HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES r MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS 4 RECREATION COMMISSION November 16, 1987 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS 1. CALL TO ORDER; Chairperson Donovan called the Meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners Donovan, Castner, Dahlquist, Lawson, Morrison, Popovich and Welshons. Absent - None. Staff Present: Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks 4 Recreation Keith Beverly, Management Analyst Oim Elliott, Finance Director Sue Spickard, Senior Citizen Coordinator 3ohn Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager 3. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM; There were no reguests to speak on a non-agenda item. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the October 19, 1987, Meeting were approved as presented. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA; Chairperson Donovan requested Item 9A, Faraday Alignment, be taken up out of order following the Scribe Report. The consensus of the Commission was to agree to this change in the Agenda. 6. APPOINT SCRIBE; Commissioner Popovich was appointed Scribe for this meeting. 7. PRESENTATION; Dave Bradstreet Introduced Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen and stated the Parks 4 Recreation Department now reports to Mr. Mannen. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; A. Scribe Report Commissioner Dahlquist questioned why her report had been changed from the way it was submitted. Keith Beverly explained he had changed it for clarification only. Donovan Castner Dahlquist Lawson Morrison Popovich Welshons MINUTES Page 2 &' November 16, 1987 COUNCIL Vft . Ay MEMBERS \S5.\JPV 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Faraday Avenue Alignment Through Ma carlo Canyon Dave Bradstreet gave the staff report, using wall charts to indicate the proposed alignment. He stated Rick Engineering was doing the alignment work and Bob Ladwlg was present to answer questions. Planning Staff had stated there must be an outlet from the industrial park through Faraday to connect at Cannon Road, to get oars off of Palomar Airport Road. The alignment has been pulled away from the original plan out of the valley floor and has been agreed upon by staff and Rick Engineering. In answer to Commission query regarding whether Zone 5 was responsible for this, Dave Bradstreet replied that could not be answered at this time. It would depend what development came through first, Koli Company or Zone 5 fee. This project is not in the PFF plan until 1997. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: B. Capital Improvement Budget 3im Elliott, Finance Director, updated the Commission on the CIP as it related to the Parks & Recreation Department. He distributed copies of the Capital Improvement Program, PFF Projects from 1987-88 to Buildout, and stated it was important for the Commissioners to see the entire list. Mr. Elliott reminded the Commission that in moving any projects around it was important to remember that any change would affect several other projects as well as the one they were trying to move forward. In answer to Council query regarding Alta Mlra, Mr. Elliott stated there Is 1.3 million dollars in the budget this year for acquisition of that land. He added the real need for park land is in the southwest quadrant. C. Senior Citizen Update Sue Spickard gave the initial report, giving the background of Senior Programs In Carlsbad. John Cahlll continued the report, giving an update on the Senior Center Design and describing the proposed Senior Center/School District buildings. -, MINUTES Page 3 November 16, 1987 COMMISSIONERS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; (Continued) Chairperson Donovan requested another report be given In January or February to keep the Commission up to date on the progress of the Center. She continued, stating the Senior Center would be on one level and all the buildings there now will be razed, as they are sub-standard. Dave Bradstreet stated this committee is working with the Historic Preservation Commission and Chairman Robertson of that Commission attends the committee meetings. D. Indoor Soccer Use Agreement Dave Bradstreet reported this agreement Is now on the way to the City Attorney's office. He stated this is now identified as a Lease Agreement. The lease has been reviewed by Mr. Anderson of the City and Jim Courtney. The soccer organization must be a non-profit organization and there must be play on the facility during the year with no more than 60 consecutive days to elapse with no play, and a total of 90 days in a one-year period. The lease is for one year and it would be the responsibility of the lessee to notify the City if they wish to renew for the next year. Chairperson Donovan stated she would like it delineated as to the use of any revenue collected. Staff explained as a non-profit organization, revenue must be used for the purposes listed. In answer to Commission query, staff indicated this is the agreement to be used for all facilities. Parks & Recreation Commission approved the Lease Agreement as presented, subject to comments and/or changes made by the City Attorney agreeable to both parties. E. Levante Open Space and Lot 290 Keith Beverly reported there could be a problem in selling these lots, as they were dedicated to the City as open space and may have stipulations on that dedication that would have to be mitigated before they could be sold. Since they were dedicated for park purposes, it Is doubtful that anyone would want to purchase them. Continental American Properties wanted to purchase easement rights over Lot 290. After the Growth Management Plan came Into being, Continental American Properties decided to wait and evaluate the program prior to easement purchase. However, they may still be interested, but this will depend on the outcome of Zone 6 Local Facilities Management Plan. Donovan Castner Dahlqulst Lawson Morrison Popov! ch Welshons MINUTES Page COMMISSIONERS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; (Continued) Dave Bradstreet added the Council had given approval years ago to sell, trade or exchange this property. However, the people living around the rim wanted it left open space. He explained this was "an attractive nuisance" and the City does not want to encourage people to go there. This is not open to the public and appropriate signs should be installed. It was decided not to put signs on Lot 290, as there Is no legal access to that area. The Commission wished to have the land appraised and put up for sale within a reasonable time. Also, the possibility of this being open space for Zone 6 should be examined. Parks 4 Recreation Commission directed staff to place these items on the next Agenda as action Items, with Levante Open Space and Lot 290 as separate items. F. Sammis/Alta Mira Land Acquisition Dave Bradstreet gave an update on the status of the Sammis/Alta Mira parkland acquisition. Staff is working on getting title reports, soils Investigations and preparing RFP's for land appraisal. He added this is the best site for parkland for the southwest quadrant at this time. G. Larwln Community Park Dave Bradstreet reported this Commission had decided this park was developable and Is In the CIP in year five. H. Agua Hedionda Lagoon The Commission was referred to the report in the packet, indicating an excellent Improvement In both use attendance and operational effectiveness of the revised traffic patterns and use regulations instituted in August of 1987. The Commissioners were referred to the reports from Lynn Chase regarding the public accesses at Hoover Street, Cove Drive and Park Drive. Hoover Street will be open in the near future. Cove Drive is closed. Park Drive is a public access, but has not been improved by the City. In answer to Commission query, Lynn Chase stated the City would install another sign at the Cove Drive access, as the City does not want people to cross the rocks. Dave Bradstreet stated the Coastal Conservancy wanted that access open to the public for walking, but no boat launching. A sign is needed on park Drive that it is a public access, but this will not be done until the Improvements are completed. MINUTES r Page 5 November 16, 1987 COMMISSIONERS 8. UNFINISHED^BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Castner left the meeting at 7:03 p.m. In answer to Commission query, Dave Bradstreet explained he felt the lagoon had been opened to everyone to accommodate best use of the lagoon. There is no access for boardsailors, but they will get onto the lagoon. Park Drive will be a public access, but it takes time to get the Improvements in. I. Citizen Commissions/Committees Chairperson Donovan referred to the report on the packet and Dave Bradstreet added this Commission will get Scribe Reports from the other Comisslons/Commlttees. 9. NEW BUSINESS; A. Faraday Avenue Alignment through Macarto Canyon This item was taken out of order. (See Page 2) B. Council Policy *38 Dave Bradstreet stated this was an information item only. C. Carrillo Ranch - Historic Preservation Grant Staff referred to the RFP included in the packet for preparation of plans and specifications of construction documents for structure stabilization and a report of the existing buildings at Carrillo Ranch. This Is for the $90,000 grant received by the Historic Preservation Commission. Dave Bradstreet stated he would be bringing a further report to this Commission with some of the ideas being discussed for Carrillo Ranch. D. December Meeting for Parks & Recreation Commission Parks & Recreation Commission accepted staff recommendation to re-schedule the December Meeting to December 1*, 1987, at 5:00 p.m., Harding Street Center, for a meeting and Christmas Party. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS; A. Cultural Arts/Carrlllo Ranch Commissioner Popovich reported the plans for Carrillo Ranch are not being made public at this time. The roads must be put in first. He stated the Arts Commission wants artistic and cultural uses and he felt the Parks 4 Recreation Commission should discuss what they would like to see done at the Ranch. Donovan Dahlquist Lawson Morrison Popovich Welshons MINUTES Page 6 November 16, 1987 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Morrison left the meeting at 7:26 p.m. 11. SCRIBE REPORT; Commissioner Popovich gave the Scribe Report. 12. AD30URNHENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of November 16, 1987, was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk November 24, 1987 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET Parks & Recreation Director FROM: Mayor Bud Lewis COMMENTS ON OCTOBER 19, 1987 COMMISSION MEETING 1. INDOOR SOCCER USE AGREEMENT Can you please advise is what the start-up date is for this agreement. 2. DECEMBER MEETING DATE Good idea to have the meeting the same date as your annual Christmas dinner. HZtAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Mayor Continental American Properties Ltd. February 6, 1986 Mr. K^ith Beverly Parks and Recreation Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 RE: Lot 290, Sea Point Tennis Club At La Costa Dear Keith: It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday regarding the Quit Claim of the City's interest in Lot 290. As I mentioned to you, Far West Savings and Loan Association (the owner of Sea Point condominiums) is in escrow to purchase Lot 290 from Daon Corporation. A requirement to closing that escrow is obtaining a release of the City's easement over Lot 290 as well as obtaining approval from the City of a four unit condominium project on that lot. Once Far West is in a position to close purchase of the land from Daon, escrow will contact you request- ing that you deliver to escrow the Quit Claim Deed from the City. The Quit Claim Deed would then be recorded only upon closing of that escrow and payment to the City of $87,500. I estimate that escrow may close anywhere from 3 to 6 months from now. For your information the escrow officer and escrow number are as follows: Mm. Connie Perna Ticor Title Insurance 925 "B" Street Post Office Box 1150 San Diego, CA 92112 Escrow No. J-1115543 619 - 239-6081 ConAm's involvement in this transaction is that we are the developer of Sea Point for Far West and, as such, have agreed to handle matters such as the acquisition of Lot 290. ATTACHMENT B 1764 San Diego Ave. • San Diego, CA 92110 • (619) 297-6771 Mr. Keith Beverly February 6, 1986 Page 2 I appreciate your cooperation and look forward to concluding this transaction. If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, CONTINENTAL AMERICAN PROPERTIES, LTD. E. General Coui ESD/dmd:4-70 cc: Far West Savings and Loan Association Ms. Connie Perna RECORDING REQUESTED BY City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Far West Savings & Loan Assn. 4001 MacArthur Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 City A S»t« Name Street Addren City*State L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Far West Savings & Loan Assn. 4001 MacArthur Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 -SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE- CAT. NO. NN00576 TO 192OCA 11-83) Corporation Quitclaim Deed THI« roRM ru»Ni«H«e »Y TICOH TITU IN»URIM A 223-190-01 The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ . ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X ) City of Carlsbad , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The City of Carlsbad, A Municipal Corporation a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Cal i fornia hereby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAIMS to Far West Savings and Loan Association the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad County of San Diego , State of California: All of Lot 290 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 7779 filed in the office of said County Recorder October 26, 1973 per File No. 73-300964. In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporation name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its Mayor fitauubotand City Clerk thereunto duly authorized. Dated: April 24, 1985 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On flpril 26. 1985 SS. THE GUY OF CARLSBAD, A Municipal Corporation By/U<->C^><Y before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Mary H. Casler personally known to me or proved to me on the ban* of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the * ; and By ftmteot ALE1HA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City^ Clerk personally known to be or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the CitV Clerk ! of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corpo- ration executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OFFICIAL SEAL KAREN R. STEVENS Notary PobSe - CiWoniis Pi*** OffiB * Sw Otor CM* (Ihu in* for official normal sell) Title Order No.Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE RECORDING REQUESTED • City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 4MB WHCM MCOHOCD MAIL TO r City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm AvenueCarlsbad, CA 92008 L 1798 "1 J ;X~ w*-T 74-212493FIIE/PAC- H0._. e?OU«Tr Erry CLERK6 3oiPln5 NO FEE SPACE AMOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE If ...MtNTARY TRANSFER FAX $__. COMPUTED ON SALE PRICE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED. OB 0' ruli.0 ON *UU VALUE LESS LIENS 4 ENCUM- •HH..V.IS KbnlAININQ THEREON AT TIME OF SALE. ' AITIX 1.RA t n°ne mgpStfACS.^.,** „ ,SWT ^.m**,*; tax - Firm Nam. Corporation Grant Deed THIS) FORM rUMNISHCD BJV T1TLI INOUHANCC AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. LA COSTA LAND COMPANY a corporation organised under the lawi of the slate of Illinoishereby GRANTS to The City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad County of San DiegO , State of California: Lot 23, La Costa Vale Unit No. 1, according to map thereof No. 7457,recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,California, on October 18, 1972. Subject to such rights, rights of way and easements as appear of public record and upon the condition that such property shall be used for open space, park and recreational purposes and none other. assessor's parcel no.s 223-120-33 & 35 In Witness Whereof, said corporation ha* caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instru- ment to be executed by ''• Vice President and ^SSti—. ^ Secretary thereunto dulv authorized. • • -:. V : Dated: June 18.. 1974 LA COSTA LAND COMPANY STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF. San Diego On. ss. June 18. 1974 . before me. the under- signed, a Notary Public In and for said Stale, personally appeared Burton L. J^ramer to me 10 be lhe_Vice Elaine Thomas lent. Mid . known lo me to be etiry of (he Corporation thai executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the penom who executed the within Instrument nn hehall of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me (hat »uch Corporation executed the within Inttru rnent pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OFFICIAL SEAL MILDRED I. HOLMAN NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO COUNTY My Commission Expires Auf. 1. \ »74 Siinatu Mildred I. Holman Nam (Typed er Primed) Title Order No._£scrow Loa ATTACHMENT C INVENTORY OF REAL PROPERTY Assessor's Parcel No.: 223-120-33 and 223-120-35 Acreage: 7.18 5.05 Real Property No.: 100137 100138 Deed No.: 522 County Document No.: 212493 212493 Dept.: Acquisition Date: 8/6/74 Acquisition Cost: Acqui s i t ion Fund: Restrictions: (Park Use Only/Water Use Only) Appraisal: Land: Building: Improvements: Tot al: Date: Legal Description; Lot 23, La Costa Vale Unit No. 1, according to map thereof No. 7457, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, on October 18, 1972. Parks & Rec & Open space Lev ante Open Space Address of Property Number & Street: City and Zip Code: Assessment District: Park District: Standard Land Use Code: OS Zoning Designation: OS La Costa Avenue Carlsbad, 92008 Street Lighting District 4 MINUTES Carrillo Ranch Conunittee October 27, 1987 - 3:30 p.m. Present: Jim Popovich John Swenson Roy Blackford Staff: Lynn Fitzgerald Connie Beardsley Absent: Patra Straub Muriel Roston initial discussion centered*around the City's plans for Carrillo Ranch and the time frame for development. Connie mentioned that it is scheduled in the Capital Improvement Program for 1992-97 and thus is not a high priority with the City at this time. There is concern on the part of the City that planning at this stage will raise expectations which cannot be delivered now. The Historic Preservation Commmission is concerned that the State would see their $90,000 grant as not well spent if they fixed the roofs and stabilized the foundations now and nothing was done for over tive years. The Committee concensus is to go ahead and plan now, that it is worth the time, with the understanding that the roads will have to come first. The first step was to list the expectations from each of the Commissions for what they would like to see happen at Carrillo Ranch (in general terms). The Arts Commission would like to see Carrillo Ranch be developed for artistic and cultural uses, recognizing multi-cultural possibilities. The Histocic Commission's expectations are that development and uses of the Ranch be sensitive to history artifacts, landscaping and association with Leo Carrillo. The Parks* and Recreation Commission will discuss their expectations at a future meeting and Jim will report back to the Conunittee. He did say that they were on record as wanting to privatize as much as they can. All the uses discussed including a recommendation from Katheriite Daugherty for an arboretum were considered compatible by the Conunittee. The Committee asked Connie to call (Catherine ATTACHMENT D Daugherty and ask that she submit her proposal to the Committee in writing before the next meeting. John Swenson emphasized his concern for the landscaping and preservation of the existing plants. The Committee decided they would like to proceed, first with Commissions input and then to research what grants may be available for planning and related areas. A later step will be to get community input and to encourage fundraising