HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-25; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION February 25, 1985 5:00 p.m. Levante Community Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wright at 5:09 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present: Chairman Wright, Commissioners Dahlquist, Regan, Donovan, Popovich Absent: Commissioners Morrison and Conti Staff Members present: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks & Recreation Marsha Payne, Adm. Assistant II Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent Keith Beverly, Park Maint. Wkr. Ill/ Special Projects Council Liaison: Pettine PUBLIC OPEN FORUM; There was no one present for the open forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The minutes of January 21, 1985 were approved as presented. APPROVAL OF AGENDA; Commissioner Donovan asked for an Item A under Additional Business regarding Lot 23 in La Costa referenced as Page 20 in the Properties Book, and also the Sammis Development ball field. Commissioner Regan asked to discuss along with Donovan's item any city-owned land that was once designated as park land that has now been decided to be sold. Dave Bradstreet asked for an Item C under Additional Business regarding Levante School Site/School Construction Plan. The Commission approved the Agenda as amended. Commissioner Popovich was appointed Scribe. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Larwin Special Use Area Ballfield Mr. Bradstreet explained the history of the Larwin site. Under the old park master plan, Larwin was designated as a community park. However, after a site analysis, the area was designated as open space and the proposed community park was relocated to the vicinity of the Carlsbad High School site north of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich X Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich MINUTES February 25, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont'd) Because of the ball field shortage, staff was asked to check into the feasibility of developing Larwin as a Special Use Area (ball field). Rick Engineering did the preliminary grading plan and they estimated the cost to be $215,000+. This would include a restroom and parking. Their report indicated there is room for only one ball field, Commissioner Dahlquist felt that $215,000 was too expensive for one ball field. She stated that it might be more feasible to put ball fields on the upper flat land. Mr. Bradstreet stated that the flat area was designated as a passive park area and a ball field might cause problems with the surrounding homeowners. Keith Beverly pointed out this flat land section on the map. According to the Carlsbad tract map, this area is known as Quail Ridge. Commissioner Regan recommended that the Commission study the Quail Ridge parcel further. It was decided not to develop Larwin as a Special Use Area at a cost of $215,000. Edward Beckas, 2657 Vancouver St., addressed the Commission on behalf of the homeowners of Spinnaker Point. He stated the residents are opposed to a ball field on the Quail Ridge site; they are not opposed to a ball field on the lower site. Beckas said the homeowners would be willing to be assessed for maintenance of a park on the lower area. Ann Capels, 2870 Pajaro, expressed her concern for the children in the area. She feels the children should be thought of first and the cost second. Morgan Thompson, President of Tanglewood Homeowners Assoc., 2748 Via Tulipan, stated he was not representing Tanglewood but would like to express his concern for the children in the Tanglewood Development. He feels the children greatly need a ballf ield in their neighborhood. Bob Prescott, 3303 Belle Lane suggested that a practice ball field be developed for the children in the area. He said volunteers could do the grading and the cost to the City would be minimal. This would solve the immediate needs of the children. Dave Bradstreet informed the Commission that they have to consider that the City would liable for any practice site on this area and that the ball field would be next to a major arterial. An EIA would be needed for grading and parking would have to be provided. The Park Site and Facility Planning Committee will meet with the Larwin area homeowners associations to see if they are interested in volunteering to develop this into a practice field. Commissioner Regan was elected as chair of the committee. Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich MINUTES February 25, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont'd) B. Kelly Tree Farm Kelly Tree Farm report was presented by staff. The Commission had no -questions. C. Summary Report from Mayor The Commission reviewed the report and did not have any questions. D. Transient Occupancy Tax The Commission moved to recommend to City Council that the Bed Tax (TOT) funds be allocated to the Parks & Recreation budget. It was decided that the Budget Committee will meet with Dave Bradstreet to work on the rationale for this before they go to Council. Commissioner Dahlquist joined the Budget Committee. Commissioner Popovich was elected as chairman. It was recommended that the Budget Committee» (Commissioners Popovich, Dahlquist, Regan, and Morrison) in conjunction with staff, work on a proposal to ask Council for a portion of TOT funds. E. Civic Center Act The Commission reviewed the Civic Center Act. There were no questons. F. New Committee Assignments The new committee assignments were reviewed. Chairman Wright felt that the committees should become more active. They can review an item and make a recommenda- tion instead of having a lengthy discussion at the Commission meeting. G. Tamarack Triangle There were no questions regarding staff's report on the landscaping of the Tamarack Triangle. H. Recreation Survey The results of the recreation survey have been tabulated on the computer. Two more graphs need to be completed and will be mailed to the commissioners. A committee made up of Commissioners Conti, Morrison, Wright, and Dahlquist, Recreation Superintendent Chase, and Recreation Supervisor Behr will be looking into the results. Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich X X X X X Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich X MINUTES February 25, 1985 Page A COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS A. Hunt Property Michael Holzmlller, Land Use Planning Manager, reported that the Hunt Project is zoned as Planned Community which requires a park or park-in-lieu funds. The exact site of the park will not be determined until develop- ment plans are submitted. Holzmiller passed out the Hunt park proposal. He stated that Planning and Parks & Recreation staff will be meeting with Hunt in the future to go over the proposal in more detail. Their proposal is for a joint school/park facility. It would not be on their property but would be located just north of it. If the City goes with this idea, Hunt would pay park-in-lieu fees instead of donating land. However, if the City decides not to use the educational park concept, then a park can be built at any suitable location in this quadrant. B. Bristol Cove Ski Club Request Marsha Payne informed the Commission that Bristol Cove would like to conduct water ski tournaments. Mrs. Payne suggested this be referred to the special programs committee. Commissioner Dahlquist was named chair of the committee. C. Parks & Recreation Commission Retreat Dave Bradstreet asked the Commission if they would be interested in meeting for an all day retreat. The Commission thought it was a good idea. Bradstreet will make the arrangements. D. Agenda Review Bradstreet said he would like to meet with the Commission to go over the agenda prior to the meetings. The Commission was in favor of this and suggested they meet with Dave individually on an as-needed basis. Mr. Bradstreet would also like to meet with the chairman an hour before the meeting to review the agenda. COUNCIL REPORT Councilman Pettine reported there would be a slide show on the General Plan on February 26. Everyone is invited to attend. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. -7- MINUTES February 25, 1985 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS ADDITIONAL BUSINESS A. Lot 23 Commissioner Donovan asked about the status of Lot 23 in South Carlsbad. Bradstreet stated he believed the Cit bought the property for $1.00 so we may be able to sell, trade, or exchange the property without going through the Park Abandonment Act. In addition, Commissioner Donovan stated that the Sammis Development is willing to donate approximately 10 acres of land to the City. Donovan requested that they review the Sammis proposal at the next meeting. Mr. Bradstreet stated that he was aware of the proposal but did not know when it will be dedicated to the City. B. Lot by St. Malo Development Commissioner Dahlquist wondered what happened to the park property owned next to the St. Malo development. This is located next to the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon. They are now building condos at the site. Staff will investigate. C. Construction of Levante School Commissioner Regan informed the Commission that she recently attended a school board meeting. The District is hoping to have Levante School completed by September of 1986. Commissioner Regan wondered what impact the construction of the school would have on the park and requested the history of the school/park site. D. Budget Committee The Budget Committee will review the budget and meet with Marsha Backlund-Payne to discuss. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of February 25 was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jane Meadows RECEIVED MAR '* 1985 1200 ELM AVENUE • XflK^ • TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 M^fcW (fM (619)438-5601 Cttp of Cartebab PURCHASING DEPARTMENT March 4, 1985 Joel H. Prescott 5431 IDS Robles Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Prescott: Your letter to Frank Aleshire, dated February 13, 1985, was referred to me for an answer, I have talked with Dave Bradstreet, the Parks and Recreation Director and Charles Grirrm, Principal Planner, concerning your interest in buying or leasing the Cannon lake property. Mr. Bradstreet has suggested you make a presentation to the Parks and Recreation Commission and if there is no plan to develop the property as a park, we could then go to Council and get a determination on selling or leasing the property. When the matter goes to the City Council, they would probably direct the City staff to determine an appropriate land use for the site. It would be necessary to process a general plan amendment and zone change prior to the sale of the property. Under favorable conditions the amendment and zone change would take from three to six months. If you are interested in making a presentation to the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion, please call Dave Bradstreet, 438-5571, and request a time to speak at their March 18th meeting. Please contact me at the above listed number if you have any other questions con- cerning the property. Very truly yours, RuthXletcher, Purchasing Officer cc: Parks and Recreation Director J— -^ ATTACHMENT "A" GroRGEDEUKMEJIAN, Governor March 1, 1985 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY _ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND ..cCREATION P.O. BOX 2390 SACRAMENTO 95811 (916) 322-9587 Ms. Marsha Backlund-Payne Administrative Assistant Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Backlund-Payne: Calavera Hills $145,000 Congratulations! Your 1984 Bond Act proposal for the above project in the amount indicated is being recommended to the Legislature for funding. Many good projects were received that could not be funded and, in most cases, the requested grant funds had to be down-scaled to equal the available funds. A total of 1,069 project proposals were received totaling $204,019,000. From these, 319 of the best qualified were selected totaling $38,560,000. This amount is available from the four competitive programs. Here is a breakdown of the number of projects received and those proposed for funding: Regional Competitive Program No. of proposals received, 750 for $164,104,000 Proposed for funding, 224 for $28,215,000 Lakes, Reservoirs and Waterways Program No. of proposals received, 86 for $15,559,000 Proposed for funding, 27 for $4,950,000 Roberti-Z'berg Program (Competitive only, Block Grants not included) No. of proposals received, 101 for $12,056,000 Proposed for funding, 40 for $3,910,000 Non-Profit Program No. of proposals received, 132 for $12,300,000 Proposed for funding, 28 for $1,485,000 The Historic Preservation Grant Program will be reported upon separately. Assuming legislative action is in accordance with our recommendations, the grant funds will be available on July 1, 1985. At that time, we will send to you an agreement to sign and return to the Department. Your Grants Administration Office Project Officer will soon contact you with necessary procedures. He or she may be contacted at the above number if you have any questions or need assistance. I am confident that the grant funds that you are about to receive will be used effec- tively and expeditiously to meet the urgent recreation needs in your jurisdiction. Sincerely,ATTACHMENT "B1 Wm. S. Director ner -16- March 12, 1985 TO: PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Administrative Assistant GRANT APPLICATION Grant funding through the Roberti Z1 Berg program is available through the State Department of Parks & Recreation. This year our allocation is $19,993. This is a matching grant program. The State provides 75% of the monies while the City pays for the remaining 25%. Recommended projects are: 1. Development of Calavera Hills Community Park - Phase I. 2. Development of Stagecoach Park 3. Improvement of Upper level of La Costa Canyon Park, i.e. landscaping, irrigation, picnic area, asphalt, path ways. Staff is requesting direction on what project should be selected to receive the grant funds. MARSHA BACKLUND-PAYNE Administrative Assistant MBP:jm ATTACHMENT C PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT APPENDIX A SELL/TRADE This classification includes areas which are unsuitable for recreation due to size, location, or physical conditions. These areas should either be sold or traded for areas of higher recreation value. .Areas within the Sell/Trade classification include: Cannon Lake Park Fuerte Park Larwin Park Occidental Park Hosp Grove . , San Marcos Creek Levante Canyon/Lot Alta Mira REHABILITATION Facilities no longer providing adequate recreational opportunities should be rehabilitated. This condition is due to either existing facilities that lack attraction appeal or popular facilities that require re-conditioning or updated facilities. Areas classified for Rehabilitation are: Cannon Park Holiday Park Chase Fields Pine Field OPEN SPACE This classification includes land of significant ecological value or land possessing a potential liability that it requires being left in a natural state. Although organized recreational opportunities are not compatible 61 ATTACHMENT "F" 1200 ELM AVENUE • 2>vf^ , • TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 W*¥4 IjfM (619) 438'5571 Cttp of Cartebab PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT March 8, 1985 Donald F. Sammis Sammis Properties 2650 Camino Del Rio North, #100 San Diego, CA 92108 SOCCER FIELD Your letter of December 19 to Councilmember Ann Kulchin has been referred to me. Your interim solution to the soccer field problem sounds interesting and promising. Ballfield shortage is one of the most pressing problems at Carlsbad Parks and Recreation. May we meet at your convenience to discuss the implementation of your master plan. You may call my secretary, Val Fullwood, at 438-5571 to arrange a time. I look forward to meeting you and working together on this project. David Brads.treet Director vf ATTACHMENT "G" RECEIVED , PROPERTIES December 19, 1984 Mrs. Ann FCUlchin, Councilmember City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: SOCCER FIELDS Dear Ann: At the December 6, 1984 City Council Meeting I listened to the discussion of the need for a new location for a soccer field. As I understand the problem, residents who live near the current site are upset by the traffic and noise generated by the soccer games. The City apparently has a solution to the problem, but this solution will not occur for two to four years. I would like to offer the City what could be an interim solution: a soccer field located on Sammis Properties project on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon. We are currently processing a master plan for this property which includes a soccer field. We are willing to sod the playing field ahead of schedule so that it could be used as soon as we could build roads and a parking lot. If the processing and approvals for my project proceed on schedule, the soccer field could be ready for use by late next summer. I will be happy to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter further. Very truly yours, SAMMIS PROPERTIES Donald F. S«ffnmis 2650 Camino Del Rio North #100 • San Diego, CA 92108 • (619) 298-7112 March 7, 1985 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Community Redevelopment Manager MOVE OF GRANARY TO MAGEE PARK We are requesting that you and the Parks and Recreation Commission consider the relocation of the granary building from the Twin Inns to Magee Park. Because of the significance as an historic building, it is important to preserve the granary. Magee Park is adequate to accommodate the granary and the building will be compatible with other structures at the park. The City and Historical Society would pay