more closely for a while to insure compliance with the signs. Traffic Ccmnission recamended to City Council the "yield" sign be changed to "stop" at the northeast corner of Unicornio and El Fuerte, and the stop sign for southbound El Fuerte be removed. REPORT ON ACTION RECTTESTED AT PREVIOUS MEETING Steve Tisdale reported on the action taken since last meeting. Wood O'Day Melideo Wood Melideo O'Day MINUTbS February 4, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS - ACTION ITEMS: 1. Tamarack and Skyline/Sunnyhill - request for crosswalks across Tamarack at both locations. Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant, gave the report on this item, using the chalkboard to indicate the City's construction job in the area. He stated the roadway was built to minimum standards, as the residents were not happy about the street going through. A 4-way stop sign has been installed at Skyline and Tamarack. The request now is for painted crosswalks across Tamarack at Sunnyhill and Skyline. Mr. Bouman stated no school children should cross at those places, and there should be no crosswalks. Police Chief Jimno added it would not be safe to cross at those corners, and pedestrians should stay on the north or south sides of the street in those areas. The street is narrow there, and there is no parking allowed. Traffic Commission agreed with staff recommendation to deny the request for crosswalks across Tamarack at Skyline and Sunnyhill intersections. INFORMATIONAL ITEM 1. Poinsettia Lane between Paseo Del Norte and end of street - install various signs and striping. Marty Bouman used the chalkboard to show this area and the need for the requested signs and striping. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of February 4, 1985, was adjourned at 3:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (lit/xtf" i fa ' Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Wood Melideo O'Day X X X X MINUTE r Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Tine of Meeting:Place of Meeting: PLAWDB OOHMISSICN January 9, 1985 6:00 p.m. City Council Chatters COMMISSIONERS CALL TO OTOER; Ihe Meeting was called to order by Chairman Farrow at 6:00 p.m. ROU. CALL: Present: Chairman Farrow, Camnissioners Marcus, Smith and McFadden. Ccnnissioner Schlehuber arrived at 6:10 p.m. Absent: CoRnissicners L'Heureux and Hombotis. Staff Members Present: Charles Grimm, Principal Planner Mike Howes, Associate Planner Walter Brown, Civil Engineer Mike Holaniller, Land Dee Planning Manager Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairmen Farrow. FLAWING CGMOSSION Chairman Farrow called attention to the PlanningCommission Procedures being shown on the screen and asked the audience to take a few minutes to read them. Chairman Farrow announced Item 5, 3CA 181 - City of Carlsbad, had been withdrawn from the Agenda. Item 7, PCD-75 -Hall, had been granted a two-week continuance. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager,.reported to the Commission that the City Council had adopted a Resolution affecting two of the items on the Agenda tonight. The items adopted were explained as follows: 1. No residential development projects will be approved above the mean density of the General Plan range if there are traffic or circulation impacts which cannot be mitigated. 2. No General Plan Amendments will be processed unless the Land Ose Planning Manager first determines that amendment would not have an impact on the General Plan Review. 3. No zone change which would increase residential density shall be approved, even if the change would be consistent with the density desitmatio of the adopted General Plan. 4. No applications for new annexations will be processed. Mike Holzmiller continued, stating Items 2 and 6 were specifically exempted from Council policy, due to the fact they were pending Planning Commission review, and staff recommendation had already been made. However, Council could, if it desired, apply the policy to these projects, and the Planning Commission could take that fact into consideration during their review of these projects. MINUTE. PLANNING GOMMZSSIGN January 9, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NHf PUBLIC HEARINGS; 1. COP-264 - Cm OP CMgflBAD - Request foe a conditional use permit Cor the development of a 3.5 acre neighborhood park adjacent to the El Fuerte School at the north corner of the intersection of El Puerte street and Corintia Street in the OS aone. Mike Howes, Associate Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the site and a wall chart snowing the project. CcHBissioner Marcus inquired about Orubu Street, and staff answered this street would be gated and would be available for pedestrian traffic only. Comissioner Smith inquired about "no parking" signs being posted on the cul-de-sac, and staff said this would create a problem for the residents of that area, but if the parking became a problem, the signs could be added later. Commissioner McFadden asked about the use of reclaimed water for watering the slopes and Walter Brown answered that in this instance, the cost of supplying that water would be prohibitive, due to the distance water lines would needed to supply that water. Chahirman Farrow opened the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. and issued the invitation to Mr. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, addressed the Commission as the applicant. He stated the access on the back side of the park had been worked out bystaff. The access would be for vehicles to now the park, and Mr. Bradstreet felt there should be pedestrian access for walk-in only. He added if there were a parking problem, the gating off of the access road would direct the traffic away from that area. In answer to query, Mr. Bradstreet stated the ballfield and the school would be activiated at the same time, approximately November of 1985. Mr. Julius Pfister, Del Mar, inquired about the perking at the site, and whether it was a neighborhood park, or to be for people driving from out of the area. Staff the parking would be on the school parking lot and overflow parking could be on the three fsull fields. However, when the school was built, there could be a parking problem. Mr. Bradstreet added the park is mostly for after school use, holidays and vacations, and not during the school year. Dave Bradstreet addressed the Commission en behalf of Virginia A. Khuen, who, together with other residents in the area, was concerned with access from Corintia, lights and a fence. She had submitted a letter to the Commission regarding these concerns, these problems have aU been addressed by staff at this time. MINUTE PLANNING COMMISSION January 9, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Schlehuber noted the correspondence with Virginia Khuen should be part of the record. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public testimony was concluded at 6:20 p.m. Commissioner McPadden asked about the length of time for the conditional use permit and staff said the limitation feature did not apply to governmental situations such as this park. Staff did add that this conditional use permit could be reviewed at any time, if it were determined this park was a public nuisance. The Planning Commission approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2397, APPROVING ACONDITIONAL QBE PERMIT FOR 'ffiti PEV^TflpyEtfT* OF A 3«5 ACRES NETO^ffPffHOOD PARK CN PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE EL PUERTB SCHOOL AT THE NORTH CORNER OP EL FUERTE STREET AND CORINTIA &TKEBT. 2. CUP-255 - VILLAS DE CARLSBAD - Request for approval of a conditonal use permit for a professional care facility on the north side of Laguna Drive, south side of Knowles Avenue and west side of 1-5 in the R-3 zone. Charles Grimm, Principal Planner, prior to making the staff report, reported two conditions to the project, as added by staff. The proposed conditions were: 1. If the project were to be converted to an apartment complex, the applicant would have to come to an agreement with the school district for provision of schools. 2. Condition 14, page 4, would be changed as follows: Delete the first sentence. The second sentence would remain the same. The third sentence would read: "If the Land Use Planning Manager determines that the use has such significant adverse impacts, or there is not substantial compliance with the conditions, the Manaoer shall recommend that the Planning Commission, after providing the permittee with adequate notice and opportunity to be heard, add additional conditions to mitigate the significant adverse impacts." Next sentence; delete the words "any tine*. Delete remainder of condition. Charles Grimm, Principal Planner, gave the presentation as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the site. He stated staff had a concern about the density if the applicant should convert this project to apartments, but a plan for additional parking incompliance with apartment standards was provided by the applicant. In answer to query, staff stated if the propetty were converted, it would be 19.65 units per acre, which would be at the very high end of the density range. Farrow Schlehuber Marcus Smith McPadden MINUTL PLMWXNS OMGSSICN January 9, 1985 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Farrow opened the public hearing at 6:31 p.m.and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. W. Major Chance, 1060 - 8th Avenue, San Diego, Income Property Group partner, stated they were the sponsors of the limited partnership which would develop this project. Mr. Chance described other projects in the area by this group and detailed the amenities proposed for this project. Condssioner McFadden stated she felt there was poor access to the parking area, as there were no sidewalks along side that area. She also inquired about 'affordable rates" and what that involved. Mr. Chance explained that a studio unit would be approximately $950.00 per month, and that would include three meals a day, transportation, housekeeping and linen service. In answer to Commissioner McFadden's question regarding the width of doors, Mr. Chance answered the facility was designed for elderly use, with wider doorways throughout, and there was no intention to convert the units into apartments. In answer to Commission query regarding staff, Mr. Chance answered by listing the personnel types. Mr. Larry Sillman, Sillman/Vyman, stated residents of this facility were over 55 years of age, but actually average 70 years of age. He added that by having kitchenettes in each unit, an additional feeling of independence would be created, enabling the residents to prepare meals for themselves, if desired. Mr. Sillman answered Commission query as too the noise problem this close to the freewy, stating all noise attenuation steps had been taken. Mr. Sillman further stated the concrete block wall would be continued on their property, to help reduce the sound level. In answer to a question regarding storage, Mr. Chance pointed out on the wall map a common area where lockers would be provided for the tenants. Chairman Farrow stated he felt a condition should be added that plans for the recreation area should be submitted to the