HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION December 16, 1985 5:00 p.m. Harding Street Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER; The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wright at 5:09 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Wright, Commissioners Conti, Dahlquist, Donovan, Morrison, Popovich and Regan. Absent - None. Staff: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks & Recreation Marsha Backlund Payne, Administrative Assistant Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent PUBLIC OPEN FORUM; There was no one present for the Open Forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the November 18, 1985, meeting were approved as amended to show "Commissioner Dahlquist" on page 2, Section B, third paragraph, following the word "indicating". APPROVAL OF AGENDA; Commissioner Donovan requested an item on the update on the letter being written by Chairman Wright. This was added under Committee Reports. She also requested an item on Alga Road under Unfinished Business. Dave Bradstreet added an Item under Additional Business. He will distribute the Annual Report and make some comments on the report. Commissioner Dahlquist questioned the timing on the election of new officers, and Dave Bradstreet answered this would be on the next Agenda. The Agenda was approved as amended. APPOINT SCRIBE; Commissioner Donovan was appointed Scribe for this meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; A. Scribe Report Chairman Wright referred to the report in the packet. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan MINUTES December 16, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS B. Alga Road Commissioner Donovan inquired about Che work being done on Alga Road and discussion revealed this was work on the road itself and not work on the median. NEW BUSINESS: A. Roberti Z'Berg Grant Program Marsha Backlund Payne reported Mr. Dutra of the State Parks & Recreation Department had suggested Carlsbad designate their funds from the Roberti Z'Berg grant to be spent on the Calavera Community Center. He said Carlsbad might not receive $200,000, as requested, from the Regional Competitive Program, and the $21,000 would supplement any amount received from the Competitive Program. Commissioner Conti made a motion to inform Mr. Dutra that Carlsbad Parks & Recreation would consider using the Z'Berg funds for the Community Center at the time it is determined how much money would be received from the State. The motion died for lack of a second. In answer to Commission question, Mrs. Payne stated she had recommended the Roberti Z'Berg funds be allocated toward the Calavera Hills Community Center. Dave Bradstreet clarified the funds would have to be used for the community center or the north side of the park development. Mrs. Payne stated City Council had requested Parks & Recreation to seek grants to help offset the 1.1 million dollar cost of the park and Community Center. She reiterated that Mr. Dutra was trying to help with the funding of the project. The consensus of the Commission was that this was a poorly worded suggestion from Mr. Dutra and they did not feel he should have made the suggestion in the manner presented. Parks & Recreation Commission voted to apply the Roberti Z'Berg funds for this year to the Calavera Hills Community Center, and to continue to seek any other grants that might be available. Commissioner Conti stated he voted in opposition as he felt $21,000 was too small an amount to be applied toward a 1.1 million dollar project. COUNCIL REPORT: There was no one present from Council. COMMITTEE REPORTS; A. Update of Letter by Chairman Wright Chairman Wright stated he was drafting the letter. DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Dave Bradstreet reported the grading is completed at Stagecoach Park. City Council will be asked to approve the building of the Communtiy Center and finishing of the site work at tomorrow's meeting. Wright Conti Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Regan MINUTES December 16, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bradstreet reported further that the estimates for the building and site work are higher than anticipated. The reasons are: the grading required more money than estimated two years ago because of the amount of soil to be moved; second, the drainage in that area required a quarter of a mile of pipe work and an earthquake fission adjacent to the building site required soil work; and third, the bids coming in at the present time are higher due to increased work loads of the contractors. Commissioner Donovan commented on the golf course feasibility study item, stating in relation to that item, she had talked with Larry Clemens of Hunt Properties and he had said their golf course would be open to the public for at least the first couple of years. She further stated that Mr. Clemens had eluded to a park site in the southwest quadrant that he had discussed with Dave Bradstreet. Dave Bradstreet replied that new private golf courses are usually opened to the public for the first couple of years to encourage golfers and then new memberships. He added Council had approved a feasibility study for a golf course in the lagoon/Macario Canyon areas. Dave Bradstreet reported that negotiations are in process with Larry Clemens of Hunt Propoerties to come up with a plan to bring to this Commission either a park/school property on or off of the Hunt property. He stated he is working with the school district, also, on this project. Hunt Properties will either supply the property on their land or will buy the property off of their land and then turn it over to the City. Mr. Bradstreet said a Site Committee will go out to look at the property and a proposal will be discussed by the School Board and City Council Committee in January. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS; Dave Bradstreet distributed copies of the Parks & Recreation Annual Report to the Commissioners. He called attention to the cover and contents of the report, stating that five years ago the goals and objectives started with the Departmen to become 60% self-sustaining at the end of that time. .He stated the Department spent $500,000, with $400,000 brought in with revenue—making the Department 75% self-sustained. Mr. Bradstreet complimented the Commissioners for their hard work and especially the Committees within the Commission Commissioner Dahlquist stated with the recent rains, the fields by the lagoon are muddy and flowing into the lagoon. She requested the Parks & Recreation Department write a letter telling the farmers of the area south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon of the silt problem and asking for their cooperation. Commissioner Morrison stated Lynn Chase and her husband, together with Commissioner Morrison and her husband, judged the boats in the lagoon, with 18 entrants participating. She felt this was a beautiful display and hoped more watchers would take part next year. SCRIBE REPORT: Commissioner Donovan gave.the Scribe Report. MINUTES December 16, 1985 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the meeting of December 16, 1985, was adjourned at 5:46 p.m. CHRISTMAS PARTY; Following the Commission Meeting, everyone enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner and a delightful program by the ballet dancers, arranged by the Parks & Recreation Department Respectfully submitt arriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk December 26, 1985 TO: MAYOR CASLER COUNCIL MEMBER CHICK COUNCIL MEMBER KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS COUNCIL MEMBER PETTINE FROM: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION SUMMARY REPORT OF ACTION ITEMS FROM 12/16/85 1. Roberti Z' Berg Grant Program The Commission agreed to apply for the Roberti Z1 Berg money and work towards getting any other monies to go towards the Calavera Hills Community Center project. Motion: Six for, one against Reason for one against - The $21,000 is too small an amount to be used for a project of this size. Respectfully submitted, BARBARA DONOVAN Parks & Recreation Commissioner jm c: Frank Aleshire, City Manager Ray Patchett, Asst. City Manager David Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director Attachment A RECEIVED DEC 2 6 «S DECEMBER 23, 1985 TO: DOUG DUNCANSON, PARKS SUPERINTENDENT FROM: ED RUIZ, PLANNING TECHNICIAN II &*~ PLANNING RESOLUTION 2230 - PUD-8(A) - CT 77-2 Attached is a copy of the Parks and Recreation conditions of approval for the above project. Condition No. 19 states that a six foot vinyl coated chainlink fence with wooden headers shall be constructed; but shall be located 3 feet back of the bluff not 20 feet as you mentioned in your memo. r-V "I have spoken with Cher, the developers representative, and -> <& mentioned to her that the fence was only five feet high and not six feet as required. She mentioned that the fence would be increased in height to meet this requirement. As for the three foot setback the photographs show that the fence meets or exceeds this requirement. If you have any questions please contact me at 438-5591. EVR:bn Attachment c: Dave Bradstreet Attachment B Parks and Recreation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17) 18) 19) A walkway system shall be constructed within this project and the adjacent city park to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Land Use Planning Manager. The delineation of this walkway system will be designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation. This walkway system shall have a four foot width, be constructed of four inches of decomposed granite material and have redwood header boards to contain the decomposed granite. These improvements may be bonded for, subject to the approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation. Landscape improvements shall be provided to the east and west of the parking area located off Wickham Way. These improvements shall include a manual irrigation system with pop-up heads. The landscaping materials shall be native drought tolerant shrubbery, including Sugar Bush, Lemonade Berry (Rhus varieties) and various Lantana varieties. These improvements may be bonded for, subject to the approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation. The applicant shall construct a six foot vinyl coated chain- link fence with wooden headers along the edge (3 feet back) of the bluff adjacent to the city park. This fence shall be constructed from the east side of the hammerhead just east of the recreation area to lot 54, then along lots 54 through 57 and 84 through 88 to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation. All other fences constructed as part of this project shall be compatible with those fences constructed as part of Phase I. PC RESO NO. 2230 -4- Attachment B2 December 5, 1985 TO: CHARLIE GRIMM, PRINCIPLE PLANNER FROM: Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent PLANNING RESOLUTION 2230 - PUD-8(A) CT-77-2 It has been bought to the attention of the Parks and Recreation Department that conditions of development requested by the Parks and Recreation Commission have not been met by McKellar Development on PUD-8(A). These concerns are: 1. A 6' high chain link fence was requested to be installed. Instead, the existing fence is only 5' high and constructed of wood and chain link. 2. The required fence was not set back 20' from bluff edge. (Please refer to attached pictures). We would appreciate a response as to why the above concerns were not addressed. Thank you. DJD:kaw Attachment c: David Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director Attachment B3 Attachment B4 DRAFT II Request for Proposal Public Golf Course City of Carlsbad INTENT OF PROPOSAL: The City of Carlsbad is soliciting written proposals fora feasibility study for a proposed public golf course to be built and operated by private enterprise on city owned and leased land. SCOPE OF STUDY; Carlsbad is San Diego County's most rapidly growing community, with a population of 45,000. It is located on the northern coast of San Diego County 30 miles north of downtown San Diego and approximately 25 miles south of the Orange County border. It is bordered on the north by the City of Oceanside and Vista and San Marcos to the east. The city's projected population for 1995 is 93,325. There are more than one million residents within a 40-minute drive of our city. A. Background A citizens committee has proposed that the city conduct a feasi- bility study for a public golf course. The City Council has directed staff to prepare a Request for Proposal that would analyze the committee's proposal and make a recommendation. The proposed public golf course and related facilities would be constructed and operated by private enterprise on land presently owned and/or leased by the city on some private property. It is the intent of the city to enter into a long term lease arrangement with a private developer to build and operate a public golf course and all the related facilities. Attachment C The golf course is envisioned to be comparable in quality with other public and private courses in the surrounding area. The course should have a unique design that would integrate with the surrounding topography and water features that will attract golf enthusiasts for its challenge and character. B. Major Study Objectives The purpose of the feasibility study is to determine if: 1. There is a sufficient need and demand for a public golf course. 2. The site selected can accommodate a public golf facility. 3. There would be interest from private developers to build and operate a public facility on city-owned or leased- land on a long term lease agreement. 4. It is economically feasible for such a facility to be built and operated by private developers. The study will be used to help the city evaluate the need and determine if it's economically feasible to develop a public golf course built and operated by the private sector. The consultant will be required to attend public hearings, committee meetings, and be prepared to make presentations, as may be necessary, to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. C. Study Area The proposed site for the golf facility is located just south and east of the inner Agua Hedionda Lagoon between 1-5 and El Camino Real, as shown on Exhibit A. The project area comprises five separate land areas identified as follows: Attachment C-l -2- 1. 40 acres± SDG&E property 5".- 92 acres SDG&E property leased to city 3. 32 acres± SDG&E property 4. 125 acres'* city property (Macario) 5. 50 acres! private property (Koll Co.) In conducting the study, consideration should be given to physical *(existing and proposed), regulatory (federal, state, and local laws, including the California Coastal Act and Agua Hedionda LCP), environmental and engineering constraints and/or opportunities. Appropriate zoning for the proposed facilities will be obtained by the city. The study area is presently undeveloped. There is some agricultural use on the HUB and Macario Canyon Park parcels. There is an approved land use master plan on the Macario Canyon Park. A copy of this plan is available at the city's Parks and Recreation Administration office. * Cultural (population, existing and proposed golf facilities) D. Major Issues In reviewing the study area the following land use concerns should be analyzed, reviewed, and commented on: o SDG&E Master Plan proposal o EIR requirement o Macario Master Plna revision o Coastal Commission constraints o Other state agencies constraints (i.e. Department of Fish and Game) o Agriculture Subsidy Program o Other land use considerations o Compatibility of existing and suggested new land uses. o Parks and Recreation Element to the General Plan -3- Attachment C-2 Contact the Parks and Recreation Administration office for the appropriate contact person. Analysis to Include Market Considerations o Demand for golf course o Benefit to the city o Population required to support a public golf course o Economic factors: (Will the following have an impact on the study area?) - resort areas - inductrial areas - rising/declining market Site Considerations o Amount of land required for an 18 or more hole public golf course and related facilites o Topography and/or other physical constraints (i.e. power lines, lagoon) Maps will be be made available, o Other important required characteristics o Water availability and cost (information cna be obtained from city.) - commercial - effluent o Hydrology o Basic design requirements for a public golf course o Layout alternatives for an 18 or more hole public golf course including all related facilities o Adjacent land use o Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed site for a golf course facility and/or other suggested land uses, such as various recreational type facilities, i.e. camping, ball fields, etc. _4_ Attachment C-3 o Recommendations for a successful operation as it relates to public/private golf course operations. o What additional facilities may be appropriate in the study area, i.e. hotel, conference centers, other types of recreational facilities, etc. (There may be additional land available in the Macario Canyon Park parcel.) o Cost estimates for construction and operation of golf course facility that includes: - 18 or more hole regulation golf course - Driving range - Golf Shop - Club House (restaurant/bar) - Golf cart storage - Men's/Women's restrooms/Lockerrooms - Maintenance facility - Restrooms on the course - Other related facilities o Accessibility and circulation factors (Circulation Plan may be obtained from the City.) Financing Considerations o Analysis of the private enterprise concept, as it relates to this proposal - City provide land - Private enterprise build and operate a public facility - Long term lease arrangement - Percentage of profit sharing o Identification of alternative types of financial concepts that the city may wish to explore -5- Attachment C-4 Ongoing Financial Considerations o System for establishing and updating fees and charges o Comparison of fees and charges with other like facilities o What other factors should be considered in establishing a fee system, i.e. resident/non-resident fees, special tickets, tourist, hotel guest, etc. o Projected income and operating expenses for the first five years. o Other financial obligations and or considerations Management Considerations o Types of management o Business relationship of private enterprise management with the city. Are there other types of management concepts that should be considered? Summary of Findings and Recommendation The consultant is to briefly summarize significant facts, conclusions and other pertinant information as required and make a recommendation. F. Selection Process The contract will be awarded to the most qualified responsible firm whose proposal will be most advantageous to the city, cost and other factors considered. In addition to the price, the following factors will also be con- sidered in evaluating the proposals. o Proposed study methodology o Technical competence and criteria ability of consultant -Ip- Attachment C-5 o Experience of the firm as demonstrated in the proposal, especially in similar kinds of studies. o Qualifications and experience of teh personnel assigned to this project. o Ability to complete study within specified timeframe o References and titles of persons who will be working on this project o Availability to work with city staff and other interested parties. Evaluation shall be based on staff and/or citizen committee analysis of the proposals submitted. Final consultant selection will be made by the City council. Interviews will be required. The Request for Proposal does not commit the City of Carlsbad to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred in the preparation of a proposal responsive to this request or to procure or contract for any service. The city reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The city will not be responsible for any errors or omissions. Authorization The proposal and bid shall be signed by an official authorized representative of the firm and shall contain a statement that all work will be performed at a "not to exceed" contract price, which will become fixed upon completion fo the contract negotiations, The bid shall bind the proposer for a minimum of 60 days. -f- Attachment C-6 Submission Should your firm wish to submit a proposal, please indicate your intent to do so in written/oral form. Five (5) copies of the final proposals are due by Submit proposals to: David Bradstreet Parks & Recreation Director 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is anticipated that a selection will be made and a contract prepared within three weeks following receipt of proposals. For those interested in submitting a bid, a pre-information meeting will be set up (date to be announced) to answer any questions and/or clarify the R.F.P. No individual appointments will be made. Additional Information Include any other information that would be relevant in making the proposal. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David Bradstreet at (619) 438-5571. -8- Attachment C-7 M XtrH-tr M-ft I CO m •o = -oSlSt) O c.m > ma H o <2"*^ o w zm c «2 *Z ™ K i52 *?! ssim o £r- m w > < Or m co f" ^ q§8mm Z» -t .w OZ:lw m Mm >o 3)n Attachment C-8 8 mugo >sTJ O3j H Z O55m N P 1"O <D2 (Qeg <D3 a^^ • •^B ZHCO 0Zm Attachment C-9 I I1 * s s q > 3 3303 Attachment C-10 o•n O o •< Z O s i> ^o 53J -0mm il3JHJZ RECEIVED DEC 1 1 1985 /r /f cc^z/iOf/Sftf 7* -TT ee./'-rtftThv MS wrfc/f foc/'J-<~i*WYs 7/rK '.%U Stic^ Trf/S faff \ \Uf-frjfS Attachment D Jtfc. ft Attachment E January 14, 1986 /•*•»-. TO: JIM HAGAMAN, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS GROUP VIA: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: MARSHA PAYNE, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE (PFF) Staff has updated the calculations for PFF. The overall costs to develop the parks from PFF funds have now been changed to $40,393,750. This is based on the following criteria: 1. The population standard has been revised to 150,000 at build-out. Based on this new information, the park acreage standards per thousand population at build-out will be: Spcial Resource Areas 375 Special Use Areas 75 Community Parks 300 2. The parks that are listed under the category of mini and ^ neighborhood have been transferred to the category of Special Use Area for Community Parks (see attachment). The revised acreage for the park standards are as follows: 1985 Standard (45,000 pop.) 22.5 90 1985 Actual Acres 63.3 99.2 1985 Deficit/ Surplus 40.8+ 9.2+ Build-Out Population (150,000) 75 300 Acres Needed to Reach Build-Out 11.7 200.8 SUA Comm. Parks All this information was used to determine the costs to develop the parks utilizing PFF funds. Acquisition is not included in the total because it is to be financed from PIL Fees. The costs are: SUA (11.7 x $87,500/acre) $ 1,023,750 Community Parks (200.8 x $87,500/acre 17,570,000 Macario (includes 25% increase over 1982 dollars) 14,000,000 Leo Carrillo 1,200,000 Community Centers (6 @ $1.1 million each*) 6,600,000 Grant Total $40,393,750 *This is the actual cost to construct a 17,000 sq. foot building in 1985. If you need any further information, please give me a call at Ext. 5571, MP:jm Attachment G Parks & Recreation Commission "Green Sheet" January 20, 1986 Marsha Payne will be transferred to the Personnel Department as of January 20. After four years with the Parks and Recreation Department, she will be sadly missed, but not forgotten. Congratulations and.good luck Marsha! Keith Beverly has been appointed on a provisional basis as the Administrative Assistant until a new list for Administrative Assistant has been established by Personnel. Volunteers from the Mexican/American Association and the Rotary Club assisted members of the Parks staff to construct a wheel- chair ramp and an extension of the stage at the gazebo in Holiday Park. We appreciate all their efforts! Construction of Fuerte Park is currently underway. The irrigation system has been installed. Grading and the addition of soil amendments are presently being performed in cooperation with our department and the Streets Division. Again this year, the Parks Division assisted the San Diego Ecology Center by chipping up Christinas trees for local residents. The mulch that is created after the Chr'istmas trees are chipped up is distributed on parks land. Three tennis courts at the High School have been resurfaced. The courts are located at Valley and Basswood. Tennis anyone? The Site Development and Community Center/Gymnasium construction for Stagecoach Community Park is currently out to bid. The bid documents must be submitted by February 6th. The Agenda Bill for the construction of a new Senior Citizen's Center at Harding Street went to the City Council January 7th. The idea was approved in concept by a 4-1 vote. A feasibility study will be prepared by Recreation Systems Inc. The Master Swim meet is scheduled for Saturday, February 1 at the Carlsbad Swim Complex. The public is invited to attend. The production "Foot Light Fantasy" will be performed by the Association of Retarded Citizens at the Carlsbad Community Cultural Arts Center February 7th and 8th. Tickets are $2.00 per seat. The Daytripper Logo Contest is in full swing with posters and press releases being distributed. The contest is sponsored by the Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department in cooperation with Sea Pointe Savings. A $100 savings bond will be awarded to the winner. I V, Placentia Council to Work Out ~ r "-''Details on Foundation - In an effort to have city residents-' reach into their pockets to help pay .. forspecific city programs, City Council! members will meet tonight to work out^;the details of a new city foundation, , "'•' For residents, donations to the foun-1 •. dation would be a tax write-off and a means to support recreation and cultural- y activities. For the city, it would be^,. another source of income, said Jim Soto,;,," director of the Recreation and Human^ _,- Services Department **.'. "Some people are a little apprehensive,-" in giving to the city per se because. „"„ they're not sure how it's going to be". _• spent," Soto said. With a foundation,'^" however, the city is more apt to receive"."/ donations and be included in wills, he said. At its last meeting, the council autho- '-* rized the foundation's creation and allot- ted the group $2,000 to "get the process started," Mayor George Ziegler said. Most of the $2,000 is slated for training workshops, liability insurance coverage and office supplies, Soto said. Tonight, City Council members will establish a process to appoint members to the new foundation. The foundation will be overseen by a _ board of nine directors: two from the' Recreation and Parks Commission, two from the Cultural Arts Commission and five appointed by the council. In other business, the council is' scheduled to review a 9-month-old" utility users tax increase which residents overwhelmingly defeated in an advisory vote Nov. 5. A majority of the council members have said they would vote to rescind .the 2% tax increase on telephone, electrici- ty, gas and cable television bills after 74% of those who voted Nov. 5 said they would like to go back to a 3% tax instead of the current 5% tax —Roxama Kopetman 7Z+^ &~£ ->*• Attachment F REVISED PARK INVENTORY SPECIAL USE AREAS (SUA) Acres/ TotalSite Quadrant Developed 1. Car Country NW 1.0 2. Pio Pico NW .8 3. Oak NW .4 4. Maxton Browne NW 1.4 5. Rotary NW 1.0 6. Cannon NW 1.7 7. Larwin NE 3.0 8. Fuerte SE 6.6 9. Buena Vista Elem. NW 2.3 10. Cadencia SE 4.1 11. CHS Tennis Courts NW 3.0 12. Swim Complex NW 5.0 13. Chase Field NW 2.3 , 14. Harding Com. Center NW 1.5 15. Jefferson Elementary NW 2.6 16. Kelly Elementary NW 2.8 17. Levante Elementary SE 8.0 18. Magnolia Elementary NW 4.2 19. Maxton Browne Ext. NW 2.1 20. Pine Elementary NW 2.0 21. Valley Jr. High NW 7.5 Total 63.3 Undeveloped Status Leased 3.6 Owned by City COMMUNITY PARKS 1. Holiday 2. Laguna Riveria 3. Magee 4. La Costa Canyon 5. Cannon Lake 6. Alta Mira 7. Hosp Grove 8. Stagecoach 9. Calavera 10. Alga Norte 11. Macario NW NW NW SE NW SW NW SE NE SE 5.4 6.8 3.0 9.0 0 12.0 27.0 28.0 8.0 0 Total SW,SE,NE,NW 0 99.2 6.0 10.0 23.0 100.Q 139.0 Natural Natural/Dev. 2 5 acres is credited to ea. quadrant Attachment Gl C. Libraries - ($6.3-million 1982) Future Estimated Costs 1986 New Major Facility in $ Alga Norte Park Existing Library Expansion $ D. Parks - 10*a.7 milliuu 1002] Community Parks: Alga Norte S.W. Park Macario C pecial Use Levante El Fuerte SUA ( Future) :$•» 7 acres Community Parks (Future) Six Community Centers Special Resource Areas: Leo Carrillo acres, IS I 0201000 6,600,000 1,200,000 Current Expenditure $ K S s e ... $ $ anyon $ Facilities: $ — __"":~'" . $ •-GI- N/A N/A 14,000,000 N/A ' " - _m":''-LJL:J ' $J $1 $ $ $ $ $ a, 948,,1,097, . £560,"1482, -0- -0- -0- N/A (114, 000000 720 280 807 P.P. P.P. P. FI FI I .F.L .F.L .L 26,395 Grant with $8,798 match/P.I.L. E- Arterials - "($17.3-million 1982) Estimated 1982 1. Tamarack Ave.; (1-5 to Sunnyhill) 2. Carlsbad Blvd. (Tamarack to Elm) 3. Carlsbad Blvd. (Tamarack to Palomar Airport Rd., including bridge) 4. Palomar Airport Rd. (west of airport to 1-5) 5. Intersection (Palomar Airport Rd. & Carlsbad Blvd.) $ 1,8757000 750,000 3,750,000 2,500,000 1,375,000 Estimated 1986 Expended -2- Attachment G2 Work on the Granary exterior is scheduled to resume on January 25. Volunteers from the Rotary will be installing doors and windows and completing the painting. The negotiations for the use of all city and school playing fields in North Carlsbad were completed January 6. This was for all the youth leagues and Recreation Division activities. The San Diego1 County Senior Softball League resumes play Monday, January 28. This program is administered by the Recreation Divison. ; Melt's 5-Man Bask6tbal;l League, consisting of 21 teams begins on ;Monday-> Janury 2*0 . ,v-7" " -- • **'.. . ' '•. '•-* '•- ... "" The Refc teat ioft+ D& vision hMs scheduled the following Manager's meetings .for soccer and: ' ' - Men's Spccer - Heritage Hall, Tuesday, February 4 - Mfen's' Softball - Heritage Hall, Tuesday, February 18, 8 P.M. The 5th Annual ^aflentine* a- ;Day ^Teen Dance will be held at the Harding ComoXLJi^y""CefhtMS'r"'ton Friday/ February 14. The dance is for 7th and 8th' graders. Ere-sale tickets are available for $4.00 gr $5.00';-at the.,door. ' .*, ,«-•.• •• tr '•.•''•'The Youth'4hd'Teen Basketball League is currently underway. The League accommodates 200 youth and consists of 21 teams. ^ New part-time employees to the Recreation Department: Glenn Weiss —"Adult Sports Programs Jody Prichard - Youth Sports Programs Greg Lundquist - Ballfield Maintenance Specialist Ann Sanson - Recreation Leader II - Registration & Excursion Pgms. , Andre* Butcher *• Aerofeic, The City of Carlsbad is in tUl process of condemning the land necessary for the development of Calavera Hills Community Park. The condemnation will allow for the extension of Elm Street and the completion of Glasgow Drive. -2-