events. One suggestion was to get Leo Carrillo movies and show them as a iLiiny event. Lynn mentioned thai Alan and Jane Kendall were on record as being opposed to any development in the area because it affected their home . The Committee requested that we ctsk .Dave Bradstreet for a van to go out to the site. John Swenson and Jim Popov ich will check at the UCSD Foundation Center on possible grants before the next meeting. The next meeting will be on January 19 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Beardsley I^VJ/W-Jk*^3 p^r<?v>. O^O^^-^MML^ L^A. October 13, 1987 TO: CARRILLO RANCH SUBCOMMITTEE FROM: CONNIE BEARDSLEY C^'^ SUBJECT: CARRILLO RANCH SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING The first meeting of the Carrillo Ranch subcommittee will be held October 27 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room at City Hall. Please call Ardis Doemner at 434-2920 if you will be unable to attend. Agenda I. Set goals for Committee II. Establish guidelines and procedures. Parks and Recreation Commission Jim Popovich Historic Preservation Commission Roy Blackford John Swenson Arts Commission Patra Straub Muriel Roston December 4,. 1987 TO: RAY PATCHETT, CITY MANAGER VIA: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTO FROM: KEITH BEVERLY, MANAGEMENT ANALYST^ • ZONE FIVE PARK FEE At the November 24, 1987 Council meeting, an interim fee of 40C per sq ft for industrial development within Zone 5 was unanimously approved. Staff was further directed to negotiate with the developer representatives in an effort to provide up-front construction of the recreation facilities as outlined in the Commission Committee Report on LFMP Zone 5 - park fees. Specifically those facilities included: 7,500 - 10,000 sq ft fitness center 1 swimming pool - 3 ballfields (lighted)* - 3 full size basketball courts (lighted) 6 tennis courts (lighted) 4 outdoor racquetball/handball courts (lighted) The concept for up-front development of facilities was suggested by developers as an alternative to a "fee" assessment. The alternative suggestions are outlined in the attached "Zone 5 alternative". Prior to approval, a number of concerns were addressed by Council members regarding furthered negotiations for up-front development. The following outlines the concerns that Council has directed staff to address in the negotiation process. If development is to occur on City owned (Macario) land, con§±deration must be given to keep facility separate and apajfp, from residential need and requirements as currently ou1£Utted in the Growth Management Plan. Any development should not infringe on existing residential standards. Develop recreation standards for the industrial corridor, similar to those established for residential need. Any up-front development on City owned land should not reduce the quality or scope of the proposed facility. Construction of a large gymnasium should be incorporated into design considerations of the fitness center. A club-house design should also be incorporated if negotiations for golf course construction are successful. ATTACHMENT E Dec 4, 1987 Ray Patchett Page 2 - Continue negotiations for developer contribution toward golf course construction on county lease or Macario Canyon land. Consider a .05$ per sg ft fee to aid in golf course construction. Staff must address legal issues (provide nexus) for golf course development. Analyze and evaluate Mello-Roos financing to address circulation concerns (Faraday and Cannon), maintenance and operation costs, construction of golf facilities as well as proposed recreation facilities. Consider peak use periods when designing recreation facilities. Develop an all inclusive construction agreement with no hidden fees. The approved fee shall be interim only if a fair and equitable agreement can be reached. KB: It c: Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Phil Carter, Senior Management Analyst Grace Manues, Senior Management Analyst U, ZONES ALTERNATIVE 1. ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY TO DESIGN AND BUILD THE DESIGNATED FACILITIES ON CITY OR COUNTY OWNED LAND. A. IF COUNTY LAND IS MADE A VAIL ABE, SUGGEST THAT FACILITIES MIGHT BE DIVIDED BETWEEN COUNTY LAND AND MACARIO CANYON. B. IF COUNTY LAND IS NOT AVAILABLE, BUILD.ENTIRE FACILITY IN MACARIO CANYON. 2. DEVELOPERS TO BUILD EXTENSION OF FARADAY TO ACCESS - MACARIO CANYON. CITY TO ENTER AGREEMENT TO REIMBURSE COST OF FARADAY THROUGH DESIGNATED PFF FUNDS. 3. DEVELOPERS AND CITY TO CO-OPERATE IN ESTABLISHING A MELLO-ROOS DISTRICT TO FRONT THE COST OF DEVELOPING THE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND FARADAY IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. 4 MELLO-ROOS DISTRICT TO INCLUDE OTHER ZONE 5 DESIGNATED IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO INSURE THE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ZONE. (SOURCE OF REPAYMENT OF MELLO-ROOS) 5. CI7T5TAFF AND DEVELOPERS TO CO-OPERATE IN DEVELOPING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND TIME-TABLE FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL