HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meet ing: Date of Meet ing: Place of Meetino: PARKS 4 RECREATION COMMISSION 5:00 p.m. April 20, I9B7 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Oonosjn called the Meeting to order jt 5-06 p m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairperson Donovan. Commissioners Lawson, Morrison, Regan and Wright. Absent - Commissioners Dahlguist and Popovich. Staff Present: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly. Management Analyst Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There was no one present wishing to address the Commission during the public open forum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held March 16, 1987, were approved as presented. Chairperson Donovan stated the agenda stood approved as printed. APPOINT SCRIBE: Commissioner Morrison was appointed Scribe for this meeting. PRESENTATION: A. Capital Bank Si Economy Inns of America Dave Bradstreet presented a check for $1,250 donated from the Capital Bank of Carlsbad and Economy Inns of America. Chairperson Donovan accepted the check on behalf of the Commission. Dave Bradstreet will write a letter of appreciation and thanks and send copies to the City Council Members. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Scribe Report Chairperson Donovan referred to the Scribe Report contained in the packet. She called attention to the memorandum from Mayor Lewis with comments on the Scribe Report from the March 16th meeting. Donovan Lawson Morrison Regan Wright MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 20, 1987 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) Dave Bradstreet stated Cannon Lake Park is in the CIP program, but It is a low number, and the estimated cost was for seven acres only as a passive development. There were no amenities planned for that park such as a community center, ballfield, soccer fields or tennis courts. Chairperson Donovan asked Ms. Hasselo ho* many people were in these two groups, and she answered they have received responses from 550 people interested In tennis programs and activities who would like to see something happen in that area. Commissioner Regan stated she would like to make a comment on the Minutes of the May, 1986, meeting. Since there was no vote, and no action taken, she felt that could not be interpreted to mean the Commission did want this to remain a passive area. She felt this should remain an open Issue and staff should follow through with regular planning for parks. Chairperson Donovan stated she would like this to appear on a future agenda, with more information, and to proceed with planning for this area. Commissioner Regan reiterated her belief that the Commission should not rule out any activity totally. Commissioner Wright stated If they were looking for a site for indoor soccer, or a tennis facility, they should not rule out this area. This would not be a good area for a youth ballfield, because of its location, but it might be all right for tennis. Commissioner Regan stated her desire to use this to the besf interest of the citizens. 3im Courtney, <*9H Avila, stated he would like the Commission to keep all options open. He felt this might be a good area for a tennis facility. Dave Bradstreet stated he felt the consensus of the Commission was the Cannon Lake Park area should follow the normal process for park planning, and he would come back with a plan. D. Carrillo Ranch Historic Grant Dave Bradstreet asked whether the Commissioners had read the article regarding the grant received for the Carrillo Ranch that appeared In the Journal on April 15th. He stated the Historic Preservation Commission was extremely proud they had received the grant. They had requested a quarter of a million dollars and received $90,000, Commissioner Lawson stated if preservation were required of the building similar to the adobe at Stagecoach, he would hate to see this money Just spent specifically for that. Mr. Bradstreet answered it was not clear what the money was to be used for, but Keith Berverly could explain exactly what the money was to be used for. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 20, 1997 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS; (continued) B. Financial Status of the 1986 Triathlon Chairperson Donovan stated this was an information item and referred to the packet. Dave Bradstreet stated the revenues were $26,000, with $20,000 spent; net receipts $5,000. Chairperson Donovan asked where this money goes, and Mr. Bradstreet stated the money collected goes into the General Fund. He announced the Triathlon would be held on July 13 this year. C. Parkland Assessment Chairperson Donovan stated she would like to know whether the already standing Site and Planning Committee would like to deal with this item, or should a new committee be chosen to specifically analyze and review the four listed items. A. Current Parkland Inventory 8. Hosp Grove Classification C. Larwin D. Robertson Property Commissioner MoCrison stated the Committees are to do this work and she felt the Site Committee should do this. Commissioner Morrison asked whether park inventory needed to be consistent with the public facilities element. Also, was public input needed rather than Just input from the Commission. Dave Bradstreet stated staff could make recommendations to the Commission, as it has in the past, and the Commission could endorse those and staff would then update the element. The Planning Commission said the element has not be revised, and there is a need to do this. Mr. BrJdstreet's recommendation was to have a committee appointed, discuss the items listed, make a report and bring it back to the Commission. The Commission action will be to direct staff to incorporate the changes and go through the process to have it added into the element. This would have to go through the Planning Commission and City Council for public input. He stated there is a need to be careful about the balance of park land in the different quadrants and the public would want to speak to that. Chairperson Donovan stated the Site Committee consisted of Commissioners Regan, Dahiquist, Lawson and Popovich. Three are needed, and Commissioners Lawson, Regan and Dahiquist will serve on the Site Committee. This Committee will work with Dave Bradstreet and will be notified of meeting times. Mr. Bradstreet stated he needed a motion to present this to the Committee for a report to bring back at the next meeting or within 60 days. He said he would try for 30 days. The Parks and Recreation Commission assigned the Parkland Assessment to a Committee for review and coordination with staff to prepare a report and return to the Commission within 30 days. fe Donovan Lawson Morrison Regan Wright MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 20, 1987 Page 7 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (continued) Mrs. Chase stated there is a proposal to increase fees as a way of generating additional revenue and Improving the safe operating of the vessels on the water because conditions have changed on the Lagoon. Mrs. Chase said she would give staff recommendations and the Commission could consider these changes or suggest staff go back and talk with people and have a written report next month. Mrs. Chase referred to a letter from Scott Roberts, a sailboard participant. This was distributed to all Members of the Commission. This letter suggested the area east of the buoys marking the jet ski area gives the jet skiers a too large of an area relative to the number of users and the board sailors too small of an area relative to the number of users with respect to the beach area at the east end of the lagoon. He requested moving the buoys 100 yards east to allow the colorful, quiet, non-polluting board sailors to fully enjoy the sandy beach area at the east end of the Lagoon. Also, due to the prevailing west winds, it provides a safer situation. Mrs. Chase stated the purpose of the Ordinance changes was to ask Council to authorize the fee changes and attempt to amend and to make some changes in the Ordinance. Some changes would be made officially by the Commission and Council. Mrs. Chase referred to the memorandum dated April 10, 1987, from Carl Pope, Aquatic Supervisor, and sent through Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent. This gave the recommended changes to the Ordinance as well as the permit fee Increases. Commissioner Wright stated he had a question relating to the letter regarding the boardsurflng and moving the buoys. He asked if they were set to the maximum of the special use. Lynn Chase stated they could be moved at any time Parks and Recreation chose to move them. They had enlarged the jetskl area by about 50 feet. There were two reasons for this: at the eastern end of the Lagoon, the siltratlon is moving in rapidly and the water Is extremely shallow. There has also been an increase In the number of Jet skiers. There have been requests to move them 50 feet more to give the board sailors a larger corridor. Mrs. Chase stated they were asking the board sailors to buy permits, as most of them are using the Lagoon without buying a permit. They are not allowed to use the Lagoon on the weekends or the holidays at any time from mid-May to mid-September. This was done In the Interest of safety and due to the mixed use on the Lagoon. There was discussion regarding the board sailors and the fact that they cannot use the Lagoon after 3:00 p.m. on the weekends when the sailboats can use the Lagoon. At this time of the year it is difficult to judge, because there are not as many jet skiers as there will be from May to September. They can use the Lagoon now. The difficult time to judge safety is 3une through September. The Department Is willing to consider and look at the use on the Lagoon. In response to questioning from the Commmlssloners, Lynn Chase stated the biggest problem was the problem of compatibility and the mixed use. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 20, 1987 Page 9 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS; (continued) Dave Bradstreet asked staff to explain to the Commission why the buoys were relocated to the west. This was done on the recommendation of the Lagoon Specialist, Chris Harmon, because of the large number of Jet skiers in that area. Also, the siltratlon encroachment makes the water depth about two feet in that area. The east end of the Lagoon cannot be used at low tide because the water depth Is so low. The request to relocate the buoys 50 feet to the east creates a problem. Oscar Alvarez stated in the summer the problem would be with the jet ski use. They do increase in the summertime. The Jet skiers and the sail boarders cannot mix. One problem is the inexperience users. Chairperson Donovan stated it was a question of numbers and size--and she wondered about limiting the number of the Jet skiers. Mrs. Chase stated they could limit them, but they would have to have a patrol man to count the number of skiers. Chairperson Donovan continued, asking could there be a plan to limit the number of jet skiers and allow a certain number of sail boards. Lynn Chase stated staff had recommended the safest thing would be to eliminate powerboats on the Lagoon and have nothing but passive activities. However, there was no support from this Commission or from the City Council. If the Commission wishes to have a more passive lagoon, they will have to make those recommendations. The City Attorney had recommended to eliminate the mixed uses on the Lagoon because of the liability of the City. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted staff recommendation for raising the charges for permits on Agua Hedlonda Lagoon. Along with this, the Commission asked staff to look into changing the hours so sail boarders might have more hours of time on the Lagoon. The question was asked whether the patrol would allow sailing when there are no jet skiers on the Lagoon. Staff Indicated board sailors may not go on the Lagoon weekends and holidays at any time from mid-May thru mid-October. That Is what Is in effect at the present time. Mr. Aganza addressed the Commission stating the problem Is when the use gets heavier. He felt if the bouys were moved, the channel for heavy use time could be made for sail boarders. This would give them a visual area. As far as the registration fees, he wondered what happens if you own more than one sail board. He felt that was something that should be addressed. Also, the suggestion was made for Parks and Recreation to look into providing signage. He felt signage would help a great deal. Donovan Lawson Morrison Regan Wright MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 20, 1987 Page I ICOMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS; (continued) H. Inside Washington News Article Dave Bradstreet reported on this information item, stating people are more active and want to promote community park development. He read, from an article regarding the findings of the Presidents Commission on outdoor recreation. The parks system is moving toward privatization, Chairperson Donovan distributed copies of an article In Sunset Magazine, stating this was also similar in nature to the article Mr. Bradstreet distributed. I. $20,000,000 General Obligation Bond Chairperson Donovan commented the $55.00 was per 5100,000 of assessed valuation of property. Attachment L was referred to, and staff indicated some things would have to come off of that list. The GO Bond group, of which Chairperson Donovan is a Member, is trying to get things people want in a time period that is not out of sight. Items on this list to be done within five years are Hosp Grove purchase, sidewalks on the bluff areas, which would be a continuation of what they are doing now, pedistrian overpasses for Stagecoach across Rancho Santa Fe Road in order to allow safe passage for children. This group will probably delete Item No. 5. Chairperson Donovan reported on the $20 million General Obligation Bond. Commissioner Larson stated his concern with this becoming a vehicle for special interest groups to gain their wishes. Chairperson Donovan stated this group was chosen by the Mayor and they are covering all areas. There are 21 people on this Committee, they compiled a list and deleted a good many items. This Is not the kitchen cabinet, this is another group working on the General Obligation Bond. The meetings are not public meetings, but the press Is there. The $20 million figure was only a suggested figure they had come up with to cover the programs they felt were necessary. If you delete three out of the six, the $20 million would decrease. Item No. 3 was discussed, which is Macarlo Canyon development-passive actlvittes--teen activity facility. Chairperson Donovan stated they wanted to build a gym for teen dances, but felt that could be deleted and the teen dances could be held at the community center in Stagecoach Park. The possibility of passive activities—a theater-- would be one way to get Macario Canyon Park off of the ground. Council had asked for a thirty-day time frame on this list. This item was for the Commission's information only, and Chairperson Donovan will bring back the information to this Commission. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREAflON COMMISSION April 20, 1987 Page 13 COMMISSIONERS COMMITTEE REPORTS: (continued) The Committee's recommendation was to prioritize the facilities that could be placed at Larwin, with the current understanding of the needs. It was felt that a soccer field probably was the highest priority as far as need in that particular area. The recommendation was made to get the estimates back as soon js possible. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dave Bradstreet stated Stagecoach Park Is behind schedule because of the rain. They are hydroseeding the area tommorow. May 30th will be the dedication, and they will try to keep the people off of the grass for another 30 days or so. The park did come in under budget in the amount of $150,000. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Keith Beverly suggested the packet Just contain the Scribe Reports from the other Commissions, to help lower costs. The May 18, I987, meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be at the Council Chambers. SCRIBE REPORT: Commissioner Morrison gave the Scribe Report. AD30URNMEN f: By proper motion, the Meeting of April 20, 1987, was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, HARRIETT BABBITT Minutes Clerk HB:tb to May 7, 1987 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON - PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGES BACKGROUND A proposal for changes in Municipal Code, Chapter 11.24, known as "Aquatic Areas and Devices" was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission on April 20, 1987. The Commission approved only the fee changes and deferred the remainder of the proposals. The Commission directed staff to study the board sail issue. Based on the need for further study, staff has deleted those recommended changes that pertain to the board sail issue. This memorandum is a request to have the Commission review the proposed changes necessary for the orderly conduct of the Lagoon Enforcement Program, which are attached; no new changes have been added to those deferred on April 20th. FISCAL IMPACT These changes have zero fiscal impact. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The changes proposed are written to: clarify meanings, correct wording, to reduce the total number of power vessels on the water at any one time, to allow power vessel use in the Middle Lagoon for rescue and approved research and to put into written form, certain procedures for safer water skiing activity. It is noted that the procedures are unchanged from the actual procedures in effect by all boaters for the past two years. Staff anticipates additional changes will be needed in the near future. It is considered advisable to move ahead with the proposed changes being requested at this time; these changes are considered necessary and non-controversial. The attachment shows the Municipal Code wording as "Current" and the new proposed wording typed in bold as "Proposed". SEE ATTACHMENT "A" SUMMARY The proposed ordinance changes are needed to clean-up the current wording, to improve the safety of boating activity, and to clarify the Lagoon permit requirements. LC:me Attachment ' ATTACHMENT B c: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 11.24 "AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES" 11.2*.020 BOAT SPEED LIMITS Current No person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of five miles an hour in any of the following situations: (1) Within one hundred feet of any person who is engaged in the act of bathing; (2) Within two hundred feet of any swimming float, diving platform, life line, dock, pier or landing float. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). Proposed No person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of five miles an hour in any of the following situations: (1) Within one hundred feet of any person who is engaged in the act of bathing. A person engaged in the sport of waterskiing shall not be considered as engaged in the act of bathing for the purposes of this section; (2) Within two hundred feet of any swimming float, diving platform, life line, dock, pier or landing float. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). 11.24.031 SPECIAL USE AREA—MIDDLE LACOON Current The Middle Lagoon, including the water area between Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks, is declared to be a special area. No person shall operate a power boat or jet skis or similar device at any time on the Middle Lagoon. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980). Proposed The Middle Lagoon, including the water area between Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks, is declared to be a special use area. No person shall operate a power boat or Jet skis or similiar device at any time on the Middle Lagoon, except the following: (1) Lifeguard personnel of the Y.N.C.A.; (2) City of Carlsbad Lagoon Patrol personnel; (3) Persons and Agencies with City approval to do research; ATTACHMENT "A" -1- 11.24.032 SPECIAL USE AREA—INNER LAGOON NO CHANGE (1), (2), (3) The Inner Lagoon, including all water areas east of Interstate 5 is declared to be a special use area which shall be subject to the following regulations: (1) Oet skis or similar devices shall be limited to use in Snug Harbor on weekends and holidays, at all other times use will be limited to the eastern section of the Inner Lagoon which is marked by buoys. 3et skis must follow the traffic pattern when traveling to and from this designated area. (2) Power boat use will be limited to five miles per hour in Snug Harbor on weekends and holidays only. A boat lane along the eastern shore of Snug Harbor shall be used for power boat entry and exit into the Inner Lagoon during the five-miles-per-hour restriction in Snug Harbor. Power boats and jet skis have exclusive use of the Inner Lagoon weekends and holidays from May 24-th to October 1st between the hours of nine a.m. to three p.m. (3) No person shall operate a non-power boat, including but not limited to sail boats, row boats, board sails or canoes on the Inner Lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use. Current (4) The maximum number of boats allowed on the Inner Lagoon at any one time shall be eighty. Proposed (4) The maximum number of vessels operating on the Inner Lagoon at any one time shall be: 30 - Power boats. 15 - Oet skis or siallar devices. Current (5) No person shall operate a parakayak or similar device at any time on the Inner Lagoon. Proposed (5) No person shall operate a parachute, parasail or similar device at any time on the Inner Lagoon. -2- Current (6) No person shall operate a power boat, sail boat, board sail, or Jet ski on the Inner Lagoon without a city permit and boat decal issued by the Parks and Recreation Department or their designated representatives. The following requirements must be met to obtain a permit: (A) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski must have a state approved currently valid registration; (B) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski owner must sign a hold harmless agreement provided by the City; (C) The power boat must be properly muffled in accordance with the Harbors and Navigation Code; (D) A permit fee must be paid. *Annual permits are effective from 3anuary 1st to December 31st each year. Carlsbad Resident Nonresident Annual permit* 520530 Weekly permit 10 15 Daily permit 5 7 Board Sail: Annual permit* 10 15 Daily permit 2 3 (E) A board sail must be eguipped with a windowed sail. Proposed (6) No person shall operate a power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski on the Inner Lagoon without a City permit and boat decal issued by the Parks and Recreation Department or their designated representatives. The following requirements must be met to obtain a permit: (A) The power boat, Jet ski, or sail boat over eight feet in length must have current vessel registration; (B) All lagoon users must sign a hold harmless agreement provided by the City. (C) All power boats must be properly muffled in accordance with the Harbors and Navigation Code: (D) A permit fee must be paid. Annual fee is based on the calendar year, Danuary 1 to December 31; Annual fee shall be half price when purchased anytime between October 15 and December 31. Daily fee is sold at the Snug Harbor Marina Office and is valid for only one day 8:00 a.a. to sunset; one daily fee, with proof of receipt, «ay be applied as credit toward the full purchase price of an Annual fee. ANNUAL DAILY Resident Power Vessel/Sailboats (8' & up) $25 $ 7 Non-resident Power Vessel/Sailboats (81 & up) $35 $10 Resident Sailboard/Passive Vessels (under 8') $15 $ 3 Non-Resident Sailboard/Passive Vessels (under 8') $20 $ 5 (E) All sailboards must be equipped with a windowed sail. (F) No power boat over 22 feet in length shall be operated on Agua Hedlonda Lagoon.15 Current NO CHANGE (7) The city council may approve a special operations permit to temporarily vary the requirements of this section, subject to such terms and conditions as the city council deems necessary. (Ord. 3161 §§1, 2, 3 and 4, 1983; Ord. 3153 §3, 1982; Ord. 3127 §1, 1981; Ord. 3118 (part), 1980). 11.24.033 SKIERS—SKI BOATS Current Waterskiing procedures shall be conducted as follows: (1) Traffic Pattern. Ski boats leaving and approaching the shore shall follow a counterclockwise pattern and continue in a counterclockwise pattern. Mo ski boat shall leave the shore entering the ski course at more than a forty-five-degree angle and must give right-of-way to any ski boats approaching from the left. Proposed Waterskiing procedures shall be conducted as follows: (1) Traffic Pattern (A) Ski boats shall maintain a counterclockwise pattern. (B) No ski boat shall enter the traffic pattern at more than a forty-five degree angle. (C) All continuing "Through Traffic" shall stay on the south side of the sandbar during weekends and holidays between mid-Hay to mid-October or if heavy traffic exists during any day of the year. 11.24.035 SKIERS—SKI BOAT Current (6) Procedure for Dropping Skiers. When returning skiers to the beach, the tow boat must continue in a straight pattern, stopping in the nearest uncongested area to pull in the ski line. He must make a left turn when clear, go towards the center of the ski pattern and reverse direction until he has passed the place he intends to beach, then when clear, he shall cross the ski pattern and, when clear, he shall approach the beach in a counterclockwise manner. Proposed (6) Take-off/Orop-off Procedures (1) Incoming and continuing traffic have the right-of-way over take-off traffic. Take-off traffic shall standby until the way is safe and clear before starting. (2) During drop-off, the ski boat shall stay out of the 5 •lies per hour zone marked by buoys. The red ski flag •ust be clearly visible 100 yards before drop-off and shall be continually visible until the towline is on board and the skier reaches safety or is on board. Immediately after the skier has been dropped off, the ski boat shall proceed approximately 200 yards to the center of the marina area, just north of the sandbar, to draw in the tow line. (3) South Beach and other Lagoon Area Beaches: All ski boats starting fro* these areas shall enter the ski lanes at no more than a 45 degree angle. (4) South Beach and other Laqoon Area Beaches: All drop-offs shall be done parallel to the shoreline. The ski boat shall not "hook" but remain parallel to the shoreline. Once the skier drops-off, the ski boat shall stop, draw in the tow line and when safe, make a small counterclockwise turn back to the desired beach location. Current (C) Following Too Closely Is Prohibited. Do not overtake or follow in the wake of another boat in the process of towing skiers, aquaplaners, etc., at a distance of less than two hundred feet. Proposed (C) Following too closely is prohibited. Do not over-take or follow in the wake of another boat in the process of towing skiers, aguaplanes, etc., at a distance that is reckless or negligent. 11.2*.060 AREAS FOR SWIMMING OR WADING Current No swimming or wading from shore shall be permitted in the area except in designated zones. (Ord. 3118 (part), 1980: Ord. 3093 (part), 1972). Proposed No swimming is permitted from shore. No wading from shore shall be permitted in the area except in designated zones permitted by the Lagoon Patrol when these zones are Judged safe for wadding. -5- '7 May 14, 1987 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT BOARD SAIL STUDY REPORT Attached is your copy of Agenda Item "C" SAILBOARD STUDY REPORT, and a copy of all the background documents. Attachment B to the report states that the documents listed are available through the City Clerk's office. This was done so that those who wish to may request, and pay for, copies. We assume most people do not want nor will read the documents. In fact, it may be more than you want to know about Board sailing! Staff will use diagrams and overhead projections during the presentation to illustrate the alternatives suggested in this report. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at my new phone number Friday or Monday: 434-2828 Please note that no staff recommendations are included. It is our understanding that Commissioners wish to see/hear alternatives and then the Commission may determine what action is appropriate. c: David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director Keith Beverly, Management Analyst May 7, 1987 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON - BOARD SAIL STUDY REPORT Background The Parks and Recreation Department has received verbal and written requests from boardsailors to allow them on Agua Hedionda Lagoon weekends and holidays May 24 to October 1. Boardsailors would like to have a corridor in the eastern portion of the lagoon for this use. ATTACHMENT "A" A chronology of board sailing requests and the actions of the Commission and City Council are attached as reference material; the Commission minutes beginning 10/5/82 provide insight into the safety concerns for mixed traffic on the lagoon. ATTACHMENT "B" On July 5, 1983 the City Council directed staff to prepare documents to implement "allowing board sailing weekdays only from May 24 to October 1 and any time from October 2 to May 23". ATTACHMENT "C" ORDINANCE NO. 3161 amended Chapter 11.24 Section 11.24.032 (3) to read: "No person shall operate a non-power boat, including but not limited to sailboats, rowboats, board sails or canoes, on the Inner Lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use". ATTACHMENT "D" The interpretation of Ordinance No. 3161, adopted 8/2/83 has been questioned as to the wording to see if board sailing may be on the Lagoon after 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays during the "exclusive power boat use period". The matter has been referred to the City Attorney's office for advice. Ordinance No. 3153 contains the "exclusive use" clause; a copy of this Ordinance is included in the chronology attachments .See Attachment B, page (3) Since September, 1983 the Lagoon Patrol has enforced the Council's action. This report and the alternatives suggested are based on the understanding that board sailing is allowed on "weekdays only" May 24 to October 1. At the April 20, 1987 meeting, the Commission directed staff to study usage, how others deal with mixed boating, and to see if a compromise could be reached to accommodate the request. Staff was asked to report on alternatives at the May 18 Commission meeting. Staff met with a few lagoon users, met with Greg Rusing (Snug Harbor Marina Operator), and met with Steve Lees (an active board sailor) as part of the study. In addition, staff conducted a survey of harbors, lakes, and marinas from San Diego to Morro Bay to learn how others accommodate the mixed use, ATTACHMENT C May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Two Alternatives Staff prepared alternatives for consideration and action by the Commission. Alternatives 1-4 are suggested as possible solutions for modifying the "Exclusive Use" on a trial basis, May 24 to October 1, 1987 with the condition that the Patrol Specialist be given the authority to terminate use by any user or group of users, to ensuring safe boating. The details of each alternative and discussion of pros and cons are included under "Discussion and Analysis". Alternative #1; Allow board sails on the lagoon starting at 3:00 p.m. on weekends/holidays; A new corridor, approximately 80 yards wide to be designated for use of boardsailors during the weekends/holiday period, extending from the Bristol Cove public access across the lagoon to the south shoreline; this corridor may be used by Jet Skiers on weekends/holidays prior to 2:00 p.m. ATTACHMENT "E" Alternative #2; Designate the eastern one third of the Lagoon as "All Passive", for exclusive use by board sails, sail boats, row boats, canoes, kayaks, and allow fishing around the shoreline; Jet Skis have exclusive use of Snug Harbor Marina, fron the sandbar, north to the 5 miles per hours buoys and excluding a corridor for vessel launch and transit through the eastern and western channels. The maximum number of jet skis allowed in the Marina area at any one time shall be initially set at 10 during the trial period; jet skis shall follow the counter clockwise traffic pattern; the Jet Ski speed in the Marina area shall be a maximum of approximately 30 miles per hour. All water skiing take-off/drop-off will occur south of the sandbar and west of the Passive Use area. Alternative #3; As a modification to Alternative #2, the marina area remains as presently used and jet skis are relocated to the large area inside the water ski traffic patterns. Buoys will designate the separation of water ski and jet ski areas, south of the sandbar and east to the All Passive zone. May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Three Alternative #4; Selectively exclude certain types of vessels by implementing one of the following options: a. Power vessels only b. Passive vessels only c. No power vessel engines greater than "xx" horsepower Alternative #5; No change in existing mixed use; the "Exclusive Use" rule remains. Fiscal Impact; Alternative #1; Net Gain +$265-500 By adding the boardsail corridor and allowing use on weekends/ holidays it will attract more boardsails. A 50% increase in board sail annual permits would net an increase of $265; no decrease in revenue is anticipated by other types of permits. Alternative #2; Net Loss -$2,290 By designating the eastern one third of the lagoon as "Passive Use only", a significant increase (75% increase = +$390) in board sail permits may occur; however, the relocation of jet skis to a smaller area and limiting the maximum number of users could cause a 50% decrease in jet ski permit revenue (50% decrease = $750) and a 25% decrease in power vessel permit revenues (25% decrease = -$1,546). Alternative #3; Net Loss -$840 The modification of having a jet ski area inside the water skiing area has less of a negative impact on the permit revenue; the 75% increase in board sail permit fees remains +$390; the jet ski revenue is projected as a minor drop (25% decrease = -$325); it must be anticipated that a minor drop in permit sales to power boats could occur (10% decrease = -$600). Alternative #4; Net Effect Varies a. If only power vessel permits were issued, the revenue could increase slightly by $800 (10% increase = +$800). b. If only passive vessel permits were issued the revenue would drop significantly (decrease = -$7,500); however, the Lagoon Enforcement Program could be eliminated at a cost savings of -$19,000. It could be expected to see an increase in permits May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Four Alternative #4 (Cont.); sold to passive vessels. At the proposed rate of $15/$20 for the annual resident/non-resident permit fee, a 100% increase in permit sales would be a total revenue of $1,480. c. No estimates available. Alternative #5; Net Gain/Loss = 0 No changes in revenue anticipated. Discussion and Analysis; 1. Pros and Cons of Alternatives #1 - #5 Alternative #1 Board sailors presently have the opportunity to be on the Lagoon 326 days and they are excluded 39 days. If a corridor is created for their exclusive use on weekends and holidays after 3:00 p.m. this alternative is a workable compromise. The change in revenue is insignificant, as discussed. The board sailors ability to remain in the corridor depends on wind conditions and the persons skill level. The Special Use Area is approximately 1,600 feet long (east/west) and 1,200 feet wide (north/south). The depth of this 46 acres is three feet minimum. The jet skiers and water skiers would each lose approximately 25 yards of existing area on either side of the buoys. If this alternative were chosen, it may be feasible to set up the corridor entirely within the existing special use area; the corridor could be used by jet skiers prior to the 3:00 p.m. time of use on weekends and holidays during the May 24 to October 1 period. Alternative #2 The current ordinance states that jet skis will be limited to the Snug Harbor area on weekends/holidays. In 1984, the P&R Department, in the interest of safe boating, informally changed the requirement and all jet skis are in the "Special Use Area". To relocate all jet skis to the Marina area, north of the sandbar will require additional time and effort of the Patrol to ensure the maximum number of jet skis '(10 only, on a trial basis) and the transit of power vessels thorugh the east and west channels is a safe use of the area. May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Five As the greatest number of jet skiers observed on weekends and holidays are those taking lessons or renting jet skis from the Marina. The Marina Operator can exercise increased supervision of the jet skiers making this an attractive alternative. Some complaints can be anticipated by having all water skiers take-off from the areas south and west of the sandbar. All "in-coming" and "continuing thru" traffic presently has right-of-way over taking-off skiers. Alternative #3: This alternative has less negative impact and is considered a safer alternative than the previous one. The narrowness of the west channel tends to limit the potential conflict of power boats and jet skiers where they would be entering their own space; buoys would be used to designate the area for water skiing from the jet skiing. Alternative #4; The impact of selectively excluding any of the user groups is going to cause complaints, dependent upon the choice of which users/type of vessels are allowed and excluded. As the siltration around the lagoon increases and the sandbar continues to increase in'size, the Department recognizes the need to consider such a change in use and/or dredge. There are no plans to dredge the lagoon at this time. The City's portion of the cost to dredge and improve the lagoon in 1984 was approximately one million dollars. Alternative #5; The lagoon is presently considered a safe mix of boating. The safety record is satisfactory and the Lagoon Enforcement Program is a cost effective program. The decision to make no change will impact the board sailors only. They will be denied access to the lagoon for a total of 39 days a year, The choice of this alternative is not one of financial considerations; it is based solely on the concern for safety in a mixed use. 2. Lagoon User Input Staff met with lagoon users to get some reactions and input in an effort to reach a compromise to allow additional use by boardsailors. Notes of that meeting were distributed to those involved, including Greg Rusing, Snug Harbor Marine Operator and Steve Lees, boardsailor. ATTACHMENT "F" May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Six 3. Survey of other Agencies (Mixed Boating) The survey included 11 agencies. Two were eliminated from the survey results as non-applicable. Nine were compared to Carlsbad's Lagoon use. The survey showed 8 out of 9 agencies had mixed use with all three types of vessels (power, jet ski, board sail); all agencies surveyed had significantly greater water surface area for the mixed use of vessels. Dana Point restricts the use of both jet skis and boardsails on weekends and holidays, all year. Cabrillo Marine designates power and jet ski vessels may transit only through the Marina area on their way to the open ocean. Mission Bay and Dana Point provide separate areas for use by board sails, jet skis, or water skiers; however, users are not restricted to those designated special use areas. ATTACHMENT "G" 4. Board Sail Access The City has only 2 public access sites for walk-in traffic, and neither one is open for use at the present time. Hoover Street access is temporarily closed due to the development of adjacent parces; Cove Drive access is temporarily closed unitl improvements can be made for passage to the water. The Snug Harbor Marina Operator has offered boardsailors free access through the Marina; the launching of board sails from the Marina area is considered undesirable by everyone due to wind conditions, parking problems, and the distance to/from the Special Use Area that the boardsailors prefer. At some future date, boardsailors will have legal access east of Bristol Cove development; the City Planning Department projects no development will occur in the next 2 years; therefore, no public access east of Bristol Cove development will be available for the next two or more years. The City's Local Coastal Plan (LCP) specifies a pedestrian access plan, land use plan, and bike route plan. ATTACHMENT "H" May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Seven 5. Lagoon Permit Program - Calendar Year 1986 Board Sail Permits: 42 total Revenue = $520 20 @ $10 Residents 22 @ $15 Non-residents Power Boat Permits: 239 total Revenue = $6,185 92 @ $20 Residents 147 @ $30 Non-residents Jet Ski Permits: 61 total Revenue = $1,300 41 @ $20 Residents 20 @ $30 Non-residents Sail Boat Permits were considered an insignficant component in the comparisons and were not included. For information only, the total number of sail boat permits sold was 9 residents @ $30 for a total revenue of $170. 6. Vessel Observations by Lagoon Patrol - Calendar Year 1986 These statistics are included for information only; the numbers of vessels observed is not considered a valid statistic for comparison or measure of the public interest in using the lagoon. No count of users has been made hourly. The Patrol Specialist is on duty 8-10 hours on weekends and holidays, and 4 or more hours only 3 weekdays during the seasonal heavy use period of the week prior to Easter through mid-September. January Through November 1986 Week days Wkends/holidays Totals Board Sails 36 174 210 Power Boats 199 1,009 1,208 Jet Skis 149 679 328 All other types 58 250 308 474 2,204 2,678 May 7, 1987 David Bradstreet Page Eight 7. Summary and Conclusions Agua Hedionda Lagoon is a unique facility; no other agency contacted in this study has such a small area with mixed use; others have the luxury of setting aside specific use area for various activities or have no problems of mixed use; one location (Dana Point) restricts boardsailing on weekends and holidays, all year long compared to Carlsbad's 39 day exclusion. The greatest use by recreational users continues to be the power vessels. Board sailing and other passive activities are observed as increasing over past years demand. The City is obligated to conduct an "Enforcement Program" as a means of improving safe mixed use and to see that users are financially responsible through by monitoring a liability insurance requirement. If the Commission and Council wishes to change the existing mixed use, then four alternatives have been suggested. The safety aspects of any of the changes can only be speculative; a trial period during the period of May 24 to October 1 would provide better evaluation. April 20, 1987 irks ?/ Recreation Commission Members 1166 Elm Ave Carlsbad, CA Dear Commission Members, As I am unable to attend the meeting this evening, 1 thank you -For this opportunity to voice a suggestion in writing. I would appreciate it if you could give this due consideration at the appropriate time this evening . Yesterday I, along with several dozen other families, were sailing at the Car-lsbad lagoon when two things became apparent: 1. I need to get a permit to sail there, which I intend to do i mmedi at el y . 2. The area east of the bouys marking the jet ski area gives the jet skiers too large an area relative to the number of users and the boardsailors too small an area relative to the number of users with respect to the beach area at the east end of the lagoon. F'lease consider moving the bouys 1OO yards east to allow the colorful, quiet, non-polluting families that boardsail to fully enjoy the sandy beach area at the east end of the lagoon. Also, due to the prevailing viest wind, it provides a safer situation. Si ncerel y , Scott H. Roberts 1323 Call a Scott Encinitas, CA ATTACHMENT "A" (1) :CEIVED April 23, 1987 TO: City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: North County Boardsailing Association SUBJECT: Proposal for Amendment to City Ordinance 11.24 "Aquatic Areas and Devices" The North County Boardsailing Association (NCBA) is a group of area residents organized to promote the sport of boardsailing by acting as liaison between boardsailors and public officials. We believe that a minor amendment to the Municipal Code would provide a safe, quiet, recreational opportunity for sailboard enthusiasts which will be compatible with other uses on the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon during the summer season. This group is primarily concerned with City Ordinance weekends and holidays, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., from May 24th to October 1st. The NCBA is aware of the water safety concerns associated with joint use of the inner lagoon during periods of peak activity, however, we feel that the above Ordinance is unnecessarily discriminatory. Board- sailing itself is a safe, family oriented sport which is not harmful to the environment and is aesthetically pleasing to the surrounding area (please see attachments). We have enjoyed unrestricted use of the inner lagoon during the winter season and are not aware of any hazards or accidents involving sailboards since the existing Ordinance was implemented in 1983. Shared use of the special use area at the east end of the lagoon could be an acceptable compromise that would not conflict with the powerboat traffic pattern. The undersigned respectfully requests your consideration of the follow- ing proposals to amend Municipal Code Section 11.24.032(1): 1. Add a second buoy line east of Marina Drive to create a slightly larger, divided, special use area which would allow boardsailing adjacent to the jet ski area during the high use days. Sailors and/or jet skiers could be permitted to use the entire special use area in the absence of the other. (Please see Attachment #2). ATTACHMENT "A" (2) ATTACHMENT #2 •9 - Existing Buoys - Proposed AGUA HEDtONDA LAGOON Ski LMdfMf I Ttkt-WOntv within Arti or: uors HAZMUIOUSCT*«* s ATTACHMENT "A1 [3) CHRONOLOGY - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON BOARDSAIL HISTORY NOTE; THE ORDINANCES, AGENDA BILLS, AND MINUTES OF COUNCIL AND COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE; THESE DOCUMENTS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. Date 6/3/80 5/5/81 3/15/82 5/17/82 6/28/82 10/5/82 10/5/82 11/2/82 4/18/83 Ordinance No. 3118 Ordinance No. 3127 Document Summary Introduced; adopted 6/17/80. Amends Chapter 11.24 Section I known as AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. This document is the basis of the Municipal Code on which the future Amendments occur. Introduced and adopted 5/19/81. Required board sail owners (and others) to sign "hold harmless agreement". Request to offer lessons/ equipment rental. Commission approach plan for use and permit fee. Continuation of 5/17/82 item; Commission approved no board sails on inner lagoon, jet skis be allowed in Marina area and directed staff to work with YMCA for board sailing in the middle lagoon. Agenda Bill #6133-#7 Requested Council adopt Ordinance 3153 (Ordinance revised and resubmitted). City Council Minutes Approved board sailing instruction on middle lagoon; directed staff to prepare documents. Agenda Bill #6133-#8 Introduced Ordinance No. 3153. Established "Exclusive Use" period, Ordinance No. 3153 relocated jet skis to eastern end on weekdays and limited jet ski to Snug Harbor on weekends/holidays. P&R Commission Minutes (excerpt) P&R Commission Minutes (excerpt) P&R Commission Minutes (excerpt) P&R Commission Minutes Discussion of Council action to outlaw board sailing; Committee appointed to study and recommend to the Commission. ATTACHMENT "B (1) Chronology-Agua Hedionda Lagoon Boardsail History Page Two Date 5/16/83 6/20/83 Document P&R Commission Minutes P&R Commission Minutes 7/5/83 7/5/83 Summary Verbal report on Committee's meeting, report forthcoming in 30-60 days. Distributed and discussed Committee's Board Sail report; legal access and parking discussed; recommended to City Council the report on sailboard regulations as presented. Commission recommendations to Council to allow boardsails to be on the lagoon at the same time as sailboats, established permit fee; required proof of insurance; required window in sail. City Council Minutes Directed staff to prepare documents allowing sail boarding weekdays only from May 24 to October 1 and anytime from October 2 to May 23. Agenda Bill #7439 7/19/84 Ordinance No. 3161 Agenda Bill #7439-#l Introduced Ordinance No. 3161. A.B. allows Board Sailing on Inner Lagoon on Monday through Friday from May 24 to October 1 and anytime from October 2 to May 23. Ordinance adopted 8/2/83 ATTACHMENT "B" (2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ORDINANCE NO. 3153 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11.24,032 TO REVISE THE CHAPTER ON AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 3: Title 11, Chapter 11.21, section 11.24.032 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of subsections (1) and (2) to read as follows: "(1) Jet skis or similar devices shall be limited to use in Snug Harbor on week-ends and holidays, at all other times use will be limited to the eastern section of the Inner Lagoon which is marked by buoys. Jet skis must follow the traffic pattern when traveling to and from this designated area. (2) Power boat use will be limited to 5 MPH in Snug Harbor on week-ends and holidays only. A boat lane along the eastern shore of Snug Harbor shall be used for power boat entry and exit into the middle lagoon during the 5 MPH restriction in Snug Harbor. Power boats and jet skis have exclusive use of the Inner Lagoon week-ends and holidays from May 24 to October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m."16 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of18 this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of November 1932, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of November , 1982, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTACHMENT "B"(3) CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL AR* 7V 3 9 MTfi 7/5/83 DPPT. P & R TITLE: USE OF SAIL BOARDS IN THE INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON DEPT. HP. XP CITY ATTY (?>' CITY MQR.</^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council directs staff to prepare the necessary documents to amend the ordinance regarding Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Zo o ITEM EXPLANATION For the past several years board sail enthusiasts have requested to use the inner portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon for their fast-growing passive aquatic sport. The Parks & Recreation Commission appointed a committee to review and explore the feasibility of incorporating this activity into the already existing uses of the lagoon. The Committee met with individuals that represent board sailers and found the following: 1. Doard sailing is one of the fastest growing sports in the 2. It is a relatively inexpensive and quiet activity. 3. They dc not cause pollutants. 4. They are more maneuverable than sail boats. 5. They have better visibility than sail boats. 6. Power boat usage is on a downward trend, as indicated below: Weekday Weekend & Holiday 1981 1982 1983 9 avg. 4.1 avg. 3.7 avg. 23 avg. 14.7 avg. 13.9 avg. 17.2average 5.6 7. It provides additional funds for lagoon operation. 8. There are a number of public accesses available -.ror launching, i.e. Snug Harbor, Hoover Street extension, east and west side of Bristol Cove and future Rombotis access. 9. They require no trailer. This would reduce parking requirements on the public streets. OO ATTACHMENT »c" o m -S 2O v> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO.3161 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION 11.24.032 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW BOARD SAILING IN THE INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24, Section 11.24.032(2) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to replace the word "middle" with the word "inner" before the word lagoon in the second sentence thereof. SECTION 2: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(3) to read as follows: "(3) No person shall operate a non-power boat, including but not limited to sailboats, rowboats, board sails or canoes, on the Inner Lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use." SECTION 3: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(5) to read as follows: "(5) No person shall operate a parakayak or similar device at any time on the Inner Lagoon." SECTION 4: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(6) to read as follows: "(6) No person shall operate a power boat, sailboat, board sail, or jet ski on the Inner Lagoon without a city permit and boat decal issued by the parks and recreation department or their designated representatives. The following requirements must be met to obtain a.permit: (A) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, orjet ski must have a state approved currently valid registration; ATTACHMENT "D". f: Q 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 § 13 o-r-i 14a r— H =c*i 15 z I S o- 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (B) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski owner must sign a hold harmless agreement provided by the city; (C) The power boat must be properly muffled in accordance with the Harbors and Navigation Code; (D) A permit fee must be paid. Annual Permit*" Weekly Permit Daily Permit Board Sail: Annual Permit* Daily Permit Carlsbad Resident. Nonresident $20 10 5 10 2 $30 15 7 15 3 *Annual Permits are effective from January 1 to December 31 each year. (E) A board sail must be equipped with a windowed sail. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of July _ 1983 and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 2nd day of August , 1983 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Meirbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Presoott NOES: Council Member Chick ABSENT: None ,i ATTEST: MARY H. CASLER, Mayor Clerk R. KUNDTZ, Deputy City Clerk ATTACHMENT "D"(2 =tfc OQ_ UJo; Q h— CO I •=cCO Qo: O O O Q Q < CD <s ATTACHMENT "E" May 1, 1987 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT BOARD SAIL ISSUE As a means to get input from participants, we scheduled an informal meeting for Wednesday, April 25, 5:00 p.m. at the Harding Center meeting room. Those present were asked their opinion on the impact of and recommendation for boardsails on the lagoon on weekends and holidays during the period of May 24 thru Oct 1, approximately. Notes taken at that meeting will be distributed to all interested parties, including Steve Lees and Greg Rusing. No decisions were made at that meeting; some action planning was accomplished. As discussed, we will separate the boardsail issue from the other proposed ordinance changes for further study. We will request Commission considerations of the non-boardsail related ordinance changes at the May 18 Commission meeting. We anticipate it may take another month to pull together and finalize a solution to the Boardsail issue. It is important to notify and include all those who may be impacted by the issue. LC:lt Attachment c: No. County Boardsail Association Greg & Roxanne Rusing, Snug Harbor Lagoon Patrol Specialist Carl Pope, Aquatics Supervisor ATTACHMENT "F" (1) NOTES FROM 4/29/87 BOARDSAIL STUDY MEETING Present: Joaguin Aganza, Boardsailer Steve Ahle, Boardsailer Mark Martin, Jet Skier Jim Hirschberg, Water Skier Staff: Carl Pope, Aquatics Supervisor Oscar Alvarez, Lagoon Patrol Specialist Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent Following introductions, Lynn Chase stated the meeting purpose is to talk with a few participants of the 3 types of sports on the lagoon (waterskiing, jetskiing, boardsailing) to get some input and reaction to the request by boardsailers for weekend use of the lagoon during the heavy use season (currently not allowed). Discussion included: 1. Existing ordinance 2. History of use by boardsailers, past and present 3. Request and discussion at the Commission meeting on 4/20 4. Scott H. Roberts letter to Commission dated/received 4/20/87 5. City/staff concerns for mixed use 6. Illegal access by boardsailers and others at beach area east of Bristol Cove 7. Wind conditions in middle and inner lagoon 8. Special use area becomes "off-limits" when one jet ski is in that area 9. Future 50 ft wide easement at N.E. beach area, not available for 2 or more years, depending upon development. 10. Proposal to look into use of middle lagoon for beginning boardsailers. It was noted by staff that public access is available, but not built or improved through the Papagayo development. 11. Proposal that jet skiers use only the lagoon area north of the sandbar, per existing ordinance; staff noted that in the interest of safety, jet skiers were informally re-located to the eastern end of the lagoon as increased use required a larger and separate area. 12. Staff recommends that any ordinance proposal be worded to give final discretionary control of the mixed use (and/or termination) to the Patrol Specialist. The Patrol Specialist provided several copies of a letter to the City and Commission from North County Boardsailing Association, (dated 4/23; received 4/28). The letter was a draft with three alternatives; it was noted by Oscar Alvarez, Patrol Specialist, that the group of boardsailers he talked to preferred the first alternative. That alternative is to provide a separate corridor for boardsailers, adjacent to and west of the special use area. ATTACHMENT "F" (2) Oscar outlined a modification to the straight line corridor that would accommodate the public walk-in boardsail access at Cove Drive (see attachment). Staff noted that the jet skiers and the waterskiers would both have to "give a little" and that legal public access and safe use remains a consideration and a concern. Staff proposed an action plan to: 1. Check into the Papagayo public access 2. Check into obtaining an advance approval for 50 ft wide public access (instead of 2+ years) 3. Consider relocating jet skiers to area north of the sandbar 4. Consider proposal for the modified corridors for weekend seasonal use by both jet skiers and boardsailers 5. See what improvements can be made to Cove Drive public access. Lynn Chase summarized the discussion and action plan. A copy of the notes of this meeting will be sent to those present and discussed with other interested persons including Steve Lees, Greg Rusing, the Parks and Recreation Director and Commissioners. Those present were invited to attend future meetings and, in particular, to attend the next Commision Meeting on Monday, May 18, 5:00 p.m. at the City Council Chamber. Meeting broke up at approximately 6:20 p.m. Page 2 ATTACHMENT "F" (3) 5/5/87 April 23, 1987 TO: City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: North County Boardsailing Association SUBJECT: Proposal for Amendment to City Ordinance 11.24 "Aquatic Areas and Devices" The North County Boardsailing Association (NCBA) is a group of area residents organized to promote the sport of boardsailing by acting as liaison between boardsailors and public officials. We believe that a minor amendment to the Municipal Code would provide a safe, quiet, recreational opportunity for sailboard enthusiasts which will be compatible with other uses on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon during the summer season. This group is primarily concerned with City Ordinance 11.24.032(2) exclusive powerboat/jet ski use of the inner lagoon on weekends and holidays, between 5:00 AM and 3:00 PM, from May 24th to October 1st. The NCBA is aware of the water safety concerns associated with joint use of the inner lagoon during periods of peak activity, however, we feel that the above Ordinance is unnecessarily discriminatory. Boardsailing itself is a safe, family oriented sport which is not harmful to the environment and is aesthetically pleasing to the surrounding area (please see attachments). We have enjoyed unrestricted use of the inner lagoon during the winter season and are not aware of any hazards or accidents involving sailboards since the existing Ordinance was implemented in 1983. Shared use of the special use area at the east end of the lagoon could be an acceptable compromise that would not conflict with the powerboat traffic pattern. The undersigned respectfully requests your consideration of the follow- ing proposals to amend Municipal Code Section 11;24.032(1): 1. Add a second buoy line -east of Marina Drive to create a slightly larger, divided, special use area which would allow boardsailing adjacent to the jet ski area during the high use days. Sailors and/or jet skiers could be permitted to use the entire special use area in the absence of the other. (Please see Attachment #2). 2. Provide for exclusive use of the special use area by jet skiers prior to 2:00 PM on weekends and holidays, between May 24th and October 1st, and permit passive use after 2:00 PM. ATTACHMENT "F" (4) 3. Alternate use of the special use area hourly, between jet skis and passive vessels. The above proposals are listed in order of the preference of the North County Board Sailors Association, however, any of' the above changes would be preferable to existing regulation. Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter. ATTACHMENT "F" (5) ATTACHMENT #2 = Existing Buoys = Proposed 00, AGUA HEDIOHDA LAGOON MXBTOt COX KMTE KET: BUOTS HAZARDOUS AREA ATTACHMENT "F" (6) a: => oo LU 00 •=£ O CQ CO•a•H 00 -HB 00 O•rt B X rH 00 iH -•, •H E i-l COCO -H ^ -OCO -H CO B T3 ->! I- 01 1^ CQ Ol ^I Olo0301 CO 01 CQ OososoX oOS 0 Id -J a 3 ^4CO CJ aoo3 Idas ^Id 3> J h-l CO osrj> -<-H id CQ CQ CO 1— 1OS Idos xId < CU -J ^ ^ "2Q H COId Z OS >> < <td CO CQ at CO CO OId Qi— I «^CJ i ZZ OId OSU O Zo h-l CO CO >-M <;S pa • £-4Cu •yr 1^2O ,3oa CO os CJ oId O -J COId h-lHM > M H CJ ^tino COtdCu E-1 * « COtd COCd *" CO Id CO >> CO COId •K CO ^ ooc 1-1 CO 014-1 CO3 to4Jto0 Vjtu 3 0Cu CO ^ CO ^ COId COId ** COu COId CO CO 5" •K CO * ooc •H*s CO 4-1 01 CO ^1 COId COId COId ^ CO =" COCd COId COCdt" COId COId ooE•H •^L4 COO I— 1-H COCO COId ••^ COid *Oz COId COId ^4 -•^COId >4 COId ^4•^^ CO COId -^ CO td COId ^COId - COtd ^^ COId CO p_l . ~^^. COId COtd ^H COtd CO Id -v^ CO ^ CO Id CU £^ ro , ,] ^*^, CO QtdX S -a e 11II • CO3 td B CO — H COtd 1 1 B1 OI-l to CQ 01 -0 >, -7) .-1 • X iH O — < Z 3 CO T3B u 1 cu E ^ co 10 Ji O -C — 1— 1 tu >-. " 0)•H (11 14-1 O 01 .to 3 co S CO CO *• 01 • T3 C >.— 1 > 0.mow- —co "U O CU C"OO Ol i-l iH > CQ CO -H 1 -rH I-l ^-- 3 O -J" CQ 01CO X CNJ CO 4JId O — to «-(>4 z ^ 1^1 CX to COzoM HO asHCOtdrv IdCO ID 3O E to 3 4-1 CO CO CO 01II tw l-i —l O to Ol 01VJ T3 CO V4-*» O -H T3 OX u-i CQ >> s:-f C ^ toCN 40 -H O O~- U J2 O ECO ^H CQ W PO Otd -H -3 03 II L4 UU COII CO CO T3 CQ I-l CU~~ to to -a CO O. Ol UId 01 V4 01>4 CO to C CQ-a^, M-l O 0 £ 0 0•-I UJ COII M-t 01"•: o J3 01 L4 4J O 4-1 -O W CO 14-1 • O CU CO14 >n E w j: CO to i-l 4J COo- 01 <•« oi e oiOl I-l W i-l O 14CO CO 3 S ^H 4J CO 01 to • Xh CO U co CO f"l coa* 01 o)oi i-i xCO 10 O CO 14 01 CO "-) O- 14Id ^9 Q. CJ>> to < to OlCO3 I— (to•Hu 01a coCO CUII I-l <-> co COzo £-1 h-lcs f—l COId td <J CO CO 4-) 01 ATTACHMENT ^zs^^^ -.*'-. >^,-','-vV ATTACHMENT "H" (1) 'A I Hi i5 o I 5> B3> 5£ITI y * . > § •••• " '' • CCOm - -or™ z <N •xV- ^^ /-"&r '\s >o Imq O a o ATTACHMENT "H " (2 -Efr- 'ATTACHMENT "H"(3) CHRONOLOGY - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON BOARDSAIL HISTORY NOTE; THE ORDINANCES, AGENDA BILLS, AND MINUTES OF COUNCIL AND COMMISSION MEETINGS ARE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE; THESE DOCUMENTS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE, Date 6/3/80 Ordinance No. 3118 5/5/81 3/15/82 5/17/82 6/28/82 Ordinance No. 3127 10/5/82 10/5/82 11/2/82 4/18/83 Document Summary Introduced; adopted 6/17/80. Amends Chapter 11.24 Section I known as AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. This document is the basis of the Municipal Code on which the future Amendments occur. Introduced and adopted 5/19/81. Required board sail owners (and others) to sign "hold harmless agreement". Request to offer lessons/ equipment rental. Commission approach plan for use and permit fee. Continuation of 5/17/82 item; Commission approved no board sails on inner lagoon, jet skis be allowed in Marina area and directed staff to work with YMCA for board sailing in the middle lagoon. Agenda Bill #6133-#7 Requested Council adopt Ordinance 3153 (Ordinance revised and resubmitted). City Council Minutes Approved board sailing instruction on middle lagoon; directed staff to prepare documents. Agenda Bill #6133-#8 Introduced Ordinance No. 3153. Established "Exclusive Use" period, Ordinance No. 3153 relocated jet skis to eastern end on weekdays and limited jet ski to Snug Harbor on weekends/holidays. P&R Commission Minutes (excerpt) P&R Commission Minutes (excerpt) P&R Commission Minutes (excerpt) P&R Commission Minutes Discussion of Council action to outlaw board sailing; Committee appointed to study and recommend to the Commission. G) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 3118 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 11.24 TO REVISE THE REGULATIONS OF AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24, Section I of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: • Chapter 11.24 AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES Sections: BOATS AND AIRCRAFT 005 Definitions. 010 ' Application. 015 Mooring. 020 Boat speed limits. 025 Maximum boat speed limit. 030 Operation of boats at night. 031 Special Use Area - Middle Lagoon. 032 Special Use Area - Inner Lagoon. 035 Skiers—Ski boats. 040 Boat races and ski meets. 041 Excessive engine noise prohibited. 045 Boats to stay outside of buoys--Exceptions. 046 Boats prohibited on shore side of buoys-- Exceptions. 050 Throwing waste or refuse in water. 055 Aircraft. 060 Areas for swimming or wading. 065 City's liability—Use of areas at own risk. 070 Enforcement of article. 075 Swimming or boating when warning signals have been placed. 11.24.080 Compliance with orders of lifeguards or signs. 085 Rules of the road. 090 Constitutionality or invalidity. ' 3 I. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24, 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24. 11.24 11.24. 1 2 11 13 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I. BOATS AND AIRCRAFT ~ 11.24.005 Definitions. For the purpose of this chap- ter the definitions outlined in the State Harbors and Navigation Code, Vehicle Code and California Administrative Code shall apply. 11.24.010 Application. The provisions of Sections 11.24.005 --- 11.24.090 apply only to aquatic areas owned in fee or leased to the City. 11.24.015 Mooring. No person shall moor a boat or any other object overnight except in mooring zones so declared and at posted landing and take-off areas. 11.24.020 Boat Speed Limits. No person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of five miles an hour in any of the following situations : (1)< Within one hundred feet of any person who is engaged in the' act of bathing; (2) Within two hundred feet of any swimming float, diving platform, life line, dock, pier or landing float. 11.24.025 Maximum Boat Speed Limit. No person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of forty-five miles per hour except pursuant to a special operations permit issued by the Chief of Police upon authorization of the City Council subject to such-. terms and conditions as the City Council deems necessary ; 11.24.030 Operation of Boats at Night. Between sunset, and eight a.m. the following day, no person shall operate a boat towing any kind of aquaplane; no person shall operate a boat at speeds in excess of five miles an hour. 11.24.031 Special Use Area - Middle Lagoon. The 18 Middle Lagoon, including the water area between Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks, is declared to be a special area. No person shall- operate a power boat or jet skis or similar device at any time on the Middle Lagoon. 11.24.032 Special Use Area - Inner Lagoon. The Inner Lagoon, including all water areas east of Interstate 5 is declared to be a special use area which shall be subject to the following regulations : (1) No person shall operate a jet ski or similar device on weekends or holidays between May 24th and October 1st. Jet skis and similar devices at all other times shall be limited to an area to be designated by the City Council for exclusive use by jet skis (2) Power boats shall have exclusive use of the Inner Lagoon weekends and holidays from May 24th to October 1st between the hours of nine a.m. and three p.m. (3) NO person shall operate a non-power boat, including but not limited to sail boats, row boats, or canoes on the Innt Lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use. (4) The maximum number of boats allowed on the Inner Lagoon at any one time shall be eighty (80). • C -2- 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (5) No person shall operate a wind surfer, surf sail, parachute or similar device an any time on the Inner Lagoon. (6) No person shall operate a power boat, sail boat or jet ski on the Inner Lagoon without a City permit and boat decal issued by the Parks and Recreation Department or their designated representatives. The following requirements must be met to obtain a permit : A. The power boat, sail boat or jet ski must have a State approved currently valid registration. B. The power boat, sail boat or jet ski owner must provide the City with proof that at least a $300,000 liability insurance policy exists on the boat, naming the City as an additionally insured which cannot be cancelled without notice to the City. C. The power boat must be properly muffled in . accordance with the Harbors and Navigation Code. D. A permit fee must be paid. Carlsbad Res ident Non-Res ident Annual Permit* ?2D £315 Weekly Permit 10 15 Daily Permit 5 7 *Annual permits are effective from January 1st to December 31st each year. (7) The City Council may approve a special operations permit to temporarily vary the requirements of this section, subject to such terms and conditions as the City Council deems necessary. 16 11.24.035 Skiers--Ski Boats. (a) Traffic pattern. Ski boats leaving and approaching the shore shall follow a counter-clockwise pattern and continue in a counter-clockwise pattern. No ski boat shall leave the shore entering the ski course at more than a forty-five degree angle and must give right-of-way to any ski boats approaching from the left. (b) Procedure for dropping skiers. When returning skiers to the beach, the tow boat must continue in a straight pattern, stopping in the nearest uncongested area to pull in the ski line. He must then make a left turn when clear, go towards the center of the ski pattern and reverse direction until he has passed the place he intends to beach, then when clear, he shall cross the ski pattern and when clear, he shall approach the beach in a counter-clockwise manner. (c) Following too closely is prohibited. Do not overtake or follow in the wake of another boat in the process of towing skiers, aquaplaners, etc., at a distance of less than two hundred feet. (d) Slack lines prohibited. No boat shall pull into the beach with ski line dragging behind. (e) Boat and water vehicle racing is prohibited. 11.24.040 Boat Races and Ski Meets. Boat races and ski meets may be held only by the specific authorization of the -3- 1 City Council. Such authorization races or meets shall be by City Council for each meet or race authorized. 45 11.24.041 Excessive Engine Noise Prohibited. No person shall operate a boat unless it is properly muffled at all times and shall not exceed the sound levels established by the State of California. Muffling systems shall be in operation at all times and excessive engine acceleration while the boat is not 8 16 2° 28 in gear is prohibited. 11.24.045 Boats to Stay Outside of Buoys - Exceptions When buoys are placed out from the shoreline all boats shall stay outside of these buoys, except for landing and take-off. 11.24.046 Boats Prohibited on Shore Side of Buoys - Exceptions. When buoys are approximately seventy-five feet trom the shore line, all boats shall be prohibited from traveling on the shore side of such buoys except for purposes of towing a skier from a stopped position. 11.24.050 Throwing Waste or Refuse in Water. No person shall place waste or refuse of any kind in the water. 11.24.055 Aircraft. No person shall land any aircraft on or take any aircraft off any body of water. 11.24.060 Areas for Swimming or Wading. No^ Swimm: or wading from shore shall be permitted in the area except in designated zones. 11.24.065 City's liability—Use of Areas at Own Risk. The City declares its purpose in adopting Sections 11.24.005-- 11.24.090 is the safe conduct among the users of the aquatic areas governed. The City Council does not expand its liability, if any, for any accidents or injuries sustained by the public user of such aquatic areas. Any person utilizing aquatic areas does so at his own risk. 11.24.070 Enforcement of Article. The City Manager or his duly designated representative is designated as the enforcing agent of Section 11.24.005-11.24.090 and amendments 22 theret0' 11.24.075 Swimming or Boating When Warning Signals23Have Been Placed.It is unlawful for any person to bathe,swim, row, canoe or operate a sail boat, power boat, jet ski or other device on or upon water where warning signs have been placed except for the purpose of making a rescue.25 24 ^•^v w .*_ ^* ^ ^** v^ except for 11.24.080 Compliance With Orders of Lifeguards or Signs. It is unlawful for any person to refuse, to follow or comr ply with any lawful order, signal or other lawful direction of lifeguard, or for any person without lawful authority to deface, injure, knock down or remove any sign or warning placed for the -4- (£> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25" 26 27 28 purpose of enforcing the provisions of Sections 11.24.005 --11.24.090. 11.24.085 Rules of the Road. The City Council may by resolution establish rules of the road for the Inner Lagoon Special Use Area including but not limited to regulations for water ski takeoff and dropoff areas, traffic patterns, access to exclusive jet ski areas and access to Middle Lagoon. Violation of such rules shall be an infraction. 11.24.090 Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, subsection,sentence,clause or phrase of Sections 11.24.005 — 11.24.090 is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portion of Sections 11.24.005 — 11.24.090; it being hereby expressly declared that Sections 11.24.005—11.24.090, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, held on the 3rd day of June 1980, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of said City Council, held on the 17th day of June , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Lewis and Anear NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Kulchin^and Anear ^RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor L. /^B£ Anita Q (SEAL) ITENKRMrZ, Murphy, De ty ClerkCity Clerk -5- Reque3t to conduct Wind-Surfing Classes on Agua Tledionda Director Bradstreet gave a staff report on the matter. Mr. Steve Bulger, IWSS Certified Instructor, representing Internntinal Windsurfer Sailing Schools, addressed the Commission. Mr. Bulger gave a presentation on- the matter, and indicated that they are request ing- approval from the City to use the Agua Hedionda inner Lagoon as a teaching and rental site for the International Windsurfing Sailing School classes. March 15, 1982 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bulger continued his presentation, indicating that the City would be insured, at no cost to the City. He added that he is proposing the sport be re-established on the lagoon, with the possibility of seasonal permits. Mr. Mike Oddi, Supervisor Instructor for the International Windsurfer Sailing Schools at Mission Bay in San Diego, addressed the Commission. Mr. Oddi discussed safety training, and indicated th-at out of approximately 2000 students, there have been no accidents. He added that the sport would also provide revenue for the City, and requested Commission consideration of same. Commissioner McKee expressed concern with regard to limited launch access, and restricted water space. He suggested that if the desire of the Commission was to approve the request, it should be conditioned to restrict the use to specific times. Mr: Bulger indicated he has been in contact with Mr. Dave Sammons, Manager of .the lagoon, who has agreed to rope off a secton of the lagoon to accomodate the windsurfing classes. Commission discussion related to safety hazards with regard to joint usage of the lagoon, and the feasibility . of using the middle lagoon which is leased to the City and the YMCA by SnG&E. Commissioner McKee expressed concern with regard to joint usage, but agreed that everyone should be accomodated. In discussion with the audience, it was suggested that the use be approved for a time specific during tht day, similar' to the operation at Mission Bay, and that rules and regulations be set for sailing and sailboating. Concern was expressed that the lagoon is monopolized by the power-boaters, and an equitable solution to the matter was requested. In response to Commission query regarding fees, Mr. Oddi indicated that the IWSS charges $60.00 for the classes, which consist of two 3-hour sessions, with four students at a time. He added that the students spend a total of 1 and 1/2 hours on the water. Council Member Lewis suggested that Staff contact Mr. Dave Rammons to discuss an equitable arrangement for parking. Following discussion, the Commission directed Staff to further study the matter, and make recommendations to provide time for the sport on the inner or middle lagoons. Murk McFadden Donovan McKee X X X X OLD BUSINESS Request' to 'Use~Agua~Hedionda Lagoon by Handicapped Group; David Bradstreet indicated this item was on the agenda at the request of Chairman Dahlquist and Commissioner Boone. The Commission continued the matter to the next regular meeting, to allow for the presence of a full Commission. —-¥.- -• ,-.-——^-1 r, ^f^^>f—- -^..*^Try»-r^p~"*tr^"T< ••' - • •* Wind Surfing - Agua Hedionda. Lagoon .J With the aid of wall exhibits outlining the staff recommended alternatives, David Bradstreet gave a staff report on the matter, indicating that Staff is opposed to relinquishing the lease to SDG&E for the middle lagoon-. He added that Staff is recommending alternative "A". A citizen expressed concern that alternative "A" would require a windsurfer to sail through the skiing.area. Mr. D. Thomas addressed the Commission, and suggested that consideration be given' to changing the eastern boundaries in Alternative "C", so the jet skis will not go through the boat pattern. Mr. Craig Libuse addressed the Commission and suggested the $10.00 launching fee include a parking sticker or an assigned parking space. Mr. Steve Lees addressed the Commission, and indicated that the issuu of mixed use if mitigated in Alternatives "A" and "B". He added that I he owner of the Jave Murni Restaurant is willing to provide launching at a lesser fc«. Mr. Jack,Ross addressed the Commission. Mr. Ross indicated that he has had some difficulty with fishermen in the small lagoon. He expressed his opinion that the back lagoon area is- best for sailing, and indicated he does not feel the SDG&E alternative is a viable one. He added that the front portion is not capable of supporting sailboard activity as it is very small, and when the wind is strong it is a difficult place to sail. Mr. Dave Sammons, General Manager of Snug Harbor Marina, addressed the Commission. Mr. Sammons stressed that jet skiis and windsurfers cannot be mixed. He requested approval of alternative "B"; however, indicated that the ski area as outlined on the proposed map is too small fpr power boating, and suggested it be modified to bring the jet skiis into the sand bar area. Commission discussion related to the staff provided alternatives. The Commission approved alternative "C" with the jet ski area to be in the Snug Harbor area only, recommended that the hours remain the same for sailing, that the middle lagoon continue to be leased by the -City for sub-lease to the YMCA, that the City lease the western lagoon from SCG&F for non-tno tori zed uses, and that a $10.00 permit fee be eh--r"->o' to i'ind ^urferr- or ."i-nilnr devices. Murk McFadden Wright Boone Murk McFaddf.n Wright Boone MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Special Meeting) June 28, 1982 5:00 P.M. City Council Conference Room COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: 1. BOARD SAILING REQUEST. Dave Bradstreet, the Parks and Recreation Director gave a brief staff report on the matter. He indicated that he had received a request from board sailing enthusiasts that the Commission consider recommending that they be allowed to use a portion of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Mr. Bradstreet distributed to the Commission Members copies of the Notice to Boaters, the current, regulations for the use the for Agua Hedionda Lagoon. He then explained that jet skis are now being allowed during the week end via administrative approval by himself if they are taken by boat to the far end of the lagoon. Mr. Bradstreet continued by stating that the lagoon now has less use by power boats than before, and that there have not been any more accidents. He indicated that the jet ski activity and passive types of aquatic activities have expressed desire to use the lagoon. He indicated that the revenue from the lagoon has been decreasing, and the greatest part of the money budgeted for the lagoon was for police salaries (80%). He continued that the police are forthcoming with a recommendation to stop the patrol on the lagoon by a policeman and instead hire a recreation specialist with all the necessary skills. This person would carry a radio to be able to contact the police department if need be, but he indicated that the savings would make the program self sustaining. June 28, 1982 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Boone commenced on the fact that the lagoon is now getting less use, and expressed concern that this was not the intent of establishing the regulations for its use. Council Liaison Lewis commented that the liability question has much to do with the decline in the use of the lagoon. Commissioner Dahlquist inquired as to why those using Mission Bay are not required to have insurance. Mr. Bradstreet responded that insurance is not required on Mission Bay, due to the fact that it has public access and is open to the ocean, and is State waters. But he indicated that Dr. Sarkaria, now as a private property owner can and is requiring those launching at Snug Harbor to have insurance. Mr. Bradstreet referenced 3 proposals from the last meeting, those being: A. The windsurfer proposal B. The Bristol Cove Homeowners proposal C. The SDG&E proposal He indicated that Proposal C would aid the City by providing a place for board sailers and sailing enthusiasts instead of letting them use the large lagoon. Mr. Bradstreet indicated that staff did not want a mixed use on the lagoon at the same time because the City's insurance carrier has recommended that the mixed use be eliminated. Mr. Bradstreet expounded on the Proposal C, which included that YMCA/City lease be terminated, and that SDG&E lease the water rights of the middle lagoon to YMCA, and the jet ski area be put into Snug Harbor, making Snug Harbor 5 mph for power boats and skis, and that boats would only pick up and drop off skiers at Snug Harbor, and that skiers be allowed to use the middle section of the large lagoon. He indicated that this was suggested because of the dangerous condition of the sand bar and the fact that many boats were having problems with it. Mr. Bradstreet indicated that SDG&E would only let the outer lagoon be used if the City would agree to take over the entire liability for the outer lagoon and manage and .patrol it and take over the fishing beach. He also indicated that SDG&E indicated that they might provide more parking areas also. June 28, 1982 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bradstreet indicated that staff felt it did not want to enter into this type of agreement at this time, but that they would like to keep the door open, due to the fact that the State is in the process to revamp parking and access in the beach areas within the next two years and that the bridge along Carlsbad Boulevard over the Lagoon is in need of repair or replacement and that the City has a grant to do so. He indicated that the grant specifies that the bridge must be four lanes, which would eliminate most of the parking, and Lhe State and SDG&E do not want the bridge to be four lanes. Mr. Bradstreet commented that the board sailers could go the SDG&E to work out an agreement to use the outer lagoon, but that the board sailers and sailers are not interested in doing this. Mr. Bradstreet introduced a new proposal; that the outer lagoon continue being off limits, that the City continue to lease the middle lagoon from SDG&E, and that the City tell the YMCA does not have any right to use the water and if they continue to charge the City, we will charge them each year to use the water; and that board sailers and sailers be allowed a special area in the eastern end of the lagoon; take jet skis and put them into Snug Harbor; put buoys along the eastern area from Bristol Cove. Mr. Bradstreet indicated that the biggest problem with allowing board sailers on the eastern end of the lagoon is the problem of access. He indicated that possible access could be through the Kamar property along the lagoon, east of Bristol Cove. Council Member Lewis indicated that he felt that the sand bar may not be a problem for persons who use the lagoon all the time, but that the out of towners who do not know the lagoon have problems with it. Commissioner Donovan inquired if access could be gotten for sailers from Java Murni. Steve Lees addressed the Commission, and indicated that he had talked to the owner of Java Murni, who had expressed agreement to allow the sail boards and boats to launch from his property. He indicated the money currently being made by the City from the launch and permits for power boats is decreasing and suggested that the City could increase its revenue from rental fleets of sail boats and instruction of sailing and sail boarding of hundreds of dollars a day. Dave Samraons, the operator/manager of the Snug Harbor Marina indicated that the low tides in the Snug Harbor area have caused problems with boats in the shallow water. He added that is the reason for suggesting that the jet skis be allowed in that area since they can manuver in shallow water without the nrohl PHIR thnr h'vfe h->v« MINUTES V June 28, 1982 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS It was moved that the Commission accept the proposal of the Parks and Recreation Director, with the exception of board sailing on the eastern lagoon. The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved that the Commission accept the proposal of staff to allow board sailers on the eastern lagoon on a trial basis for 30 days from the time that Council approves the matter. The motion failed due to lack of a majority. It was moved that sail boarding not be allowed on the eastern lagoon, and that something be worked out with the YMCA so that sail boards would have access in the middle lagoon, and that jet skiing remain at the very eastern end of the lagoon, so that jet skiing and water skiing would not be mixed and that the speed limit remain 5 mph in the Snug Harbor area. The motion failed due to lack of a majority. It was moved that sail boards not be allowed on the eastern lagoon, that an agreement be worked out with the YMCA for sail boarding on the middle lagoon, require a 5 mph speed limit for power boats in the Snug Harbor area, allow jet skis in the Snug Harbor Area. The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved that no sail boards be allowed on the inner lagoon, that the speed limit on Snug Harbor be 5 mhp for power boats, that the operator be required to put up bouys for a boat lane, that there be no start ups in the 5 mph area, and that jet skis be allowed in the Snug Harbor area, and that staff work with the YMCA for sail boarding in the middle lagoon. Boone Boone Dahlquist Donovan McFadden Boone Dahlquist Donovan McFadden Boone Boone Dahlquist Donovan McFadden X X X X X X GIT JF CARLSBAD — AGEND* JILL AR« 49/33-&1 MTG. 10/5/82 DEPT. P & R TITLE: AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVISION nPPT. HD. J^ CITY ATTY VFiS CITY MGR. 34— Efi > O 8-3 B6 en U r-t2 ..as 8% U < O O RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Ordinance the Carlsbad Municipal Code. No.amendino Chanter 11.24 of The actions to be taken include: 1. Permit board-sailing instruction in the middle lanoon at Agua Hedionda. 2. Reduce the speed limit in Snug Harbor to 5 mph for any power boat or boats pulling water skis. In addition, the marina operator will be required to purchase buoys, which will be installed by the City, at the eastern section of Snug Harbor to create a boat lane. 3. Relocate the jet skis from the east end of the lagoon to Snug Harbor. 4. Transfer the lagoon-enforcement program from the Police Department to Parks and Recreation. ITEM EXPLANATION: Board-sail enthusiasts have requested to use the eastern section of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. They contend that oower boat usage is down, and with proper controls, board-sailing could be compatible with the existing use. The Parks and Recreation Commission indicated that even though usage of the lagoon has been declining, increasing mixture would be hazardous and could increase the City's liability. The Commission did recommend that board- sailing instruction would be permitted in the middle lagoon. Because of shallow water at low tides (sandbar), congestion, narrow entry way, and unfamiliarity of the area, it is recommended that the speed limit for power boats be limited to 5 mph in Snug Harbor. Also, for better supervision and control, it is suggested that the jet ski activity be relocated from the eastern section of the east lagoon to the Snug Harbor area. The manager of Snug Harbor feels that jet skis are more maneuverable than power boats, and they would not encounter any problems with the sandbar conditions. The Police Department has reported that they are short of personnel and believe that because of the decrease in the lagoon use, the enforcement program can now be handled by the Parks and Recreation Department. It is recommended that a trained specialist in boat operation, public relations, life saving certificates and first aid abilities be employed for the next season. This position will have no citation or arresting powers but will be equipped with a portable radio to contact the Police Department in the event of emergencies and/or major problems. This new program would save approximately $7,600 per year in salaries. I ;. • , ,' Page 2AB* - MTG. 10/G/82 TITLE: Agua hedionda Laqoon Manaaement DEPT. P & R • Program Revision PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: At their meeting on June 28, 1982 the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the above action. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed changes will decrease the expenditures from $18,500 to $10,750 (42%). It is estimated the City will generate $10,000 in revenue during Fiscal Year 1982-83 from the sale of boat permits and launching fees. The program will then be approximately 100% self- supporting. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. MINUTES October 5, 1982 Page 9 COUNCIL MEMBERS 70) 19. AB #6133 - Supplement #7 - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVISION. Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the Agenda Bill. With the aid of wall exhibits, he explained the reasons for the suggested revisions, and the opposition from boaters and skiers to the revisions. Council recognized Mr. Mark W. Reed, 4705 Marina Drive, Carlsbad. Mr. Reed stated he has been skiing on the lagoon for the past eight years. He expressed the opinion that the proposed revision would be dangerous in that skiers would be taking off at a 90 degree angle into the ski lane. Further, in the evening, those taking off would be looking into the sun and could not see oncoming skiers which would cause accidents. He further stated the proposal would be denying skiers access to Snug Harbor and the facilities even though they had paid all the required fees. Council recognized Mr. Jerry Rombotis, 1730 Calavo Court, Carlsbad. Mr. Rombotis expressed support for the comment of Mr. Reed. He agreed that there is a safety problem on weekends, but noted that during the week there are few boats and no safety problems. He expressed support of staff's -alternative #5 which would limit power boats in Snug Harbor on weekends only. He also stated the matter should be publicized more prior to Council taking any action. Council recognized Mr. William A. Gaarde, 8812 Westmore Road, San Diego. Mr. Gaarde stated he represented a group of concerned boaters and skiers and presented Council with a petition containing 244 signatures in opposition to the proposed revision regarding power boats and skiers use of the Snug Harbor area of the lagoon. He distributed a copy of an outline of his comments on the matter and read same. Council Member Lewis indicated he had skied on the lagoon since 1968, and the majority of the accidents that have occurred have been in the Snug Harbor area. He stated when there are a lot of boats on the lagoon, it is dangerous. He also expressed the opinion that it would be more appropriate to have jet ski is in the Snug Harbor area since there would be better supervision for them. Council discussion reflected concurrence with the comments of Council Member Lewis and the desire to make the lagoon safe for all users. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents in accordance with their discussion, which would reduce the speed limit in Snug Hargor to 5 mph for any power boat or boats pulling water skiers, and relocate the jet skis to Snug Harbor on weekends and holidays. During the week, jet skis would remain at the east end of the lagoon and power boats or boats pulling water skiers would be allowed to use Snug Harbor for take-offs and landing. Council further directed that the City Attorney include in those documents provisions to permit board-sailing instruction in the middle lagoon at Agua Hedionda, and to transfer the enforcement program to Parks and Recreation Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Anear Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Anear I I LT)r-Hro I CITY JF CARLSBAD — AGENDA ...ILL v (N CO C-lI o CC O_ Q. O oo AR* 6 / n/2/82 DEPT..P & R TITLE:AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVISION DEPT. HP. i^T CITY ATTY\'f/Q CITYMGK f _*f Jf amend i ng Chapter 11.24.032 of RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Ordinance No. the Carlsbad Municipal Code. ITEM EXPLANATION: At their meeting on October 5, 1982, the City Council directed staff to further amend the ordinance regarding the management program at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The revisions in the ordinance include the following: 1. Jet skis will use Snug Harbor on week-ends and holidays only. At all other times, jet ski use will be designated in the eastern section of the Inner Lagoon. 2. Power boat use will be limited to 5 MPH in Snug Harbor only during the week-ends and holidays. A boat lane will be installed along the eastern shore of Snug Harbor for' power boats to enter and exit into the middle section of the Inner Lagoon while the 5 MPH restriction in Snug Harbor is in effect. In order to properly notify tne boaters of the changes, the information sheet that is distributed at the Lagoon has been revised by staff. :XHI5ITS: 1. Ordinance No. 2. Notice to Boaters, Agua Hedionda Lagoon 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 13 3 4 5 6 ORDINANCE NO. 3153 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11.24,032 TO REVISE THE CHAPTER ON AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 3: Title 11, Chapter 11.21, section 11.24.032 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of subsections (1) and (2) to read as follows: "(i) jet skis or similar devices shall be limited to use in Snug Harbor on week-ends and holidays, at all other times use will be limited to the eastern section of the Inner Lagoon which is marked by buoys. Jet skis must follow the traffic pattern when traveling to and from this designated area. (2) Power boat use will be limited to 5 MPH in Snug Harbor on week-ends and holidays only. A boat lane along the eastern shore of Snug Harbor shall be used for power boat entry and exit into the middle lagoon during the 5 MPH restriction in Snug Harbor. Power boats and jet skis have exclusive use of the Inner Lagoon week-ends and holidays from May 24 to October 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m."16 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days17 after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of18 this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of November 1982, and thereafter— ^^^— — • .PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of November _ , 1982, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None . - MiNUTES Page 4 April 18, 1983 COMMISSIONERS C. Board Sail Update Mr. Steve Lees addressed the Commission on board sail activity in the Carlsbad area. He stated he is a local resident and teacher and has been wind surfing on the lagoon for a year and a half. This sport is illegal on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and speaking for himself and the supporters with him, Mr. Lees said they would like to work with Parks & Recreation to open up the area for wind surfing. This sport has grown since last year and they out-number the boats and jet skiers. For the last six months there have been ten to fourteen wind surfers on the lagoon every Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lees stated the Mayor directed Parks & Recreation Commission to form a committee to study this problem, and they worked with Mr. Bradstreet and brought a proposal to the Commission, which was voted down. The matter didn't go to Council. However, this year, they feel, there is enough interest to merit an investigation. Most of those participating in this sport are local residents; it is colorful; they don't pollute or make any noise. Mr. Lees expressed the hope that the Commission would have a positive attitude toward this sport and the participants were appealing to the Coirmission as to what action should be taken in the future. For background purposes, it was explained that a wind surfer had been run down by a boater on the lagoon, and although the suit should have been all inclusive, it was not. A suit is still pending against the City for a million and a half dollars. In order to alleviate that type of situation, wind surfing was made illegal. It was explained that the City Attorney and the City Council eliminated mixed uses on the lagoon in order to prevent such an accident occurring again. At that time, it was decided sailboats were more maneuverable. Council Member Lewis commented he wanted to make certain everyone understood it was the Council's action, and not the City Attorney, to deny the mixed use of the lagoon. JUTES Page 5 April 18, 1983 COMMISSIONERS The Commission discussed the Council's decision to outlaw board sailing and how that decision was arrived at, with Mr. Bradstreet stating a survey was made in San Diego and in the Carlsbad area. At that time, it was decided that sailboats were more maneuverable than board sails. Mr. Chuck Campbell, board sailor, addressed the Commision and stated he didn't think any sailboat was more maneuverable than a board sailor—they can run circles around any sailboat. Mr. Lees stated that board sailing had been outlawed before any of these people started participating in the sport. Mr. Bradstreet commented that the board sailor that was hit did not have a window. However, there are many more people involved in this activity today and the boards are very maneuverable. The Council did make the decision to eliminate mixed uses on the lagoon to keep the liability as minimal as possible. Mr. Lees said their purpose in coming before this Commission was not to debate the issue. He felt that a power boat running at a normal speed and one with the throttle wide open was a dangerous type of mixed use. He did feel there was a solution possible, as it is a large lagoon and there are many people in this sport. They feel they have a right to be on the lagoon during certain times. It was not their intent to deny any other boating group any rights, but would just like to gain uses for their own group. '•2s MINUTES Page 6 18' 1983 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Phil Maynard, property owner and Hobie Oceanside Sporting Store operator, addressed the Commission, stating there are a lot of people interested in this sport and there is no legal place in the North County to sail. The taxpayers in this area must travel to San Diego to wind surf and he felt this was not fair. The Oceanside Harbor is too dangerous to sail in, and to go out into the ocean, you must be very good and have very calm water. Mr. Lees suggested the eastern section be buoyed off and Mr. Bradstreet clarified the statement by saying he had worked with the Mr. Lees on this and this recommendation had come before the Commission. The Commission felt the City would still be liable if someone strayed out of that area and into the path of a power boat. Commissioner Conti asked what happened if a boy in a six-foot sailboat was hit by a power boat—who was liable, and Mr. Bradstreet said the person who hit him. Commissioner Conti asked what the difference was—as he really preferred the silent use. Mr. Bradstreet answered that the sailboat could see the power boat and take evasive action whereas the board sailor might not be able to see the power boat. Commissioner Conti suggested meeting with Mr. Lees to try to come up with some solution. Chairperson Dahlquist appointed Commissioner Conti as the Chairman of the Committee to meet with Mr. Lees and Commissioner Wright and Chairperson Dahlquist. They are to come up with a recommendation to the Commission. The Commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mr. Bradstreet asked for 60 days to come back with some information for the Tree Committee. This was agreeable with the members of the committee. Commissoner McFadden added it was needed to have the City Attorney tell the committee what is enforceable. She also suggested the City of Santa Barbara be contacted, perhaps by phone, to mail the City literature on how they have so successfully handled their street trees. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: COMMITTEE REPORTS; A. Board Sail Request'-J. Conti3 ] Commissioner Conti reported on the meeting held by this Cormittee and stated there would be a report forthcoming within 30 to 60 days. Mr. Steve Lees stated he had kept a log for two weekends, and this material would be given to Mr. Conti to be incorporated into the report. Greg & Roxanne Rusing, 4215 Harrison, are the new managers at the lagoon, and asked to be included in the meetings regarding the lagoon. MINUTES Page 6 June 20, 1983 COMMISSIONERS 1. COMMITTEE REPORTS; A. Poard Sail Commissioner Wright distributed to the Commissioners a typed copy of the results of a meeting held June 14. He stated the new Managers of Snug Harbor were invited to the masting, but did net attend. Commissioner Wright proposed this Committee report be accepted by the Commission. Councilman Lewis asked if all sailboards would have plastic windows, and it was agreed that was certainly a necessity, and all contnercially nanufactured boards do have them. The legal access section was discussed, and the parking, with Commissioner Wright stating the accesses available at the present time, and commenting that the Committee did not consider the parking, as they felt that was an individual problem. The Commssion voted to recommend to the City Council the report on the sailboard regulations as presented by Commissioner Wright. McFadden Donovan Cochran Conti Wright CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL IS*-s C (•H AB« 7V J 9 MTG 7/5/83 DEPT. P & R TITLE: USE OF SAIL BOARDS IN THE INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON DEPT. HP. jy CITY ATTY ^ '/ CITY MGR. <£^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council directs staff to prepare the necessary documents to amend the ordinance regarding Agua Hedionda Lagoon. •H CN CO 5-1 C O Is•-i £(0 O $ '<& $3 CMCO it I COI Og ITEM EXPLANATION For the past several years board sail enthusiasts have requested to use the inner portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon for their fast-growing passive aquatic sport. The Parks & Recreation Commission appointed a committee to review and explore the feasibility of incorporating this activity into the already existing uses of the lagoon. The Committee met with individuals that represent board sailers and found the following: 1. Board sailing is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. 2. It is a relatively inexpensive and quiet activity. 3. They dc not cause pollutants. 4. They are more maneuverable than sail boats. 5. They have better visibility than sail boats. 6. Power boat usage is on a downward trend, as indicated below: Weekday Weekend & Holiday 1981 1982 1983 9 avg. 4.1 avg. 3.7 avg. 5.6 23 avg. 14.7 avg. 13.9 avg. T772average 7. It provides additional funds for lagoon operation. 8. There are a number of public accesses available vor launching, i.e. Snug Harbor, Hoover Street extension, east and west side of Bristol Cove and future Rombotis access. 9. They require no trailer. This would reduce parking requirements on the public streets. Oz OO PAGE 2 of AB# The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the findings of the Committee and recommended: 1. Board sailing be allowed at the same time as sail boats. This is from May 24 to October 1 before 9:00 AM and after 3:00 PM on weekends and holidays and anytime during the week. From October 20 to May 23 sail boats are allowed at any time. 2. Establish a yearly fee of $10.00 for Carlsbad residents and S15.00 for non-residents. 3. That participants have proof of insurance of $100,000. 4. They must have a window in their sail. FISCAL IMPACT Approximately $250 annually may be generated through the permit process. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION At their June 20, 1983 meeting the Commission recommended 4 to 1 to allow board sailing at the same time as sail boats. MINUTES (70) 22. AB 37439 - SAIL BOARDS IN INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDICNDA LAGOON. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. He pointed out two alternatives that were listed on wall charts; Alternative one: May 24 to October 1, weekdays only; October 2 to May 23, anytime. Alternative two: October 2 to May 23, anytime; not allowed May 24 to October 1 anytime. Mr. Greg Rusing, 4215 Harrison Street, Manager of Snug Harbor, addressed the Council, stating he was in favor of the wind surfing and explained how this could be controlled. He recommended this not be initiated through this suirmer, but start in the fall. He further stated he felt there would be no safety problem with proper controls. The Council discussed the difficulty in monitoring the sail boarders as far as permits. The Council directed staff to prepare documents to implement Alternative #1, with the following provisions: May 24 - October 1 - Weekdays only October 2 - May 23 - Anytime B. Establish a yearly fee of $10.00 for Carlsbad residents and $15.00 for non-residents. C. That participants have proof of insurance of $100,000. D. They must have a window in their sail. The Council agreed this program could start now and be monitored to see how it is progressing and if there are any problems. Casler Lewis Kulc'nin Chick PiTSo <~\j L C X — X X X X JF CARLSBAD - AGEND* JILL AR* 7H Yl'^ / MTG 7-19-83 DEPT. P & R TITLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION City Council adopt USE OF SAIL-BOARDS IN THE INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON DEPT. HD. '\Y) CITY ATTY \jf£L CITY MGR. pti^ •• Ordinance No. 3>J & / amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 11.24.032 to allow Board Sailing on the Inner portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon on Monday through Friday from May 24 to October 1 and anytime from October 2 to May 23. LU oCC 0. oI_l O ITEM EXPLANATION At their meeting on July 5, 1983, the City Council approved the use of board sailing on the inner portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The amended ordinance will include the following: 1) Board sailers may use the Inner Lagoon from May 24 to October 1, Monday through Friday and anytime from October 2 to May 23. 2) Establish a yearly permit fee of $10 for Carlsbad residents and $15 for non-residents and a daily permit fee of $2 for Carlsbad residents and $3 for non-residents. 3) Participants must have proof of $100,000 liability insurance. 4) They must have a window in their sail. FISCAL IMPACT The City will collect approximately $250 per year in permit fees. EXHIBITS 1. Ordinance No. OO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 n 12 I § 13 = < S i'fcSi 14 lt|§ 15 ~ ' uj O 5 "i S d 16 g 31- <C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO.3161 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION 11.24.032 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW BOARD SAILING IN THE INNER PORTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24, Section 11.24.032(2) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to replace the word "middle" with the word "inner" before the word lagoon in the second sentence thereof. SECTION 2: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(3) to read as follows: "(3) No person shall operate a non-power boat, including but not limited to sailboats, rowboats, board sails or canoes, on the Inner Lagoon during any period of exclusive power boat use." SECTION 3: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(5) to read as follows: "(5) No person shall operate a parakayak or similar device at any time on the Inner Lagoon." SECTION 4: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(6) to read as follows: "(6) No person shall operate a power boat, sailboat, board sail, or jet ski on the Inner Lagoon without a city permit and boat decal issued by the parks and recreation department or their designated representatives. The following requirements must be met to obtain a permit: (A) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski must have a state approved currently valid registration; 1 2 3 4 a §• IT = <^ O §"£ ^Ifca> o u.' • ££Si 11< fcu 1 8O) ^~- <f £ 5§ It S o£ <CD(/)_l cc<o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (B) The power boat, sail boat, board sail, or jet ski owner must sign a hold harmless agreement provided by the city; (C) The power boat must be properly muffled in accordance with the Harbors and Navigation Code; (D) A permit fee must be paid. Annual Permit*" Weekly Permit Daily Permit Board Sail: Annual Permit* Daily Permit Carlsbad Resident Nonresident $20 10 5 10 2 $30 15 7 15 3 *Annual Permits are effective from January 1 to December 31 each year. (E) A board sail must be equipped with a windowed sail. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of July 1983 and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 2nd day of August , 1983 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Merrbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Prescott NOES: Council Member Chick ABSENT: None ATTEST : MARY H. CASLER, Mayoru l.ffftgy^ XI ''X-'*-^*5*-ITHA L. RAUTENK'RANZ,^ity Clerk R. KUNDTZ, Deputy City Clerk MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 20, 1987 Page 6 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (continued) Dave Bradstreet stated the Larwin parcel and the Robertson parcel do tie together. If Larwin is developed, they would not need the Robertson property. If Larwin is not developed, they will go forward with the Robertson property. Commissioner Lawson commented the first public review of Zone Management Facilities Plan No. 3 encountered some problems. There were problems with parks and other major changes and this was approved last week. He felt the Commission should be Informed about what improvements and what information came out of that. He would like to have a Member of the Planning Department staff at one of the Committee meetings. D. Installation of Lights at Holiday Park Dave Bradstreet reported they have been talking for nine years about putting lights in Holiday Park. The park is one of the most actively used parks in the system. The City has been hesitant to go forward with this. There are certain activities held there, such as the Octoberfest and the Duly 4th picnic where they have to bring their own lights. There are some problems to Installing lights there, however. It would be very expensive, It Is not in the CIP and not in the current Holiday Park restoration. If the Commission desires staff to proceed with lights, the Commission should make such a recommendation and it would be submitted in the next CIP Program. If the Commission stated they wanted them now, staff would see what was available in park-In-lieu funds In that quadrant and how much it would cost to Install the lights at the present time. It has only been individuals that have approached staff on installing lights there. Mr. Bradstreet stated the Commissioner who requested this Item be placed on the Agenda is absent tonight. The recommendation was made to table this request until that Commissioner was in attendance. Parks and Recreation Commission tabled the installation of lights at Holiday Park item until the Commissioner requesting this item is in attendance. E. Recommended Ordinance Changes Regarding Recreational Use of the Agua Hedionda Laooon Lynn Chase gave the update on the recommended changes, stating they had cleaned up the Ordinance and they were making the Lagoon a safer place. She stated the new Lagoon Specialist was Oscar Alvarez, and she Introduced him to the Commission. Lynn Chase stated Oscar had been Chris Harmon's Assistant last year and is a very capable employee. A copy of the current rules and regulations was given to the Commissioners. This Information is given to all people who obtain a permit or use the Lagoon. Al IS Donovan Lawson Morrison Regan Wright TACHMENT D X X X X X X <=>?I 7 c( f May 12, 1987 TO: DAVID BPADSTREET, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTC FROM: Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervise: REVISION OF THE FACILITY USE REGULATIONS AND FEE SCHEDULE The existing Facility Use Regulations have been in effect for five years (Attachment "A"). With the addition of Stagecoach Community Park procedures and fees, staff felt it was necessary to update and clarify the existing rules and regulations and recommend changes in the fee structure. In order to identify the areas of change, a comparison of the current versus the recommended Facility Use Regulations is as follows: CURRENT (Attachment "A") 1. Applications must be submitted at least seven (7) days in advance. 2. Regular Hours of Operation, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3. Notice of Cancellation must be given to the department office seventy-two (72) hours before the date of intended use. 4. Advanced scheduling may be accepted a minimum one week and maximum three (3) months. 5. A processing fee is not charged if applicant cancels after cancellation deadline date. 6. Inspection of facilities with applicant prior to and after their use. (Not in effect) 7. Classifications: A) Parks & Recreation Dept. activities; co-sponsored activities; other City departments. REVISED (Attachment "B") 1.Applications must be submitted at least ten (10J working days in advance. 2.Regular Hours of Opera^b^pn, Monday - Friday, 8:00 ; 10:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 4XKTO p.m. 3.Notice of Cancellation must be given t&the department twenty-one (21) days before theV date of intended use. _ .^ L/4.Advanced scheduling may be accepted a minimum ten i^O) working days and maximum one year. 5.A ten dollar ($1Q)/ processing fee will be chargectif applicant cancels after deadline date. 6.Patron must initially inspect the premises with City staff prior to and after their use. 7.Classifications: A) Parks & Recreation Dept. activities; co-sponsored activities; other City departments. ATTACHMENT F David Bradstreet May 12, 1987 Page 2 Classifications: cont. B) Resident Youth Groups C) Resident Recreational or Educational Groups D) Resident Civic, Social and Service Groups E) Private/Closed Non-Resident Groups F) Commercial Groups Fee Schedule: See Attachment "A" 7 .Classifications: cont. B) Non-Profit Organization (non-paid management); public forum candidates night. C) Carlsbad Resident; not-for profit civic, social organiza- tions (paid management); educational institutions; resident recreation. D) Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the city of Carlsbad; Resident Religious; Resident Political; Non-Resident, not- for-profit Civic and Social Organizations; Resident Private Parties. E) Resident commercial, business profit-making organizations, Non-Resident Private Parties. F) Non-Resident Commercial, business, political, profit- making and religious organizations. 8.Fee Schedule: See Attachment "B" Based upon your approval, it is staff's recommendation that the Parks and Recreation Commission adopt the Revised Facility Use Regulations. kw Attachments (2) ATTACHMENT "A" CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITY USE REFLATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION TO APPLY FOR USE OF FACILITIES Application for use of City facilities may be made at the Harding Community Center reception office weekdays, except City holidays, at 3096 Harding Street between 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Applications will be reviewed, use will be prioritized and fees, if any, set by the Recreation Supervisor. Fees, if any, must be paid prior to use. Please refer to "Application Procedures" and "Facility Fee Schedule". Applications approved for use may be picked up by applicant three days following approval. APPLICATION PROCEDURES 1) Application must be made in writing on the department's* "Facility Use Request" form and shall be made at least seven (7) days in advance of the first date requested. Late applications may be denied. 2) Normally, applications shall not be accepted for more than three (3) months in advance. The only exception may be for large events requiring advance scheduling and publicity. 3) In the event of a change in plans, notice of cancellation must be given to the department office seventy-two (72) hours before the date of intended use in order to avoid financial obligation for any charges involved. Reimbursement may be made upon written request by the applicant on the. City's refund form, available at the Harding Community Center, and the refundable cleaning/damage deposit and fees will be mailed to the applicant. <0 Applications will be approved for specific dates and hours, and time requested must Include all preparation, setup time, as well as cleanup time following use. 5) Applications will be approved for specific rooms, area or facility, and group size, type of activity, and availability of facilities. No activity shall be scheduled for more than room capacity. The department reserves the right to limit the number of uses by any one group so that the entire community may make use of the limited facilities available. 6) Regular hours of use will be weekdays, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 10x00 p.m. with departure time no later than 12tOO midnight. On Friday and Saturday night, programs must end by 1:00 a.m. with departure time no later than 2:00 a.m. An additional fee of $7 per hour will be charged for use of the facility other than during regular hours of operation for all classifications. 7) All fees nust be paid at Harding Community Center. Checks or money orders are made payable to the City of Carlsbad. Groups using a facility on a weekly, semi-monthly and monthly basis shall pay on or before the first meeting of each month. Please refer to the Tacility Fee Schedule". RULES GOVERNING FACILITY USE 1) An employee of the Parks and Recreation Department shall be present during all hours of use of the facility. Unless otherwise authorized by the department, the employee on duty will be responsible for control of opening and closing facilities, security control of lights, gates, etc. 2) The City of Carlsbad Is not liable for accidents, injuries or loss of individual property in connection with any of its facilities. Applicant must obtain liability insurance in the amount of $500,000 which is approved by the City Manager or his designee, naming the City as an additionally insured. However, the City can also provide the liability insurance at aminimal cost to the participant. 3) Applicant and/or users will be responsible for any damage to facilities and must leave facilities in the same condition as received, Including areas outside a building used. If additional chairs, tables, etc. are used, they are to be returned to proper storage. <0 All groups must be under the direction of their own leadership. There must be at least one adult present and responsible for each twenty (20) minors, and adults must be present during the entire time at a facility. 5) Users must comply with all applicable State laws and City ordinances. 6) Each group is responsible for controlling noise that would be disturbing to other activities or the surrounding neighborhood. 7) Office telephones are for department business and may only be used In an srgency. 8) The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to full access for all activities at any time In order to ensure that all rules, regulations, City and State laws are being observed; and, if necessary, may terminate an activity for the safety and wolf are of the citizens of Carlsbad or protection of City property. 9) Groups desiring to serve alcoholic beverages as part of their group activities must so indicate on the application for use. They may be required to obtain a "Daily On-Sale General License" from the Alcoholic Beverage Control office and to ensure that all Carlsbad Police Department and ABC rules and regulations are actively enforced. A) Alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or brought Into the building by other than the person (or responsible officers if it is a service club) responsible for the activity, or by a licensed caterer. Alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed outside the building. B) If minors are found to be in possession of alcoholic beverages, or if participants are found to be in possession of drugs, or if fights occur, the activity will be terminated Immediately. 10) Groups having live musical entertainment or serving alcoholic beverages must abide by the following additional security requirements: A) Security requirements may be altered at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Director and/or Carlsbad Police Department's recommendation. B) Guard service will be arranged by the department but paid by the sponsoring group. A check for the security service must be submitted along with other fees prior to approval for use. The department will determine the required number of guards. C) Guards shall act as security forces and not as I.D. checkers. D) Two security guards will be required any time alcoholic beverages and/or live entertainment is present. Additional guards may be assigned by the Recreation Supervisor if needed. 11) A $150 refundable cleaning/damage deposit (cash/money order only) will be added to the rental fee when a facility is used for wedding receptions, rummage sales, dances, private parties or exhibitions. The cleaning/damage deposit will automatically be mailed to the applicant if the facility is left clean and undamaged after use. 12) All classifications must pay the commercial rate,' category F, for any fund- raising purposes. 13) Groups meeting on a regular basis may arrange to pay monthly, on the first of each month prior to use. 1<t) Rental for the use of the parks is charged only for large organized activities Including weddings, auctions, concerts, dances, dog shows, rummage sales, art shows, groups serving alcoholic beverages, groups using the sound system, exclusive use of the park, political groups, religious groups, etc... 15) Scout groups in Carlsbad have first priority for use of the Scout House, at no charge. The facility will be availalbe for use by other groups when not in use by the Scouts. The Scout troops should submit a "Facility Use Application" with the department. This form will be good from September through 3une. If summer use is required, the Scout troops should contact the department. 0 Clean-up of the kitchen and all amenities used (i.e., refrigerator, stove, oven, sinks, etc.) ~ 0 Putting all trash in proper receptacles 0 Removal of all equipment supplies, personal articles, displays, etc., immediately following clean-up. c. At the end of the rental and clean-up period, the patron will inspect the premises with a staff person and complete the Condition of Facility Report. d. If a group fails to perform a clean-up after their activity, the total deposit will be forfeited. If the facility is left in a satisfactory condition, a refund will be issued approximately three to four weeks after the date of the facility use. 3. All groups must be under the direction of their own leadership. There must be at least one adult present and responsible for each twenty minors, and an adult must be present at all times. 4. The City of Carlsbad is not liable for accidents, injuries or loss of individual property in connection with any of its facilities. Groups which fall into a moderate to high risk activity will be required to obtain liability insurance (rider clause to original policy), approved by the Recreation Supervisor, naming the City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees as additional insured. The City shall require liability insurance of $1 million to $5 million, depending upon the risk factor. 5. No activity will be permitted, which is in violation of local, state or federal statutes. Applicants must adhere to all City policies and fire codes during their use of the facility. 9) If use for • facility Is not approved, the decision nay be appealed to the Parks and Recreation Director. The next option, If the applicant Is not satisfied with the decision, Is to furtfier appeal to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The final appeal can be made to the City Council. CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES Each application will be reviewed by the Recreation Supervisor and classified into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Parks and Recreation Department's activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classifications are listed in order of priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc.... The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority system for use had to be established. A) Parks and Recreation Department's Activities} Co-Sponsored Activities; Other Departments Examples: Senior Citizens Association, Friends of the Library B) Resident Youth Croups Locally organized youth groups whose membership Is comprised of 751 City residents. Their primary purpose is recreational or educational oriented activities. Examples: Little League, Pop Warner, Bobby Sox, Girls Club, Boys and Girls Club, Pony League, Girls and Boys Scouts, La Costa Youth Organization C) Resident Recreational or Educational Croups Groups with 751 residents whose primary purpose Is to provide recreational or educational activities or programs for the community. Examples: YICA, School District, Racey Ladles Track Club D) Resident Civic, Social and Service Croups Community organizations whose normal place of meeting Is located in the City of Carlsbad. 791 of their membership must be residents. Use is for business meetings and social events. Examples: Rotary, Garden Club, Southern California Council of Churches, North County AA, Lions Club, ARC, Raza Unida, League of Women Voters, Soroptimlst, Resident Religious and Political Groups, Chamber of Commerce outside the building. If minors are found to be in possession of alcoholic beverage, or if participants are found to be in possession of drugs, the activity will be terminated immediately. 12. Approval for use will not be granted to a person under twenty-one (21) years of age. 13. Department equipment is available for use in the City's facilities, but may not be removed to any other location without proper written authorization by the Recreation Supervisor. 14. Use of the facilities by religious groups, groups or individuals for private or commercial profit making ventures will be limited to three (3) months. Use may not be extended or renewed beyond the original period. 15. The use of any facility Will not be granted or permitted to any individual, society group or organization which has its objectives, the overthrow or advancing of the overthrow of the present form o_ government of the United States or the State of California by force violence or other means. 16. No two groups of opposing political parties or political affiliation shall be scheduled at the same time at any facility. 17. No tape, nails, staples, etc. will be permitted on the walls of any facility. 18. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN ANY CITY FACILITY. 19. Stagecoach Community Center/Gymnasium a. Gymnasium usage will not be granted when other City facilities are deemed more suitable for requested usage. b. No food, beverages, or hard sole shoes allowed. c. Floor cover to be in place for all events other than sports. 6 KEY:N/C 0 No Charge Day FEE SCHEDULE Hours of Operation; 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday Fees are) listed accoreUnf te> mm hourly rate) uml«ss othcrvij CATEGORIES FACILITIES Harding Community Center Auditorium Recreation Hall Meeting Rooms Kitchen Heritage Hall Main Room Kitchen Levante Community Center Main Room Meeting Room Scout Hut SOFTBALL FIELDS Chase Bay Use Lights Pine Cay Use (Mo Prep.) Lights Levante Day Use AaB N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C $10 10 5 5 10 5 10 5 $15 15 10 8 15 5 15 10 $40 40 30 10 20 8 35 15 $55 55 35 20 30 10 45 20 N/C N/C N/C M/C N/C N/C 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 10 5 15 5 15 20 5 20 5 20 iadieate*. •Classification "G" has been established for priority purposes only. Fees will be charged according to the designated classification. 3^5 FEE SCHEDULE Page 2 Classification A*B C 0 E F G Tournaments Field (Bases) N/C $ 30/0 $ 40/0 $ 50/0 $ 60/0 Cleaning Deposit (Refundable, N/C 100/0 100/0 100/0 100/0 paid by cash/money order only) Lights N/C 10 10 10 10 Field Preparation N/C 25 25 25 25 PARKS Holiday - North end only N/C 5 10 15 20 * La Costa Canyon - Upper area only N/C 3 5 8 10 Laquna Riviera N/C 3 5 8 10 Maqee Park N/C 3 5 8 10 TENNIS COURTS (Tournaments Only) Carlsbad High School N/C 20/0 30/D 40/0 60/D Monroe Street . N/C 10/0 15/0 20/0 30/D NOTE; 1. There Is a two-hour minimum for the use of facilities except for meeting rooms which can be rented for one (1) hour. 2. Fees will not be prorated for less than one hour. 3. At Levante Community Center and Heritage Hall, there is a charge for additional equipment rental: a. Portable P.A. $5.00 b. Banquet Tables 2.00 each c. Chairs 2.50 per each group of 25 or less d. Card Tables .50 each *. Day use for the softball fields and the tennis courts is from 8:00 a.m. until dark. An additional amount is then charged for use of the lights. •Classification "C" has been established for priority purposes only. Fees will be charged according to the designated classification. CITY OF CARLSBAD ATTACHMENT "B" PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITY USE REGULATIONS Applications for use of City facilities may be made by mail or in person at the Harding Community Center, 3096 Harding Street or the Stagecoach Community Center, 3420 Mision Estancia. Applications will be accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., except holidays. Applications will be reviewed, use will be prioritized and fees, if any, set by the Recreation Supervisor. Please refer to Applications Procedures, Rules, Priority Classification and Fee Schedule. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND POLICIES 1. Applications will be accepted for specific dates and times. Time requested must include all set-up and clean-up time. Applications must be submitted at least ten (10) working days in advance of the date requested. Advanced scheduling may be accepted one (1) year prior for larger special events. 2. Regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Friday and Saturday nights, programs must end by 1:00 a.m., with a departure time no later than 2:00 a.m. An additional fee will be charged for use of the facility other than during regular hours of operation for all classifications. 3. Applications will be approved for specific rooms, park areas and ball fields, depending on group size, type of activity and availability. No activity shall be scheduled for more than room capacity. 4. The Department may refuse orfcanei any application. Written notice or refusal or cancellation with appropriate explanation will be given by the Department. Applications for use may be denied for the following reasons: a. Unsatisfactory prior use b. Hazardous condition exists c. Application submitted less than ten (10) days in advance d. Non-payment of fees before due date e. Higher priority activity takes precedence If an application is denied, the decision may be appealed to the Principal Recreation Supervisor. The next option, if the applicant is not satisfied, is to appeal it to the Recreation Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Director and Commission. The final appeal can be made to the City Council. The Department reserves the right to limit the number of uses by anyone group so that the entire community may make use of the limited facilities available. In the event of a change of plans, by applicant, notice of cancellation must be given to the Department 21 days before the date of intended .use in order to avoid financial obligation for charges involved. A ten dollar (§10) processing fee will be charged and a refund, if applicable, will be mailed to applicant. All fees must be paid at the Harding Community Center or Stagecoach Community Center. Checks or money orders are made payable to the "City of Carlsbad". A $150 refundable cleaning/damage deposit must be paid upon application approval. The remainder of the fee is due 21 days before scheduled use. Groups using facilities on weekly, semi-monthly or monthly schedule must pay on or before the first meeting of the month. Other arrangements may be approved by the Recreation Supervisor. 8. A signed copy of your application by the Recreation Supervisor is your confirmation of the requested date. Any preparation for an event is solely at the applicant's risk. 9. The Recreation Supervisor may impose additional requirements on the applicant as a condition of approval. These additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, additional security, City staff, or insurance. Costs incurred for additional requirements shall be the responsibility of the applicant. RULES GOVERNING FACILITY USE 1. An employee of the Parks and Recreation Department shall be present during all hours of use. Applicants that have been approved by the Department may be issued a key for off-site locations. The applicant is then responsible to secure the facility when leaving. 2. Clean-up/Refunds a. On the day of the event, the patron must initially inspect the premises with a staff person and fill out a Condition of Facility Report. This report is a check list to insure there is no negligence by either party (Recreation staff or patron). b. Groups are responsible for the following clean-up at the end of their event: 0 Cleaning of all equipment used 0 Cleaning of any counter areas used 0 Cleaning and wiping all table tops used 0 Clean-up of any floor or carpet areas soiled or dampened 3 sn RESTRICTIONS FOR USE OF FACILITIES 1) No two groups of opposing political parties or political affiliation shall be scheduled at the same time at any facility. 2) Use of the facilities by religious groups will be limited to 3 months. Use will not be extended or renewed beyond the specified time period. 3) The use of any facility shall not be granted or permitted to any individual, society group or organization which has as its objectives, the overthrow or advancing of the overthrow of the present form of government of the United States or the State of California by force or violence or other means. <t) Groups or individuals may use the City's facilities for private instruction or commercial profit-making ventures for three months. However, the building must have forty percent (<tO%) vacancy rate. 5) Approval for use will not be granted to a person under twenty-one (21) years of age. 6) Department equipment is available for use in the City's facilities and may not be removed to any other location without proper written authorization by the Director of Parks and Recreation. 7) Facilities may be reserved, based on the availability of staff, for use on the following holidays: Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Day, New Years Eve Day and legal City holidays. 8) Use of facilities, biddings or equipment may be refused tor the following reasons: A) Not available due to scheduled use B) Unsatisfactory prior use C) When a hazardous condition exists D) Application is submitted less than seven (7) days in advance E) Non-payment of fees by due date F) When all requirements are not met as established by this policy, the City Council or the Parks and Recreation Commission, or State and local laws G) When the activity is not compatible with accepted legal and/or moral standards H) When use by non-residents precludes use by the community 6. Groups are responsible for controlling noise that could be disturbing to other activities or the surrounding neighborhood. 7. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to full access for all activities in order to ensure that all rules and regulations are being observed, and may terminate the activity for the safety and welfare of the citizens or City property. 8. Rental for use of parks is charged only for organized activities requesting specific areas. Liability insurance or security guards may be necessary depending on a) risk factor level, b) alcohol, c) nature of use. 9. Scout groups in Carlsbad have first priority for use of the Scout House, at no charge. The facility will be available for use by other groups when not in use by the Scouts. The Scout troops must submit a "Facility Use Application" with the Department. This form will be good from September through June. If summer use is needed, a separate application must be submitted. 10. Groups having live musical entertainment or serving alcoholic beverages must abide by the following additional security requirements: a. Groups selling alcohol must obtain "Daily On-Sale General License" from the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. b. Guard service will be arranged by the Department but paid by the applicant. Guards will act as security forces and not as I.D. checkers. Additional guards may be assigned by the Recreation Supervisors, if needed. 11. Alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or brought into the building by other than the person responsible for the activity or licensed caterer. Alcholic beverages are not to be consumed 5 E) Private/Closed Hon-Resident Croups Activity/program Is not open to the general public and/or there is less than 75% residents. This Includes non-resident youth, civic, social, political, and religious groups. Examples: Weddings, rummage sales, banquets, meetings F) Commercial Croups Facility use for commercial purposes by a commercial firm, private instructor, commercial-making ventures, or classifications "B" through T", utilizing the building or site for fund-raising purposes. Examples: Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars, resident and non-resident groups, classes, etc.... G) Religious and Political Croups Facility use for religious and political groups has been established for priority use only. Fees will be charged according to the appropriate resident or non-resident category. WP: 8/29/84 CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES Each application will be reviewed by the Recreation Supervisor and classified into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Parks and Recreation Department's activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classifications are listed in order of priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc. . . The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority system for use had to be established. A) Parks and Recreation Department activities; Co-sponsored activities; other city departments Examples: Friends of Library, Carlsbad Book Fair B) Non-profit organizations (non-paid management) Carlsbad Resident not-for-profit, civic, social Organization and any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night. Examples: Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth organization, Bobby Sox, Little League, Boy Scouts, Lions Club C) Carlsbad Resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations (paid management); educational institutions; resident recreational; Examples: Boy's and Girl's Club, School District ARC, Raza Unida D) Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use for fund raisers; non-resident not-for-profit civic and social organizations; resident private parties. Examples: North County A.A., Y.M.C.A., resident religious and political groups E) Resident commercial, business, profit making organization, non-resident private party activities, Examples: Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings or receptions F) Non-resident commercial, business, political, profit making and religious organizations; Examples: Trade shows,, company training, meetings, seminars In order to qualify as classification "B" or "C" non-profit user, the organization must meet all of the following criteria: a. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the State of California, or, if not registered with the State, must have a constitution or bylaws which clearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. b. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, 51% of which must be Carlsbad residents. c. The organization must submit the following: if incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and bylaws; if not incorporated, submit constitution and bylaws A current financial statement. An additional financial statement will be required on October 1 of each year A signed statement verifying item "b" above FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS REGULAR OPERATION HOURS Harding Community Center Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m Stagecoach Community Center Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m An extra staffing fee of $7.00 per hour is required for all recreation usages other than regular operation hours and at all other times for other facilities. CATEGORIES FACILITIES Harding Community Center Auditorium Recreation Hall Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen Stagecoach Community Center Gymnasium Activity Room Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen Levante Community Center Heritage Hall Granary Scout House PARKS Holiday - Gazebo Area Stagecoach - Picnic Area Magee Park - Open Area B N/C $10 N/C 10 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 10 10 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C $15 15 10 5 20 15 10 5 10 10 8 8 5 5 3 $20 20 15 10 30 20 15 10 15 15 10 10 8 8 5 $40 40 20 15 45 40 20 15 20 20 15 15 10 10 8 $45 50 25 20 55 50 25 20 30 30 20 20 15 15 12 CATEGORIES LaCosta Canyon - Upper Area Laguna Riviera - Picnic Area A B N/C N/C N/C N/C 3 3 5 5 8 8 12 12 BALLFIELDS Chase, Pine, Stagecoach Day Use Lights Levante, Safety Center, Fuerte Day Use Only N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 5 13 5 13 7 15 7 20 TOURNAMENTS - ($200 DPT. Req'd) Field plus Bases N/C Lights N/C Field Preparation : N/C Snack Bar N/C TENNIS COURT - (Tournaments Only/ Daily Fee) Carlsbad High School Stagecoach Monroe Laguna Riviera N/C 7 15 N/C 5 13 15 5 5 13 15 8 7 15 15 10 7 20 15 12 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 20 15 10 10 30 20 15 15 40 25 20 20 60 35 30 30 NOTE; 1. There is a two-hour minimum for the use of facilities, parks and meeting rooms, except for ballfields which can be rented for one (1) hour. Fees will not be prorated for less than one hour. 2. Day Use for the softball fields and the tennis courts is from 8:00 a.m. until dark. An additional amount is charged for lights. 3. Building rentals include use of tables, chairs, P.A. and kitchen facilities when appropriate. on>r >«PIzn«< oPI•*i oz ooD re 00re0 o'3V) l*J01 sL« UJ01 f^4^O"* —iC•n re^ 3rere 5" OQ ™ire.0 C s'3re3 v> O 3"re m cnp o'3 no CLre "m CL OP 5' 3 C5o vernmentQ S- 05mri C5 3 ^_ ^Kj inn3"OO_ croP•nCLVI P-nre V)c ,0" re'n r^ O — L*» P CL P-1re re•xo_ ^"CLre CL •^O 3 Ei-re 13 O< en" O3V) O Ern 03-nO S-3 |> o; " 03Pqo_ rev: ?•;rere3n OT3n3 2rere 3 00 >n (Govern3re 3 t CodeSren 6"3V) to ? >o . (Section0,•*». X30, CJ Oi yp re p00re n re"V> P•nre 00re3re•np ><" nO re•nren cr*< 3"re 00O re•n 3 3 OQ 6~nP p70re3n reV> 00re3re•^p_ •3T TT 3 O ?3 PV) Erre 70P_ •o3- ^^ 00*1o€3 >n P?rre •o pnn 5' •accr p' ""^S %ri 5'3 Oi •CwXDOis H3-re •0Ccr n 3rere 5" OQ p f to3O. VI 3 P"•n cro CL re"V» *5- ore«n P 5' 1 rea. reXnre•a 5'3v> v>"ore0 — ireCL 5' 3-re po < re"V» p CL meeting:o o"oP T3Ccr op00re 3O re"i, commiv>VIo'3 VI croP•^ Q. V» Efre >n pV) pCLO•a reCL 5' *f*^J\~/\u> _.n summP-i•< V)' 5' re3a.reCL 3"P 3"n 3rere is? * ^< 0o ~ -^ 0,. •< "S-00 S. p pi-> -nre re o °-"*" crO>< SL ~s; 3-O rt •^3 ?T5' oo 3- £p pVI ^^ 3 §3 "£. 5'IsC P3 — .n 3 3" OOP 3 £^ TO 3;re ™ <=-T3vi c™ ' rr*3 2.O H. .n n Or n•< ^ I H> H P] 2 PI Z H "noc3CLPJ3". O3 O-** Oo<n•n 3 n3*"*mCL Cnp o' 3 @ no•a^<-i do"*y Zo00 ON oo<re"n 3 3re3*~noQ.re OOreo 5' v> Ol«. "*Q o Cflf^ vOOv 3 2 03 73 O n H H O On>r >n « 3 nc no H mpi Uj T3 2 Si. C 0oo z 3o! "' £'• . ftj •-•-. TO 3C^ re <ra^ s ~exclusively of members of the governilcy. Henderson v Board of Education (19ciion 54952.3).Cte00 ^cr £g. D^£. ox !Tt3 =r13 re 2,8» s 5" E"u *.*O ""'p 3 — 00 p O f less than a quorum of members of the ggency continues in effect but is limited0 §P » 0 3| 5'3 oo 3 g-»-• OV re ^re CL P 3O re~~ 3*v '"*i^ VI5 ->^3 Ou^ "•a^ P public meeting. Joiner v City of Sebasti' 799. The traditional exclusion from the>•§2, 2. O TV ^Sqo ^- o ^.C r\j•a o, c CLre-nc»3-n V)p C re P3 CL n"ire C?"nre vt C lcr re'o o re 03 O ^<3 > O •^reJ3 C ?' <^ h;'o o 3 S 3_. -tV) O (/) O5' °§ 3 mendation to the council regarding aper was within the meaning of an advi:5 o•^ •** ^ 3 tmentcomm=-• o re -1 n P o S- 3 ore o"3 cS. 3re n € -and two members of a city planning comapplicants for a vacancy on the commiss5' 33 to' P 23 OO. 3 3 C?P "1£• 3re Sp O. "H reO 00-1 S'" s«3 .«. 3 <3 re "E. P uthority are also covered by the Act. (Se, an ad hoc committee consisting of twi0 ft," ^ ^3 =re Q'3 §cr o, 2 *•3 SO Kj P"^ cr Po 00 9:3o o(A \^ 0 O-1 -fS .<r y a private corporation. (Section 54952)Cted by a local agency which exerciseP 5 v< P Stru ^OQ 2.05 V) re Sa. >< r> — \ nO C p 3 3 T3Q. u3 v* n vi" T3 ^ VI T *< n' O P§ <. M members and which is supported in whoded by the local agency, whether or ni or committee is organized or operateQ. 2 n cr vi g*< c ''!i?l OP —S P-cT 1! ^ reO0 — > 3 HJ: 3-is includes any board, commission, comhich officers of a local agency serve i3 3 3- 52. S " 0O -iE? on' ^««. 3^p re cr ^ 0 ^? aQ. _)t3 3" Co re Q- O ^T3 S? °30?3. f oV) * ~,V) 3 ^HI g"8;3 O. 3 TV= • re Co ™ ^ 5S P 50 0 -3«.!,o !£.-*>•- £ S» <" :-3 " vj §• =O Q. P ><3. wVI0•n *~*srn ni<s 1 S VI 1Vj 3 3' 5'3 00 D P S "^ 1 o<* 3*«.. 3^. n0 0.3 rr iy the local agency and which is created foconstruction, reconstruction, maintenanZ -o ir il5 "^2 osi ^». f^o' S 3 ^ 3f ATTACHMENT G public meeting. Such attendance sheets or registration forms are4O•^n3 •o cr o' a> 3o re"V, 3 B)<n a3 P f? Q.B> 1 VI3-rere P reun 3-ATTENDANCE LISTSat such informational meeting. Sacramento Newspaper Guild vSacramento County Board of Supervisors (1968)263 Cal App 2d41.stitutes a meeting within the application of the Brown Act, making itimproper to exclude members of the press or public from attendanceby some other individual or organization. In such case, a meetingconducted primarily for the informational purposes involved con-attend an informational activity either presented by their own staffermeeting. Adler v Culver City (I960) 184 Cal App 2d 763. A differentsituation is presented where all of the governing board membersdoes prohibit the conduct of public business, the making of publicdecisions and the adoption of formal Action at such an unnoticedthe agency from attending such lunch or dinner. However, the ActNothing in the Act prohibits more than a quorum of the members ofThe Act requires all local agency meetings to be public meetings,subject only to closed session exclusions or provisions specificallyfound in the Act itself. (Section 54953) A regular meeting of a localagency is not subject to any specific agenda requirements under theBrown Act and therefore matters coming before the governing boardmay be discussed at any time, or in any order, whether or not thepublic portion of the meeting is interrupted by a closed session, andthereafter reconvened to a public session. Torres v Board of Com-missioners (1979)89 Cal App 3d 545. Other statutes may provide formore specific agenda requirements, such as Education Code Section35145 (school board agendas) or Government Code Section 25151(agendas for board of supervisors meetings).Occasionally, the governing board will encounter a situationwhere in the course of deliberation it adjourns for lunch or dinner.REGULAR MEETINGcrn 3 E?. Z ?§• — On —iS § o ^ N &s•§.:o -a~i n i* ° £_' ^3a. £>PJ f» n 5' 2^ Iff3- Cn cr 3 o' Si5i o^B> 3-3 B>*•< "~ zo nPI 33nO C 5PJ 2m CA authoo diTO3M n 6) 3 oo —3 s> n 33 v^ n 3 agco3 3n -, ^ " Z 2 |g5|^ 3 Q. Ul •" n 3- <: 5-I BJ < E_ S- ~ = 3" n " rf SfS B •2. a. =r " -re a re t; J2. 52- Eooa. oo _ c «•>5' S § s- 5 3- O t>2. -1 2o. cr o_ o i. £ *>£ = O'TO <" S 3 C5; <" ' ET ^ o-^ -5- ~ sr 3 2,3 11.n 3 S OQ s3 Coo 3. B>3a. 1?IT B> 00 *<" £ =. H => 2 c °S, gT ? 3 3 3 T33 " " 9- 5 rT «n B> 5 " £ 3' T3C 3- •• 5. •• B) * re re 3 n <-> "~ <* —.— /»"«!_- S 3. i.9 'S 2^^^5' ^- am 3 O 33 ^,08nre —. « _8 8-B.gw «. = ". 0) W § i-s- ' « B> fl:5' "< 3!.=•«O» (a -n •fe. v>5^ = 3 S OSl'2 CT Q. -• = » 5u> •» OO S B? 5-<" — n<•»sB) 6) ° TO*< 3 n • B) 3 C 3-£ ^J O00—^,2 a. ^5 w o5 << <« — s-n ~ n3 « ^ &5s5' E -3 PC 3-i/> i rt eetings of the governing board may beand jurisdictional boundaries of theabeheldever rus provided by ordinanceis required for the conduc2mm zn ron> H Oz CA » 1O On -io r&Yi </> O 3— 003- qO 3 3- E' 3- 3- 030 3> * S 3 - OO 8 I 5' 5' V Z ^1S S- O' 3"3 5<-n n•^ BJ«sUj J» •i? 2, rTo •a >-^ n p"g. » o- • n oST. S £n II p PIC/5 ^' o o 3 di 3 3 tss» 3 73 O-C O Z a. SI 11 •SI: -n B>i 2nG 3 .'nsure the claandB) 3 C -,C n3- BJO j;-i O N' 3n B>cr ptemc ""* S rfo 2O. TO£' "-^ 3C O T3 •<rounds. (Section 54953.mber of the public to incan find thation of the psuch recooceedigngheS ="O "• •r> crO =,' 3. S— 3"3- rom = "^ oo'o =:s on —>CL B9 I''^•so 33 </; S 3 M p •a sn n3 3R B-.O 3S.00 q S H > •3 PI 93nno 93 O ZnCA portiono &> 3v: o"ou cu 00n3nv; 3nro 3 00 Sn 5' ^•b. Siu u< 0o 3-a_ n 3' 3 CO* 3 O » OO3a. o'3 •a-nronreQ.re 3 o W rT 3a.BJ 3nre w 3-r» •a cr o'volunta^3 o3 3-O T30)•^ 0"^ 3-re r»3 crn^ O 3"n T3 CCT o' B)3Q. "j« B) "0_ O o" 3 O 3-re o1 -n3 B) 0. re3 -n >< O— •, 3-re ^re -D CreC/l n D. 5'o1 i B9 o'3 5'registrao"3 — >o•n 3 o*i P re"3D. B)3ore S1 -i3 3cV) 3D. n'P re" 31 P _^ 3"r» oO3i T3-ireoreQ.re3 r*wO B) re 3 CLB> 3 Ore w CO T3ccr o' 3rere 300 V)T3reo o' EL •~z B33•< TJre-i reCL C 3O.re-n 3-re >o cr C oP 3 3 O crre -ire£> ^•n Q. Bs(/> M OO C. ^,O3 4015 Isle Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 May 6, 198? Keith Beverly, Management Analyst Parks & Recreation Department 1166 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Beverly: I am surprised and dismayed that the members of the Site Planning Committee have chosen to bar the public from their meetings. It may be less convenient to discuss all planning options in the light of day, but this is public business, and as such it should be conducted openly in keeping with the spirit and letter of the Brown Act. As stated in my letter .of April 22, the Friends of Hosp Grove do not seek, to provide input or to influence the committee in any way. We merely want to have access to their information and observe their deliberations so that we can provide intelligent input at the Commission and Council levels of review. I will come to City Hall when the committee meets this afternoon. I would appreciate your forwarding this letter to them and repeating my request to attend their meetings. Thank you. Yours truly, Dan Hammer Friends of Hosp Grove cc: Parks and Recreation Commissioners David Bradstreet Ray Patchett 1200 ELM AVENUE fil^SB^H TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 • $W * • (619)438-5571 Citp of Cartebab PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT April 30, 1987 Dan Hammer Friends of Hosp Grove 4015 Isle Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Hammer: Thank you for your recent letter regarding your organizations desire to observe the upcoming Site Planning Committee Meeting. At the initial committee meeting of 4/29/87, the committee members acknowledged and appreciated your request. The committee members felt that at this preliminary stage of the parkland assessment review, community observation or input would be premature. The members did; however, encourage any community input at the Commission level of review. The committee report will be available for review at the Library and can be made available to you, upon your request, prior to Commission endorsement. Should you have further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, KEITH BEVERLY Management Analyst KB: It Attachment c: P.R.C. Committee Members David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager RECEIVED A?n 2 4015 Isle Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 22, 198? David Bradstreet, Parks Director Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Bradstreet: Friends of Hosp Grove would like to observe the upcoming Site and Planning Committee meetings concerning the parKlands inventory and Hosp Grove classification. I spoke yesterday with Ray Patchett, who told me that the committee members should decide whether to open their meetings to the public, and that I should ask you to poll them. I would appreciate your doing so. If the committee agrees, we would send an observer to the meetings but would not participate unless asked to do so. Please contact Julie Fish (2440 Lorna Lane, 729-2218) regarding the committee's decision and meeting times. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, Dan Hammer Friends of Hosp Grove cc: Ray Patchett; Parks and Recreation Commissioners May 12, 1987 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks and Recreation Subcommittee SUBJECT: INVENTORY SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS BACKGROUND On April 20, the Parks and Recreation Commission appointed Commissioners Regan, Dahlguist, and Lawson to serve on a commission subcommittee. This committee was charged with the following four tasks: 1. Review the current Park Inventory. 2. Clasification of new Hosp Grove acquistion. 3. Discuss classification of Larwin Park. 4. Discuss the need to acquire Robertson property. The subcommittee met on April 29 and selected Commissioner Lawson to serve as Chairman and discussed its' goals and objectives. Second and third meetings were held on May 6 and May 12 to consider these items and make recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The following summarizes the subcommittees work and recommendations. PARK INVENTORY REVIEW The first step in determining the correct classification of the parks inventory was to specifically define all park categories. The committee reviewed the current park definitions as well as recommended changes from staff. The committee considered this information and attached are the recommended definitions to be utilized to classify all park inventory. These are attached as Exhibit #1. The second step was to review and classify all park acreage into the appropriate park inventory categories. The committee reviewed the current inventory in relation to the revised category definitions and modified the parks inventory accordingly. This inventory is attached as Exhibit #2. Those items which have been modified, recommended for deletion or added as new items are highlighted by three asterisks in the left-hand margin of each page. CLASSIFICATION OF HOSP GROVE Based on the discussion of the park classifications, existing park facilities, proposed definitions, and current park development trends, the committee is unanimously recommending that the voter approved purchase of Hosp Grove be classified in the Miscellaneous Landscape/Open Space category. LARWIN PARK AND ROBERTSON PROPERTIES A decision on the classification of Larwin Park and the purchase of the Robertson property should be delayed until the feasibility study of developing Larwin Park is completed. ACTION ITEMS The committtee is recommending that the Commission accept and adopt the findings as presented in Exhibits #1 and #2. The committee would further ask the Commission to consider the potential of completely reviewing and revising the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan to reflect these changes as well as changes which have occurred since 1982. The committee and staff will be making a presentation regarding this item at the Commission meeting to review each of these items and recommendations. EXHIBIT 1 PARK INVENTORY DESCRIPTION Presently the City of Carlsbad's Parkland Inventory Is composed of three primary park classifications: 0 Community Parks Special Use Areas Special Resource Areas These classifications are the basis for the City's standards to assure optimum park and recreational facilities. The standards for each park classification are as follows: Community Parks 2.5 acres/1,000 population Special Use Areas .5 acres/1,000 population Special Resource Areas 2.5 acres/1,000 population The pre-1982 Parks and Recreation Element emphasized more passive use concepts with the acquisition and development of smaller neighborhood, mini, and vest pocket parks. Additionally, natural open space areas, meant to serve as connective corridors and greenbelts throughout the City, were accepted as park-in-lieu dedicated under the Quimby Ordinance. Due to the characteristics of these natural open space areas, many of the sites once accepted for park purposes are considered undevelopable by today's standards. The revised 1982 Parks and Recreation Element indicated a shift in recreational trends toward those uses which are more active in nature. In order to accommodate these current trends, parkland dedication requirements became geared toward the acquisition of developable parkland which could provide both active and passive use. Today, current and future parkland dedicated under the Quimby Ordinance is subject to more stringent conditions than were once required. Noting the shift In acquisition policy, developable parkland is considered to be buildable acreage similar to acreage associated with the subdivision for which dedication is required. Typically, it has slopes of less than 10% and is located in other than an area on which building is excluded due to environmental and geographical constraints, flooding, easements, liens, or other encumbrances and/or restrictions. 5/13/87 Miscellaneous landscape/open space areas is a secondary classification within the park inventory. This category has been established to provide accountability for additional acreage currently under maintenance responsibility of the Park operations division, however, is not usable to meet the City's park standards. In addition, accountability is provided for the natural open space areas once considered as parkland; however, by today's standards, they are not considered to be conducive to park use and/or development. The following are definitions of the aforementioned classifications and descriptions of active and passive use. CONNUNITY PARK Coaaunlty Parks are leisure facilities, approximately 20 to 50 acres in size; however, due to a 1982 revision of the Park and Recreation Element to the General Plan, pre-1982 neighborhood parks of less than 20 acres have been reclassified to the community park classification. Typically, community, parks are designed to serve the recreational needs of several neighborhoods. The nature of this type of facility encourages and attracts family unit populations from a nearby vicinity on a daily frequency. Community parks generally provide active and passive use amenities; however, they are not limited to the exclusive of either. Minimum facilities should include: Family-oriented picnic areas Group picnic areas0 Turfed open space areas for free play0 Multi-purpose lighted playfield(s) Tot areas Structures for lectures, meetings, skills instruction, etc. 0 Buffer areas 0 Special use facilities as per specific community demand 0 Tennis courts Special use facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, horsehoes, handball and racquetball courts, etc. may be located within these parks if appropriate to the interest and need of the community in which the park is located. The service radius for community park sites is approximately two miles. The primary access orientation is vehicular. It is therefore established that community parks should be located adjacent to a secondary arterial or circulation route of greater heirarchy as defined within the Circulation Element. SPECIAL USE AREAS Special Use Areas are typically local facilities that meet the needs of only one or two activity type uses, either passive or active in nature. They are between one to five acres in size and generally do not provide the basic universally accepted facilities found in a community park site. Facilities of this type are, but not limited to, swim, tennis or racquetball complexes, meeting halls, athletic complexes, play lots, picnic and interpretive walk areas. Pre-1982 Parks and Recreation Element included mini and vest pocket parks. The revised 1982 Parks and Recreation Element has incorporated these parks into the special use category which typically defines the nature of these areas. Location of special use area sites should be based upon adequate access to its supporting community population. SPECIAL RESOURCE AREAS Special Resource Areas are local amenities that have either city- wide or potential regional significance. The significance is in the quality of the site that makes it unique as either a passive and/or active recreation area; this quality may be of a natural (water, geological, ecological, etc.), historical (architectural, etc.), or a combination thereof. Consequently, the special resource area as defined has a visitor attraction or drawing power to users locally and beyond. Typically, special resource areas provide a unique character and/or use not found in community parks or special use areas. In general, they are larger than community parks. They are a recreational site characterized by the existence of a special or unusual feature, natural or man-made, i.e., a water body, earth formation, historical amenity, ecological reserve, etc. MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPED/OPEN SPACE AREAS Landscaped Areas are acreage presently maintained by the Park operation division. The degree of landscape maintenance performed varies from high to minimum depending upon public exposure, desired aesthetics, safety and/or liability concerns. Maintenance areas typically include land adjacent to public buildings such as City Hall, Libraries, Fire Stations, Administration Buildings, Safety Center, street medians, and public right-of-ways. Open Space Areas typically are unimproved and require mlnumum or no maintenance. These areas are generally considered to be undevelopable by today's park standards due to environmental and/or geographic constraints or the prohibitive cost to rectify those constraints. Some open space areas in this classification were accepted for park purposes under the Quimby Ordinance prior to 1982. ACTIVE USE Active Park Areas typically provide a form of organized, supervised, often extra-curricular recreation. Park amenities denoting active use may include gymnasiums, swim complexes, multi-use ballfields, tot lots, hard court play surfaces, volleyball, horseshoe areas or a combination thereof. PASSIVE USE Passive Park Areas often 'provide minimal or no amenities associated with active use. The vary nature of passive use implies undemonstrative, nonparticipating, complacent, subdued activity. Park amenities generally associated with passive use include nature trails, walkways, picnic tables, benches, and small turf and/or landscaped areas. A\ U) 00 * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** ** * *** * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * 2! 01 25 S! 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(D (D O O O O (D H-3 rt& rt (U 0)rt (DH-O3 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPED/OPEN SPACE AREAS LANDSCAPED AREA CITY HALL/LIBRARY 3 AC SAFETY CENTER 18 AC PALOMAR TRIANGLE 3.5 AC TAMARACK TRIANGLE 3 AC POINSETTIA BRIDGE .5 AC BIENVENIDA CIRCLE .2 AC 405 OAK .1 AC FIRE STATIONS 2 AC LAS FLORES TRIANGLE .2 AC REDEVELOPMENT AREA 2.5 AC CAROL PLACE .1 AC POLLY LANE .1 AC STREET MEDIANS 5 AC BEACH ACCESSES .5 AC 1166 ELM AVENUE 2.2 AC SPINNAKER HILLS BANKS 4 AC TAMARACK SEWER PLANT 4 AC TOTAL ACRES 48.8 AC RIGHT OF WAYS 100 MILES OPEN SPACE AREAS SPINNAKER POINT EASEMENT 10 AC WOODBINE BANKS 14 AC CADENCIA (REAR LOT) 3 AC LEVANTE CANYON 13 AC HOSP GROVE (87'AQUISITION) 53 AC SAN MARCOS CANYON 20 AC LACUNA RIVIERA BANK 3 AC MAXTON BROWN EXT. 2.1 AC TOTAL ACRES 118.1 AC May 11, 1987 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: KEITH BEVERLY, MANAGEMENT ANALYST MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL ADMINISTRATION: STAFF has been working with a COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE to formalize a current PARK INVENTORY. Primary emphasis is to define and classify acreage currently under the jurisdiction of Park and Recreation operations. The outcome of the Committee's work will create a foundation for a revised park and recreation element to the general plan. The Director's message for the MAYOR'S STATE OF THE CITY'S VIDEO presentation was taped recently. Current progress and future goals for providing Parks and Recreation facilities for Carlsbad were addressed. The video will be aired on community access television in June. STAGECOACH PARK DEDICATION CEREMONIES will be May 30. The landscape and turf have been planted and is becoming established. The City will accept the community center gymnasium on May 12 pending outcome of final inspection. Once the landscape has become established and the maintenance period ends, the City will accept the entire 28 acre park site. PARKS DIVISION; Parks maintenance personnel have completed work with San Diego County to improve the drainage through MACARIO CANYON PARK PROPERTY. This project is in conjunction with the County Health (Mosquito Abatement) Division. The intent of the project is to keep water flowing through the canyon and provide access for Vector Control personnel. The older RESTROOM FACILITY AT HOLIDAY PARK underwent rehabilitation and is now equipped with all new fixtures. These facilities will help relieve impact during peak use periods. The MAINTENANCE/STORAGE FACILITY near the horse-shoe pits is nearing completion. All that remains is to paint the building. The LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE responsibilities at the PUBLIC SERVICE AND SAFETY CENTER have been officially accepted. The Parks Division began landscape maintenance at this facility on April 27. DIRECTOR'S REPORT May 11, 1987 David Bradstreet Page 2 j j RECREATION DIVISION; Carlsbad is the first Park and Recreation Department in North San Diego County to field a team in the UNITED STAGES TENNIS ASSOCIATION co-sponsored by Volvo Inc. The Parks and Recreation Department's DAYTRIPPBRS took six trips during the month of April including excursions to Las Vegas, Padre Baseball Opening Day, the L.A. Garment District!, the Ramona Pagaent and two trips to see "The Glory of Easter" at the Crystal Cathedral. A total of 188 participants joined in the fun. On April 25 and 26, the Parks and Recreation Department, along with the Village Merchants Association and the Carlsbad Inn sponsored THE ANNUAL CROQUET TOURNAMENT. 26 teams participated in the Mixed Doubles Tournament. On April 18, the Parks and Recreation Department held its annual EASTER EGG HUNTS at Holiday and Fuerte Parks. Approximately 1,250 children participated in the egg hunts. Thanks; to generous support from a variety of local merchants the egg hunts; were a great success. AQUATICS; The Aquatics Division is gearing up for summer programming. Both ATTENDANCES and REVENUES are expected to be recprd breaking. The new quarterly swim passes are available now through August. Last quarters total attendance was 20,068 including recreational swim, programs, rentals and school use. Total revenue was $20,375. SENIOR CITIZENS: The SENIOR CITIZENS DIVISION received a $500.00 DONATION from the Soroptimist International Club of Oceanside - Carlsbad. The donation is to be utilized in the home delivered meals program. The City Council has appointed an ARCHITECTURAL SELECTION COMMITTEE to review and select architectural services for the development of the new Senior Citizen Facility at Pine Street. Committee repre- sentatives will be: C.U.S.D. Superintendent - Dr. Thomas Brierley C.U.S.D. Board Member - James McCormick City Managers Office - Frank Mannen Senior Citizen Commission - Linwood Van Municipal Projects Manager - John Cahill Senior Citizen Coordinator - Sue Spickard City Council Member - John Mamaux May 11, 1987 David Bradstreet Page 3 BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION; Division personnel this month have, in addition to performing regular duties, assisted in relocating the offices of Finance, Personnel, Cultural Arts and Risk Manager. They have also assisted with recarpeting and the relocation of some computer terminals. Custodial staff have re-assumed maintenance duties of the entire remodeled City Hall and Council Chambers. KB: It c: Frank Aleshire, City Manager Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 v- "J *^£ 8 o 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3"sl§? Is— h- < u.•0 5 3u; • 5<iu O ^. ~ o i—iSi-SZ O v> o ORDINANCE NO. 312? AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11.24.032 TO REMOVE THE $300,000 INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AND ADD A HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT REQUIREMENT. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 11, Chapter 11.24 of the of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 11.24.032(6)(B) to read as follows: "(B) The power boat, sail boat or jet ski owner must sign a hold harmless agreement provided by the City;" EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after . its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of May , 1981 and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of May , 1981 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Anear, Kulchin NOES: Council Member Casler ABSENT: Council Member Lewis RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor Chronology-Agua Hedionda Lagoon Boardsail History Page Two 6/20/83 Document P&R Commission Minutes P&R Commission Minutes 7/5/83 7/5/83 Summary Verbal report on Committee's meeting, report forthcoming in 30-60 days. Distributed and discussed Committee's Board Sail report; legal access and parking discussed; recommended to City Council the report on sailboard regulations as presented. Commission recommendations to Council to allow boardsails to be on the lagoon at the same time as sailboats, established permit fee; required proof of insurance; required window in sail. City Council Minutes Directed staff to prepare documents allowing sail boarding weekdays only from May 24 to October 1 and anytime from October 2 to May 23. Agenda Bill #7439 7/19/84 Ordinance No. 3161 Agenda Bill #7439-#l Introduced Ordinance No. 3161. A.B. allows Board Sailing on Inner Lagoon on Monday through Friday from May 24 to October 1 and anytime from Octobe 2 to May 23. Ordinance adopted 8/2/8 o\ /- v I ' f P -^ 6 S O Q I «=» i X-s -Pr /v «. c/