Land Ose Manager for approval. Commissioner Smith inquired about the two bedroom units, and was informed that this unit would probably be occupied by two people, making a total of more than 91 tenants. Mr. Dave Goodin, Health Care Group, 1060 - 8th Avenue, San Diego, addressed the Commission, stating he was available for questions. Mr. Julius Pfister, Del Mar, with staff's assistance, spoke to the access problem, stating anyone leaving that area must go to Jefferson, with pedestrian access to Grand Avenue. Mr. Brown pointed out the grassy area was the central area, and they were only concerned with vehicular MINUTE: r PUNHNB COMMISSION January 9, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Tom Layton asked whether three stories conformed to the zoning and was told it did. He also inquired about empty units and was told that did not necessarily mean the project would convert to apartments. Since no one else wished to apeak on this item, the public testimony was concluded at 6:55 p.m. Condssioner Smith oomnented Laguna Street was dark and there were no sidewalks. Staff answered since this was an emergency vehicle access, they had not considered sidewalks. Commissioner Schlehuber commented about the traffic at Laguna and Jefferson. Mr. Brown stated there would be impact to traffic, and if the project were converted, then a traffic signal or sign might become necessary. Assistant City Attorney Hentschke suggested the traffic problem be submitted to the Traffic Safety Commission. Planning Commission approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adapted the followina Resolution: to. 2398, APPROVING A QOMDITIGNAL QBE PERMIT TO PERMIT A 91-UN1T PROFESSIONAL CARE FACILITY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OP 1-5 BETWEEN LAGQNA DRIVE AMD RCMLES AVENUE. ADDED CONDITIONS: If the project converts to apartments, applicant mist cone to an agreement with the school district for schools or other applicable fees. Changes to Condition 14 as listed on page 3 of the Minutes. Traffic Safety Committee to consider traffic impact at Laguna and Jefferson, and their recommendation would be a requirement. Off-site sidewalks to be installed to Davis Street and better access provided from the building to the parking lot, including sidewalks. Recreation area plan to be submitted to the Land Ose Manager for his approval. . The conversion to apartments agreement stays with the property— not the owner. 3. COP-263 - PACIFIC BELL - Request for approval of a conditional use permit to allow the construction of an enclosure to accommodate electronic telephone equipment on property generally located on the south side of Camino de Las Ondas, east of Paseo Del Norte, in the P-C Mike Howes, Associate Planner, gave the staff report on this item, using a transparency to show the site. Chairman Farrow opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to apeak. Farrow Schlehuber Marcus Smith Mcfadden MINUTE PLANNING COMMISSION January 9, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Al Cerroni, Pacific Bell, 7337 Trade Street, San Diego, stated the applicant wished to place a 9x12 building on the property to house electronic equipment. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public testimony was concluded at 7:29 p.m. Planning Commission apptoved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2400, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL QBE PERMIT TO ALLON AN ELO.TH3NIC TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOOTH SIDE OF CMONO DE LAS ONDAS, EAST OF PASBO DEL NORTE. 4. 2CA-182 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - A request to amend the height restriction section of the manufacturing zone. Mike Howes, Associate Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report, stating this would bring the height limit of the M jone into conformance with the CM and PM acnes. This change would allow more stories to be built within the hei*tlimit. Chairman Farrow opened the public hearing at 7:32 p.m.and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the public testimonyportion was closed. Commissioner Marcus asked for clarification, and staff explained that under the present code a building could be 35 feet or two stories, whichever was less. Some people wanted to submit plans for three'stories within that 35 feet limitation, but could not do so. This would allow that type of building, but would not allow any building to go over the 35 feet height limit. Planning Commission appuwed the Negative Declaration issued by the Land use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution: RE90LPTTON NO. 2399, RBCOMKENDDC APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMENT, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAATER 21.32, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.32.050 TO REVISE THE HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE M ZONE. 5. ZCA-181 - CITY OF CARLSBAD This item was withdrawn from the Agenda. ITEMS FOR DISCDSSIOHt «. PCp-65 - ARDELCO APARTMENTS - Request for approval of a Planning Commission Determination for a 10-unit apartment project located on the north side of Chinquapin Avenue between Garf ield Street and the ATtSF Railroad and generally known as 240 Chinquapin Avenue. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the report as contained in the Staff Report, using a transparency bo show the location. He stated this project was processed before Council policy was adapted. Farrow Schlehuber Marcus Smith Farrow Schlehuber Marcus Smith McPadden MINUTE PUNONG OMISSION January 9, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Tom Murdoch was present to answer any questions the Ccotlssicn night have. Commissioner Marcus expressed concern about this project, .even without Council's policy about density. She felt with the other projects approved in that area, the traffic was critical, due to the narrowness of Chinquapin and the other streets in that Walter Brown stated that Chinpiuapin Street is narrow, with curb to curb being 34 feet instead of 40 feet. The tenants would be discouraged from parking on the street, since the buildings are at the rear of the lot. There was no extra parking provided on this project. Chairman Farrow asked whether the traffic circulation in this area had reached a critical stage and staff answered that it had not. There had not been a Level of service analysis done on the intersections. However, there is no traffic problem at the present time. This is a beach area, and a greater degree of congestion is acceptable in that Chairman Farrow consented that nost of the units in this area had been approved with no off-street parking. Staff stated that there had been sane projects approved recently with sane off-street parking. Commissioner McFadden referred to Condition 22A on page 5, and asked what collector street standards are as far as width, staff stated a collector street is 60 feat of right-of-way with 40 feet paved section. Mr. Brown comnented this condition was mis-worded and should be corrected to read: "except that the street width and section shall be as shown on the approved site plan." In answer to. query about parking on the street, Mr. Brown answered there would be parking on both sides, with the traffic lanes being 11 feet in width. Commissioner McFadden was concerned about the two buildings being face to face, with living room to living room and kitchen to kitchen. She felt this constituted a poor quality of life for those living there. Chairman Farrow stated the Planning Commission was ounuetrisJ each time an application like this comes before it for review. There are narrow streets in this area and traffic and parking is a problem. Be felt the City would address this problem as a W»ole and assist the people who live in the beach areas. Commissioner Schlehuber expressed the hope that the General Plan Review Committee would spend time on the beach areas in an effort to help solve some of the problems. Planning Commission approved the Negative Declarationissued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution: NO. 2402, APPROVING A 10-OOT APARTMENT PROJECT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CHINQUAPIN AVENUE BETWEEN QWFIELD STREET MO THE XTtSP RMUOM). Schlehuber Marcus Smith McFadden MINUTL PLMWXNG COWIISSICN January 9, 1985 Page 8 COMMISSIONERS 7. PCD-75 - HALL This item was continued for two weeks. INFCEMATICN ITPl; 8. SP-187 - TIME BCTHglON FOR SP-187 - HDgffiS INVESTMHWS Charles ttrimm. Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report. Comdssioner Schlehuber stated he understood there were people present tonight wishing to speak en this item, and he felt they should be heard, even though it is not a public hearing. Chairman Farrow stated that anyone wishing to apeak on this item would be heard by the Commission. Hr. Eric Larson, 1355 Forest Avenue, spoke of theconcerns of the Buena Vista Lapoon Foundation, stating the defunct duck feeding area was creating trafficproblems and a hazard. He stated it wes hoped that piece of property could be developed into SOB* kind of a park or feeding area. lie was aware the plan had been approved, he just wanted to address the concerns. Mr. Ron Hootton, Director of Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation, stated this was an extension of a previously approved project. This property will be leased by the Foundation or transferred to the Fish and Gam Department, and it wee hoped that would be as soon as possible. He stated there is grant sonsy available to develop this area as a park. He said the Foundation is a non-profit organization and is ready to enter an arrangement to take possession of the property so the development of the corner could proceed. Mike Howes stated there have been several meetings regarding the duck feeding, but no natter how high a fence is put there, the people will continue to park and feed the ducks. Charles Grim continued, stating the applicant has a potential user for the site and a building permit would be forthcoming to trigger the release of this property to the Foundation or Fish and Game. However, the problem is with the Parking Authority, that process is time-consuming. Also the major tenants in the May Company Center must approve access to the applicant's property. He added they might need the extension in order to get financing. Mr. Bill Hughes, Hughes North County Associates, 2 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach, owner of the property and applicant, explained the need for the extension, stating that would allow them to get the property out of their hands and into the hands of the Buena vista Lagoon Foundation or the Fish and Game Department. MINUTE" January 9, 1985 Page 9 COMMISSIONERS one-year extension of SP-Farrow Schlehuber Marcus Smith McFadden Plaming Commission approved a 187. MPBCHM. Of MINOTES: The Minutes of the November 28, 1984, meeting were approved as presented. ADJOOBWENT: By proper notion, the meeting of January 9, 1985, «M adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted HIKE HOLZKILLERLand Dae Planning Manager Slaughter/Babbitt/Tape MEETINGS ARE ALSO TOPED AM> KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED.