HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; Minutes (2)MINUTES
Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m.
Date_ of Meeting: November 19, 1986
Place of~Meetlng: Library Conference Room
President Martin called the meeting to order at 3:00
Present - President Martin, Trustees Cooper, Grosse,
Falkensteln and trlgas.
Absent - None.
Also Present were:
Clifford Lange, Library Director
Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director
Nancy Osberg, President, Friends of the Library
Margaret Brownley, Representative, Serra Advisory Board
Bee McWllllams, Representative, Genealogical Society
Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager
The Minutes of the meeting held October 15, 1986, were
approved as .presented.
a. Building and Grounds
This report will be given later In the meeting.
b. Budget
Trustee Cooper stated he had Just received a copy of the
financial report.
c. Personnel
Trustee Falkensteln reported there were no personnel
d. Youth
Trustee Grosse reported there Is a new list of classics In
the children's department. The attendance for the
children's programs almost broke the 2,000 mark during the
month of October. She reported the Holloween Costume
Party was a huge success with 325 children and adults
attending. The theme for next summer's reading program
will be "Outer Space". The Spanish storyhour for young
ones had 17 children In attendance. The Carlsbad Youth
Theater production of Plnocchlo will be December 2 and 5.
They are expecting 500 people to attend these
She spoke about the motivation of George McKenna In
getting kids Into the Library and said John Quartarone
returned with a great deal of enthuslam, as well as
November 19, 1986
Page 2
a. Library Site Selection Committee - Progress Report
Trustee Trlgas reported the first phase of the assignment
has been completed and recommendations will be put In
priority with staff working on negotiations. Trustee Trlgas
said all five sites are good, and very much In the running.
It will depend on the financial arrangements and the
Director Lange stated a financial proposal was being
prepared for the City to consider.
b. CALTAC Meeting In Carlsbad, March 7, 1987 - Discussion
President Martin called attention to the new flyer contained
In the packet. There was a meeting yesterday with two
members of CALTAC, Barbara Campbell, Coordinator for CALTAC,
along with Shirley Sterns, President of CALTAC. The
original plan had been to offer them the use of the
conference room here at the Library for the luncheon and use
of the Council Chambers for the meeting. Late Monday
afternoon It was decided the books from the mezzanine floor
would need to be moved Into the Conference Room; creating a
change In plans. There Is a 2 1/2 Inch sag In the floor of
the mezzanine, also the Council Chambers Is to be remodeled,
and may not be finished. It would perhaps be a better Idea
to use the Safety Center for that luncheon and meeting. The
rooms at the Safety Center are large, with movable walls.
They could have the meeting In one room and the luncheon In
another room. This meeting will be Saturday, March 7, from
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Members will be urged to visit the Library, but possibly
only those traveling north will visit the main library.
Those going to the south will probably visit the La Costa
Library, if they visit a library at all. Friends of the
Library have offered to take care of coffee and donuts, and
lunch will be catered. The price for attending this meeting
will be approximately $10.00. Director Lange stated the
Trustees may be asked to serve as hosts.
c. Library Conference Room Regulations - Review
Director Lange reported these regulations have been brought
back after the City Attorney reviewed them. They are the
same as presented last time, and the only significant
difference In the form is where the people sign Indicating
they have read the regulations and have agreed to abide by
them. Also, where the words "The Library Director has the
final decision on the use of the Conference Room", this was
changed from "Library Board" to 'library Director".
Director Lange stated the Hold Harmless Clause to release
the City from any responsibility has been reviewed by the
City Attorney's office.
The Library Board of Trustees adopted the regulations
governing the use of the Library Conference Room of the
Carlsbad City Library as presented.
November 19, 1986
Page 3
a. Library Mezzanine Structual Evaluation - Discussion
Director Lange stated a sag was noticed In the mezzanine
floor of the Library a couple of weeks ago. The experts
have been studying the weight calculations on the building
plan and feel the floor Is overloaded. Marty Orenyak was
here at the Library today and cut holes In the celling to
Inspect the structure. The problem appears to be In the
decking. The beams are fine, but It appears the decking
has sagged. It Is Impossible to determine how long It has
been that way. A transit was used to sight the floor and
a 2 1/2 Inch sag was determined. The books will be moved
this coming weekend to the conference room, and they will
bring the transit In aqaln and survey the area. The Issue
Is one of safety and this Is a prudent, precautionary
Director Lange stated the use of the conference room for
books may be on a temporary basis. He stated Geoff Armour
has done the legwork on this project. This Involves the
west side of the mezzanine where the fiction and oversized
books are located. The shelving has been there for
approximately fourteen years and It Is felt this overload
was not a sudden thing. Other arrangements have been made
for places to meet, and City Hall will be available Into
b. Library Policy on Noise
Director Lange said he had told the Board staff were going
to put out suggestion forms In the Library, and they have
been getting suggestions back. Ninety-nine percent of the
complaints Involve the Library being too noisy. Geoff
Armour has drafted a policy on noise, and a copy of this
Is Included in the packet. Staff felt this policy should
be written for staff support. Because of the space
problem In this Library, the noise problems are becoming
Trustee Trlgas Inquired whether they had considered signs,
and Director Lange stated, no, but they were going to
consider this. Geoff Armour stated signs have been an
Issue for years. Too many signs In a library are not
attractive, and people do not really heed them. He felt
at this point they would be Installing one or two signs in
the Library.
Trustee Falkensteln stated there are also people who He
down on the chairs in the Library, and that is a visual
disturbance. Geoff Armour stated it really involves an
application of common sense in the operations. When the
noise is Identified, staff members should approach the
person or the group immediately and caution them. Trustee
Trlgas asked whether a copy of the regulations will be
posted and put on the bulletin board. Geoff Armour stated
It would be available at the public service points, but
there will also be signs.
Library Board of Trustees adopted the policy on noise for
the Carlsbad City Library as presented.
November 19, 1986 Page TRUSTEES
c. Film and Video Collection Analysis
Director Lange called attention to the report. He stated
Geoff Armour had done this analysis and Has present to
answer any questions. Me stated the report did show how
they are making an effort to increase their balance of
holdings of non-entertainment materials.
d. Quarterly Report, July-September 1996
Director Lange called attention to the report as
distributed and had nothing to add, but would answer any
In answer to query regarding the drop in program
attendance at the Branch, Director Lange stated there was
no clear explanation. Perhaps the year-around school
program has been a partial cause of this drop In
Trustee Falkensteln commented on his observation there are
fewer new people In La Costa coming Into the Library.
More people came to the Main Library from La Costa, than
go to the Branch. He suggested extra publicity might help
the programs 'In La Costa, particularly If the publicity is
done in the La Costa area. A discussion among the
Trustees determined that perhaps publicity in the form of
notices on Vons bulletin board, churches and schools In
the La Costa area would help attendance at their programs.
Trustee Falkensteln reiterated his feeling that there
should be more imaginative publicity. Director Lange
stated he would do more research on this.
Director Lange reported the Mayor and the Council would
like to have a joint meeting on January 13, 1986. This
would be a time to present the recommendations on the
Library site, financing plans and any other Issues needed
to be brought before Council.
Assistant City Manager Mannen stated this would be the
Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on that date. This would be
the only Item on the agenda.
Mr. Mannen stated Mayor Elect Lewis would like to go back
to the format previously used of scheduling business
sessions on the first and third Tuesdays of the month and
using the second and forth Tuesdays for workshops, joint
meetings and briefing sessions.
It was decided at the December 17, 1986, Library Board
Meeting a workshop will be held to plan the Items to be
presented to the Council. Mayor Elect Lewis has decided
not to have liaisons to the commissions and boards. The
department head will have the responsibility of sending a
memorandum to Council reporting on the gist of the
Mr. Mannen added this would be a short synopsis to be
given to Council before the minutes of the meeting are
November 19, 1986 Page 5
President Osberg reported that Trustee Cooper had
volunteered to be the Book Fair Chairman. Mrs. Osberg
reported on the meeting on October 29, 1986, stating there
was standing room only.
Representative Bee McWilllams reported by the first of the
year the Genealogical Collection will reach 15,000
volumes. She displayed a copy of the book entitled
"Ancestors We Have Found" and stated this book contains
charts of a good many of the members. She said several
libraries, genealogical and historical societies have
ordered copies of this book.
Representative Margaret Brownley reported there would be a
meeting on December <f, 1986. The Chairman attended a
conference in Long Beach and she will have a report on
that. The work on the CALTAC survey will be Included in
its entirety in the new tool kit, listed as a reference.
By proper motion, the Meeting of November 19, 1986, was
adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
Parks & Recreation Commission
January 19, 1987
- -7 "The Green Sheet"
Staff is currently compiling information to be used for the Ball
Field Analysis Report. Some of the information being gathered
will show the number of ball field sites, the number and types of
activity uses those fields can accommodate, the number of
resident/nonresident participation and scheduling times of activities,
The city has been approached by a community group that has requested
the construction of an additional restroom facility at the north end
of Holiday Park. Staff will be considering this community request.
The Parks and Recreation Department has presented their annual budget
to the Finance Department. Finance will analyze the department
request before submittal to the City Manager and City Council for
The youth/teen basketball program is in full swing during the month
of January. 17 teams and 150 youngsters participate on Thursday
evenings and Saturdays at the Boys' and Girls' Club of Carlsbad.
San Diego County's Senior Men's Softball league begins its 5th
season in late January. The league, which is run by the Carlsbad
Parks and Recreation Department, currently has 12 area teams
including 2 Carlsbad teams. Countywide participation is upward
of 250 active men and women, 55 years of age and older.
New recreation staff shirts have been ordered. The logo has been
changed to a new three color design. Look for them during the next
Tracey Smith, a Recreation Leader in our Department, will be
awarded the Ray Butler Scholarship during the GPRS Banquet on
January 30.
The Daytripper's took two buses to the Pasadena Rose Parade on
January 1, 1987. 89 people enjoyed the color and beauty of the
Annual Parade. It continues to be one of our most popular trips;
plans are already in the works for next year's Rose Parade excursion.
The Elve's in the Recreation Division's Special Event section were
busy during the month of December answering some 1,000 "Letters to
Santa" from local school children. The program is a tremendous
success and plans are being made to expand the program next year.