HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES - MEETING OF: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION \ \ \ \ \ DATE OF MEETING: March 18, 1985 \ \ \ \ \ TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 p.m. Yrt\ \*\ \ PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers \x Y£V* ^O\ COMMISSIONERS \£$$^8\ ,— , CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wright at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Wright, Commissioners Conti, Dahlquist, Donovan, Morrison, Popovich and Regan. Council Liaison Pettine. Absent - None. Staff: Dave Brads treet, Director of Parks and Recreation Marsha Payne, AAII Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There was no one present for the Open Forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the February 25, 1985, meeting were approved as presented. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following additions were made to the Agenda: Chairman Wright added: A. Stagecoach/Calavera Update. B. Track Meet Representation. C. Signage (requested by Commissioner Dahlquist). D. Control of Lagoon Land. E. Study Plans on Park Planning Issues. F. Update on Joint School District/City Committee. Commissioner Donovan added: G. Annual Plant Exchange - Los Altos. H. Update on Committee Planning Spanish Wild West Park at Carrillo Ranch. Commissioner Regan added: I. How Prop H affects Stagecoach and Calavera Parks. Commission approved the Agenda as amended. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES Page 2 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS APPOINT SCRIBE; Commissioner Morrison was appointed Scribe for this meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; A. Cannon Lake Park Mr. Joel H. Prescott, 5431 Los Robles Drive, addressed the Commission, stating he would like to purchase the Cannon Lake property to build a self- storage facility. He added he would also consider a long-term lease on the property. Mr. Prescott explained the type of structure he proposed to build on the land and in answer to query, stated he would be willing to have an appraisal of the property made, if the negotiations reached that stage. Chairman Wright said this matter would come up on Item G on the Agenda—regarding the legality of selling land donated or willed as park land. He suggested the Park Site and Facility Committee be split into two, with Commissioners Regan and Conti studying the Larwin site and Commissioners Popovich and Dahlquist studying the Cannon Lake proposal. Item 7A was referred to the Committee for study and conference with Mr. Prescott. (His telephone number: 438-4684) B. Calavera Hills - Community Park - Phase II Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, reported the City had received $145,000 from the 1984 Bond Act. He commented that a number of cities did not get any grant funds from this source, and Carlsbad will use those grant funds for Phase II of Calavera Hills Park. C. Roberti Z'Berg Grant Funding Dave Bradstreet explained Attachment C and the three recommended projects for the Roberti Z'Berg Grant funding. Commissioner Dahlquist requested Larwin Park be added as Item 4. Mr. Bradstreet explained that if Item 1 were selected—Calavera Hills Park—he would recommend the money be used to offset the overall cost of the park. The same would be true for Stagecoach Park. Marsha Backlund-Payne explained that the City had three years in which to spend that money, but the project must be designated now. Commission adopted recommendation #3: Improvement of upper level of La Costa Canyon Park, i.e., landscaping, irrigation, picnic area, asphalt, path ways, for the grant monies received through the Roberti Z'Berg program in the amount of $19,993.00. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan MINUTES Page 3 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS D. Dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon Marsha Backlund-Payne used a wall map to indicate the dredging area of the Lagoon, stating the sand bar is larger than shown on the map. The City wanted to dredge the entire Lagoon, but it was not cost effective. Also, the eel grass will have to be relocated. This is a recreational project according to the Corps of Engineers, and the City will be responsible for 50 percent of the cost. The EIR will be paid for by the Corps of Engineers. Commissioner Donovan expressed the opinion that there should be a "Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation" for this lagoon similar to the other lagoons, and Mr. Bradstreet said the difference is that this lagoon is owned by SDG&E and leased to the City. E. Scribe Report Chairman Wright reported the Mayor had not responded to the February Scribe Report as yet. F. Parks & Recreation Commission Retreat Dave Bradstreet announced three new possible dates for the Retreat, and the consensus of the Commission was to set the Retreat for May 11, 1985. G. Park Land to be Sold, Exchanged or Traded Commissioner Conti stated he felt a legal opinion was necessary before anything was done about selling/trading park land. Dave Bradstreet referred to Attachment F, and reported as follows: SELL/TRADE Cannon Lake Park — has been referred to the Committee Fuerte Park — under development Larwin Park — under study Occidental Park — could be sold, and has been sold and the money collected Hosp Grove — recommended to be kept as passive neighborhood park San Marcos Creek — La Costa agreement update — have traded that for Alga Norte Levante Canyon/Lot — City Council has agreed to look into selling or however the Commission wishes to use the lot. Alta Mira — Dave Bradstreet is working with the homeowners to use for gardening or pitch-and- putt golf course. All facilities listed under Rehabilitation have been rehabilitated. MINUTES page 4 March 18' 1985 COMMISSIONERS H. Sammis Property Development Dave Bradstreet reported he will meet with Mr. Briggs of Sammis Properties to discuss the soccer field on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon, as proposed by them. NEW BUSINESS; A. Relocation of Granary to Magee Park Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, reported the granary building at the Twin Inns is a movable building and the primary suggestion is to move this building to Magee Park. He called attention to a wall chart showing the placement of buildings in Magee Park and the three alternatives for placing the granary building. Mr. Salomone stated the City and the Historical Society would pay the cost of moving the building, which would be approximately $2,000. The Rotary Club and the Art League would refurbish the structure. The building could be used for displaying art work and/or other community projects. In answer to a question regarding the impact to parking in the park, it was determined that there is a provision for using the church lot and the Lutheran Home for overflow parking. Marge Howard-Jones of the Historical Society said the building has historical significance to the City, and they would like to see it preserved. She added the V>uld" in the memorandum stating the City and Historical Society would pay the cost of moving the building should be changed to 'could". Dave Bradstreet pointed out the three alternative locations for placing the granary in the Park and stated Alternative #1 was the preferred spot. He reminded the Commission that the granary did not necessarily have to be placed in Magee Park; that there are other locations available, and the B item on the Agenda would address that. Commission accepted the granary building on the Twin Inns property as part of the Parks and Recreation facilities. The Commission urged Chris Salomone to proceed with finding funding for the moving and refurbishing of this granary. Discussion followed, with Commissioner Morrison asking about the condition of the structure. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan X MINUTES Page 5 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Marty Orenyak, Building and Planning Director, stated the building was movable, and gave the size of the building as approximately 25 feet by 25 feet. He stated the building would need a foundation and a new roof. He reiterated what Mr. Salomone stated in his memorandum that the work would be done according to Building Department Standards. Marge Howard-Jones stated that the idea was to get permission to put the building on park land—that was the only thing being asked of the Commission. Except for part of the moving expense, the costs of rehabilitating and other work will be done with community money. She stated this building has a lot of wall space and would be excellent for displaying art work. Commissioner Regan asked whether this was the only building to be moved from the Twin Inns site, and Marge Howard^Jones answered the log cabin, which was the gardener's cottage, was also a historical building. Commission agreed to allow the granary building from the Twin Inns property to be placed in Magee Park at the spot designated as Alternative #1. Commissioner Donovan asked for Magee Park to be placed on the Agenda for discussion at another time. This would be with reference to the number of buildings to be placed there. Commissioner Regan commented the City Council is considering adding an Arts Element to the General Plan of the City, and she felt this use by the Art League would tie in with that. B. Donation of Land for Park Site Chris Salomone introduced Mr. Doug Avis, who proposed the donation of approximately nine acres on the west side of El Camino Real just south of the County Store to the City for use as a historic site park, with buildings to be moved there to form a passive park. Mr. Avis said the log cabin on the Twin Inns property was built from wood from property they plan to develop, and he would like to move the cabin back there for a historic building. Mr. Avis felt the City might not want the entire nine acres, since part of it is a biological area and will probably need to be open space. Dave Bradstreet had photographs of the parcel of land Mr. Avis was offering to the City, and part of the land is flat and very usable. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan MINUTES Page 6 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Commission accepted the nine-acre parcel of land offered by Mr. Avis as a special use park, as long as it has no bearing on the developer's obligation for park-in-lieu or acreage fees. COUNCIL REPORT; Council Member Pettine stated he had no report at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTS; Chairman Wright announced, with Dave Bradstreet confirming this, that any Committee within the Commission must have a maximum of three Members in order to be legal. It was agreed that the Park Site and Facility Committee would be assigned projects with no more than three Members working on any one project. A. Budget Committee 1. Analysis of the Budget Commissioner Popovich gave the report on the budget, stating it had been gone over item by item, and it was identical to last year with the only exceptions being additional equipment to replace the worn out equipment and four additional positions and safety equipment for those employees. He stated the $15,000 was needed for a modular unit. Commissioner Regan stated the modular unit and the additional manpower were badly needed. She recommended the Commission urge Council to provide the modular building as requested and the four additional employees. 2. Transient Occupancy Tax Commissioner Popovich reported this meeting has not been set up at the present time. B. Special Program Committee 1. Ski Tournaments on Agua Hedionda Lagoon Commissioner Dahlquist referred to her report dated March 15, 1985, and read the four conditions listed. She stated these conditions are the same as in the past. Commission accepted the report of the Special Projects Committee on Bristol Cove Boat and Ski Club Ski Tournaments, as presented. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan X MINUTES Page 7 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS C. School District Liaison 1. Encinitas Commissioner Regan distributed copies of her report on her meeting with Mr. Don Lindstrom, Superintendent of the Encinitas School District. One change was noted in the report: Levante School is scheduled to open July, 1986^. D. Park Site and Facility Planning 1. Larwin Commissioner Regan gave the report on this item, stating the homeowners from that area will be at the next meeting of this Commission, and they want something done to the graded area which the developer donated to the City as a park. They are not in favor of an assessment district for the maintenance of this area, but something must be done to that area. Dave Bradstreet stated that neighborhood parks are to be put in by the developer and then maintained by the homeowners for their own use. The consensus of opinion of the Commissioners was that the City should demand those parks be installed by the developer and not allow this to be done part way, and then abandoned. E. Recreation Survey Chairman Wright said this Committee had four Members, and he would drop out of the Committee, leaving Commissioners Conti, Dahlquist and Morrison. Since all Members have not seen the survey results, a meeting will be scheduled to formulate a report for the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Conti commented the results of the survey were interesting, in that the results did not indicate the tremendous need and desire for ballfields that has been indicated. Chairman Wright added to this, stating the private organizations have to use other means to get their fields, rather than expecting the City to provide them. In other cities, those organizations either buy or lease land from companies for their fields. The survey indicated that the majority of the citizens do not want to lose the park areas and don't want every open area made into a ballfield. The private organizations usually own and maintain their own fields in other cities. Dave Bradstreet commented that the school district thinks the programs scheduled at their fields are City programs, and they are not—they are private organizations. The private organizations tell the City if they don't offer those programs, the City would have to. Therefore, they are doing the City a favor. MINUTES Page 8 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bradstreet concluded, stating Parks and Recreation would have to decide where they want to go in the future. Turning everything into ballfields because of the need by private groups is not good park planning for the future. DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Chairman Wright called attention to two track meets, one this Saturday at Carlsbad High School and one the 30th of March at Levante, and asked for a volunteer to represent the Commission at each meet. Commissioner Dahlquist volunteered to attend the meet this coming Saturday, March 23, and Commissisoner Donovan will attend the Levante meet on March 30. The volunteers were asked to be there at 9:45 a.m., with the meets starting at 10:00 a.m. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: A. Stagecoach Park Dave Bradstreet reported the consultant and staff is working on the designs for this park; one with the riparian area in and one with it out. Calavera Hills Dave Bradstreet said there would be a report at Council tomorrow on this park. They hope they will be presented with the deed for the other acreage. The grading will be done in the entire area, with development in the southern section first and a pad for a gym in the center. B. Track Meet Representation This was taken up under the Director's Report. C. Signage Commissioner Dahlguist clarified her request, stating this was the signage to be placed for access ways. Mr. Bradstreet said he would follow this up and bring back a report. D. Control of Lagoon Land Commissioner Dahlquist suggested buying the land around the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and making it a park forever. Dave Bradstreet answered that it is owned by SDG&E and the City has a lease for the use of the water. Conmissioner Conti stated the only way to accomplish that is to have the State take over the lagoon. Then they can control the land around the lagoon. MINUTES Page 9 March 18, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Chairman Wright suggested a letter be drafted to the State people stating the Commission's concern. The consensus of the Coinnission was to voice this concern. Commissioner Dahlquist volunteered to draft such a letter. E. Study Plan on Park Planning Issues Dave Bradstreet handed out copies of this report, and told the Commissioners to study it and call him to discuss it. F. Update on Joint School District/City Committee Dave Bradstreet reported on the Carlsbad High School educational park and the Calavera Hills elementary school development. G. Annual Plant Exchange Commissioner Donovan read a newspaper article about the plant exchange at Los Altos. Mr. Bradstreet will research this further. H. Update on Spanish Wild West Park at Carrillo Ranch Commissioner Donovan asked about the authenticity of an article regarding a committee set up to plan a Spanish Wild West Park at Carrillo Ranch. Dave Bradstreet explained that a gentleman was to make a proposal and report, but he had obviously gotten carried away with the proposal he had made. I. How Prop H Affects Stagecoach/Calavera Hills Parks Commissioner Regan asked whether these parks would be affected by Prop H and Dave Bradstreet explained the City's position, stating any fees that are other than taxpayers' money are considered exempt from Prop H, which includes the fees used to build the parks. ADJOURKMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of March 18, 1985, was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk