HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-23; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 5:00 p.m. February 23, 1987 Heritage Hall - Magee Park COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Wright called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Wright, Vice-Chairperson Donovan, Commissioners Dahlquist, Morrison, Lawson and Popovich. Absent - Commissioner Regan Staff Present: David Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly, Management Analysis Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent Mark Steyaert, Park Planner Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor Pam Aim, Secretary PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There was no one present wishing to address the Commission during the public open forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held January 19, 1987, were approved as presented. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Parks and Recreation approved agenda as amended. APPOINT SCRIBE: Commissioner Lawson was appointed Scribe for this meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: B. Park-in-Lieu Jim Elliott gave a verbal update regarding the status of proposed changes in park-in-lieu fees. He stated one of the areas that we need to clear up is how the park-in-lieu fees are set. Once this is established we can determine the estimated benchmark fair market value specifically for a park David Bradstreet stated that the method we are suggesting would be to take a park site in each quadrant, designate one to be appraised and that would be the appraised value in that particular quadrant from now on; to be reviewed on an annual basis. Commissioner Donovan stated that we would be starting at the other end and making the selection first and then having it appraised rather than having everything built and having to find a park site. Keith Beverly stated that what we are trying to accomplish is to get an average estimated fair market value per one acre of land in that particular quadrant based upon the quality of land we have equitable within the quadrant so we can base Wright Donovan Dahlquist Morrison Popovich Lawson MINUTES February 23, 1987 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS -F UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) our park-in-lieu fee on that land. David Bradstreet requested Commission's approval and support in presenting the park-in-lieu proposal to City Council. After discussion, Commission made a motion to endorse the new method of establishing park-in-lieu fees and to send this endorsement to City Council. Commission made a motion to adjourn for picture taking, and to watch a slide presentation on the 1987 Triathlon. C. Brown Act This was an information item. Commission and staff went over the recent changes of the Ralph M. Brown Act as it relates to all City Commissions, Citizen Committees and Senior Citizen Association. D. Ballfield Analysis David Bradstreet presented the revised Ballfield Analysis made by a committee consisting of Parks and Recreation staff; Commissioners Popovich and Lawson; and CARA President, Jim Courtney. The committee came up with simplified inventory and standards as follows f s-isp&ttfsfp \_/ • 1. Eliminate Youth and Adult Sports. C4To^"«.* b-> 2. Standards will be reviewed on an annual basis. 3. Make all fields multi-use so all user groups can use the fields. 4. CARA organization recognizes that the Softball field could have an overlay of a soccer or football field on it and still be counted as one field. Parks and Recreation Commission made a motion to accept and adopt the new Ballfield Analysis Standards and that these standards be reviewed annually in November. Jim Courtney thanked the Commission and stated that he was pleased with the new standards. E. Growth Management Performance Standards Commissioner Donovan indicated that information concerning the implementation of the Growth Management Plan is Wright Donovan Dahlquist Morrison Popovich Lawson Wright Donovan Dahlquist Morrison Popovich Lawson Wright Donovan Dahlquist Morrison Popovich Lawson X X X X Xx X X X X X X . —K X X X X X MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION February 23, 1987 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS misleading, specifically, the development of park land prior to residential development. Reference was made to the argument in favor of Proposition E in the sample ballot and voter information pamphlet for November 4, 1986, specifi- cally the statement "NO DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED unless all required public facilities are provided up front." Additional reference was made to the pamphlet available at the Las Palmas facility entitled "Management Future Growth", specifically the statement "The Growth Management Program requires that the appropriate public services and facilities must be available in an area when new development occurs". Parks and Recreation areas are then listed among these services. Commissioner Popovich added that the people did not vote on the Growth Management plan they voted on Proposition E. Staff was directed by the Commission to look into any discrepancies relating to Growth Management pamphlets and report back at the next Commission meeting next month. F. Beech Street Accessway David Bradstreet stated that Commission directed the Department to improve the Beech Street Accessway located at Beech Street and Ocean Avenue. He stated that the Department was the Project Coordinator, but we now have a department called Municipal Projects that will be handling all construction projects and is in the process of taking it over. Keith Beverly added that the Risk Manager toured the site and stated he would like to add a chain link fence on both sides of the accessway if it will fit into the estimated cost of the project. G. Joint Parks & Recreation Commission/City Council Meeting There will be a joint meeting between all Commissions and City Council at their regular meeting on March 17, 1987 at 6:00 p.m. NEW BUSINESS E. Annual Report Presentation A Parks and Recreation Department Annual Report presentation will be made to the City Council on March 17, 1987. Items also to be presented by the Parks and Recreation Commission are as follows: A. How the Parks and Recreation Commission role applies to the Growth Management Plan. B. Improving Communications between Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. A. Election of Parks and Recreation Commission Officers Commissioner Popovich made a motion to nominate Vice-Chair Donovan to be the next Chair. Motion was passed by acclamation. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION February 23, 1987 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS (continued) Vice-Chair Donovan made a motion to nominate Commissioner Popovich to be next Vice-Chair. Nominations were closed and the motion passed by acclamation. Election of Park and Recreation Commission Officers will be done on an annual basis and will be held at the last Commission meeting in December. B. Playground Sculpture at Stagecoach Park Connie Beardsley, Manager Cultural Arts Programs stated that the Arts Commission has met and discussed various locations for a playground sculpture and would like to run this by Parks and Recreation Commission before presenting to City Council. The Arts Commission has recommended Stagecoach park as the site for the sculpture. Connie stated there would be an open competion to artist in counties throughout Southern California that would participate by presenting their sketches to a Selection Committee made up a member from the Arts Commission, Director of Parks and Recreation or his disignated representative, a community member, and an artist juror. The Committee would look at those proposals that would come in and select three artist who would then be paid by the City to cast a three dimensional model. Those models would then go on display to the community. The Selection Committee would insure quality and also have community input in determing the sculpture that would be chosen for Stagecoach park. Motion was made to endorse the proposal to provide a playground sculpture at Stagecoach park. Commissioner Morrison, was nominated to represent the Commission and the Department as a Council Liaison to reroute the proposal back to Commission. C. Holiday Park Horseshoe Players Request David Bradstreet stated that the activity user group has requested a maintenance and storage facility 10 feet by 12 feet for the horseshoe area at Holiday Park. The user group would build the facility, if we provide the money, which would be less than $10,000. Staff sees no problem in this and feels that horseshoe play is a popular and valuable activity and there is a need for a storage facility. Commission made a motion to accept the proposal for a maintenance and storage facility for the horseshoe area at Holiday Park. If the Department provides the materials and the user group provides the labor. D. Larwin Park Feasibility Study David Bradstreet stated staff is investigating the develop- ment possibilities for Larwin Community Park. Bids were solicited from various architects to look at the 18 acre park and to come up with a feasibility study and development concept. Staff is recommending that we hire someone to do a feasibility study for Larwin Park. Wright Donovan Dahlquist Morrison Popovich Lawson MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION February 23, 1987 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Lawson stated he was concerned that if we are not clear on drawing the line to the consultants on how much we can afford to put into this feasibility study, we may end up having to use funds that could be going toward the maintenance of another park area. After further discussion, Commission directed staff to look at changing the status of Larwin Park from a community park to undevelopable park land and to consider this at the next Parks and Recreation Commission. Scribe Report: Commissioner Lawson gave the Scribe report. Adjournment: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 23, 1987, was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. J.