the cost of moving the building. Carlsbad Rotary Club will set up the building at Magee Park and the Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League will refurbish the structure. It is of single wall construction and needs structural work in order for it to be used for community activities. All work will be done according to and in cooperation with Building Department standards. I am available to discuss this proposal prior to the Commission meeting. CHRIS SALOMONE CS:al ATTACHMENT "H1 RtCE!YEDF::o 0 13-35 February 6, 1984 To: Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission From: Ad Hoc Historic Sites Committee Re: Re-location of Twin Inns granary for possible use as art gallery/studio Dear friends, This is to advise you of recent informal discussions between members of this committee and local artists. These talks have focused on two related concerns: 1) our interest in re-locating the Twin Inns granary to a place where it can fill a community need, and 2) the artists' interest in finding a place to work and show their work to the community. Barbara Wilson, president of the Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League, sees great potential in the granary as a gallery. The art league is a long-standing non-profit organization which draws from the entire north coastal area of the county, but it has never had a home of its own. It has regularly sponsored a juried competition which is displayed in the Army and Navy Academy, plus its members' shows which have been hung in the Carlsbad Library and local banks, restaurants or wherever else space can be found. Members have contributed to a substantial building fund which Mrs. Wilson feels would provide a strong basis for further development given the incentive of a specific target, such as restoring the granary at a new location. Ken Capps, widely recognized Carlsbad sculptor, has expressed the need for a place where artists such as himself could work and perhaps share studio equipment and floor time. Our committee's analysis of these needs and the potential for meeting them with existing community resources has led to the following priority of options: -24- a. Moving the granary to the north end of Magee Park, where the proximity of Heritage Hall and Magee Barn could eventually provide expanded opportunities for art classes and programs. b. Moving the granary to property on El Camino Real, just north of the Kelly Barn, which owner-developer Doug Avis has informally proposed donating to the city as a possible historic park. Here again, the proximity of an old barn, which Avis has offered to re-locate (but not restore), seems to offer opportunities for art to be produced and displayed. As you can see, we are at a point where your consideration and cooperation become essential. We would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss these possibilities with you, hopefully at your next meeting later this month. I have also enclosed a multiple list of ideas relating to other possible re-locations and their potential for community use. Since many, if not most, of these ideas would ultimately involve some sort of city participation, we hope that they might relate to aspects of your long-range planning. Thanking you for your consideration, Marje Howard-Jones, Chairperson Ad Hoc Historic Sites Committee cc: Barbara Wilson Ken Capps Mayor Mary Casler CO (Uo 3 O CO 0)M o •H J-I O •I-* CO •H X!\ r-H CO J-I 3 4-1 ,_ ( 3 O • J-l >s 3 r-<o cux* CU -H CO r-l 3 E T3 0)i-l CU 3 w O O CO C CU O £-H | \ CU O J-I CUcu c XI C 5 0o'OC J-l CO 0)> 3= 0) O 4-> XI COXC 15o T)W CCO COCU T3 CO •H CO CU Tl T)w w CU -rl E !-! JJ O 3 4-> O CO Xc •H -OCO T3J-i COf\*-U cu > COcu to M-i CU_j^^ < CU ]L| 0 CU Community needsPotential usCOcu 4-> •H CO i-H CO •H 4-» C<u 4-)o fX, 1 • W O CU 4J O CU• .M 3 O CO CO 00 0) G <X -H 13 i— 1 r— 1 CO -H J-i 33 CQ 4-> rH 3U >%cOi— 1ri_.t-u CO •H Art GalleryMuseum/heritage d>. 4-> J-l 0) -^ Cu J-l O COU (X,a cu CO CU •H GO > CO < S >>J-l 4-1 CO 0 C Cu CO CU J-la o Meeting PlaceCU>oJ-lo Cuco O 33 C•H XI<c0 00oJ Bed/BreakfastASj-i CO (X, XCO T)•H !-l O 33 CO 0) co3O 33 Restaurantcoo00 CO nJ CO 4-1 CO •H >uenaCQ cocuo>j-i H COcuo •rH M-l• i *>wo \Commercial -shopsArtists' ColonyEquestrian Center1-11-1 CO 33 G ^O J-lX X <•u q cx, •H CO C_3 CJ CO\ co X O J-i J-l -H CU CO J-i > J-i CO CO < Xi O .-I O •H < CO S H-| 2 O >> •• co T3j-i •H CQ CO >,cu1— 1 "Ocu O-i CU 4-1 CO>•HJ-l CL. \ ^ 0O M -H X! <C rH O Cu Xi C 3CO 33 Cu(A O cO io oi-l O co i-H i-l •H CU 0 J-l 00 O J-i CO XI CO 4.) O C_J CO CO CQ \ j-i CU X> O -HJ-i _301 S ~E Mo cu O 4Jc <4-l O> (U X>ECO Xi O co -U- CO J-i - 3 O 3 •Hu sj2 * g2 "g °a §Q •N - CO c ^ ^ o*! M .2 8O C/3 CO 0 4J O C CO gH O 60 ac < co 3| O c 3E O O T3CU 4-1 COa> V4 March 6, 1985 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Community Redevelopment Manager DONATION OF LAND FOR PARK SITE The Historic Sites Ad-Hoc Committee has been discussing the possibility of locating a site(s) to be used for relocating historic buildings. A possible site has been presented to the committee that needs to be discussed with you and the Parks and Recreation Commission. The site is approximately nine acres on the west side of El Camino Real just south of the Country Store. Doug Avis, owner and developer of the property, would donate the land to the City to be used as a passive park with historic buildings that could be used for community activities. Currently there are three buildings that could be located to the property; the log cabin from the Twin Inns and the barn and livery stable from the Kelly Ranch. Jogging trails and picnic tables could be added to enhance the site. Mr. Avis is available to discuss this possible park site prior to the March 18th Commission meeting. CHRIS SALOMONE CS:al ATTACHMENT "I" LOCATION MAP RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK SITE Parks and Recreation Commission "The Green Sheet" March 18, 1985 The Swim Compelx received a donation of a stainless steel wheelchair from the North Coast Junior Women's Club. The wheelchair will be used in the pool for people with special needs. Many thanks to the Junior Women's Club! The Recreation Department is sponsoring its annual Easter Egg Hunts for children ages 4 to 11. They will be held april 6 at 9:00 a.m. at La Costa Canyon Park and Holiday Park. Door prizes and a live Easter Bunny will be given away. There is no charge to participants. . It's time to sign up for the community garden again. The 25' x 30' plots will cost $25 for the year. The Swim Complex will be conducting swim instructor and lifeguard training for the North Coast area during Easter week. In addition, Carlsbad Highschool has started using the pool in the mornings and afternoons for their competitive swim team. Spring Clean-up will be held the end of April. It's time to start cleaning out the garage I Recreation is sponsoring two youth track and field meets. They will be held at 10:00 a.m. March 23 and March 30. They are being co-sponsored by the Carlsbad Rotary. The Commission is invited to attend. Ken Price has been working with the Carlsbad Rotary and Koll Company to coordinate the grading and installation of backstops for the preparation of practice softball fields on the Koll Company property. The Recreation Survey results have been completed and are being reviewed by the Recreation/Leisure Services Committee. The Triathlon will be held on July 6. Remember to mark that date on your calendar. We need your help. 1200 ELM AVENUE • £rjf . • TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 W^HWJfM <619>438-5571 Citp of Cartebab PAflKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT March 11, 1985 President Brenda Elg North Coast Junior Women's Club 3615 Pontiac Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mrs. Elg and Jr. Women's Club Members: On behalf of the City of Carlsbad, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the department, thank you for donating the beautiful, shiny stainless steel wheelchair to the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. The wheelchair has already been used several times during our public recreation and lap swimming programs. We are offering an "Adapted Aquatics" instructional program in late spring and summer, and we are sure the chair will be used more and more as the word gets out. I know that the real value of this donation is in providing the opportunity for safe, comfortable entry into the water by those with special needs. Thank you again for taking the initiative in finding and filling this special need. You and your members can be proud of your work on behalf of the community. Sincerely, (2 p David Bradstreet Director vf c. City Manager Parks and Recreation Commission MINUTE., Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMGSSION Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: March 4, 1985 Place of Meeting: City Council Chanters COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hood at 3:09 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Wood, Commissioners Melideo and Harkins. Absent; Camiss loners Punches and O'Day. Staff Members present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Vincent Jimno, Chief of Police Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant Ron Beckman, City Engineer The Minutes of the February 4, 1985, meeting were approved as presented. REPORT ON ACTION RtXjUKSTKL) AT PREVIOUS MKUi'lNG Steve Tisdale reported on action requested at previous meeting, including new four-way stop signs at Poinsettia and Batiquitos and Paseo Del Norte. He added the stripinq was in place and the north leg of the median had been opened. Marty Bouman stated that in conjunction with the changes at Poinsettia, Batiquitos and Paseo Del Norte, he wanted to report on what was happening across 1-5, on the west side. Mr. Bouman used the chalkboard to indicate the alignment of Poinsettia, indicating the widened portion by the new hotel would be striped and a term installed to prevent use of that portion until such time as the entire road is widened. ACTION ITEMS; 1. Park Drive between Bristol Cove and Valencia - Request for no parking anytime signs on the north side of the street. Traffic Safety Commission agreed with staff recommendation to deny this request at the present time, but to continue to monitor the area. 2. Cadencia between La Costa Avenue and Piragua - Request for speed limit signs. Steve Tisdale reported the "stop ahead" sign had been installed in this area. Traffic Safety Commission agreed with staff recommendation to deny the request at this time, but will re-evaluate the request when Cadencia becomes a residential street in the entire area. Weed Harkins Melideo Wood Harkins Melideo Wood Harkins Melideo MINUTED March 4, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS; (Continued) 3. Rancho Santa Fe Road between Questhaven Road to Olivenhain Road - Request to lower the speed limit to 45 m.p.h1. Officer Shipley suggested the speed limit be extended to the northern City limit and to the southern City limit. Traffic Safety Commission attended this recommendation to include a 45 m.p.h. speed limit on Rancho Santa Fe Road from the northern to the southern City limits, with warning signs to be installed as shown in the sample in the packet. 4. La Portalada & Milano - Request to replace existing yield signs with stop signs. Traffic Safety Commission accepted the recommendation of staff to replace the existing yield signs with stop signs. City Engineer Ron Beckman stated for the record that all reference to Hospital way in the Agenda should be Hosp Way. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS; • 1. El Camino Real and Plaza/Marron Road/Hosp Way - Request for turn signs. Staff recommendation is to install appropriate lane direction signs on the mast arms for each approach at all three intersections. 2. Northbound Carlsbad Boulevard offrarp to eastbound Palomar Airport Road - Request for exit speed limit sign or curve ahead arrows. Staff recommendation is to install an exit speed sign on the ramp. 3. Carlsbad Boulevard between Palomar Airport Road and southern City limits - Request for directional arrows! Staff recommendation is to install directional arrows. 4. El Canino Real between Hqsp Way and Highway 79 - Request for a 35 m.p.h. speed zone and speed reduction sign for northbound traffic at Hosp Way. Staff will install a "reduced speed ahead" sign. Police Chief Jimno stated at the beginning of the meeting he was in favor of the request made in Item 14. Steve Tisdale reported Oceanside has a 45 m.p.h. speed limit and would not consider lowering it to the 35 m.p.h. which Carlsbad recommends. 5. Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Cadencia - Request to widen and stripe a second northbound lane. Staff will report back to the Conmission on this item. Wood Harkins Melideo Wood Harkins Melideo MINUTE* rtarch 4, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 6. La Costa Avenue east of El Camino Real - Request for guard rail on curve. Staff will report back to the Ccnmissicn on this item. 7. Caroino Vida Roble - Request lower speed limit, Staff will report back to the Ccmnission on this item. Traffic Safety Oonmission concurred with staff recommendations on Items E-1 through B-7, with instructions to staff to report back to the Ccmnission where indicated. By proper motion, the meeting of March 4, 1985, was adjourned at 3:43 p.m. 'ully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk wood Barkins Melideo RECEIVED FEB 2 0 1985 MINUTES Meeting-Of: LIBRARY. BOARD OP TRUSTEES Date of Meeting: January 30, 1985 Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Place of Meeting: Branch Meeting Room $'0>\ CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by President Schramti at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Schramm, Trustees Trigas, Falkenstein, Martin and Grosse. Absent - None. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative Carolyn Ayars, President, Friends of the Library Dale Smathers, Genealogical Society Representative Tybie Stone, Leaque of Women voters Representative Bobbie Hoder, AAII Council Liaison Lewis arrived at 4:07 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the December 19, 1984, meeting were approved as amended to show the correct spelling of Carolyn Ayars on page 2. REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported this item would be deferred to the workshop. b. Budget Trustee Martin asked to defer this to Item 5 c. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported the following changes: Zeph Phillips left January 3, 1985? Betty Maerkle's position will be filled as of February 4; a request will be made for Karen Webber's position to be upgraded to Library Assistant I, and Charlotte Egea's position to Library Assistant II, Fred Horn's to be upgraded to Librarian III. Joe Skymba'o position description will be re-written to reflect his duties. The Graphic Artist position is currently 3/4 time; next year's budget requests full time. The City has asked for the loan of Bobbie Hodie part-time to assist the Land Use Review Committee for six months. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported en children activities at the library for the past month. Schramn Trigas Falkenstein Martin Grosse MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 30, 1985 Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS; a. Library staffing changes - Discussion Director Lanoe discussed these changes and emphasized that Joe Skymba's position description now more accurately describes what he does. The Library Assistant I in A-V will become a Librarian III if the request for upgrade is approved. This Librarian III will be in charge of Audio- Visual Services. b. Serra Cooperative Library System Planning Retreat and System Advisory Board Orientation Director Lange called attention to the information in the packet and stated he would like to spend time at the next meeting discussing this. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Mrs. Margaret Brownley reported further on the Serra orientation and the feelings of the Advisory Board with regard to determining their function. NEW BUSINESS; a. Public Facilities Management System Report, December 1984 Research and Analysis Group. Director Lange referred to the information in the packet, stating one important factor was the mentioning for the first time that the Library could become inadequate. The second factor, was the use of a significantly lower population growth projection than SANDAG. He added the Library uses the SANDAG projection figures. b. Public Library Fund 1984-85 Allocations (S.B. 358) Director Lange stated the Public Library Fund Allocation of $20,821 was received last week, but did not represent $1.20 per capita, as it was not fully funded by the State. c. 1985-86 Budget Review Trustee Martin presented the budget for 1985-86, going over each area in detail. Director Lanqe stated the final draft would be presented at the next Board Meeting, and would go to the City February 25, 1985. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director Lange added to his written report, stating he had met with the Library Task Force at the high school— and Council Member Lewis is on that Task Force. This group has developed a five-year plan for improving the school libraries. He added the Task Force had been assured of the Library's cooperation and support. Council Member Lewis added that the school libraries have been a dismal operation, and he hoped there would be funds to make the improvements planned. MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES January 30, 1985 Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated a letter had been received regarding a $25,000 bequest to the Library, and there will be a hearing on February 25, 1985, regarding that. The money is to be used for purchasing Genealogical books. Director Lange reported the physical re-organization of the Library has been dropped for the time being, with the AV area to be remodeled to relieve the cramped situation. In conjunction with that, Director Lange said he had talked with Joe Skymba about the film collection. The bulk of the collection could be put on deposit with another Library or with the Serra System. The use of the film collection has decreased the last few years with the increase in use of the video tapes. Since the primary users of the films are teachers, it was felt they could arrange to use the films in advance and not be inconvenienced. Director Lange will explore the possibilities 'for storing the film collection. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Miss Carolyn Avars reported on the future activities of the Friends of the Library and added the Friends had voted to extend the art rental program to the Branch Library. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Mr. Dale Smathers reported on the fund-raising activities planned for the coining year by the Genealogical Society. OTHtiR; President Schranm reported on the California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners meeting she attended and invited the Board Members to use her notes to review the topics included in the meeetinq. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP Director Lange distributed copies of the Agenda from last night's Council Meeting and copies of the Agenda Bill regarding a study of the expansion of City Hall and the Library, which he heartily endorsed. Director Lange added that the parking situation for the Library would have to be lived with for at least another year. Lack of parking is the most frequent complaint the Library receives. Director Lange distributed draft copies of a master plan to the Trustees with the request that they read this over and come back with thoughts and suggestions on the need for Library expansion. By proper notion, the Meeting of January 30, 1985, was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The next meeting will be February 20, 1985, 3:00 p.m., at the Main Library. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk MINUTEw MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION February 25, 1985 5:00 p.m. Levante Community Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wright at 5:09 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present: Chairman Wright, Commissioners Dahlquist, Regan, Donovan, Popovich Absent: Commissioners Morrison and Conti Staff Members present: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks & Recreation Marsha Payne, Adm. Assistant II Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent Keith Beverly, Park Maint. Wkr. Ill/ Special Projects Council Liaison: Pettine PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There was no one present for the open forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of January 21, 1985 were approved as presented. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Donovan asked for an Item A under Additional Business regarding Lot 23 in La Costa referenced as Page 20 in the Properties Book, and also the Sammis Development ball field. Commissioner Regan asked to discuss along with Donovan's item any city-owned land that was once designated as park land that has now been decided to be sold. Dave Bradstreet asked for an Item C under Additional Business regarding Levante School Site/School Construction Plan. The Commission approved the Agenda as amended. Commissioner Popovich was appointed Scribe. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Larwin Special Use Area Ballfield Mr. Bradstreet explained the history of the Larwin site. Under the old park master plan, Larwin was designated as a community park. However, after a site analysis, the area was designated as open space and the proposed community park was relocated to the vicinity of the Carlsbad High School site north of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich MINUTto February 25, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont'd) Because of the ball field shortage, staff was asked to check into the feasibility of developing Larwin as a Special Use Area (ball field). Rick Engineering did the preliminary grading plan and they estimated the cost to be $215,000+. This would include a restroom and parking. Their report indicated there is room for only one ball field. Commissioner Dahlquist felt that $215,000 was too expensive for one ball field. She stated that it might be more feasible to put ball fields on the upper flat land. Mr. Bradstreet stated that the flat area was designated as a passive park area and a ball field might cause problems with the surrounding homeowners. Keith Beverly pointed out this flat land section on the map. According to the Carlsbad tract map, this area is known as Quail Ridge. Commissioner Regan recommended that the Commission study the Quail Ridge parcel further. It was decided not to develop Larwin as a Special Use Area at a cost of $215,000. Edward Beckas, 2657 Vancouver St., addressed the Commission on behalf of the homeowners of Spinnaker Point. He stated the residents are opposed to a ball field on the Quail Ridge site; they are not opposed to a ball field on the lower site. Beckas said the homeowners would be willing to be assessed for maintenance of a park on the lower area. Ann Capels, 2870 Pajaro, expressed her concern for the children in the area. She feels the children should be thought of first and the cost second. Morgan Thompson, President of Tanglewood Homeowners Assoc., 2748 Via Tulipan, stated he was not representing Tanglewood but would like to express his concern for the children in the Tanglewood Development. He feels the children greatly need a ballfield in their neighborhood. Bob Prescott, 3303 Belle Lane suggested that a practice ball field be developed for the children in the area. He said volunteers could do the grading and the cost to the City would be minimal. This would solve the immediate needs of the children. Dave Bradstreet informed the Commission that they have to consider that the City would liable for any practice site on this area and that the ball field would be next to a major arterial. An EIA would be needed for grading and parking would have to be provided. The Park Site and Facility Planning Committee will meet with the Larwin area homeowners associations to see if they are interested in volunteering to develop this into a practice field. Commissioner Regan was elected as chair of the committee. -5- Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich MINUTEo February 25, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont'd) B. Kelly Tree Farm Kelly Tree Farm report was presented by staff. The Commission had no questions. C. Summary Report from Mayor The Commission reviewed the report and did not have any questions. D. Transient Occupancy Tax The Commission moved to recommend to City Council that the Bed Tax (TOT) funds be allocated to the Parks & Recreation budget. It was decided that the Budget Committee will meet with Dave Bradstreet to work on the rationale for this before they go to Council. Commissioner Dahlquist joined the Budget Committee. Commissioner Popovich was elected as chairman. It was recommended that the Budget Committee, (Commissioners Popovich, Dahlquist, Regan, and Morrison) in conjunction with staff, work on a proposal to ask Council for a portion of TOT funds. E. Civic Center Act The Commission reviewed the Civic Center Act. There were no questons. F. New Committee Assignments The new committee assignments were reviewed. Chairman Wright felt that the committees should become more active. They can review an item and make a recommenda- tion instead of having a lengthy discussion at the Commission meeting. G. Tamarack Triangle There were no questions regarding staff's report on the landscaping of the Tamarack Triangle. H. Recreation Survey The results of the recreation survey have been tabulated on the computer. Two more graphs need to be completed and will be mailed to the commissioners. A committee made up of Commissioners Conti, Morrison, Wright, and Dahlquist, Recreation Superintendent Chase, and Recreation Supervisor Behr will be looking into the results. Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich Wright Dahlquist Regan Donovan Popovich Ml NUT to February 25, 1985 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS A. Hunt Property Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, reported that the Hunt Project is zoned as Planned Community which requires a park or park-in-lieu funds. The exact site of the park will not be determined until develop- ment plans are submitted. Holzmiller passed out the Hunt park proposal. He stated that Planning and Parks & Recreation staff will be meeting with Hunt in the future to go over the proposal in more detail. Their proposal is for a joint school/park facility. It would not be on their property but would be located just north of it. If the City goes with this idea, Hunt would pay park-in-lieu fees instead of donating land. However, if the City decides not to use the educational park concept, then a park can be built at any suitable location in this quadrant. B. Bristol Cove Ski Club Request Marsha Payne informed the Commission that Bristol Cove would like to conduct water ski tournaments. Mrs. Payne suggested this be referred to the special programs committee. Commissioner Dahlquist was named chair of the committee. C. Parks & Recreation Commission Retreat Dave Bradstreet asked the Commission if they would be interested in meeting for an all day retreat. The Commission thought it was a good idea. Bradstreet will make the arrangements. D. Agenda Review Bradstreet said he would like to meet with the Commission to go over the agenda prior to the meetings. The Commission was in favor of this and suggested they meet with Dave individually on an as-needed basis. Mr. Bradstreet would also like to meet with the chairman an hour before the meeting to review the agenda. COUNCIL REPORT Councilman Pettine reported there would be a slide show on the General Plan on February 26. Everyone is invited to attend. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. -7- MINUTEo February 25, 1985 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS ADDITIONAL BUSINESS A. Lot 23 Commissioner Donovan asked about the status of Lot 23 in South Carlsbad. Bradstreet stated he believed the Cit bought the property for $1.00 so we may be able to sell, trade, or exchange the property without going through the Park Abandonment Act. In addition, Commissioner Donovan stated that the Sammis Development is willing to donate approximately 10 acres of land to the City. Donovan requested that they review the Sammis proposal at the next meeting. Mr. Bradstreet stated that he was aware of the proposal but did not know when it will be dedicated to the City. B. Lot by St. Malo Development Commissioner Dahlquist wondered what happened to the park property owned next to the St. Malo development. This is located next to the mouth of Buena Vista Lagoon. They are now building condos at the site. Staff will investigate. C. Construction of Levante School Commissioner Regan informed the Commission that she recently attended a school board meeting. The District is hoping to have Levante School completed by September of 1986. Commissioner Regan wondered what impact the construction of the school would have on the park and requested the history of the school/park site. D. Budget Committee The Budget Committee will review the budget and meet with Marsha Backlund-Payne to discuss. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of February 25 was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jane Meadows