HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Tim* of Meeting:
Oat* of Meetings
Place of netting:
5:00 a.m.
Duly 21, 19M
City Council Chafers
Chairman «rlg,nt called the Meeting to order «t 5:06 o.n.
0ra§ent - Chairman wrloht, Comnlailonen Coot I, OaMqulit.
Donovan, Morrijon, Pooovlch and Regan.
Absent -
Staff Present:
Oave Bradstreet. Director of Parks and Recreation
Keltn Beverly, Vnirwtrative Aasiatanc
Lynn ChaM, Recreation Superlnten4«nc
There •«• no on* preaent •IsMng to addree* the
during tne public open foruai.
Th« Minutes of th« ta>«4 meeting of fai« K, 1984, «ere
aoprowed as corrected. CeMlssloner Oanlguist requested a
change on page 5, «nere It statedt "there inould not be-
any restrict lone out on the course". She) stated sne> nad
laid "any more restrict lone".
wrlgnt stated there would be an edditian to tn
Aosnd« under CaMitte* deports, a report fro» the Golf
Course) Study Cowelttee. He seated under Additional
Business, Itoa A would be the acceptance of a 5500
CoMisslener Contl requested an Its* under Additional
Business, Additional Landseaplng-Cl Puerto aarfc.
Tho Aejond* •«•owed as aeended.
CoMisslanor Conti ew appointed Serioo for this Hooting.
A. Scribe *t
Chairman wrlgnt called attention to the Scribe report In
the packet.
0* ,. jn
'JNflNISMEO 8USINCSS; (continued)
9. "<r« Requirements . Southwest Quadrant
Dave 3radstr*et, Oiraetor of Parks and Recreation,
the staff report on this Item. He stated Commission
direction was to work with Sammls to acquire land tome
•here In th» Southwest quadrant. In addition, the
Commission wanted additional Information regarding the
*r. flradstreet referred to the CIP Booklet, Including tn*
report foe all the Parks and City projects. He stated It
would bo reviewed by Council and the public for final
adoption tommorrow evening. He referred to th* outline
report, Attachment B tn the packet, th* Sawmls
requirements for fees or land. Information on population,
acres required, and th* current land Inventory. The Semis
project would not offset the deficit In the number of perk
acre* In th* quadrant, but Sammis way 4edicate «or* than
they ar* required. Mr. Bradstrsot stated h* had given th*
Commission Information on th* budget with two casts, on*
with the City Growth Management Plan, and on* with th*
Citizens' Initiative. If th* CltUens' Initiative Is
passed, there will b* a different Mount as far as eoney
avails*!* for th* acquisition of park land for
Mr. Bradstreet stated h* was going forward with th*
Commission's direction to work with Saswis Properties to
acquire land somewhere In the Southwest quadrant adjacent
to th* HPI Development. If this Is not possible, then
land would b* sought adjacent to the proposed school site.
He added negotiations had not started a* yet. Mr.
aradstreet stated h* would meet tomworrow with 3on Srigos
of Sammis Properties. One* h* ««ots with Mr. Brigge, and
ha* an alternative, h* would Ilk* tn* Sit* Commltte* to
review th* findings and mast* a rep*rt at th* next
Chairman *rloht stated by consensus of th* Commission, Mr.
8radstrs*t is to contlnu* th* negotiation* with Sammis
protect l*B*
Ch*irswM "riant stated tn* Sit* Consitt** would consist of
Co*jsissi*A*(t Meoen, OeMquist and Popowicn.
C. Ino»*r Soee«r/Monro* Street Tennis Court*
Lynn Ch***« KeereatiM Supsrlntensent, gev* th* staff
res*ct» referring to h*r msm*r«ifl<a* in th* peekst. Sn*
reiterated th* reeoBmendstlon* contain** th*r*ln and gev*
th* dismission and
It *es dwteralned th* sooosr s*a*s<i had ended at th*
present tun, and adults ar* uslnf th* courts «t th*
preeont tt*». However, they ar* net suits* U for thet
us*. Mr. Courtney stated th* season would begin again In
January. H* stated there would o* 2* ohUdr*n involved
In leagu* play on th* courts fro* February on.
July 21, 1986 Page
In ara«er ta Commission query, Mrs. Chase stated a Use
Agreement takes time. If the soccer court is to be
expanded, this should be done before the end of the year,
and It would be necessary to start work on the agreement
before 1C is expanded. However, Che -or* would need to be
done in November. In the meantime, the tennis courts
remain open. There are to be no tennis classes this fall.
They will be rescheduled to Laguna Riviera and La Costa
Canyon. •
Commissioner Qahlqulst commented about the six tennis
courts at Valley 3r. High and asked why they had not been
Improved. At the present tine there are no nets and the
courts are not usable.
Mrs. Chase said the nine courts at the) High School are
better courts. Commissioner Oahlquist continued, stating,
this could be an option. She would like to have Parks and
Recreation cheek on those courts at Valley Jr.High and see
•hat could be done with them.
Chairman Wright reiterated the history of the I tarn,
stating the Commission had agreed to allow the Indoor
soccer group one year as a trial period on two courts.-^—
Two courts were to be used for tennis. This one-year
trial period will be up October 26, 1996. One option Is
to sell the City the Indoor soccer facility and let the
City run it. Another option Is to have the soccer people
lease the tennis courts and expand the program.
Ramona Flnnlla, <t«1) Trieste Drive, addressed the
Commission as a member of the Board of the Indoor Soccer
Club; a member of the Board of CARA and a tennis player.
Ms. Flnnlla stated the site of the soccer courts does
limit the) play on those courts, and as a tennis player she
hated to lose the courts. It Is difficult to find a court
to play tennis and It Is expensive to play at on* of the
private clubs. She expressed the hope that the City and
the Parks and Recreation Department would provide mare
tennis courts. Ms. Flnnlla mentioned the courts to be
built at Calavera Hills Park and Macarlo Canyon, and felt
that tennis courts at those sites would be very welcome.
Sh« stated there should be more lessons at Laguna Riviera
at night. There Is an alien problem In that park and the
restrooM are used by them and they sleep on the benches.
This Is,not a good place for children to be at night. MS.
Flnnlla suggested there be more supervision there with
lessons given there. She concluded her remarks, stating
Carlsbad needs to provide both types of courts, both
soccer and tennis courts for the residents and the
Glenda Hasselo, 39* Oonna Drive, representing Trl-Clty
Tennis Patron, addressed the Commission stating they
sponsor many youth tennis program* In North County. She
told of the tournaments sponsored by this group and stated
she hated to see any courts lost to the people of the
community. Mrs. Hasselo stated she would answer any
questions about the youth groups.
In answer to Commission quiry regarding number of Carlsbad
children In this program, she stated there would be the
approximately 25% in the present tournament.
1946 Page
UNFINISH£0 BUSINESS; ( c ont Inued )
Tie nan* on the speaking slip was Frank Clark, however ^r.
Clark was not present and Mr. Molone spoke In his glace.
He stated he lived In Oceans Ide, and stated he *«s not
against soccer, out felt there was a need to exist with
them. He stated he was a tennis player and felt It would
take at least 550,000 to bull 4 the type of soccer facility
needed. He wondered why the soccer people wanted to MM
the tennis court, when they could hijlld a building on
public property and not push the tennis players out of
their courts.
Hark RlfVln, 2)21 via Naranja, used a wall chart to show
tennis court needs. Indicating the City of Carlsbad Is
deficient In the number of courts needed for the
population. He stated a good ratio would he on* court fir
every 2,000 people. This would *ean Carlsbad would need
twenty -five courts, but only seventeen are available.
This Includes the courts now being used by the Indoor
Soccer group. If two additional courts were removed, this
would only Increase the deficit as far as tennis courts.
Mr. RlfVln stated the two courts at Monroe had been
resurfaced and were In good condition. He had an
additional list of names totalling 1M, who have signed
petitions. He stated there were many tennis players her*
tonight. They, would all Ilk* to continue playing tennis
as many tines as possible each week and do need all the
3ames Courtney, *9H Avlla, addressed the Commission
stating that he does like tennis and has a son that plays
tennis. He stated he had been asking for ballflelds and
tennis courts, as well as active recreational areas. Mr.
Courtney stated the tennis courts had fallen into
disrepair at the time the request was mad* to use the* for
Indoor soccer. They had a trial period of on* year, with
a portion of the sit* turned over to the*) to build a
demonstration court. Mr. Courtney stated It would not b*
too involved to repair th* courts no* being used *s soccer
Mr. Courtney stated h* would Ilk* Council to build new
tennis courts. H* requested this Commission adopt staff
recommendation and let th* Indoor soccer proceed with a
facility for youth and adults.
In answer to Commission autstlon, Mr. Courtney stated they
needed to us* th* Monroe courts because they itid not have
money to purchase a site or pave any area. Th* money they
did hav* was used to buy equipment for th* Indoor Soccer
Mr. Courtney stated th* Valley courts would present a
problem as far as parking. H* also added th* soccer
people took a survey to determine the number of tennis
players displaced, and there were courts available for the
tennis players. He stated the Indoor Soccer Program would
maximize that facility and serve mare cltUens.
3uly 21,-Page 5
*rmour, J255 Honroe, spoke to the Commission,
stating there are 15 to 20 regular tennis slayers that
alay 7 days a weak, year round, tf the tennis courts are
t*en a*ay, those oeoole would be forced to go to theValley 3r. High courts. There are oeople looking for
tennis courts all the time. H« felt Indoor soccer anrt
tennis could not exist Hack to back, as the Indoor soccer
Is extremely noisy. Mr. Armour felt a more appropriatesite for soccer should be Investigated.
Carol Anderson, 29M) State Street, a member of the
Oo»nto«m Merchants, agreed there Is a need for more tennis
courts. She stated the tourists are coming Into CarlsbadIn large nuntoers and bringing a lot of dollars to the
area. She did not went any courts to disappear.
To* Folks, <t«« C ami no Del Parqut, addressed the Commission
as a new resident and a tennis player. He stated there
•ere not meny night courts unless you belong to a private
Commission Regan Inquired about the possibility of
lighting the nine High School courts and staff explained
there was no tine frame for that Improvement.
Mr. Bradstreet stated he would look Into the possibility
of « grant for that lighting. Mext year this would be In
the CIP program.
Commissioner Dahlqulst Inquired about My lighting on
Laguna Riviera Courts and Mr. Sradstreet recommended that
not be done. Vandalism outweighs any possible benefit.
Commissioner Oahlquist continued, stating the) possibility
of the) six courts at the Valley 3r. High would be a help
for the tennis players. The Indoor soccer has been
successful and she felt the City should find mare areas
for tennis courts.
Commissioner Donovan stated she did nee feel the decision
should bo based on economy, as long as it displaces alargo number of peoplo. She stated there Is a segment of
less-than-sonior-cltUen ago group that needs to have
recreational facilities available. She stated she was
definitely in favor of keeping the tennis courts and
Improving thorn. Another spot should bo found for Mr.
Courtney's Indoor Soccer Program.
Commission discussion determined the Commissioners were in
favor of continuing the Indoor Soccer Program, but feel
there should bo more work done toward finding another spot
more appropriate for the Indoor soeoor. The Commissioners
felt they could not make a decision for the School
District. There should bo more negotiations to provide
more tennis courts as wall as another spot for the Indoor
21, 1996 Page 6 COMMISSIONERS
Chairman Wrlqht stated there were elqht soe«*en on this
Item, and he felt the Issue had not been defined. He
summarized the comments, stating thert was a grouo of
retirees or senior citizens mentioned four times. Tourism
•as mentioned by four different people, and the reluctance
to lose tennis courts was mentioned five times. He stated
the petitions should be looked at carefully. There are
nine very good courts within walking distance of these two
courts'at Monroe. Chairman Wright stated the tennis and
Indoor soccnr are not compatible and he stated the
following options: 1). To continue this status quo until
October at which tin* the one-year trial period ends. 2).
Table any action until October and study and request more
Input to Look for alternatives. )). Approve ISOC's
request to expand their facility to use the four courts at
Monroe. *»). Oeny the request.
Commissioner Morrison asked whether Mr. Bradstreet would
work with Mr. Courtney to determine the possibility of the
Valley 3r. High courts or other options. Mr. Bradstreet
stated that would be proper direction fro* the Commission.
The Indoor soccer Is very popular but not popular with
tennis players.
Chairman Wright stated there is a grass area next to the
swimming pool that could possibly be used for soccer.
Commissioner Morrison stated the Special Projects
Committee would like to work on that.
Parks and Recreation Commission tabled the decision on the
Indoor Soccer/Monroe Street Tennis Court situation until
the>~ September Meetlnq, with the) provision the Special
Projects Committee and staff work together to find
alternative sites for tennis, and possibly the Indoor
Soccer Program using available City property.
0. Historic Preservation Commission Request/Calavera
mill community far*
Otve Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, gave
the staff report, stating the Historical Society wished to
save some treee and the cistern site In Calavera Hills
Park as shown on the map on the. well. RSI looked at
relocating the amenities, and said this could not be done.
The Historical Society agreed to place a plaque In the
building to note the site.
Brian Robertson, Historic Preservation Commission,
addressed the Commission stating if the perk were to be
redesigned, perhaps the grading could be changed to save
the site. Dave Bradstreet reiterated the perk is not
going to be redesigned. They are Just going to use
alternative methods of grading to save money. All the
amenities are to remain In the Park, per Council
direction. RSI Is looking at drains and less rock removal
to help save money. Mr. Bradstreet emphasized there will
be no redesign of the Park. It will Just be a different
method of grading.
JULY 11, 1986
Commission approved the request of Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad
(ISOC) to convert a tennis court at Monroe Courts to an
indoor soccer facility on a one year trial basis, from
10/27/85 - 10/26/86) SEE ATTACHMENT-'"A"
ISOC submitted a proposal on 5/12/86 to:
1. expand the court to accommodate adult player needs;
to use the entire four tennis court site.
2. have the City take over the court and equipment,
run the soccer program, and to reimburse ISOC
for their investment of $50,000 approximately
3. OR to lease the entire Monroe Courts site to ISOC
so that ISOC may operate the facility/conduct the
programs as a private enterprise. SEE ATTACHMENT "BHO "
ISOC provided fiscal information regarding:
1. investment in court furnishings/equipment
2. expansion of facility estimates
3. projected revenue/expenditures', with/without lights
4. proposed cost to the City to "buy out" ISOC
Staff's recommendations are:
1. Agree, in,concept, to convert Monroe Courts site to
an indoor soccer facility, instead of tennis courts.
2. Direct staff to negotiate and draft a Use Agreement
between the City and ISOC.
3. Require ISOC to provide liability insurance naming
the City as additionally insured for an amount to
be specified by the City.
If no liability insurance is available, ISOC must
no longer use the site, effective immediately; EXHIBIT 3
when ISOC provides the liability insurance the
use of the courts continues, as agreed, for the
July 11, 1986
Page 2
remainder of the one year trial period.
4. Use of the two remaining tennis courts will continue
until such time as the courts are no longer useable
or available for use.
5. City will perform minimal maintenance and will defer
or cancel plans for site improvements.
The City stands to gain financially from a Use Agreement
with ISOC:
1. Annual net profit presently = $2,000
2. Projected revenue from ISOC, first year = $3,000 - $10,000
Staff looked at many concerns, including:
1. Site analysis, present use by tennis and soccer groups
2. Loss of tennis facility and alternatives
3. Benefits of acquiring indoor soccer facility
4. Benefits of Use Agreement for private enterprise (3-5 years)
Expanding the indoor soccer court provides a new recreation
opportunity for youth and adults, at no cost to the taxpayers.
The City will lose four, old-but-usable, tennis courts and
gain the opportunity to generate revenue that could be used
to acquire, develop, improve other facilities, ie. lighting
the nine high school tennis courts.
Staff recommends approving ISOC request to expand the court
and recommends entering into a three to five year Use Agreement
that includes escalating revenue to the City, each year.
Page 3
October 2%. 1985 COMMISSIONERS
F. Indoor Soccer Facility at the Monroe Street
Tennis courts
Chairman Wrloht explained the Commission was
concerned about the possibility of this projectmaking "money" and 3im Courtney hart been invited
to this meeting to explain this request.
31m Courtney, representing the Indoor Soccer of
Carlsbad referred to a letter written to the
Commission. He described plans for the soccer
facility and stated that at the end of a year's
trial, if the facility had not been successful,
they would then replace the equipment to return
the space to a tennis court. Mr. Courtney said
the courts are in bid condition at the present
tine, and are being re-surfaced. At this paint,
there was a discussion about the courts being re-
surfaced If this request was to be granted. Mr.
Bradstreet stated tnere was a misunderstanding,
and the re-surfacing would be halted.
Mr. Courtney assured the Commission any money
taken in by the soccer facility would be used to
keep the program going and allow the sponsors to
stop contributing out-of-pocket to those expenses.
In discussion, it was pointed out these courts are
the last to be used, due to the noise and
condition of the courts. Mr. Courtney explained
they noped to Instill some neighborhood oride in
the soccer court, which would help keep the area
free of debris. He felt this would be an
important facility for the younq people as well as
Parks a Recreation Commission approved the
request of the Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad to
convert a court for a vear trial oasis.
C. Maeario Canyon Park Development Proposal
Chairman Wright stated this was now an information
Item and,not an action Item.
31m Courtney read from a nandout he had distributed
to tne Commissioners, statinq there is a deficiency
of nine nail fields at tne present time. Tne ones
tnat are coming on line will oe practice fields
only, as they cannot oe skinned infields. He used
•all maps to snow tne conceptual plan for Macarlo
Canyon Park which has never been formally adopted.
Cannon Road is oelnq constructed at tne present
time, and Mr. Courtney stated he did not wish to
cnanoe tne olan, out as ted tne City to aesltjn tne
oarx and olan for oallfields. He explalnea tne
oarkinq olan and ol.cnIc areas. In answer to Query.
ne stated CAR* was asking trie Cltv to fund tnis
oroiect. and was not volunteerino to comoiete tne
oroieet Itself.
Cent I
73 & t-'f* SfUCCg.** /_-/ /=•
P.O. BOX 2117 - CARLSBAD, CA 92003
Hay 5, 1986
Lynn Chase . "" OP-/**-I
Parks & Recreation Dept. RECEIVED MAY 1 21986
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Ms. Chase:
In December, 1984, I proposed that the City of Carlsbad, convert the
Monroe St. Tennis Courts to a "Speed Soccer" Court. (INDOOR SOCCER) and
attempted to show that it would be a valuable asset to the City. However,
at that time, the Commission was unsure about the feasibility of such a
facility and 'shelved1 it.
In November of 1985, I requested a smaller area in which to build a small
demonstration court funded entirely with private funds. This was approved
and the Soccer Court was erected. INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC)
purchased an Indoor Soccer System from the defunct 'LAS VEGAS AMERICANS'
and a portion of the court is presently set up and in use at the Monroe
St. site. Unfortunatly, it is inadequate in length for adult play.
however, The "INDOOR SOCCER" court was an instant successl Of course with
success comes problems! i.e.:
1. Demand for use of the Court. (Who decides, City or Club)
2. Size of the Court is too small. (Reduced team size.) .
3. Supervision & maintenance of operation. • '
We have demonstrated both the tremendous demand and the economic
feasibility of a regulation INDOOR SOCCER COURT. The facility will be in
use year around and will be the envy of all of North County. Not only
fullfilling a public recreation need, but making a profit while doing sol
We are asking you to accept the following proposals;
1. Allow INDOOR SOCCER OF CARLSBAD (ISOC) to expand the court
immediately, by removeing the center fence and extending the SOCCER COURT
another ninty (90) feet into the existing tennis courts. This would
eliminate the two (2) remaining tennis courts, but the very small number
of players currently using these courts could be accomodated at the nine
tennis courts at the corner of Valley & Basswood St. This would also
leave a small area at the end of the SOCCER COURT for teams to warm up
while awaiting their turn on the court.
2. The City of Carlsbad would take over the facility and reimburse
I.S.O.C. for the cost of the system,(see attached cost breakdown) or, The
City would lease the land to I.S.O.C. who would then run the facility as
a private enterprise.
Attached please find a schedule of estimated expenses, and revenues, and
costs involved for the City to take over and operate the facility.
Thank you very much for your help and consideration in this matter.
Sincerely you^s,
James A. Courtney, Prep.
P.O. BOX 2117 - CARLSBAD, CA 92008
Lynn Chase
Parks & Recreation
City of Carlsbad
This list of revenues & expenses are only an estimate, and would vary
accordingly if operated by the City of Carlsbad, or if operated as a
Private Enterprise.
I.3.O.C. has invested approximately Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.)
to date and would expend about Eight/Ten Thousand ($8/10,000.) more to
expand the court to regulation size. Therefore the City could take over
the court completely finished at a cost of approximately Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,000.). It would allow additional use of the facility if it
were lighted, however this would cost approximately Twenty-five
Thousand Dollars ($25,000.) more. At any rate the City would receive a
very attractive (and profitable) facility on a 'turn key' basis.
The projected costs and expenses to operate the facility annually are:
ITEM LOW (No Lights) HIGH (With Lights)
1. Labor $35,000. $40,000.
2. Insurance 8,500. 10,000.
3. Uniforms (Shirts) 2,500. 4,200.
4. Referees 10,000. 15,600.
5. Debt (Amortized 5 yrs) 12,480. 16,200.
6. Maintenance & Utilities 2,400. 6,000.
TOTALS $70,880. $92,000.
Primary Revenue would accrue from player fees, (Forty dollars each) and
would vary depending on the number of teams (games) scheduled.
v.'ithout lighting the facility you could schedule eight (6) games each
Saturday, eight (8) games each Sunday and two games each week night,
(10), for a total of twenty-six games per week. Each team would consist
of ten (10) players, so each game would be twenty (20) players.
Therfore; 26 Games, times 20 players, times $40., equals $20,800.00.
If you play 10 week seasons, you could have five sessions at a total
revenue of $104,000.
If you play an 8 week, season, you could have six sessions at a total
revenue of $124,800.
If the facility were lighted, you could play an additions: 16 games per
week resulting in additional revenue of $12,800 per session. This would
be an annual increase of $64,000. or $76,800. Lighting the facility
would be a good investment.
Either way (lighted or unlighted) the facility is a profit maker!
Annual revenue Annual exoenses Profit
Unlighted $104,000.00 $70,800.00 $33,200.00
Lighted 168,000.00 92,000.00 76,000.00
Even if revenue is 33% lower, the facility will break even and provide
= much needed public facility.
Tr.ank you for .vour consideration.
,<.<O S -'"*--•"- '^'^ti^-iJan.es A. Courtney, Pres. / «" ATTACHMENT "C'
Instructional Class Revenue, Monroe Courts (Supervisor Dee Pope)
216 students generate annual profit =» $ 2,000
Monroe Tennis Courts Expenditures (Superintendent Doug Duncanson)
Average Annual Cost Per Court » $500 x 2 courts » $ 1,000
Court Clean-up:
3 hr/wk - 156 hr/yr @ $5.50/hr = $1,014 Labor
Supplies: squeege, broom, hose, trash
containers & liners, nets, tie
downis, signs. * $ 150 Materials
Administrative Costs including
vehicle » $ 250 Overhead
.Total Annual Maintenance Cost * $1,414
ISOC Proposed Gross Revenue (unlighted) » $104,000
If 3% of gross revenue (1st yr) » $104,000 x .03 = $ 3,120
If 10% of gross revenue * $104,000 x .10 = $10,400
The City acquired the four old tennis courts from the School
District prior to construction of the Swim Complex in 1981.
Two courts are asphalt surface and in poor condition; these
courts are the location of the ISOC field during the one-year
trial. Two southerly courts are concrete» were resurfaced by
the Recreation Division approximately eight years ago. The
court fencing replacement funds were requested by Parks Division
for FY 86-87 Budget.
The southerly tennis courts use is:
A. City conducted lessons
Youth, after-school; M & W, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Adults, evening (Summer), M & W, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
B. Non-Scheduled - free play use by unidentifed adult
males/females and couples, day-time hours, year-round.
C. High School-classes/team practice. Two courts have been
used for "overflow" of students when all nine high school
courts are in use for PE classes (seasonal only) or during'.
tennis team seasonal need.
A chronology of the Indoor soccer of Carlsbad development and
use is documented. See Attachment "E"
Staff has observed heavy use of the soccer facility from mid-
February through May 31. The facility is used at the present
time for "pick-up games" by adults; no fee is charged at this
time according tq Jim Courtney, ISOC President.
A copy of the ISOC schedule was provided by ISOC and is attached
to show the first season's use. See Attachment "T"
1. The greatest impact to the community will be the loss of
2-4 playable tennis courts in the north-west quadrant of
the city. The loss will be felt by those adults who drop
in for free-play. No staff is present at the courts, so
these users remain unidentified.
The public can be notified of alternate sites by posted notice,
press releases, and personal contact by assigning pool staff
to the task.
These tennis players will be directed to the High School
courts, Laguna Riviera courts and La Costa Canyon courts
and in the future, Stagecoach courts. Calavera Park courts,
in the future, will be the choice for play in North Carlsbad.
The Department has prepared a written request to the High
School to approve making three of the nine school courts
available 'during school hours for two hours, mornings,
Monday through Friday, for use by the Department four hours
per week and for use. by the general public six hours per week.
2. Instructional classes for adults presently offered at Monroe
courts may be relocated to other courts including Laguna
Riviera and La Costa Canyon Parks. This move would reduce
drop-in, free-play, at those two sites. If the School District
approves the request for court use during school, relocation
to other courts is unnecessary.
Youth classes now at Monroe, after-school hours, may be
relocated to the. High School courts except during the school's
competitive tennis season. Lessons for youth will not be
scheduled at the High School during the heavy use season;
staff will continue to look for alternative sites including
private neighborhood association facilities and/or local
commercial accommodations.
3. .Staff has no recommendation for the High School overflow
use groups.
Staff is aware of the growing popularity of soccer and recommends
the installation of a permanent facility. An indoor soccer facility
offers several advantages over a typical outdoor field including:
1. Cost to perform weekly maintenance is less (artificial turf
versus growing turf).
2. Enclosed field of play preferred by novice and experienced
players; will provide new opportunity for youth and adults.
3. Permanent field installation on City site identifies Carlsbad
as a leader in providing soccer fields in North County; closest
indoor soccer field is at Encinitas YMCA.
1. Staff recommends a Use Agreement as the method preferred for
acquiring and operating an indoor soccer facility for the
following reasons:
A. Capital to Build & Operate
Private enterprise can be responsible for the up-front
dollars to buy, install, or expand facility; the City
has no plans to include such a facility in the Capital
Improvement Program.
B. City doe's not presently budget for staff to schedule,
maintain, and operate a facility of this type and
intense use. While the Recreation Division could
include staff and funding in FY 87-88 budget request,
the private enterprise can accomplish the same ends
quicker and probably at less cost.
C. The City stands to gain considerable revenue from a
Use Agreement at no cost; £ +**•&», t**)
2. Use Agreement. .Recommendations
A. Duration Recommendation: Minimum three years, maximum
five years with both cancellation/renewal clauses.
If the facility proves to be unprofitable to ISOC, Jim
Courtney plans to offer the service to the community
using volunteers.
3. City Participation: No City funds be expended to install
and maintain or operate facility.
2/15 - 5/31/86
Commission approved ISOC requests to convert
Monroe Tennis Court to soccer for a year trial
ISOC was proceeding with design, plans and
specifications for field when opportunity
was presented to purchase all equipment from
a defunct team in Las Vegas for an approximate
cost of $30,000.
Community volunteers recruited by Courtney
helped to install the field at an approximate
cost of $5,000.
Games played Saturdays with youth teams practicing
during week.
High School kids had 3-4 games
6/9/86 - Present Youth no longer using site; adults using site
for pick up games weekly; facility too small
for adults; in use as best facility available
in North County.