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION San Diego Coast District 2680 Carlsbad-Boulevard Carlsbad, California 92008 (619) 729-8947 RECEIVED JIT.' 7 11986 June 9, 1986 David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Dave: You recently requested information regarding the status of approximately 4 acres of State Park land in the vicinity of Cannon Lake. The General Plan for this park unit (South Carlsbad State Beach) recommends that this property be declared surplus and be transferred to the City of Carlsbad. You specifically asked the following questions which I will answer as completely as I can at this time. 1. Is the land available? By virtue of the recommendation in the General Plan the land could be made available to the City of Carlsbad for management as a wetland/open space park area. If the City of Carlsbad formally expresses an interest in this property I would recommend to my Regional Office that the State include the property in the 1987/88 surplus property bill for legislative review and approval. 2. What is the cost of the land? 3. Is it available at no charge? It is probable that the State would be willing to transfer ownership of the property to the City at no charge. I am sure there would be conditions placed on the transfer requiring that the property be retained in public ownership for management as public park land. Until such time as a request is made by the City to the State the cost of the property to the City, if any, cannot be determined. 4. Are there any other fees associated with a land transfer? Possible costs that might be incurred by the City regarding this land transfer could be: Property survey, if required by the State, Title Search and Recording Fee. I do not believe any of these would be very substantial and ATTACHMENT B Page 2 David Bradstreet, June 9, 1986 some of this work may be able to completed by the existing city staff. If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at 729-8947. Sincerely, William V. Fait, District Superintendent San Diego Coast District 12CO ELM AVENUE H X^T H ~E_E?~ONE CARLSBAD. CA 92008-1969 fl .iK&f k M <6'9' 433-5^7,' dtp of Cartebab June 5, 1986 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT '• f A/ ^ --' . / Bill Fait, District Superintendent State Parks and Recreation Department 26080 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: AVAILABILITY OF STATE PROPERTY BETWEEN CANNON ROAD AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Dear Bill: As per our telephone conversation, I am writing you regarding the availability of State owned property, approximately located between the City's Cannon Lake Park and the area known as the Palomar Triangle. On June 16, 1986, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved in concept a site development plan that included both the City property and the subject State owned property. Prior to going ahead with the next step in the park planning process, I need to know the following: 1. Is the land available? 2. What is the cost of the land? 3. Is it available at no charge? 4. Are there any other fees associated with a land transfer? If the land is available, prior to making any.recommendation to the City I will need to do an environmental assessment to see if there are any land constraints associated with the proposed development plan. If you have any questions regarding the above, please call me at 438-5571. Sincerely, David L. Bradstreet Parks and Recreation Director c: Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager Mark Steyaert, Park Planner ROBERT P. KELLY 2770 SUNNYCREEK RD, CARLSBAD, CA. 43S-3B9O RICHARD KELLY 2320 VIA 3UBR1A VISTA, CA. 940-9269 flARCH 2,, 1987 DAVID BRADSTREET, DlRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION DEFT. CITY OF CARLSBAD 120O ELM AVE,, CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 DEAR MR. BRADSTREET: IN OUR LETTER TO YOU OF FEB. 19, 1987 WE SAID THAT WE WERE APPLY ING TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SLOPE EASEMENTS. AFTER FURTHER CONSULTATION WITH BOB WOJICK OF THE CITY;'S ENGINEER ING DEFT. WE HAVE DISCOVERED THAT WE REALLY DON'T NEED SLOPE EASEMENTS. WHAT WE NEED IS SIMPLY A LETTER OF PERMISSION TO GRADE ON CITY PROPERTY. WE STILL NEED THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT.'S APPROVAL OF OUR PROJECT AND HOPE TO MEET WITH YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE TO DISCUSS THIS MATTER IN MORE DETAIL. SINCERELY, RICHARD C. KELtY ATTACHMENT C :EB. 19. 19S7 DAVID BRADSTREET, DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION DEFT. CITY OF CARLSBAD 12CO ELM AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. 920O8 DEAR MR. BRADSTREET;; WE ARE THE OWNERS OF A ONE HALF ACRE PARCEL OF LAND WHICH IS BORDERED ON ITS NORTH AND WEST SIDES BY MACAR10 PARK. (PLEASE REFER TO OUR ATTACHED MAP.) WE ARE APPLYING FOR SLOPE EASEMENTS FROM THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND BOB WOJCIK OF 'THE CITY'S ENGINEERING DEPT. HAS ADVISED US THAT WE SHOULD FIRST OBTAIN A LETTER OF APPROVAL FOR THE SLOPE EASEMENTS FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPi „ THE SLOPES CREATED ON CITY PROPERTY WILL BE FULLY LANDSCAPED AND DESIGNED TO BLEND WITH THE NATURAL TOPOGRAPHY. WE WISH TO COOPERATE WITH YOU IN DESIGNING I HIS SLOPE TO ENHANCE THE VISUAL IMPACT ON MACAR10 PARK. WITH A VIEW TOWARD THAT GOAL, WE REQUEST AN EARLY MEETING WITH YOU TO DISCUSS THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO THE MARCH 16 HEARING. WE REQUEST THAT THIS MATTER BE HEARD AT THE PARKS & RECREATION MEETING OF MARCH 16, 1987. SINCERELY. ROBERT P. KELi^Y RICHARD C. KEL m •o 30 O•om