HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Date of Meetings
Time of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
January 20, 1986
5:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wright at
5:03 p.m.
Present - Chairman Wright, Commissioners Conti, Dahlquist,
Donovan, Morrison, Popovich and Regan.
Absent - None.
Staff: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks & Recreation
Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent
Keith Beverly, AAII
There was no one present for the Open Forum.
The Minutes of the December 16, 1986, meeting were approved
as presented.
Commissioner Donovan requested an item under "Director's
Report" regarding the Hunt Property and an update by
Dave Bradstreet.
Chairman Wright added Item 7 E, the letter to the newspapers
from the Commission. Chairman Wright stated that Item 8 B
had been removed from the Agenda, and would be on next
month's Agenda.
Commissioner Dahlquist requested an item under New Business
regarding the Harding Street Center for senior citizen
use exclusively.
The Agenda was approved as amended.
Commissioner Regan was appointed Scribe for this meeting.
Dave Bradstreet introduced Keith Beverly, the new
provisional Administrative Assistant, who has been hired
to replace Marsha Payne. Mrs. Payne transferred to the
Personnel Department.
January 20, 1986 Page 2
A. Scribe Report
Chairman Wright referred to the report in the packet.
B. McKellar Development
Dave Bradstreet reported on the fence and setback require-
ments at this development, stating the Planning Department
had been contacted, and had given this answer: The fence
is five feet six inches in height instead of six feet. The
setback of three feet was approved by the Planning
Department. The Planning Department stated they could
ask the fence be increased to six feet, but felt that would
not be economically feasible.
C. RFP for Golf Course Feasibility Study
Dave Bradstreet prefaced his report with the comment that
he understood the packet problem and the Department will
make every effort to get the packets in the mail on
Monday instead of Wednesday, to enable the Commissioners
to study them before the weekend.
Mr. Bradstreet reported on the RFP he had been requested
to write for someone to come in to look at the feasibility
of building a golf course in Carlsbad. The site has been
identified at this time and the draft of the report has been
reviewed by all Departments and is ready to go forward to
Council after endorsement by this Commission.
Commissioner Conti asked for clarification of the ownership
of Macario Canyon Park, and Dave Bradstreet used a map
to indicate the property the City owns, the Kelly property
and the SDG&E property. He stated that SDG&E is studying
their holdings and considering other recreational uses for
this area. The feasibility study will take into consideration
other possible uses for this property along with the golf
course. Commissioner Regan referred to an earlier report
on the feasibility of a golf course in Macario Canyon and
Dave Bradstreet answered that at the time that earlier
report was done, it was found that a municipally-owned
golf course would not be profitable. Since that time, the
situation has changed and the City would pursue having
a developer come in and install the golf course and pay
the City for use of the land. Commissioner Donovan stated
there are 47 golf courses in the area, and it is only a
matter of convenience to have a course closer to Carlsbad
for golfers.
Parks & Recreation Commission endorsed the RFP for the
golf course feasibility study as presented.
D. Speed Soccer at Monroe Tennis Courts
Dave Bradstreet distributed copies of another letter from
Robert Sheard regarding the speed soccer at the Monroe
tennis courts. This letter was in addition to the letter
contained in the packet.
January 20, 1986 Page 3
Mario Reveles addressed the Commission stating he
represented 50 tennis players. Mr. Reveles stated the
two courts given to speed soccer sit empty while there are
people waiting to play on the other two courts. He
requested the restoration of the two courts and the
installation of wind screens.
Commissioner Conti commented that when the Commission
voted to try speed soccer for six months, they were assured
those courts were not being used very often. Two of the
courts were resurfaced, and the two north courts were left
for speed soccer, as speed soccer requires the use of two
Jim Courtney gave an update on the organization and
sign-up of players for speed soccer, stating more than
120 players have signed up at the present time, with
money having been spent on uniforms and equipment. Play
is expected to start February 1.
Chairman Wright stated that paddle tennis is no longer
there, with two courts being held for the speed soccer.
He explained there are 13 tennis courts at the high school,
and these courts are used for overflow play. The school
courts are open to the public after school hours and could
be used by the groups using the Monroe courts.
Commissioner Donovan expressed concern about the
discrepancy between the staff report and the comments of
Mr. Reveles as to the usage of the Monroe tennis courts.
Chairman Wright added he does not see a line of people at
the tennis courts during the day and said he is there
every day at the high school. He told Mr. Reveles that he
will check at 8:00 a.m. each day to ascertain whether or
not there is a long line of tennis players at those courts.
He added the speed soccer is on a conditional basis, and
the Commission wanted to see whether there was sufficient
interest in the sport to warrant the use of the courts. He
said it was possible that the soccer players would have to
move to another area after the six months' trial time.
Commissioner Dahlquist added the tennis courts on Monroe
would not be the first choice of tennis players, due to the
noise factor from the high school. Those courts were going
to be taken out for parking overflow at one point, which
would have eliminated all the courts permanently.
Dave Bradstreet stated that evidently there is more interes
in tennis now than there was at the time the original
study was made. As far as the noise factor, he said there
would be noise generated by the speed soccer. The soccer
is on a trial basis and that will be taken into considerate
as well as the comments by the tennis players. Mr. Bradstr
suggested the soccer be given its trial time, and if it
is successful, look for another site for it. He said his
Department will do an evaluation report and take the
concerns of the tennis players into consideration. A
report will be made to the Commission with recommendations.
Mr. Bradstreet added the wind screens will be taken care
of by his Department.
Jim Courtney stated that an 18-month study had been made
at these tennis courts by his organization. The courts
were in bad condition and the City did not want to spend
the money to bring them up to standard. The speed soccer
was recommended for those courts rather than to spend money
on them.
January 20, 1956 Page 4
Mr. Courtney said the two southern courts are being used
now because they were resurfaced. He said the speed soccer
group wants a chance to prove they can be successful,
W. R. Beverly spoke on behalf of the tennis players, statinj
there is a shortage of courts and places for lessons. He
asked for more courts in the future.
Dave Bradstreet agreed with Mr. Beverly, stating the City
is negotiating for new tennis courts to be built adjacent
to the railroad tracks by a developer. These will be
open to the public part of the time. Other courts will
be built at the parks now under construction. As to the
staff report on the usage of these courts on Monroe, Mr.
Bradstreet said the information was that the courts were
used lightly. The paddle tennis was not successful, and
the fact that there is a line of players waiting for these
courts is news to the Department. As to the noise problem,
that will be taken into consideration in the report to be
made to the Commission.
Mr. Beverly stated 50 people had signed a petition that
had been presented to Parks & Recreation.
The citizens present stated they were not aware the soccer
group had been given the use of the two tennis courts and
would have attended those meetings. Commissioner Donovan
stated she would like to have the Agenda published in the
newspaper to avoid having this kind of problem. Dave
Bradstreet stated he would investigate having the Agenda
printed in the newspaper.
E. Letter to the Editor from the Commission
Chairman Wright reported that two months ago he was directe<
to compose a letter to the editor to express the positive
side of the work done by the Parks & Recreation Commission.
He read the draft of the letter to the Commission for their
comments. The Commission heartily approved of the form
of the letter, and Chairman Wright said it will be sent out
to the newspaper.
A. Mini Golf Practice Range at Alta Mira
Allan Lynne addressed the Commission, referring to his
letter, a copy of which was included in the packet. The
"vertical park" area adjacent to Alta Mira would make a
good driving range area for the golfers, and Mr. Lynne
stated they would maintain the area, only asking the City
to clear the debris from the area.
Chairman Wright commented there are three major constraints
with the "adopt a park" concept. These are: the area must
be open to the general public. Use and maintenance
agreement must be established, and liability insurance is
Dave Bradstreet commented that area has been declared "open
space" and is to be used for a trail system, if one is
adopted by the City. He recommended this be assigned to
a committee to work with Mr. Lynne and staff and report
to the Commission.
January 20, 1955 Page 4
Mr, Courtney said the two southern courts are being used
now because they were resurfaced. He said the speed soccer
group wants a chance to prove they can be successful,
W-. R. Beverly spoke on behalf of the tennis players, stating
there is a shortage of courts and places for lessons. He
asked for more courts in the future.
Dave Bradstreet agreed with Mr. Beverly, stating the City
is negotiating for new tennis courts to be built adjacent
to the railroad tracks by a developer. These will be
open to the public part of the time. Other courts will
be built at the parks now under construction. As to the
staff report on the usage of these courts on Monroe, Mr.
Bradstreet said the information was that the courts were
used lightly. The paddle tennis was not successful, and
the fact that there is a line of players waiting for these
courts is news to the Department. As to the noise problem,
that will be taken into consideration in the report to be
made to the Commission.
Mr. Beverly stated 50 people had signed a petition that
had been presented to Parks & Recreation.
The citizens present stated they were not aware the soccer
group had been given the use of the two tennis courts and
would have attended those meetings. Commissioner Donovan
stated she would like to have the Agenda published in the
newspaper to avoid having this kind of problem. Dave
Bradstreet stated he would investigate having the Agenda
printed in the newspaper.
E. Letter to the Editor from the Commission
Chairman Wright reported that two months ago he was directet
to compose a letter to the editor to express the positive
side of the work done by the Parks & Recreation Commission.
He read the draft of the letter to the Commission for their
comments. The Commission heartily approved of the form
of the letter, and Chairman Wright said it will be sent out
to the newspaper.
A. Mini Golf Practice Range at Alta Mira
Allan Lynne addressed the Commission, referring to his
letter, a copy of which was included in the packet. The
"vertical park" area adjacent to Alta Mira would make a
good driving range area for the golfers, and Mr. Lynne
stated they would maintain the area, only asking the City
to clear the debris from the area.
Chairman Wright commented there are three major constraints
with the "adopt a park" concept. These are: the area must
be open to the general public. Use and maintenance
agreement must be established, and liability insurance is
Dave Bradstreet commented that area has been declared "open
space" and is to be used for a trail system, if one is
adopted by the City. He recommended this be assigned to
a committee to work with Mr. Lynne and staff and report
to the Commission.
January 20, 1986 Page 5
Parks & Recreation Commission requested staff to find out
the details of the request to have a golf practice range
at Alta Mira and bring their report to the Park Site and
Facility Planning Committee.
Jim Smith, Alta Mira, addressed the Commission, stating
the golfers in all four areas of Alta Mira could get
together to support this request.
The Park Site and Facility Planning Committee for this
item will be Commissioners Conti, Popovich and Regan
B. Creation of a Foundation
This item was withdrawn from the Agenda and will be placed
on February 10 Agenda.
C. PFF Revisions
Dave Bradstreet explained the revisions in the Public
Facilities Fees program, stating the figures now
represented 1986 dollars. He also referred to the park
inventory and stated he felt that should include all the
small park areas previously not included in the calculation!
Parks & Recreation Commission endorsed and accepted the
report on the revisions for Public Facilities Fees, and
the addition of the small parks into the inventory.
D. Harding Street Center for Seniors
Dave Bradstreet reported Council had directed a feasibility
study to see whether the Site Committee's proposal of
razing the existing structure and building a 12,000 square
foot building is the appropriate size and location for
this center. Staff is also to incorporate into the study
what the displacement of recreation programs for the
Parks & Recreation Department would mean, the parking issue
and the displacement of the seniors during construction.
Chairman Wright stated the Commission will have ample time
and opportunity to express opinions and make recommendation
after the feasibility study and he felt no position should
be stated at this time.
Dave Bradstreet said it had been recommended that a
committee be appointed to study this report and make
suggestions, with a member from the Parks & Recreation
Commission. Commissioners Dahlquist and Conti volunteered
to serve on any such committee.
Council Member Pettine had left the meeting prior to this
January 20, 1984 Page 6
Dave Bradstreet reported he has met with Hunt Properties
and requested a community park in that area. The choices
were to either dedicate land within their property, buy
land for a park or give money to the City for the purchase
of land for the park. He said that Sammis Properties and
Hunt Properties are working together to work out the
details of this concept.
Dave Bradstreet reported there will be an open house for
phase two of Stagecoach Park, with a plaque to be presented
with date of construction and names of the Commissioners.
The dedication is tentatively planned for February 20, 1986
and after discussion, it was decided to hold the ceremony
at 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon.
Mr. Bradstreet further reported that at the present time
the start date for Calavera Hills Park is on hold, due to
the problems with the developer who is to build the roads.
A. Election of New Chairperson
By unanimous vote, Scott Wright was elected Chairman for
the coming year. Commissioner Donovan was elected Vice-
Commissioner Regan gave the Scribe Report.
By proper motion, the meeting of January 20, 1986, was
adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
spectfully submitte^
irriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk