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1988-01-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; Minutes
MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: PARKS A RECREATION COMMISSION January 18, 1988 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Donovan called the Meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners Donovan, Morrison, Popovich and Welshons. Commissioner Lawson arrived at 5:06 p.m. Absent - Commissioners Castner and Dahlqulst. Staff Present: Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks & Recreation Keith Beverly, Management Analyst 3. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM; There were no requests to speak on a non-agenda item. 4-. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 14, 1987, were approved as amended on page 2, paragraph three, to add the word action, making the sentence read: "Commissioner Dahlquist commented that action killed the indoor soccer program." Page 3, paragraph six, change to read: "Commissioner Dahlquist initially requested an Item be placed on the January agenda for action by the Commission to vote requesting all money received from Parks & Recreation land be placed in their fund, but was informed that could be taken care of In conjunction with the next item." 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The Agenda was approved as presented. 6. APPOINT SCRIBE: Commissioner Lawson was appointed Scribe for this Meeting . 7. PRESENTATIONS: Dave Bradstreet read a letter from Dooley McCluskey's presenting a check for $1,000 representing the proceeds for the Parks & Recreation Department from the 1987 Golf Tournament. Mr. Bradstreet will write a thank-you letter. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Scribe Report Chairperson Donovan referred to the memorandum from Mayor Lewis. Donovan Lawson Morrison Popovich Welshons MINUTES Page 2 January 18, 1988 COMMISSIONERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS; (Continued) B. Indoor Soccer Agreement Dave Bradstreet reported the indoor soccer lease agreement had been ready for Council in December, when the School District informed the City they wanted to take back the four tennis courts for additional parking. Mr. Bradstreet discussed this with 3im Courtney, and the recommendation Is to put the soccer program into a hold pattern. *hen and if another indoor soccer site is found, this item could be re- considered. Mr. Courtney had not as yet complied with the stipulation he was to present proof of the non-profit status prior to December 15, 1987, or the lease agreement would become null and void. Mr. Bradstreet stated the two courts that had been used by indoor soccer need to be repaired in order to be used temporarily by the tennis players. The repairs will be minimal and no striping will be done. The Alta Mira park site will be considered as a possible indoor soccer site. Also, there will be consideration given to a chipping area for the public living near there who want to have a golf facility. Chairperson Donovan stated the soccer lease agreement would have been declared null and void due to the lack of proof of a non-profit status as of December 15, 1987. She also asked Mr. Bradstreet to make certain the public is made aware the two extra courts will be available. C. Selection of Sites for 1988 Commission Meetings Commissioner Morrison stated she felt it was better to hold the Commission meetings in the same place for the benefit of the public. Commissioner Lawson said he had kept records of how many people showed up at meetings, and the greatest attendance was here at the Council Chambers. The citizens expect the City government to be here at City Hall, and unless there Is a heavily-weighted item that would justify being in a certain area, he felt the meetings should be here. Commissioner *elshons stated she thought the meetings could be moved to another location, as needed, when an agenda item involved that area. Chairperson Donovan felt with the advance notice of meetings, the citizens were not confused about the meeting place. She felt moving the meetings "as needed" might prove to be more confusing. MINUTES Page 3 January 18, 1988 COMMISSIONERS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Popovich suggested this item be continued until there is a full Commission. A motion was made to hold the next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission at City Council Chambers, and if a full Commission is present, take a vote on whether Commission meetings should all be held here or at different locations throughout the City. The motion was seconded by Chairperson Donovan. The motion failed due to the lack of a majority. A motion was made to hold all Commission meetings at City Council Chambers, unless a special occasion produced a strong need to change the site. A straw vote was taken of the Members, with a 3/2 anticipated vote. The motion was withdrawn. Parks & Recreation Commission continued the selection of sites for 1988 Commission meetings to the February meeting. D. Time Lock Gates at Laguna Riviera Park Doug Duncanson reported the bids had been sent out for the time lock gates installation and have not been returned at this time. The gates should be installed sometime in February. E. Carrillo Ranch - Arboretum Proposal Dave Bradstreet reported the Arts Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission felt the arboretum proposal was a good idea, but had not asked the Parks 4 Recreation Department what was going on at Carrillo Ranch. The Department and the Parks & Recreation Commission are interested in Carrillo Ranch, but its development is "down the road" and Mr. Bradstreet felt there was no need to get into a planning process, when that might change. This site is funded for 1992 - 1997 CIP, which is the next five-year plan and is not within the present CIP. Mr. Bradstreet stated this information should be studied at the Committee level, particularly since the Parks Element is being reviewed. Mr. Bradstreet continued, stating Mrs. Daugherty's husband had proposed the elimination of Carrillo Way, and that is the only access to Alga Norte Park. Mrs. Daugherty stated her husband's proposal had no tie to her proposal for an arboretum/bird sanctuary. Mr. Bradstreet stated this item had not officially come before this Commission, and he wondered why, and so did Connie Beardsley of the Arts Program. If this proposal were to be set up in priority, that would mean other projects may have to be put off. Donovan Lawson Morrison Popovich Welshons Donovan Lawson Morrison Popovich Welshons MINUTES Page 4 January 18, 1988 COMMISSIONERS 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Bradstreet stated there is no access to Carrillo Ranch other than a private road. The Risk Manager will not allow groups to go in to the Ranch unless they are with a staff member. Mr. Bradstreet felt when the CIP for 1992-97 is ready for study, this item would be considered. The zone plan for Carrillo Estates Is not completed, and it may be two years before there would be any access to the Ranch. Commissioner Popovich stated he had met with the Committee working on this plan and they had outlined everything Dave Bradstreet had mentioned. The Committee has done a tremendous amount of work on this project, and Mrs. Daugherty had talked with the owner of the adjacent 90 acres, who was in favor of this plan. The group was talking about setting up a tax-free foundation with grants from outside people and grants from the State to develop this project, including Carrillo Ranch, with no cost to the City. Mr. Popovich added he thought It was a fantastic Idea. Commissioner Morrison inquired who set up this Committee, and Commissioner Popovich stated they had appointed themselves. Dave Bradstreet stated If the owner of the 90 acres wants a bird sanctuary, that could be done without the City's participation, but the City is concerned with the 10 acres in Carrillo Ranch. He said the Planning Department feels this is a land and planning use issue, and should be handled through the master plan process. Commissioner Lawson stated this Commission should do nothing until they have a status report from staff to put the matter into the proper perspective. He felt this was premature. Commission discussion determined the feelings were this should come through the proper channels and Council should be told about the work of the committee without any sanction from the City. It was felt this would be very precedent-setting. There are many ideas for developing the Carrillo Ranch area, and the Commissioners felt this should be studied at the time the 1992-97 CIP is considered and should not be done In this manner. This should not be construed to mean this Commission does not approve of the idea, but Just that it should be put in the proper perspective and be channeled correctly. Dave Bradstreet indicated he would write a report to the Arts Commission explaining this Commission's position, the priorities, and where this project is in the City's plan. MINUTES Page 6 January 18, 1988 COMMISSIONERS D. Calavera Hills Park Art Sculpture Chairperson Donovan referred to Lynn Fitzgerald's memo in the packet, regarding the Calavera Hills Park art sculpture. Dave Bradstreet stated the trees and cistern at Calavera Hills Park were a historic concern of the Historic Preservation Commission. It was agreed at the time those were eliminated that a plaque would be placed in the gymnasium commemorating these items. Chairperson Donovan stated any sculpture placed in Calavera Hills Park should be an appropriate play sculpture and the Commission unanimously concurred with that statement. Parks & Recreation Commission request participation in the selection of the artist for Calavera Hills Park art sculpture by having a member of this Commission on that Selection Committee. The Commission would recommend the end result be a piece appropriate to the history of Calavera Hills and be a play sculpture as well as an appropriate piece of art. ANNOUNCEMENT; January 30, 1988, 10:00 a.m., is the opening date for Calavera Hills Park. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Right-of-way to all waterways Election of Officers Update on Sannis/Alta Mira Lot off of Levante The Date of the February Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting was changed to Monday, February 22, 1988, at 5:00 p.m. The place of the meeting will be determined later. SCRIBE REPORT; Commissioner Lawson gave the Scribe Report. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of January 18, 1988, was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Donovan Lawson Morrison Popovich Welshons January 21, 1988 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO-TEM KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER MAMAUX COUNCIL MEMBER PETTINE COUNCIL MEMBER LARSON FROM: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUMMARY REPORT OF ACTION ITEMS ON JANUARY MEETING 1. SELECTION OF SITES FOR 1988 COMMISSION MEETINGS In order to have a full compliment of Commission members vote on this issue, a motion to defer this item until the February meeting passed 5-0. 2. PARKS AND RECREATION PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 88-89 BUDGET A motion to accept and endorse the Parks and Recreation Departments Fiscal Year 88-89 proposed budget was approved 5-0. 3. PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT REVISION Commissioners Lawson, Popovich and Welshons were assigned to assist in the revision of the Parks and Recreation Element to the General Plan. The members represent the Commissions committee to "Update City-wide Development Plan". Commissioner Morrison will be the alternative and will be appraised regularly. 4. CALAVERA HILLS PARK ART SCULPTURE A motion to request the Artist and Sculpture Selection Committee consist of at least one Parks and Recreation Commissioner and to be included at meetings relevant to this issue passed 5-0. The motion further stated that the sculpture be historically significant and that it be similar in nature to that of a play sculpture. Respectfully submitted, ANTHONY (TONY) LAWSON Parks and Recreation Commissioner TL : KB : pa c: Ray Patchett, City Manager Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Department Heads ATTACHMENT "A" r~7 February 3, 1988 TO: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Mayor Bud Lewis Thank you for the summary of the January 21st meeting of the Commission. These summaries are a real help in keeping informed of Commission actions. Keep up the good work. CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS Mayor FEBRUARY 10, 1988 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT "fjL> STATUS REPORT TO COMMISSION ON LAGOON PUBLIC ACCESSES This memo will update the Commission on the actions to date and status of each of the three public access sites. Pictures are available, should the Commission wish to see each site. HOOVER STREET PUBLIC ACCESS: STATUS - OPEN The development and improvements at Hoover Street are still in progress; the City will prepare a "punch list" in the next two weeks of work to be done. The access is open but not posted until the City accepts the improvements. The public access signs will be installed by April 1, 1988. Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer, in the City Traffic Engineering Division states that Hoover Street is only 28 feet wide, therefore parking will be allowed only on the north side adjacent to the sidewalk. He recommends we try unrestricted parking first, and determine the use patterns before requesting the street be limited to 2 hour parking. Staff agreed with his recommendation. COVE DRIVE PUBLIC ACCESS: STATUS - CLOSED The Risk Manager was given a copy of the original documents that required the public access. He reviewed the documents and verbally expressed the opinion that the access should be on the canal side, not through the driveway side of the building. Further input is expected from the Risk Manager. The City Engineer was asked to review the Cove Drive Public Access and give recommendations on improving the site which was judged as a "Moderate Hazard" for access across the rocks into the water. It is his recommendation that the site remain as a public access for viewing, not for direct access to the water. Staff agrees with this recommendation and will pursue implementing those recommendations. (ATTACHMENT "A") PARK DRIVE PUBLIC ACCESS: STATUS - UNIMPROVED/IN USE The access has been rough-graded and drain pipe installed, by the Panonia contractor, who has a Coastal Commission permit to make these improvements which are still in progress. The public continues to gain access to the lagoon across the adjacent unfenced private property. The Planning Department has requested from the Coastal Commission a 90 day extension of the City's application for improvements to Park Drive site. (ATTACHMENT "B") c: Bob German, Risk Manager Carl Pope, Aquatic Supervisor ATTACHMENT "B1 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009-4859 PLANNING DEPARTMENT W*wMjrm (619)438-1161 City of Cartelmb January 15, 1988 RECEIVED /'M 1 9 "1323 Adam Birnbaum California Coastal Commission 1333 Camino del Rio South, Suite 125 San Diego, California 92108-3520 RE: APPLICATION 6-87-494 Dear Adam: Per the requirements of Agenda Bill No. 884, the City of Carlsbad would like to request a 90 day extension on the processing time for the above mentioned project. Due to staff's present workload we have not had an opportunity to prepare a detailed map and mitigation plan for the wetland area adjacent to the proposed access point. Hopefully, within the next month, this material will be submitted to your office so that the processing of this application can be completed. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact me. MIKE HOWES Senior Planner MH:dm cc: Charlie Grimm Lynn Chase ATTACHMENT B Qty January 28. 1MI RECEIVED JAK Z 9'^ TO: PARKS 6 RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: CITY ENGINEER COVE DRIVE PUBLIC ACCESS-AGUA HEDIONA LAGOON I apologize for the lengthy delay in responding to your September 15, 1987 memo on the subject Access. Engineering has now completed its investigation, and have concluded that the access to Cove Drive is a Coastal Commission requirement that must be maintained. The close proximity of the Lagoon to the surrounding homes necessitates maintenance of the rock slope protection. This protection makes direct access to Lagoon waters difficult and hazardous for swimming or boating activities. Other suitable launching areas should be pursued and the access be restructured to encourage pedestrian access only. This could best be accomplished through the installation of hand railings and signing to prohibit direct access to waters. If you have any further questions, please let me know. HUBBS City Engineer LBH/pmj cc: Community Development Director Assistant City Engineer ATTACHMENT A February 5, 1988 TO: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Director, Utilities & Maintenance SALE OF LEVANTE OPEN SPACE The Parks and Recreation Commission has asked staff to pursue selling a portion of the property known as "Levante Open Space". We obtained fee title to this open space lot by grant deed recorded on August 6, 1974. Fee title to the property was granted subject to the condition that the property be used for "open space, park and recreation purposes and none other". You and I have discussed the sale of a portion of this property and identified a few items which need to be resolved: 1. To abandon or declare surplus a portion of this property must the council, a. hold a noticed public hearing under park abandonment special provisions or; b. simply declare the property surplus at a regular meeting without special notice? 2. Must the condition that the property be used for open space parks and recreational purposes be removed before all or a portion of this property ~an be sold? 3. If the condition must be removed through a quit claim de-id expected by the original grantor or successors in interest to the grantor, please advise me as to the appropriate language to be used on the quit claim deed. Property Background The property in question, Lot 22, La Costs Vale Unit =1, Tract Map =7457, was granted to the city by the La Costa Land. Company en June 18, 1974. Grant deed was recorded or. October 6, 1?"74 . The City was apparently granted an open space easement over this cartel when the final subdivision map was recorded on October 18, 1972. The conditions of approval for the subdivision required the dedication of an ^pen space easement but lid n-:-t require dedication of fee title to the property. As ynu can see 'from the above information, fee ti~l~ was obtained almost two years aftrr the final subdivision was recorded. ATTACHMENT "C" RECEIVED r"- ""^, Assistant City Attorney February 5, 1988 Page 2 I am continuing to research available records to determine how fee title was obtained. As scon as I have further information, I will advise you. in the^ interim, your attention *c this request is appreciated. RALPH W. ANDERSON RWA: jlc Assistant City Manager Parks & Recreation Director FEBRUARY 11, 1988 TO: RALPH ANDERSON, UTILITIES MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT LEASE AGREEMENTS FOR USE OF CITY PROPERTY The baseball/softball season is here and soccer season begins soon. The local youth groups have requested use and received verbal approval for conducting their sports programs on City property. As directed, I have prepared Lease Agreements for each group. A draft copy is enclosed for each of the following: AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE BOBBY SOX BOYS & GIRLS CLUB LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB We need to have an exhibit for each of the following city-owned properties, as discussed. Can you provide these exhibits? CHASE FIELDS & SNACKBAR FUERTE PARK - BALLFIELD STAGECOACH PARK - BALLFIELDS SAFETY CENTER - BALLFIELD CALAVERA HILLS PARK - BALLFIELDS fie SNACK BAR A copy of the organization's application for use of the facilities is included with each lease. When the approved, signed applications are available, you'll receive an approved copy for their application. Most groups have approval to take sign-ups and conduct one or two day tryouts at the various fields, prior to the leagues start up dates. Each of the organizations know we are preparing the Lease Agreement for the 1988 season and have no questions on the drafts. ENCLOSURES (6) c: David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor ATTACHMENT "D" LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CHASE FIELD BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE THIS LEASE made and entered into this day of , 1988 by and between the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the local non-profit organization, CARLSBAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Lessee desires the use of said City Premises to operate a youth baseball program, WHEREAS, Lessee was formed for the specific task of providing a youth baseball program; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. ADMINISTRATION. This agreement shall be administered on behalf of the City by the Parks and Recreation Director, or his designated representative. The Lessee shall apply for use of City facilities in accordance with the established "Facility Use Regulations" and approval for use shall be negotiated with users when more than one application is filed for the same or overlapping seasonal use of City facilities. LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League 2. USE. The City shall make available to Lessee on a non-exclusive use basis, unless otherwise noted in this lease agreement, the Chase Field snack bar, storage area and two (2) ballfields, known as Chase Field #2 and Chase Field #3, identi- fied on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of conducting the American Little League baseball program. Lessee's program start-up date shall be March 1, 1988 and ending date shall be July 31, 1988; Lessee shall notify the City if the league season use is scheduled to end sooner. Lessee shall not use or permit the use of the Premises other than described above. Noncompliance by Lessee with this provision is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. Where Lessee is or should be reasonable in doubt as to the propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach or default if it abides by, the written determination of the City that such use is or is not permitted. 3. TERM. The term of this Lease is five months, commencing on March 1, 1988, and terminating July 31, 1988 unless cancelled in writing by either party with thirty (30) days advance notification. The hours of use are as specified on the approved application form, attached as Exhibit "B". 4. PERMANENT ALTERATIONS. The Lessee shall not make any permanent alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League 5. TEMPORARY ALTERATIONS. The City agrees that Lessee may make the following temporary alterations to the site with the agreement that Lessee will return the site to the same or better conditions as when the seasonal use started: a. install and remove pitcher's mound b. install sponsorship advertisement signs 6. SERVICES/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CITY. The City shall be responsible for performing the annual field, turf, irrigation, and lighting maintenance; the Parks and Recreation Department will drag the fields daily, Monday through Friday; if Lessee requests additional services, such service will be performed by the City at the fees specified in the City's "Facilities Use Regulations". Note: the City's ballfield drag will be made available for weekend/holiday use by Lessee to perform light field preparation without a vehicle. The City agrees to provide and pay for all trash disposal, water, electricity, gas utilities (excluding telephone). 7. SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSEE. Lessee agrees to perform light dragging of ballfields on weekends/holidays, without vehicular traffic on the fields. Lessee shall provide all equipment, supplies and services needed to conduct the program and operate the snack bar not specifically provided by the City, including but not limited to the following: a. telephone or pay phone for emergency service calls b. lining the field, filling holes and other tasks needed in preparation for games and practices c. clean-up of entire site during the seasonal use. 3 LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League 8. SNACK BAR. The Lessee shall have shared use of the Snack Bar and assigned exclusive use storage area, during the approved use period, subject to the City receiving verbal and/or written agreement to the following fact: revenue sharing agreement has been reached between the American Little League and any other organizations approved for simultaneous seasonal use of the facility. 9. ASSIGNABILITY AND SUB-LEASE. Lessee shall not assign its rights or duties nor sub-lease the facility under this agreement or any interest in the same. 10. SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the Premises and of all improvements, alterations, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon and to give prompt notice to the City of any damage to same. In addition, Lessee agrees to make all repairs in and about the Premises that may be necessary to preserve them in good order and condition. Said repairs, if any, shall be made in a good and professional manner, and at least equal to the original condition of the repaired items in respect to quality. Lessee shall promptly pay the expenses of such repairs, and the City shall not be required to make any improvements, repairs, or alterations of any nature whatsoever. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply and secure compliance with all ordinances, statutes, laws, regulations and requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in effect, or which may hereafter become effective pertaining to the Premises, or the LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League operations conducted thereon, and shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises by reason of any buildings, structures, machines, appliance or other improvements of any nature whatsoever, erected, installed, or maintained by Lessee or by reason of the business or other activities of Lessee upon or in connection with the Premises. The final judgement of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission of Lessee in any action or proceeding against them whether the City be a party thereto or not, that Lessee has violated any such ordinance, law, statute, regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be conclusive of that fact as between City and Lessee. 11. COSTS. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, Lessee shall be responsible for all costs relating to conducting the youth baseball program including, but not limited to program costs, liability insurance, security, and facility maintenance. 12. REVENUE. Lessee shall have the right to charge and collect fees, dues and other revenue from the operation of the baseball program and snack bar. Such revenue shall belong to Lessee and shall be used to operate the program, to maintain the Premises and to defray the cost of equipment repair and replacement and to provide for a prudent operating and capital reserve. (17 LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League The levy of an admission charge to attend events sponsored by the Lessee is subject to approval of the City. Upon written request of the City and with appropriate notice, Lessee agrees to make available to the City financial statements of the organization. 13. EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. For the purposes of this agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for Lessee shall be deemed to be an employee or volunteer in the services of Lessee and not the City of Carlsbad. The City shall not be responsible for compensation or indemnity to any Lessee employee for injury or sickness or wages arising out of his/her service with Lessee. 14. DILIGENT OPERATION. The business shall be operated in a diligent and creditable manner. Lessee shall not sell, direct the sale of, consume or permit consumption in the assigned area or elsewhere on said Premises, of alcoholic beverage as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Lessee shall commit no nuisance or direct or permit the commission of a nuisance upon said Premises by any person under its control, and Lessee shall promptly correct any unsatisfactory condition of which Lessee is notified by the City. 15. HOLD AND SAVE HARMLESS. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be, nor be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for any damages to the goods, properties or effects of Lessee or any of Lessee's representatives, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees, 6 LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League patrons or clientele, or of any other persons whatsoever, or for personal injuries to, or deaths of them, or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of Lessee in or about the facility, or by or from any act of omission of any person or by or from any defect in any part of the premises or from any other cause or reason whatsoever. Lessee further agrees to hold and save free and harmless, the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, and to pay any and all costs and expenses, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City on account of any such liability. To effectuate this clause, and as an additional requirement and not to relieve Lessee of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before the effective date of this agreement, Lessee shall deliver to the City a certificate of bodily injury and property damage including theft or vandalism, liability insurance issued by a company licensed to transact such business in the State of California, reciting that Lessee has the liability insurance as required in Paragraph 16 below, and that the policy has endorsed or otherwise covers the contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 16. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to take out and maintain at its own expense public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City, naming the City as additionally LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League insured, to protect against the liabilities mentioned in Paragraph 15, and for damages on account of bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly by or from any act or activities of Lessee or any person acting for Lessee, under Lessee's control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability for damages to or theft or vandalism of any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of any person acting for Lessee or under Lessee's control or direction. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the entire term of this agreement in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), combined single limit, for each occurrence. ) One copy each of said certificate of insurance shall be sent to the offices of the Parks and Recreation Director and Risk Manager. Lessee agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancellation, termination or suspension of any or all of the insurance policies heretofore mentioned, without written notice to Lessee, unless before such effective date lessee has acquired other insurance, which, in the determination of the City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. LEASE AGREEMENT American Little League 17. NOTICE. Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given in this agreement may be personally served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, mailed notices may be addressed to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 LESSEE: Jerry Tilson 2743 Via Tulipan Carlsbad, CA 92008 18. ENTIRETY. The entirety of the agreement between the parties is set forth herein. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. CARLSBAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE CITY OF CARLSBAD BY: BY: JERRY TILSON, President CLAUDE LEWIS, Mayor Date: Date: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO Jr., City Attorney 2/11/38 Draft CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1166 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-5574 FOR OFFICE USE Date Received Received By Applicant has use/info rules yes no ORGAN I ZATI ON PERSON RESPONSIBLE ADDRESS_£ CITY C PARK AND BALLFIELD FACILITY USE APPLICATION BALLFIELD NEEDED: PARK NEEDED: PHONE (w) NATURE OF USE SPECIAL NEEDS PRACTICE AREA NUMBER USERS: # YOUTH: i-f-QQ # ADULT:_ CARLSBAD RESIDENTS % Id 0 DAYS, DATES, HOURS REQUESTED: DATE(S): FROM 3 / / / <T<f TO *7 / -? // f.& Cl RCLE DAY(S): SU (£ ARRIVAL TIME EVENT BEGINS EVENT ENDS DEPARTURE TIME TOTAL HOURS -F OPEN TO PUBLIC ADMISSION CHARGED CONTRIBUTION ASKED PERFORMERS PAID SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? YES (sold-H-not sold YES SCHOOL SPONSORED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY SOUND AMPLIFICATION BAND ANNOUNCEMENTS RECORDS _ ) NO NO The signer, for himself and/or his/her children, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against the City of Carlsbad, mem- bers of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arising out of the use of City property or activities pursuant to the reason of this waiver by reasons of negli- gence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and above said persons from any claims, liability, or loss occasioned to the City or above said persons as the result of injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of the use of said property or activity pursuant to the reasons for this waiver by reason of negli- gence or otherwise. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ADDRESS 3,~)y$ UlA TM L&AA^ /LX^<VN PRINT NAME CITY (W) GROUP PRIORITY #' FACILITY CHARGES; USE FEE $_ EXTRA SUPERVISION EXTRA EQUIPMENT CLEANING DEPOSIT (refundable) LIGHTS (R) (N/R) OTHER FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT ++ALCOHOLIC LICENSE REQUIRE. ABC LICENSE # POLICE DEPT: DATE APPROVED BY DENIED TOTAL PARKS & REC. : DATE APPROVED BY DENIED COMMENTS: RECEIPT # WHITE • Recreation YELLOW • Applicant PINK - Parks GOLD • Police LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CHASE FIELD & SAFETY CENTER FIELD BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE THIS LEASE made and entered into this day of , 1988 by and between the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the local non-profit organization, CARLSBAD NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A" and "Al", and WHEREAS, Lessee desires the use of said City Premises to operate a youth baseball program, WHEREAS, Lessee was formed for the specific task of providing a youth baseball program; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. ADMINISTRATIQN. This agreement shall be administered on behalf of the City by the Parks and Recreation Director, or his designated representative. The Lessee shall apply for use of City facilities in accordance with the established "Facility Use Regulations" and approval for use shall be negotiated with users when more than one application is filed for the same or overlapping seasonal use of City facilities. LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League 2. USE. The City shall make available to Lessee on a non-exclusive use basis, unless otherwise noted in this lease agreement, the Chase Field snack bar, storage area and two (2) ballfields, known as Chase Field #1 and Chase Field #2, and the Safety Center Field, identified on Exhibit "A" and "Al", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of conducting the National Little League baseball program. Lessee shall not use or permit the use of the Premises other than described above. Noncompliance by Lessee with this provision is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. Where Lessee is or should be reasonable in doubt as to the propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach or default if it abides by, the written 1 determination of the City that such use is or is not permitted. 3. TERM. The term of this Lease is five months, commencing on March 1, 1988, and terminating July 31, 1988 unless cancelled in writing by either party with thirty (30) days advance notification or if Lessee notifies the City the league season use is scheduled to end sooner. The hours of use are as specified, which includes certain dates in February for tryouts, on the approved application form attached as Exhibit "B". 4. PERMANENT ALTERATIONS. The Lessee shall not make any permanent alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League 5. TEMPORARY ALTERATIONS. The City agrees that Lessee may make the following temporary alterations to the site with the agreement that Lessee will return the site to the same or better conditions as when the seasonal use started: a. install and remove pitcher's mound b. install and remove sponsorship advertisement signs 6. SERVICES/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CITY. The City shall be responsible for performing the annual field, turf, irrigation, and lighting maintenance; the Parks and Recreation Department will drag the fields daily, Monday through Friday; if Lessee requests additional services, such service will be performed by the City at the fees specified in the City's "Facilities Use Regulations". Note: the City's ballfield drag will be made available for weekend/holiday use by Lessee to perform light field preparation without a vehicle. The City agrees to provide and pay for all trash disposal, water, electricity, gas utilities (excluding telephone). 7. SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSEE. Lessee agrees to perform light dragging of ballfields on weekends/holidays, without vehicular traffic on the fields. Lessee shall provide all equipment, supplies and services needed to conduct the program and operate the snack bar not specifically provided by the City, including but not limited to the following: a. telephone or pay phone for emergency service calls b. lining the field, filling holes and other tasks needed in preparation for games and practices c. clean-up of entire site during the seasonal use. LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League 8. SNACK BAR. The Lessee shall have shared use of the Snack Bar and assigned exclusive use storage area, during the approved use period, subject to the City receiving verbal and/or written agreement to the following fact: revenue sharing agreement has been reached between the National Little League and any other organizations approved for simultaneous seasonal use of the facility. 9. ASSIGNABILITY AND SUB-LEASE. Lessee shall not assign its rights or duties nor sub-lease the facility under this agreement or any interest in the same. 10. SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the Premises and of all improvements, alterations, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon and to give prompt notice to the City of any damage to same. In addition, Lessee agrees to make all repairs in and about the Premises that may be necessary to preserve them in good order and condition. Said repairs, if any, shall be made in a good and professional manner, and at least equal to the original condition of the repaired items in respect to quality. Lessee shall promptly pay the expenses of such repairs, and the City shall not be required to make any Improvements, repairs, or alterations of any nature whatsoever. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply and secure compliance with all ordinances, statutes, laws, regulations and requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in effect, or which may hereafter become effective pertaining to the Premises, or the LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League operations conducted thereon, and shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises by reason of any buildings, structures, machines, appliance or other improvements of any nature whatsoever, erected, installed, or maintained by Lessee or by reason of the business or other activities of Lessee upon or in connection with the Premises. The final judgement of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission of Lessee in any action or proceeding against them whether the City be a party thereto or not, that Lessee has violated any such ordinance, law, statute, regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be conclusive of that fact as between City and Lessee. 11. COSTS. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, Lessee shall be responsible for all costs relating to conducting the youth baseball program including, but not limited to program costs, liability insurance, security, and facility maintenance. 12. REVENUE. Lessee shall have the right to charge and collect fees, dues and other revenue from the operation of the baseball program and snack bar. Such revenue shall belong to Lessee and shall be used to operate the program, to maintain the Premises and to defray the cost of equipment repair and replacement and to provide for a prudent operating and capital reserve. LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League The levy of an admission charge to attend events sponsored by the Lessee is subject to approval of the City. Upon written request of the City and with appropriate notice, Lessee agrees to make available to the City financial statements of the organization. 13. EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. For the purposes of this agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for Lessee shall be deemed to be an employee or volunteer in the services of Lessee and not the City of Carlsbad. The City shall not be responsible for compensation or indemnity to any Lessee employee for injury or sickness or wages arising out of his/her service with Lessee. 14. DILIGENT OPERATION. The business shall be operated in a diligent and creditable manner. Lessee shall not sell, direct the sale of, consume or permit consumption in the assigned area or elsewhere on said Premises, of alcoholic beverage as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage control Act. Lessee shall commit no nuisance or direct or permit the commission of a nuisance upon said Premises by any person under its control, and Lessee shall promptly correct any unsatisfactory condition of which Lessee is notified by the City. 15. HOLD AND SAVE HARMLESS. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be, nor be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for any damages to the goods, properties or effects of Lessee or any of Lessee's representatives, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees, 6 LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League patrons or clientele, or of any other persons whatsoever, or for personal injuries to, or deaths of them, or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of Lessee in or about the facility, or by or from any act of omission of any person or by or from any defect in any part of the premises or from any other cause or reason whatsoever. Lessee further agrees to hold and save free and harmless, the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, and to pay any and all costs and expenses, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City on account of any such liability. To effectuate this clause, and as an additional requirement and not to relieve Lessee of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before the effective date of this agreement, Lessee shall deliver to the City a certificate of bodily injury and property damage including theft or vandalism, liability insurance issued by a company licensed to transact such business in the State of California, reciting that Lessee has the liability insurance as required in Paragraph 16 below, and that the policy has endorsed or otherwise covers the contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 16. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to take out and maintain at its own expense public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City, naming the City as additionally fro LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League insured, to protect against the liabilities mentioned in Paragraph 15, and for damages on account of bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly by or from any act or activities of Lessee or any person acting for Lessee, under Lessee's control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability for damages to or theft or vandalism of any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of any person acting for Lessee or under Lessee's control or direction. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the entire term of this agreement in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), combined single limit, for each occurrence. ) One copy each of said certificate of insurance shall be sent to the offices of the Parks and Recreation Director and Risk Manager. Lessee agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancellation, termination or suspension of any or all of the insurance policies heretofore mentioned, without written notice to Lessee, unless before such effective date lessee has acquired other insurance, which, in the determination of the City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. 8 LEASE AGREEMENT National Little League 17. NOTICE. Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given in this agreement may be personally served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, mailed notices may be addressed to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 LESSEE: National Little League Carolyn Robinson, President 4864 Park Driven Carlsbad, CA 92008 18. ENTIRETY. The entirety of the agreement between the parties is set forth herein. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. CARLSBAD NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE CITY OF CARLSBAD BY: BY: CAROLYN ROBINSON, President CLAUDE LEWIS, Mayor Date: Date: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO Jr., City Attorney 2/10/88 Draft LC:me CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1166 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-5574 FOR OFFICE USE Date Received Received By Applicant has us rules yes ;nfb PARK AND BALLFLELD FACILITY USE APPLICATION ORGAN I ZAT I OnL/k U4H<» L.Q<uavie, BALLFIELD NEEDED? PERSON RESPONSIBJttt^A v/AoVt U^ ft^Ul VI So H PARK NEEDED:\if7i.i f) . ar^ — —— —ADDRESS TOfe^r- rgL>»\.C" \3rvV-€^ NUMBER USERS: AREA PHONE NATURE OF USE SPECIAL NEEDS (W) # YOUTH; /¥Q # ADULT : CARLSBAD RESIDENTS % C 3V-. - VOU DAYS. DATES, HOURS REQUESTED; DATE(S): FROM ^3 / / / ffj? TO /A / t /^ CIRCLE DAY(S): SU ARRIVAL TIME EVENT BEGINS EVENT ENDS DEPARTURE TIME TOTAL HOURS ^YES NO OPEN TO PUBLIC ADMISSION CHARGED CONTRIBUTION ASKED PERFORMERS PAID s-7 SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? YES (sold++not sold YES SCHOOL SPONSORED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY SOUND AMPLIFICATION BAND ANNOUNCEMENTS RECORDS ) NO ^ NO The signer, for himself and/or his/her children, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against the City of Carlsbad, mem- bers of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arisinp out of the use of City property or activities pursuant to the reason of this waiver by reasons of negli- gence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and above said persons from any claims, liability, or loss occasioned to the City or above said persons as the result of injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of the use of said property or /activity pursuant to ttm reasons for this waiver by reason of negli- gence or otherwise. / * ^^L^ * fl I J ^a»^V-//L^^^^Ag>C^ PRINT NAMEL-<4>r»/^ y» L..APPLICANT'S S I GNATOfe ADDRESS GROUP PRIORITY I _ FACILITY CHARGES; USE FEE EXTRA SUPERVISION EXTRA EQUIPMENT CLEANING DEPOSIT (refundable) LIGHTS (R) (N/R) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT ++ALCOHOLIC LICENSE REQUIRE., ABC LICENSE I POLICE DEPT: DATE APPROVED BY DENIED OTHER PARKS & REC.: DATE APPROVED BY DENIED COMMENTS: TOTAL RECEIPT WHITE • ItaerMtlen YELLOW-AppMeMl PWK-PwM GOLD • Poltc* LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CALAVERA HILLS FIELDS AND SNACK BAR BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX THIS LEASE made and entered into this day of , 1983 by and between the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the local non-profit organization, CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Lessee desires the use of said City Premises to operate a youth softball program, WHEREAS, Lessee was formed for the specific task of providing a youth softball program; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. ADMINISTRATION. This agreement shall be administered on behalf of the City by the Parks and Recreation Director, or his designated representative. The Lessee shall apply for use of City facilities in accordance with the established "Facility Use Regulations" and approval for use shall be negotiated with users when more than one application is filed for the same or overlapping seasonal use of City facilities. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX 2. USE. The City shall make available to Lessee on a non-exclusive use basis, the Calavera Hills Park Snack Bar, storage area and two (2) ballfields known as Calavera Field #1 and Calavera Field #2, identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of conducting the Carlsbad Bobby Sox Softball program. Lessee shall not use or permit the use of the Premises other than described above. Noncompliance by Lessee with this provision is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. Where Lessee is or should be reasonable in doubt as to the propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach or default if it abides by, the written determination of the City that such use is or is not permitted. 3. TERM. The term of this Lease is five months, commencing on March 14, 1988, through July 31, 1988 unless cancelled in writing by either party with thirty (30) days advance notification. The hours of use are as specified on the approved application form, attached as Exhibit "B". 4. PERMANENT ALTERATIONS. The Lessee shall not make any permanent alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. 5. TEMPORARY ALTERATIONS. The City agrees that Lessee may make the following temporary alterations to the site with the agreement that Lessee will return the site to the same or better conditions as when the seasonal use started: install and remove sponsorship advertisement signs. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX 6. SERVICES/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CITY. The City shall be responsible for performing the annual field, turf, irrigation, and lighting maintenance. The City's Parks and Recreation Department will drag the fields daily on Monday through Friday; Note: the City's ballfield drag will be made available for weekend/holiday use by Lessee to perform light field preparation without a vehicle. The City agrees to provide and pay for all trash disposal, water, electricity, gas utilities (excluding telephone). 7. SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSEE. Lessee agrees to perform light dragging of ballfields on weekends/holidays, without vehicular traffic on the fields. Lessee shall provide all equipment, supplies and services needed to conduct the program and operate the snack bar not specifically provided by the City, including but not limited to the following: a. telephone or pay phone for emergency service calls b. lining the field, filling holes and clean-up during the seasonal use c. clean-up entire site during the seasonal use 8. SNACK BAR. The Lessee shall have exclusive use of the Snack Bar and assigned storage area, during the approved use period. 9. ASSIGNABILITY AND SUB-LEASE. Lessee shall not assign its rights or duties nor sub-lease the facility under this agreement or any interest in the same. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX 10. SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the Premises and of all improvements, alterations, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon and to give prompt notice to the City of any damage to same. In addition, Lessee agrees to make all repairs in and about the Premises that may be necessary to preserve them in good order and condition. Said repairs, if any, shall be made in a good and professional manner, and at least equal to the original condition of the repaired items in respect to quality. Lessee shall promptly pay the expenses of such repairs, and the City shall not be required to make any improvements, repairs, or alterations of any nature whatsoever. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply and secure compliance with all ordinances, statutes, laws, regulations and requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in effect, or which may hereafter become effective pertaining to the Premises, or the operations conducted thereon, and shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises by reason of any buildings, structures, machines, appliance or other improvements of any nature whatsoever, erected, installed, or maintained by Lessee or by reason of the business or other activities of Lessee upon or in connection with the Premises. The final judgement of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission of Lessee in any action or proceeding against them whether the City be a party thereto or not, that Lessee has violated any such ordinance, law, statute, regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be 4 LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be conclusive of that fact as between City and Lessee. 11. COSTS. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, Lessee shall be responsible for all costs relating to conducting the youth softball program including, but not limited to program costs, liability insurance, security, and facility maintenance. 12. REVENUE. Lessee shall have the right to charge and collect fees, dues and other revenue from the operation of the softball program and snack bar. Such revenue shall belong to Lessee and shall be used to operate the program, to maintain the Premises and to defray the cost of equipment repair and replacement and to provide fcr a prudent operating and capital reserve. The levy of an admission charge to attend events sponsored by the Lessee is subject to approval of the City. Upon written request of the City and with appropriate notice, Lessee agrees to make available to the City financial statements of the organization. 13. EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. For the purposes of this agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for Lessee shall be deemed to be an employee or volunteer in the services of Lessee and not the City of Carlsbad. The City shall not be responsible for compensation or indemnity to any Lessee employee for injury or sickness or wages arising out of his/her service with Lessee. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX 14. DILIGENT OPERATION. The business shall be operated in a diligent and creditable manner. Lessee shall not sell, direct the sale of, consume or permit consumption in the assigned area or elsewhere on said Premises, of alcoholic beverage as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Lessee shall commit no nuisance or direct or permit the commission of a nuisance upon said Premises by any person under its control, and Lessee shall promptly correct any unsatisfactory condition of which Lessee is notified by the City. 15. HOLD AND SAVE HARMLESS. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be, nor be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for any damages to the goods, properties or effects of Lessee or any of Lessee's representatives, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees, patrons or clientele, or of any other persons whatsoever, or for personal injuries to, or deaths of them, or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of Lessee in or about the facility, or by or from any act of omission of any person or by or from any defect in any part of the premises or from any other cause or reason whatsoever. Lessee further agrees to hold and save free and harmless, the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, and to pay any and all costs and expenses, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City on account of any such liability. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX To effectuate this clause, and as an additional requirement and not to relieve Lessee of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before the effective date of this agreement, Lessee shall deliver to the City a certificate of bodily injury and property damage including theft or vandalism, liability insurance issued by a company licensed to transact such business in the State of California, reciting that Lessee has the liability insurance as required in Paragraph 16 below, and that the policy has endorsed or otherwise covers the contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 16. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to take out and maintain at its own expense public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City, naming the City as additionally insured, tc protect against the liabilities mentioned in Paragraph 15, and for damages on account of bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly by or from any act or activities of Lessee or any person acting for Lessee, under Lessee's control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability for damages to or theft or vandalism of any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of any person acting for Lessee or under Lessee's control or direction. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the entire term of this agreement in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), combined single limit, for each occurrence. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX A copy of said certificate of insurance shall be sent to the office of the Risk Manager of the City. Lessee agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancellation, termination or suspension of any or all of the insurance policies heretofore mentioned, without written notice to Lessee, unless before such effective date lessee has acquired other insurance, which, in the deter- mination of the City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. 17. NOTICE . Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given in this agreement may be personally served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, mailed notices may be addressed to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 LESSEE: Carlsbad Bobby Sox Ken Chriss, President 1406 Denise Circle Oceanside, CA 92054 18. ENTIRETY . The entirety of the agreement between the parties is set forth herein. LEASE AGREEMENT CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. CARLSBAD BOBBY SOX CITY OF CARLSBAD BY:BY: KEN CHRISS, President CLAUDE LEWIS, Mayor Date:Date: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO Jr., City Attorney 2/10/88 Draft (30) CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1166 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-5574 FOR OFFICE USE Date Received Received By Applicant has use/info rules yes no PARK AND BALLFIELD FACILITY USE APPLICATION ORGANIZATION fcOfc&V' SO*BALLFIELD NEEDED : PERSON RESPONSIBLE ADDRESS PARK NEEDED; — - .; AREA — CITY CX3SMJSID&PHONE NUMBER USERS; # YOUTH: <5>O # ADULT ; CARLSBAD RESIDENTS % UI&H NATURE OF USE SPECIAL NEEDS IfJK DATE(S): FROM ARRIVAL TIME EVENT BEGINS DAYS, DATES, HOURS REQUESTED: TO J52L/J5/J53 EVENT ENDS DEPARTURE TIME TOTAL HOURS 10- /5 in 3/4 OPEN TO PUBLIC ADMISSION CHARGED CONTRIBUTION ASKED PERFORMERS PAID SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? YES (sold-H-not sold SCHOOL SPONSORED _ EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY _ SOUND AMPLIFICATION X BAND _ ANNOUNCEMENTS RECORDS _ ) NO p{ NO $ The signer, for himself and/or his/her children, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against the City of Carlsbad, mem- bers of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arisinq out of the use of City property or activities pursuant to the reason of this waiver by reasons of negli- gence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and above said persons from any claims, liability, or loss occasioned to the City or above said persons as the result of injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of the use of said property or activity pursuant to the reasons for this waiver by reason of negli- gence or otherwise. APPLICANT'S S I GNATURE ^>jt^<g>ttg _ PRINT NAME /^CJUUITH U ADDRESS PHONE (H)^3Q</Q34fw) 6ROUP PRIORITY f _ FACILITY CHARGES; USE FEE EXTRA SUPERVISION EXTRA EQUIPMENT CLEANING DEPOSIT (refundable) LIGHTS (R) (N/R) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT ++ALCOHOLIC LICENSE REQUIRE., ABC LICENSE # POLICE DEPT: DATE APPROVED BY DENIED OTHER PARKS & REC. DATE APPROVED BY DENIED COMMENTS: TOTAL RECEIPT # WHITE • FtocrMtkm YELLOW • Applicant PINK-Puto GOLD • Pdlc«7/11*3 LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CHASE FIELD BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB THIS LEASE made and entered into this day of , 1988 by and between the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the local non-profit organization, CARLSBAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A", and WHEREAS, Lessee desires the use of said City Premises to operate a youth baseball program, WHEREAS, Lessee was formed for the specific task of providing youth recreation and social programs; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. ADMINISTRATION. This agreement shall be administered on behalf of the City by the Parks and Recreation Director, or his designated representative. The Lessee shall apply for use of City facilities in accordance with the established "Facility Use Regulations" and approval for use shall be negotiated with users when more than one application is filed for the same or overlapping seasonal use of City facilities. 2. RENTAL FEE. The Lesee shall pay the fees in accordance with the "Facility Use Regulations" of the City, based on their group classification "C". LEASE AGREEMENT Boys & Girls Club """N / 3. USE. The City shall make available to Lessee on a non-exclusive use basis, two (2) ballfields, known as Chase Field #1 and Chase Field #2, identified on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of conducting the Boys and Girls Club baseball program. Lessee shall not use or permit the use of the Premises other than described above. Noncompliance by Lessee with this provision is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. Where Lessee is or should be reasonable in doubt as to the propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach or default if it abides by, the written determination of the City that such use is or is not permitted. 4. TERM. The term of this Lease is two months, commencing on March 28, 1988, and terminating May 20, 1988 unless cancelled in writing by either party with thirty (30) days advance notification or if Lessee notifies the City the league season use is scheduled to end sooner. The hours of use are as specified, on the approved application form attached as Exhibit "B". 5. PERMANENT ALTERATIONS. The Lessee shall not make any permanent alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club 6. TEMPORARY ALTERATIONS. The City agrees that Lessee may make the following temporary alterations to the site with the agreement that Lessee will return the site to the same or better conditions as when the seasonal use started: install and remove pitcher's mound. 7. SERVICES/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CITY. The City shall be responsible for performing the annual field, turf, irrigation, and lighting maintenance; the Parks and Recreation Department will drag the fields daily, Monday through Friday; if Lessee requests additional services, such service will be performed by the City at the fees specified in the City's "Facilities Use Regulations". The City agrees to provide and pay for all trash disposal, water, electricity, gas utilities (excluding telephone). 8. SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSEE. Lessee shall provide all equipment, supplies and services needed to conduct the program not specifically provided by the City, including but not limited to the following: a. lining the field, filling holes and other tasks needed in preparation for games and practices b. clean-up of entire site during the seasonal use. 9. ASSIGNABILITY AND SUB-LEASE. Lessee shall not assign its rights or duties nor sub-lease the facility under this agreement or any interest in the same. LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club 10. SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the Premises and of all improvements, alterations, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon and to give prompt notice to the City of any damage to same. In addition, Lessee agrees to make all repairs in and about the Premises that may be necessary to preserve them in good order and condition. Said repairs, if any, shall be made in a good and professional manner, and at least equal to the original condition of the repaired items in respect to quality. Lessee shall promptly pay the expenses of such repairs, and the City shall not be required to make any improvements, repairs, or alterations of any nature whatsoever. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply and secure compliance with all ordinances, statutes, laws, regulations and requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in effect, or which may hereafter become effective pertaining to the Premises, or the operations conducted thereon, and shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises by reason of any buildings, structures, machines, appliance or other improvements of any nature whatsoever, erected, installed, or maintained by Lessee or by reason of the business or other activities of Lessee upon or in connection with the Premises. The final judgement of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission of Lessee in any action or LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club proceeding against them whether the City be a party thereto or not, that Lessee has violated any such ordinance, law, statute, regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be conclusive of that fact as between City and Lessee. 12. COSTS. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, Lessee shall be responsible for all costs relating to conducting the youth baseball program including, but not limited to program costs, liability insurance, security, and facility maintenance. 13. REVENUE. Lessee shall have the right to charge and collect fees, dues and other revenue from the operation of the baseball program. Such revenue shall belong to Lessee and shall be used to operate the program, to maintain the Premises and to defray the cost of equipment repair and replacement and to provide for a prudent operating and capital reserve. The levy of an admission charge to attend events sponsored by the Lessee is subject to approval of the City. Upon written request of the City and with appropriate notice, Lessee agrees to make available to the City financial statements of the organization. 14. EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. For the purposes of this agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for Lessee shall be deemed to be an employee or volunteer in the services of Lessee and not the City of Carlsbad. LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club The City shall not be responsible for compensation or indemnity to any Lessee employee for injury or sickness or wages arising out of his/her service with Lessee. 15. DILIGENT OPERATION. The business shall be operated in a diligent and creditable manner. Lessee shall not sell, direct the sale of, consume or permit consumption in the assigned area or elsewhere on said Premises, of alcoholic beverage as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Lessee shall commit no nuisance or direct or permit the commission of a nuisance upon said Premises by any person under its control, and Lessee shall promptly correct any unsatisfactory condition of which Lessee is notified by the City. 16. HOLD AND SAVE HARMLESS. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be, nor be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for any damages to the goods, properties or effects of Lessee or any of Lessee's representatives, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees, patrons or clientele, or of any other persons whatsoever, or for personal injuries to, or deaths of them, or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of Lessee in or about the facility, or by or from any act of omission of any person or by or from any defect in any part of the premises or from any other cause or reason whatsoever. Lessee further agrees to hold and save free and harmless, the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, and to pay any and all LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club costs and expenses, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City on account of any such liability. To effectuate this clause, and as an additional requirement and not to relieve Lessee of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before the effective date of this agreement, Lessee shall deliver to the City a certificate of bodily injury and property damage including theft or vandalism, liability insurance issued by a company licensed to transact such business in the State of California, reciting that Lessee has the liability insurance as required in Paragraph 16 below, and that the policy has endorsed or otherwise covers the contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 17. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to take out and maintain at its own expense public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City, naming the City as additionally insured, to protect against the liabilities mentioned in Paragraph 16, and for damages on account of bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly by or from any act or activities of Lessee or any person acting for Lessee, under Lessee's control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability for damages to or theft or vandalism of any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of any person acting for Lessee or under Lessee's control or direction. LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the entire term of this agreement in an amount of not less than one Million Dollars ($1,000,000), combined single limit, for each occurrence. One copy each of said certificate of insurance shall be sent to the offices of the Parks and Recreation Director and Risk Manager. Lessee agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancellation, termination or suspension of any or all of the insurance policies heretofore mentioned, without written notice to Lessee, unless before such effective date lessee has acquired other insurance, which, in the determination of the City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. 18. NOTICE. Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given in this agreement may be personally served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, mailed notices may be addressed to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 LESSEE: Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club Doug Collier, Branch Director 3115 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEASE AGREEMENT Boys and Girls Club IB. ENTIRETY. The entirety of the agreement between the parties is set forth herein. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. CARLSBAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB CITY OF CARLSBAD BY: BY: DOUG COLLIER, Branch Director CLAUDE LEWIS, Mayor Date: Date: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO Jr., City Attorney 2/10/88 Draft LC:me CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm Avenue PUBLIC FACILITY USE APPLICATION Facility Requested Organization FOR OFFICE USE Date Received — Rec'd By Applicant has use/ info rules yes no Carlsbad Residents %Anticipated Attendance Nature of Use Person Responsible for Conducting Activity Address City Phone(H) Special Needs: # of Tables C f. *.Zip Code 4.3.3 '(W) # of Chairs Lecturn Coffee Maker Date(s): From Circle Day(s): SU ARRIVAL TIME o? (^ 3 -ity Open to Public: Admission Charged Contribution Asked < —Yes Yes Yes ^^ . No . .^-" . No _ No ^ DAYS, DATES. HOURS REQUESTED / y? TO 5 I 3.Q I 3r~l SET UP: ©> <£> S EVENT BEGINS EVENT ENDS DEPARTURE TIME 4 '."ir> 4 TOTAL HOURS Members / Guest Only: Yes •Live Musical Entertainment Yes. No No. •SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? YES (sold + +.not sold J NO The signer, for himself and / or his children, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against the City of Carlsbad, members of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arising out of the use of City property or activities pursuant to the reason of this waiver by reasons of negligence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and above said persons from any claims, liability, or loss occasioned to the City or above said persons as the result of injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of the use of said property or activity pursuant to the reasons for this waiver by reason of negligence or otherwise. We agree to comply with Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Depart- ment facility use regulations. DATE ///3 I <Cl Group Priority # -Alcoholic License Required 'Security Guard($) Required Security Guard Company FACILITY CHARGES: Standard Hours & P*tra Hours , t$ Insurance (Liability Only) Cleaning / Security Deposit (ref ur Security Guards Extra Equipment Rental ARC License No Needed From To if) . l=arh Bv and Date Pks&Rec: Approved Denied Shr. $ Data By $ hr . _ Comments! idable) Receipt* Bv Date ._ . Refund Initiated By: -— > Amount S Date TOTALS Police Dep»- Approved Denied Date Bv 6/87 £-X H-1 LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF STAGECOACH PARK & FUERTE FIELDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION THIS LEASE made and entered into this day of , 1988 by and between the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the local non-profit organization, LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A" and "Al"; and WHEREAS, Lessee desires the use of said City Premises to operate a youth baseball and a youth softball program, WHEREAS, Lessee was formed for the specific task of providing youth recreation and sports program; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. ADMINISTRATION. This agreement shall be administered on behalf of the City by the Parks and Recreation Director, or his designated representative. The Lessee shall apply for use of City facilities in accordance with the established "Facility Use Regulations" and approval for use shall be negotiated with users when more than one application is filed for the same or overlapping seasonal use of City facilities. LEASE AGREEMENT ^ LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION ) 2. USE. The City shall make available to Lessee on a non-exclusive use basis, unless otherwise noted in this lease agreement, Fuerte Field, the Stagecoach Park three (3) ballfields, known as stagecoach Fields #1, #2 and #3, identified on Exhibit "A" and Fuerte Field, identified on Exhibit "Al" and attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of conducting the La Costa Youth Organization baseball and Softball programs. Lessee shall not use or permit the use of the Premises other than described above. Noncompliance by Lessee with this provision is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. Where Lessee is or should be reasonable in doubt as to the ^_ propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach or default if it abides by, the written determination of the City that such use is or is not permitted. 3. TERM. The term of this Lease is four and one-half months, commencing on February 16, 1988, and terminating on June 25, 1988 unless cancelled in writing by either party with thirty (30) days advance notification or if Lessee notifies the City the league season use is scheduled to end sooner. The hours of use are as specified on the approved application form, attached as Exhibit "B". LEASE AGREEMENT LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION 4. PERMANENT ALTERATIONS. The Lessee shall not make any permanent alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. 5. TEMPORARY ALTERATIONS. The Lessee may NOT make any temporary alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. 6. SERVICES/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CITY. The City shall be responsible for performing the annual field, turf, irrigation, and lighting maintenance; the Parks and Recreation Department • will drag the fields daily, Monday through Friday; if Lessee requests additional services, such service will be performed by the City at the fees specified in the City's "Facilities Use Regulations". Note: the City's ballfield drag will be made available for weekend/holiday use by Lessee to perform light field preparation without a vehicle. The City agrees to provide and pay for all trash disposal, water, electricity, gas utilities. 7. SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSEE. Lessee agrees to perform light dragging of ballfields on weekends/holidays, without vehicular traffic on the fields. Lessee shall provide all equipment, supplies and services needed to conduct the program and operate the snack bar not specifically provided by the City, including but not limited to the following: a. lining the field, filling holes and other tasks needed in preparation for games and practices b. clean-up of entire site during the seasonal use <§> LEASE AGREEMENT LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION ) 8. ASSIGNABILITY AND SUB-LEASE. Lessee shall not assign its rights or duties nor sub-lease the facility under this agreement or any interest in the same. 9. SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the Premises and of all improvements, alterations, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon and to give prompt notice to the City of any damage to same. In addition, Lessee agrees to make all repairs in and about the Premises that may be necessary to preserve them in good order and condition. Said repairs, if any, shall be made in a good and professional manner, and at least equal to the original condition of the repaired items in respect to quality. Lessee shall promptly pay the expenses of such repairs, and the City shall not be required to make any improvements, repairs, or alterations of any nature whatsoever. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply and secure compliance with all ordinances, statutes, laws, regulations and requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in effect, or which may hereafter become effective pertaining to the Premises, or the operations conducted thereon, and shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises by reason of any buildings, structures, machines, appliance or other improvements of any nature whatsoever, erected, installed, or maintained by Lessee or by reason of the business or other activities of Lessee upon or in connection with the Premises. The final judgement of any court of competent LEASE AGREEMENT LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION jurisdiction or the admission of Lessee in any action or proceeding against them whether the City be a party thereto or not, that Lessee has violated any such ordinance, law, statute, regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be conclusive of that fact as between City and Lessee. 11. COSTS. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, Lessee shall be responsible for all costs relating to conducting the youth baseball program including, but not limited to program costs, liability insurance, security, and facility maintenance. 12. REVENUE. Lessee shall have the right to charge and collect fees, dues and other revenue from the operation of the baseball and softball programs. Such revenue shall belong to Lessee and shall be used to operate the program, to maintain the Premises and to defray the cost of equipment repair and replacement and to provide for a prudent operating and capital reserve. The levy of an admission charge to attend events sponsored by the Lessee is subject to approval of the City. Upon written request of the City and with appropriate notice, Lessee agrees to make available to the City financial statements of the organization. 13. EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. For the purposes of this agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for Lessee shall be deemed to be an employee or volunteer in the services of Lessee and not the City of Carlsbad. LEASE AGREEMENT LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION ) The City shall not be responsible for compensation or indemnity to any Lessee employee for injury or sickness or wages arising out of his/her service with Lessee. 14. DILIGENT OPERATION. The business shall be operated in a diligent and creditable manner. Lessee shall not sell, direct the sale of, consume or permit consumption in the assigned area or elsewhere on said Premises, of alcoholic beverage as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Lessee shall commit no nuisance or direct or permit the commission of a nuisance upon said Premises by any person under its control, and Lessee shall promptly correct any unsatisfactory condition of which Lessee is notified by the City. 15. HOLD AND SAVE HARMLESS. The City, its agents, ^ officers and employees shall not be, nor be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for any damages to the goods, properties or effects of Lessee or any of Lessee's representatives, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees, patrons or clientele, or of any other persons whatsoever, or for personal injuries to, or deaths of them, or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of Lessee in or about the facility, or by or from any act of omission of any person or by or from any defect in any part of the premises or from any other cause or reason whatsoever. Lessee further agrees to hold and save free and harmless, the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, and to pay any and all costs and expenses, including but not limited to court costs and LEASE AGREEMENT LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City on account of any such liability. To effectuate this clause, and as an additional requirement and not to relieve Lessee of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before the effective date of this agreement, Lessee shall deliver to the City a certificate of bodily injury and property damage including theft or vandalism, liability insurance issued by a company licensed to transact such business in the State of California, reciting that Lessee has the liability insurance as required in Paragraph 16 below, and that the policy has endorsed or otherwise covers the contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 16. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to take out and maintain at its own expense public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City, naming the City as additionally insured, to protect against the liabilities mentioned in Paragraph 15, and for damages on account of bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly by or from any act or activities of Lessee or any person acting for Lessee, under Lessee's control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability for damages to or theft or vandalism of any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of any person acting for Lessee or under Lessee's control or direction. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the LEASE AGREEMENT _ LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION ) entire term of this agreement in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), combined single limit, for each occurrence. One copy each of said certificate of insurance shall be sent to the offices of the Parks and Recreation Director and Risk Manager. Lessee agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancellation, termination or suspension of any or all of the insurance policies heretofore mentioned, without written notice to Lessee, unless before such effective date lessee has acquired other insurance, which, in the determination of the City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. 17. NOTICE. Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given in this agreement may be personally served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, mailed notices may be addressed to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 LESSEE: La Costa Youth Organization Gary L. Cox, President 2931 via Ipanema Carlsbad, CA 92009 LEASE AGREEMENT LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION 18. ENTIRETY. The entirety of the agreement between the parties is set forth herein. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. LA COSTA YOUTH ORGANIZATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BY: GARY L. COX, President BY: CLAUDE LEWIS, Mayor Date:Date: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO Jr., City Attorney 2/10/88 Draft LC:me CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1166 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-5574 FOR OFFICE USE Date Received 11 III Received By Applicant has use/info rules yes \f no ORGANIZATION PARK AND BALLFIELD FACILITY USE APPLICATION LLFIELD NEEDED:' PARK NEEDED:AREA NUMBER USERS: # YOUTH:# ADULT: NATURE OF USE SPECIAL NEEDS CARLSBAD RESIDENTS % DATE(S): FROM Q^ / KJ/ ARRIVAL TIME EVENT BEGINS DAYS, DATES, HOURS REQUESTED: fj^^y ')+* }/** CIRCLE DAY(S): SU **"TO EVENT ENDS DEPARTURE TIME TOTAL HOURS YES NO OPEN TO PUBLIC ADMISSION CHARGED CONTRIBUTION ASKED PERFORMERS PAID SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? YES (sold-H- = * SCHOOL SPONSORED _ EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY _ SOUND AMPLIFICATION _ BAND ANNOUNCEMENTS not sold RECORDS ) NO••*- The signer, for himself and/or his/her children, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against the City of Carlsbad, mem- bers of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arising out of the use of City property or activities pursuant to the reason of this waiver by reasons of negli- gence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and above said persons from any claims, liability, or loss occasioned to the City or above said persons as the result of iniury or death t/tf persons or damage to property arising out of the use of said property or activity pursuantcodhe reasons for this waiver by reason of negli- gence or otherwise. GROUP PRIORITY # FACILITY CHARGES; USE FEE EXTRA SUPERVISION EXTRA EQUIPMENT CLEANING DEPOSIT (refundable) LIGHTS (R) (N/R) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT •M-ALCOHOLIC LICENSE REQUIRE.. ABC LICENSE I POLICE DEPT: DATE APPROVED BY DENIED OTHER PARKS & REC DATE ^PROVED BY DENIED COMMENTS : TOTAL RECEIPT # WHITE • RwrMlfon YELLOW • Applicant PINK • Parks QOLO • Pollc*7/11/63 < LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF STAGECOACH PARK FIELDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB THIS LEASE made and entered into this day of , 1988 by and between the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the local non-profit organization, LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Lessee desires the use of said City Premises to operate a youth soccer program, WHEREAS, Lessee was formed for the specific task of providing youth soccer programs; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: 1. ADMINISTRATION. This agreement shall be administered on behalf of the City by the Parks and Recreation Director, or his designated representative. The Lessee shall apply for use of City facilities in accordance with the established "Facility Use Regulations" and approval for use shall be negotiated with users when more than one application is filed for the same or overlapping seasonal use of City facilities. LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB 2. USE. The City shall make available to Lessee on a non-exclusive use basis, unless otherwise noted in this lease agreement, the stagecoach Park two (2) ballfields, known as Stagecoach Fields #2 and #3, identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, for the purpose of conducting the Leucadia Soccer Club soccer programs. Lessee's practices start August 20, 1988, and games end January 31, 1989. Lessee shall notify the City if the league season use is scheduled to end sooner. Lessee shall not use or permit the use of the Premises other than described above. Noncompliance by Lessee with this provision is grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City. Where Lessee is or should be reasonable in doubt as to the propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach or default if it abides by, the written determination of the city that such use is or is not permitted. 3. TERM. The term of this Lease is five and one-half months, unless cancelled in writing by either party with thirty (30) days advance notification. The hours of use are as specified on the approved application form, attached as Exhibit "B" . 4. PERMANENT ALTERATIONS . The Lessee shall not make any permanent alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB 5. TEMPORARY ALTERATIONS. The Lessee may NOT make any temporary alterations to the site unless the Lessee has written approval from the City to do so. 6. SERVICES/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY CITY. The City shall be responsible for performing the annual field, turf, irrigation, and lighting maintenance. If Lessee requests additional services, such service will be performed by the City at the fees specified in the City's "Facilities Use Regulations". The City agrees to provide and pay for all trash disposal, water, electricity, gas utilities. 7. SERVICES PROVIDED BY LESSEE. Lessee shall provide all equipment, supplies and services needed to conduct the program not specifically provided by the City, including but not limited to the following: clean-up of entire site during the seasonal use. 8. ASSIGNABILITY AND SUB-LEASE. Lessee shall not assign its rights or duties nor sub-lease the facility under this agreement or any interest in the same. 9. SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee agrees to take good care of the Premises and of all improvements, alterations, fixtures, and appurtenances thereon and to give prompt notice to the City of any damage to same. In addition, Lessee agrees to make all repairs in and about the Premises that may be necessary to preserve them in good order and condition. Said repairs, if any, shall be made in a good and professional manner, and at least equal to the original condition of the repaired items in respect to quality. LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB ) Lessee shall promptly pay the expenses of such repairs, and the City shall not be required to make any improvements, repairs, or alterations of any nature whatsoever. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply and secure compliance with all ordinances, statutes, laws, regulations and requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in effect, or which may hereafter become effective pertaining to the Premises, or the operations conducted thereon, and shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments and fees assessed or levied upon Lessee or the Premises by reason of any buildings, structures, machines, appliance or other improvements of any nature whatsoever, erected, installed, or maintained by Lessee or by reason of the business or other activities of Lessee upon or in connection with the Premises. The final judgement of any court of competent jurisdiction or the admission of Lessee in any action or proceeding against them whether the City be a party thereto or not, that Lessee has violated any such ordinance, law, statute, regulation or requirement in the use of the Premises, shall be conclusive of that fact as between City and Lessee. 11. COSTS. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, Lessee shall be responsible for all costs relating to conducting the youth soccer program including, but not limited to program costs, liability insurance, security, and facility maintenance. LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB 12. REVENUE. Lessee shall have the right to charge and collect fees, dues and other revenue from the operation of the soccer programs. Such revenue shall belong to Lessee and shall be used to operate the program, to maintain the Premises and to defray the cost of equipment repair and replacement and to provide for a prudent operating and capital reserve. The levy of an admission charge to attend events sponsored by the Lessee is subject to approval of the City. Upon written request of the City and with appropriate notice, Lessee agrees to make available to the City financial statements of the organization. 13. EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. For the purposes of this agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for Lessee shall be deemed to be an employee or volunteer in the services of Lessee and not the City of Carlsbad. The City shall not be responsible for compensation or indemnity to any Lessee employee for injury or sickness or wages arising out of his/her service with Lessee. 14. DILIGENT OPERATION. The business shall be operated in a diligent and creditable manner. Lessee shall not sell, direct the sale of, consume or permit consumption in the assigned area or elsewhere on said Premises, of alcoholic beverage as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Lessee shall commit no nuisance or direct or permit the commission of a nuisance upon said Premises by any person under its control, and y LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB Lessee shall promptly correct any unsatisfactory condition of which Lessee is notified by the City. 15. HOLD AND SAVE HARMLESS. The City, its agents, officers and employees shall not be, nor be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines or for any damages to the goods, properties or effects of Lessee or any of Lessee's representatives, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees, patrons or clientele, or of any other persons whatsoever, or for personal injuries to, or deaths of them, or any of them, whether caused by or resulting from any acts or omissions of Lessee in or about the facility, or by or from any act of omission of any person or by or from any defect in any part of the premises or from any other cause or reason whatsoever. Lessee further agrees to hold and save free and harmless, the City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities, and to pay any and all costs and expenses, including but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City on account of any such liability. To effectuate this clause, and as an additional requirement and not to relieve Lessee of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before the effective date of this agreement, Lessee shall deliver to the City a certificate of bodily injury and property damage including theft or vandalism, liability insurance issued by a company licensed to transact such business in the State of California, reciting that Lessee has the liability insurance as LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB required in Paragraph 16 below, and that the policy has endorsed or otherwise covers the contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 16. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to take out and maintain at its own expense public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to the City, naming the City as additionally insured, to protect against the liabilities mentioned in Paragraph 15, and for damages on account of bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any person or persons whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly by or from any act or activities of Lessee or any person acting for Lessee, under Lessee's control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability for damages to or theft or vandalism of any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of any person acting for Lessee or under Lessee's control or direction. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the entire term of this agreement in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), combined single limit, for each occurrence. One copy each of said certificate of insurance shall be sent to the offices of the Parks and Recreation Director and Risk Manager. Lessee agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancellation, termination or suspension of any or all of the insurance policies heretofore mentioned, without written notice to Lessee, unless 7 3T- CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1166 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-5574 ///5/g? FOR OFFICE USE Date Received Received By Applicant has use/Info rules yes y^~ no ORGANIZATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE ADDRESS CITY PARK AND BALLFIELD FACILITY USE APPLICATI ON BALLFIELD NEEDED: PARK NEEDED:AREA & ^ PHONE NUMBER USERS: # YOUTH:# ADULT: (W)CARLSBAD RESIDENTS % NATURE OF USE SPECIAL NEEDS DAYS, DATES, HOURS REQUESTED: DATE(S): FROMA*^/ '&*l£&> TO Pf&l&l / c£s Cl RCLE DAY(S) : ARRIVAL TIME EVENT BEGINS EVENT ENDS DEPARTURE TIME TOTAL HOURS •7:^* M - F YES NO OPEN TO PUBLIC ADMISSION CHARGED CONTRIBUTION ASKED PERFORMERS PAID YES NO SCHOOL SPONSORED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY SOUND AMPLIFICATION _ BAND M<* ANNOUNCEMENTS »-t«> SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? YES (sold++not sold RECORDS ) NO The signer, for himself and/or his/her children, hereby waives any and all rights to make a claim for any loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against the City of Carlsbad, mem- bers of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arisina out of the use of City property or activities pursuant to the reason of this waiver by reasons of negli- gence or otherwise; and further agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the City and above said persons from any claims, liability, or loss occasioned to the City or above said persons as the result of Injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of the use of said property or activity pursuant to the reasons for this waiver by reason of negli- gence or otherwise. APPLI CANT'S SIGNATURE PRINT ADDRESS "7*f 3*2? £& ^ A f3g^/A CITY<^M£L,*&t>f2 PHONE (H^-SZ^/o*5?(W) Z2J* 6>&&<. £2.<9<9*7 FOR DEPAR GROUP PRIORITY I ,Q LIABILITY INSURANC FACILITY CHARGES: USE FEE $ EXTRA SUPERVISION EXTRA EQUIPMENT CLEANING DEPOSIT (refundable) LIGHTS (R) OTHER TOTAL $ N ^ TMENT USE ONLY E REQUIREMENT ++ALCOHOLIC LICE ABC LICENSE 1 POLICE DEPT: APPROVED NSE REQUIRE. DENIED DATE BY PARKS & REC^ : APPROVED * DATE //£,y#0 BY \ DENIED COMMENTS:WHITE • Recreation YELLOW - Applicant PINK • Parka * , , RECEIPT # GOLD -Police 7;ii«^Vf 1200 ELM AVENUE • >5 ^ Ml TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 M^£X / dM (619) 434-2824 Olftg of PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT January 18, 1988 Access Control Technology System 5451 Avenida Encinas San Diego, California 92111 The City of Carlsbad is requesting bids for the installation of time lock door/gates (2) at the Laguna Riviera Park Site. These time lock gates/doors are to be installed on the Mens ' and Womens ' bathrooms at this park facility. This park is located at 4900 Kelly Drive at the intersection of Park Drive and Kelly. SCOPS OF WORK Install (2) two electric strike lock mechanisms, keyed to City Schlage Key. Locks to have mechanical release from inside Install Hydraulic Door Closing System, or "can't slam" type door closure mechanism Modify existing chain link door/gates to properly support new locking system and to prevent reach through/around ability Install timing mechanism to activate locks Provide name brand of equipment and materials to be used on this job . Please submit ypur written bid tc: Doug Duncanson, Carlsbad Parks & Recreation, 1200 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Any questions should be directed 'to Doug Duncanson, (619) 434- 2362. Thank v.ou for your cooperation on this project. DC^G DUNCANSON Park Superintendent DD/es: doug/ltr~Guse~G ATTACHMENT February 9, 1988 Electronic Door Controls 6353 El Camino Real Suite A Carlsbad, California 92009 RE: BID FOR TIME LOCK GATES/DOORS IN CARLSBAD PARK Recently two (2) Riviera '-1 -i H P^J .i. L* . r^ 3:00 p.m writing Carlsbad Carlsbad you were sent a request to bid on the installation of time lock gates/doors at the rest room facility at Laguna Park. I neglected to inform you of a due date for that ease be advised that bids will be accepted no later than on Monday, February 22, 1988. The bids must be in and can be mailed or delivered to: Doug Duncanson, Parks and Recreation Department, 1200 Elm Avenue, California 92008. Thank you for your cooperation, DOUG DUNCANSON Parks Superintendent DD/es:time.Ick PARK FACILITIES I. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Three acres of Community Park or Special Use Area per 1000 population within Park District 4 must be scheduled for con- struction within a five year period. II. FACILITY PLANNING AND ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Park facilities are addressed on a Park District basis. There are four Park Districts which correspond to the four quadrants of the City. Zone 12 is located in the southern portion of Park District 4 as shown on Exhibit 25 on page 59. A. INVENTORY 1. Existing and Build Out Park Demand; The projected population for Park District 4 comes from Exhibit 26 on page 60. Performance Standard Projected Park Demand Park District 4 Population (acres) Existing (1/1/87) 17,762 53.28 Build Out (2013) 42,817 128.45 Of this, the Zone 12 existing and projected build out population and demand is: Performance Standard Projected Park Demand Zone 12 Population (acres) Existing (1/1/87) 1,433 4.30 Build Out (2013) 4,665 13.99 58 ATTACHMENT "F1 CITY QUADRANT Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast PARK DISTRICT 1 2 3 4 Macario Park In costn RRTICH co. MO MALI GROWTH _ MANAGfMiNt PR_QG8AM Exhibit *5 • PARK DISTRICTS Zone 12 -x, *•* **> £5$Z3 3 UO O «£UJ LU *-•Q O LU (/)>-<-»V) ii _J V)oe a. LU< Q- C£Q. 3 Uv» < UJ V) Q /-"C/> ii Z V)a; < uj•x XT a:a. uj oa < -I UJ O VI : o a o a.o :i i a II J8 , *-^ ^* *~ f\j ry Kifi>j'*J"-^«ji>jxj'N4'-ij-»^-sjiniAinininiAiAinLnuS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO 03 K>in CJ ^ -;_^_^ .. ^ ._.__. ___ (^. ,-u *— -•• v> h» m o o if- i- .-j f\i r%* r\j f\j ro fo w ro (\j>o-4-O'-coooroO'O'-*-*-«— •-<-*- i- »- ^ «— (\J(MAJ«— »—T— (C N-oo^o^in cocoooeooocooooooacoeoooeoeo oooooo mooo-^o^ONO'— o^oinminmtnmiAinmmminmmON- eOco-^-^roruKioocoaaeoflOcoeoooooeoaQooeoao S -««— -^-'- O« O* O* O* O* O* 5« O* O1>C>«C>JSf . O OOOO C • o o sM a. C CJ u) 3> ap»- o> o uco -a — (0c*. . H- c ^<-S« .i .S.>°-E5Usf^ > oO CO ** <oD O« trti § - s a !s£-5fi 4) C •*- —•— t\t O tfl •*- jC.*J »— ••- <0 *-• *•• — -M JC C— "Q (0 41 *•*'— C i- u) ~O no <o o t. -^(0 -o ra c to —• *" C "O 4* -Om 01 o TJ t. __y c o _ o -p •O en •— fM CO w E O4> Q. O (0 UC O *. 0»5 (_ a c **- orsi a. i- C O Z 2. Inventory of Existing Park Facilities In Park District 4: The inventory of existing parks as of 8/11/87 listed below was approved by the City Council by Resolution No. 9129 on August 11, 198720. The location of these parks are shown on Exhibit 27. These are the following: f|?rj»1R]flunitv Parks La Costa Canyon Stagecoach TOTAL Soecial Use Areas Cadencia El Fuerte Type Active Active Type Active Active Ownership City City Ownership City City Acres 9.0 28.0 37.0 Acres 2.0 3.6 La Costa Heights Elementary21 (Levante Elem.) Active La Costa Meadows Elementary22 (Fuerte Elem.)Active EUESD SMUSD 5.4 2.0 TOTAL TOTAL EXISTING FACILITIES 13.0 50.0 acres 20 21 22 See Appendix on page . An existing one year joint use agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Encinitas Union Elementary School District (EUESD) is contained in Appendix A-2 on page -. An existing one year joint use agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD) is contained in Appendix A-2 on page -. 61 Inventory of Projected Future Park Facilities; An inventory of projected park facilities was adopted by City Council Resolution No. 9129 on August 11, 1987. The location of these parks are shown on Exhibit 27 on page 63. These are the following: Community Parks Type Ownership Macario Park Active City Alga Norte Park Active City Special Use Areas Type Ownership Carrillo Ranch Active City TOTAL PROPOSED FUTURE FACILITIES 56.2 4. Projected Build Out Adequacy/Inadequacy of Park Facilities; 50.0 acres of existing park facilities are operational and can be applied toward meeting the adopted parks performance standard. The 56.2 acres of projected future park facilities are proposed facilities per the City's adopted Parks Inventory. These proposed facilities are not scheduled and funded for construction within five years (1992) and can not be used to meet the adopted performance standard. Assuming these proposed facilities were scheduled and funded for construction prior to build out, the projected build out adequacy/inadequacy of park facilities in Park District 4 is as follows: Existing Facilities 50.0 Proposed Future Facilities 56.2 Total Build Out Park Facilities 106.2 acres Park District 4 Build Out Demand 128.4 Projected Park District 4 ^^ Adequacy/Inadequacy <2"2>4.> acres 62 La Costa Canyon \m LEGEND La Costa Heights EJem. • Existing Community V Park * D Future Community Park • Existing Special Use Area O Future NOTE: FacMty location* are approximate. LA CDStfl WHICH CO. Southeast Quadrantx7 Park District 4 .GROWTH _MA_NAGEMENTL PROGRAM Exhibit 2 7 LOCATIONS Zone 12 B. PHASING Exhibit 26 on page 60 shows Park District 4 supply and demand based on Park District 4 population projections. This exhibit shows that existing park facilities do not conform to the performance standard in Park District 4 and park facilities are projected to be inadequate through to build out without the proposed mitigation. As of January 1, 1987, the parks demand was 53.28 acres leaving a shortage at that time of 3.28 acres of parks. Between January 1, 1987 and October 31, 1987, the park demand within Park District 4 has increased to 60.55 acres leaving a shortfall of 10.55 acres. In addition, 2379 units within Park District 4 have received discretionary approval. Upon approval of the Local Facilities Management Plans within the quadrant, these units could receive final maps and obtain building permits provided all the performance standards are met. For purposes of park facility planning, therefore, these units are considered as 'committed' units. If these units are constructed, an additional 17.64 acres of parks would be necessary to meet the parks demand in Park District 4. Assuming that all these 'committed' units are constructed, the park demand for Park District 4 increases to 78.18 acres leaving a shortfall of 28.18 acres. The adopted 87'-92' Capital Improvement Program does not include funds for construction of any specific parks in this quadrant. However, funding of $1,000,000, is allocated for an unidentified 22.5 acre park within Park District 4. C. ADEQUACY FINDINGS Park District 4 does not conform with the adopted performance standard. The existing and committed demand for park facilities as of October 31, 1987 is 78.18 acres. Existing park facilities total 50.0 acres. The total shortfall for park District 4 as of October 31, 1987 is 28.18 acres. 64 III. MITIGATION A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 12: 1. Prior to approval of any final maps within Zone 12, the existing parks agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the La Costa Ranch Company shall be amended to include the following provisions: a. The dedication by the La Costa Ranch Company of •••frfWacres of the Alga Norte Park at a location acceptable to the City. ^ b. The d«aicati$#of an additional,6.98 acres of park land at a location acceptable to the city. c. Provide a plan which establishes acceptable access to these park sites subject to the approval of the Planning Director and the City Engineer. d. The dedication of an additional 4.12 acres of park land at a location acceptable to the City. e. Provide a letter of credit or some other secured financing acceptable to the City in the amount of $2,241,265 guaranteeing the construction of 19.48 acres of park land, from a financial institute and upon terms and conditions acceptable to the approval of the Finance Director and City Attorney. f. Earmark the budgeted 1991-92 $1,000,000, from the '87-92 CIP, for park development purposes in Park District 4 to the development of 8.7 acres of Alga Norte Park. g. Provide for the operating expenses of the parks either through a letter of credit or some other secured financing from a financial institute and upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Ajj^feq$ney or the establishment of a Park District wide Growth Management Fee that would cover operating costs for the park. The amount of the costs and the time for which the La Costa Ranch Company or developers in Park District 4 would be responsible for these costs shall be provided for within the Parks Agreement. h. The Parks Agreement must be consistent with the requirements of the City's Growth Management Program. 65 i. If any reimbursements and/or park-in-lieu fee credits are to be given, the Parks Agreement shall provide a mechanism to do so. 2. At any time the parks performance standard is not complied with within Park District 4, no further residential development will be allowed in Park District 4 or in Zone 12. B. POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF PARK ACREAGE: In addition to the community parks and special use areas listed in the existing and projected inventory, the following schools could possibly enter into joint use agreements with the city of Carlsbad when the schools are constructed: Potential Estimated Special Use Areas Type Ownership Acres Elementary School No. 3 Active EUESD 2.5 Rancho Santa Fe Elementary Active EUESD 2.5 La Costa High Active SDHSD 10.0 La Costa J. H. Active SDHSD 7.0 TOTAL 21.0 It is not proposed that these schools be used towards fulfilling the parks requirement in the southeast quadrant. It is however, acknowledged that these schools, when operational, could become special use areas upon written joint use agreements between the respective school district and the city of Carlsbad. When a joint use agreement is in effect these facilities may be used towards meeting the parks performance standard so long as the area is not used for temporary classrooms. This LFMP may need to be amended when this occurs. IV. FINANCING The City's approved Capital Improvements Budget contains the following funding for park facilities in Park District 4: 66 da) Park Pro-Sect 1991-92 1992-97 19974- Alga Norte (21.2 acres) $1,000,000 $1,587,500 Alga Norte with Community Center $3,915,000 Macario (credit) $7,000,000 As shown, the only park facilities to be scheduled for the construction within a five year period in Park District 4 is $1,000,000 for Alga Norte Community Park. The City estimates this expenditure would allow approximately 8.7 acres of park to be constructed. In order to bring parks into conformance with the adopted performance standard, the La Costa Ranch Company and City of Carlsbad will be modifying the existing Parks Agreement guaranteeing the dedication of 32.30 acres of park land and construction of 19.48 acres of additional parks in Park District 4 within a five year period from the execution of the Parks Agreement. This dedication of land and the guarantee to construct additional acreage will allow the park supply to conform with the adopted performance standard. The amended Parks Agreement will define the specific park-in-lieu""^ credits and other, if any, reimbursements to be received by the la Costa Ranch Company as well as guaranteeing the costs of operating this additional park acreage. If reimbursement arrangements are to be made, the specific timing of the reimbursement shall be made in accordance with the City's adopted Capital Improvement Program and incorporated into the park agreement. 67 February 6, 1988 TO: Ray Patchett, City Manager Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director Vince Biondo, City Attorney Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Jim Elliott, Finance Director Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director i%LFROM: Phil Carter, Senior Management Analyst FINAL VERSION OF THE 1988 PARKS SUPPLEMENT WITH LA COSTA RANCH Attached is a copy of the final version of the Parks Supplement to the 1982 Parks Agreement with La Costa Ranch Company. The final changes were n^otiaied on February 5 and subsequently made to the. supplement. Copies of this final version will be picked up by La Costa Ranch Company on Monday, February 8. Should there be any modifications after they have reviewed this final version, you will be informed. If there is anything which you would like to discuss, please call me at ext. 4212. Thanks. 1988 PARKS SUPPLEMENT THIS 1988 SUPPLEMENT TO THE 1982 PARKS AGREEMENT ("Supplement") is made this day of , 1988, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California ("City") and BCE DEVELOPMENT, INC. ("BCED), agrees as follows: Recitals A. On July 1, 1986, the City Council duly adopted, as Ordinance 9810, a Growth Management Program for the City of Carlsbad. The purpose of this Growth Management Program was to insure that an adequate level of public facilities and services would be provided prior to or concurrently with development. The Growth Management Program is based on a three-tiered planning approach which first began with the preparation of the-v Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan to assess the existing and buildout public facility needs of the City. The second phase of the Growth Management Program requires that Local Facilities Management Plans be prepared in each of the twenty- five management zones in order to show how development of these areas will comply with the City's Growth Management Program. The third and final phase of Growth Management requires that as individual projects are approved they clearly identify how they provide the public facilities required for their projects and fit into both the Citywide Plan and the Local Zone Plan. B. On September 23, 1986, City Council duly adopted, as Resolution No. 8797, Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan as the first phase of Growth Management. At this time the City Council adopted Resolution No. 8796 which established the specific public facility performance standards to be used in the implementation of the Growth Management Program. C. The Local Facilities Management Plans for Zones 11 and—x 12 have been prepared in accordance with the City's adopted Growth Management Program. During the preparation of these facility plans, certain public facilities such as parks were identified to be below the adopted performance standard. The City's Growth Management Program requires that all eleven public facilities conform with the adopted performance standards or no development may be allowed to occur. BCED's development, as well as other developers in the southeast quadrant, cannot go forward until these facilities are brought into conformance with the adopted standards. To comply with the City's Growth Management Program, the City and BCED have agreed to work together to secure necessary park land and guarantee the a portion of the financing for construction of required park land within the southeast quadrant of the City. D. As a major landholder in the southeast quadrant, or Park District 4, BCED is willing to provide both dedication of park land required and to guarantee a portion of the financing for the construction of this park land which together with the City's financing of a portion of this park land will allow development to comply with the City's Growth Management Program and will allow BCED the ability to build in the southeast quadrant so long as all public facility performance standards are met. E. BCED desires to revise its existing Master Plan and the City has agreed to the processing of certain items in order to allow BCED to begin this process. This supplement is necessary to update the 1982 parks agreement and the requirements for the existing Master Plan to make them consistent with the proposed master plan revision and the City's Growth Management Program. F. As a part of the ongoing planning process, the City's Growth Management Program and the adoption of Public Facilities Performance Standards, the City and BCED now wish to amend the 1982 Parks Agreement with this 1988 Parks Supplement to: (1) Satisfy the Master Plan requirement for parks acreage; and (2) Allow for the accelerated dedication and joint financing of the construction of the North Community Park. -2- 2/6/88 by POC NOW THEREFORE, incorporating the recitals of facts set fort above and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AGREEMENTS 1. This Agreement is a supplement to the 1982 Parks Agreement. BCE Development, Inc. ("BCED") is a party to this Agreement as a successor in interest to the Daon Corporation. 2. Paragraphs number 3 and 4 of the 1982 Parks Agreement shall be superceded by this 1988 Supplement. 3. The dedication of various park land under the 1982 Parks Agreement has occurred and the schedule marked Exhibit #1, attached hereto and made a part hereof, provides a statement of the remaining existing parks credits available to BCED under that agreement. 4. BCED agrees to dedicate 35 acres of park land to the City of Carlsbad. The area dedicated shall be subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director, the C: Engineer, and the Planning Director. The dedication shall include the right-of-way and/or easements as are necessary to provide streets and utilities necessary to access the park as determined by the City. The park site shall be selected by a process of mutual agreement in the context of processing the Master Plan for Local Facility Management Zone 10. If agreement is not reached by December 1, 1989, the City shall have the right to designate in writing to BCED the 35 acres it desires to be dedicated for park land and the dedication shall occur no later than 30 days following written notification. The agreement for this dedication shall be secured by a Deed of Trust in favor of the City of Carlsbad encumbering the entire 765.9 acres of the property located within Local Facility Management Zone 10, to be executed and delivered with the execution of this agreement. BCED shall provide this Trust Deed within thirty (30) days after this agreement is approved by the City Council. -3- 2/6/88 by POC The dedication of park land shall occur on the earlier of the recordation of the first final map of property owned by BCED in Local Facility Management Zone 12 as shown on Exhibit #2, attached hereto and made a part hereof, labeled "BCE Development 423 +/- acres," or January 1, 1990. 5. BCED agrees to pay $2,241,265 for the construction of 19.48 acres of park land. This agreement shall be secured by the Deed of Trust on BCED property in Local Facility Management Zone 10. Upon the earlier of the recordation of the first final map of property owned by BCED in Local Facility Management Zone 12 as shown on Exhibit #2 labeled "BCE Development 423 +/- acres," or January 1, 1990, BCED shall deliver to the City a letter of credit in the amount of $2,241,265 as substituted security. The letter of credit shall be issued by a financial institution and contain terms and conditions as acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. Upon delivery and acceptance of the letter of credit and the appropriate documentation dedicating the 35 acres to the City, as required by Paragraph 4 the City shall reconvey the Deed of Trust. 6. The City shall provide BCED with a funding schedule for the construction of the park described in paragraph 5, not later than 90 days prior to date when the City will require funds. BCED shall provide cash to City as required by the funding schedule on the date due. If BCED fails to provide construction funds as required by the schedule, then City has the right and shall enforce the obligation against the letter of credit. As construction funds are paid, the City shall concurrently give such notices as necessary to reduce the letter of credit by the equivalent amount paid. The City agrees not to make any call for funds prior to January 1, 1990. 7. This supplement will require BCED to dedicate 35 acres of park land prior to the time the actual park land requirements will be determined as the revised Master Plan is prepared and approved. The City and BCED therefore agree to provide in this supplement for a method of accounting for this dedication and -4- 2/6/88 by POC subsequent BCED park demands. BCEO parks requirements for their residential property in the southeast quadrant shall k established by the City Council as a part of its approval of the revised Master Plan ("the MP Requirement"). The MP requirement will be subtracted from the 35 acres to determine the remaining acreage. Any existing credits unused at the time of dedication available under the 1982 Parks Agreement will be added to the remaining acreage and the total will be available for reimbursement ("Reimbursement Acreage"). A. BCED shall receive park-in-lieu credits in accordance with the 1982 Agreement and this supplement for individual subdivision of its property up to the amount of the MP requirement. Any unused remaining balance of the MP requirement will be retained by the City. If subdivision requirements exceed the MP requirement amount the reimbursement acreage will be reduced accordingly. Upon dedication of the 35 acres, the City and BCED will agree upon a certified M.A.I, appraiser who will determine the value of the park land at its highest and best use at the time it is dedicated. Once the requirement is determined then, if necessary, the city will enter into a reimbursement agreement with BCED. The agreement will provide for a determination of the value of the reimbursement acreage as of the date of the dedication by appraisal. BCED will be reimbursed by City a percentage of the park in lieu fees collected by City from other developers in the southeast quadrant in accordance with the City's capital improvement budget priorities. 8. As a part of this supplement, BCED agrees to pre-pay $2,241,265 of their Public Facility Fees to the City, in accordance to paragraphs 5 and 6 of this supplement, in order to guarantee the construction of 19.48 acres of park land. The City agrees to the following: a. Through June 30, 1992 BCED shall be required to pay all Public Facility Fees in full as they accrue. b. Commencing July 1, 1992, BCED shall have its Public 2/6/88 by POC Facility Fee requirements set at 65 percent of the Public Facility Fee until such time as the entire pre-paid amount of $2,241,265 is reduced from Public Facility Fees owed or reimbursed by the City. BCED shall be able to apply this reduced rate against its obligation to pay Public Facility Fees for any project in the southeast quadrant. The annual maximum that the Public Facility Fee may be reduced in any year shall be $317,500. If this Public Facility Fee reduction does not reach the maximum annual amount of $317,500 allowed under this supplement, the City agrees at its sole discretion, depending upon the available Public Facility Funds, to reimburse BCED the difference. (c) All pre-paid Public Facility Fees shall be received as fee reductions or reimbursements no later than June 30, 2002. Any remaining balance as of June 30, 2002 shall be paid by the City to BCED. (d) The City shall maintain an on-going record of all Public Facility Fees paid by BCED and a complete summary of all fee reductions and reimbursements made by the City. 9. The City agrees to use its best efforts, assuming timely response to all City requirements by BCED, to meet a processing schedule by providing the following items for City Council action by September 6, 1988: A. Master Plan and General Plan Amendment, if required, for Local Facility Management Zone 12 as designated by BCED as "southwest". B. Environmental review for Local Facility Management Zone 12 area as designated "southwest". C. Financing plans for Local Facilities Management Plans Zones 11 and 12. D. Tentative maps for Local Facility Management Zone 12 area as designated "southwest". -6- 2/6/88 by POC 10. The City agrees that as part of the agreement to be made between the City, BCED and MAG Properties, the processing times for the BCED Local Facility Management Zone 11 properties designated as "southeast0 shall be determined and fixed by mutual agreement. Failure to reach a mutually acceptable processing schedule for BCED Local Facility Management Zone 11 shall in no way affect any other provision of this supplement. 11. This supplement shall constitute the entire supplement to the 1982 Parks Agreement in complete and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superceding all negotiations, prior discussions, preliminary agreements or understandings written or oral. 12. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution of said Supplemental Agreement and upon delivery of Trust Deed in favor of the City for 765 acres of Local Facility Management Zone 10. BCED will deliver this Trust Deed to the City no later tha^ thirty (30) days following City approval of this supplement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD A Municipal Corporation of the State of California ATTEST: By. City Clerk CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor By. BCED APPROVED AS TO FORM: -7- 2/6/88 by POC EXHIBIT #1 ' *- Ul— u uj < u « Sh- O UJ• UJ t-LU W < > — (/> U • 3 UJ -— a ec oUJ O UJ g « < a ^- u o oU UJa •- a< UJ -J W OC 1— < < -1 (J </> O& UJ — UJ t-o o ae m < a << (/> 0a uj UJ H-l- O < •C H- U 01 — -4 ai uis 3 ° 2 5 SI aUJ Sac lua. t- Q. << a VI 0— */»</• »- — 3aCD a VI <Agreement 12.5 acres given upBalance establishedU) -M »* « -5a. 4»u fM U CO O- • v- *•>C« oL. U u u u u< < < « •o m co m •- o o» o> ~» -O o in•o •- r^ CM in in in in »~ ^- »" »~ • o o oni • S « 5 •Oil'rj •- -o -o.MilO i O O^ sr »- »~ <M •« > •- •- 41Ulw ** a c c £3 3 oaCD in in «<jO> CM <M r- in o <y i-s. co r^ co u u u u i should have been atte as per 1962 Agreement.F>ark dedicatioraccelerated raiu u< < ^ >» co r-> in 4co «- »- i ii ** i •> (M tlatt-> a — JCC 0. 3 ain m(M (M 0 OCO 1^- <J U sment. Parkland dedication isit an accelerated rate (x2))f 28 acres is dedicated.«i 1. "O —01 « •< *rf Wu o<M tl weo —o> — «•- ou —w ••M x « 0 0 C & C 3 » in in «- corginh>Kiino>o>O> f^O.OO>OOOIMK1 -* O> -O -O •-O^OfM-^-OWIMLft MKinjrj-Oi-vJ'O'O (MOCOIMO-rr-in'O«-ovs»-O'rsjin«jrpjKi co to rsi IMr>jeoeo>*coior«->fr- •O^in**IMKICOCOr- »\i •- KI rj -*-* >» CO -OKICOCO i ininm<oco CO l l ^ CO CO CO CO •i «- >o »- • i • • -Oto <v nj • oj oa oo N- • (M «l r- »- CM Kl ^ in ^> C C C C C C C3322333 ao o >o -o -o -o ~o oocooococooocoooeo UUCJCJUtJUCItJ ^ council approval.Contingent uporu< co •o >r r--in•o co•o f\j ~» Kl «in inoo u 85-5 dedication may be awarded>f supplement to 1982 Agree-, only a portion of thefor CT 65-15, should be dedi-celerated rate. (.521 AC is thered acres to be dedicated after! are obtained. The requireddicated will now be subtractedbalance of accrued acreage).t- C«<B34>T3-O — — " CT u -Da o •- ti o " .. «jfcg aS5u"-si •••1- <A Ol —a — TO *- c ° o ai*-a £. v a — M " .c— • « u c S «-•O . .„ -o ._ ^ „,ocwwavn u e'-oc<eruE«i_oo a «) • vatifui. uuuuouuu »Oin^'O^->O'*»- rgf-.h-o-~OO-'--O msT-*MKI<MIMr- inco«--*mmtnr\iKiin(Mm<o^-o*o**— *oo (M s. ^~ Kl pa •« «- Kl<- r\j •- <Mf *-•4^ «rf -^ ** -f t-i— — C — C. —C C 3 C O C33 3 Din «- «-»- >o -o «- o> •- o in in in m m i/^ h/% CO CO CO OO O3 CO O3 u u u u u u u '57 EXHIBIT #2 ,CVJ ..,£!,'' wB COa>n o o „Ztt* in5 S ^ibe>( J M. •—^O^^S^^ ATTACHMENT "G" REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL STAGECOACH PARK - PLAYGROUND SCULPTURE An outdoor playground sculpture will be commissioned for Stagecoach Park. Proposals should take into account the following: 1. Type of artwork - it may be sculptural, environmental or any other creative proposal applicable to the site. 2. Siting - Sites recommended by Selection Committee are indicated on map. Stagecoach Park, 3420 Mision Estancia. However, the artist may select the site most suitable to his proposal. 3. All artwork must be durable, safe, touchable and. have low maintenance requirements. Amount Available $75,000 This includes all design, artists fees, working drawings, permits, lighting, fabrication, transportation, insurance and installation costs. Required Materials 1. Preliminary sketch of work, drawn to scale. 2. A narrative description of the piece which includes its dimensions, materials, siting and maintenance requirements. 3. Evidence of previous work including a resume and slides and/or photographs (no less than 12 and no more than 20). Evidence of ability to complete project of this scale within time constraints. Work related references may be requested. 4. A budget that details expenditures that total no more than $75,000. Budget must cover: design fee, working/structural drawings, permits, lighting if needed, fabrication, transportation to site, insurance and installation costs. 5. Up to three artists will be selected to produce a maquette and renderings for which each will be paid a fixed honorarium of $2,500 each. The maquette fees are not included in the $75,000. All materials must be no larger than 8 1/2" x 11". Incomplete proposals will net be considered. Please submit proposals to: Carlsbad Arts Office (619/434-2920) City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Materials will be returned upon request if a self addressed/ stamped envelope is provided. Deadline for Proposals April 8, 1988 No late proposals will be accepted. Juror Ron Onorato, Senior Curator La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art Selection Committee The Selection Committee will consist of an Arts Commissioner, Dona Meilach; Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Jim Popovich; community representative, Robert Hoehn; artist, Dan Camp and Arts Manager, Connie Beardsley. Review Criteria The Selection Committee will review all proposals and make its decision using the following criteria: 1. Quality of artwork 2. Consideration of and appropriateness for use and to the site 3. Technical and budgetary feasibility. 4. Maintenance considerations. A1H3A3S HII3)I 800Z6 VD ' 1-5 To La Costa Avenue - East Continue past Rancho Santa Fe Road which curves around to the park FEBRUARY 17, 1988 TO: DAVID BRADSTREET, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: LYNN CHASE, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT FUTURE USE OF HARDING CENTER SENIOR CITIZEN AREA This memo is in response to your request for a report on the suggested use of Harding Center after the Senior Citizen's relocate to their new site in approximately 18 months. We look forward to having additional space at Harding Center which is much needed by our staff, recreation classes, and for use by community groups. The Recreation Hall is presently shared use for the Senior's noon time Nutrition Program as well as for instructional classes, and for meetings. Since the Senior's program was relocated from Heritage Hall to Harding, we have moved our classes to the Auditorium, Heritage Hall or to other sites; it will benefit our programs to have them conducted in the Recreation Hall. The Senior's office area in the Center building at Harding, is approximately 700 square feet of space for their exclusive use. When this area becomes available, we plan to divide the area into work space for the existing staff performing the following services: 1. Lagoon Patrol & Permit/insurance clerk 2. Daytripper Guide 3. Recreation Supervisor - Adult Sports 4. Part-time staff work area (press releases, sports league standings, Triathlon packets, special events supplies, etc 5. Graphics Specialists As our programs and services continue to grow, we need to provide better work space for staff and for meeting with the public. By relocating existing staff from various shared and cluttered work sites to one central location, we can improve staff efficiency and decrease the travel time and communication problems that exist under our present operations. We need the area presently occupied by the Senior's and look forward to acquiring the additional 700 square feet of space at Harding Center. c: Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor Carl Pope, Aquatic Supervisor ATTACHMENT "H LEASE AGREEMENT LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB before such effective date lessee has acquired other insurance, which, in the determination of the City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. 17. NOTICE. Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given in this agreement may be personally served on the other party by the party giving such notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, mailed notices may be addressed to the parties at the following addresses: CITY: City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 LESSEE: Steve Weber 7930 La Capela Carlsbad, CA 92009 18. ENTIRETY. The entirety of the agreement between the parties is set forth herein. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first above written. LEUCADIA SOCCER CLUB CITY OF CARLSBAD BY: BY; STEVE WEBER, President CLAUDE LEWIS, Mayor Date: Date: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, city clerk VINCENT F. BIONDO Jr., City Attorney 2/08/88 Draft LC:me CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREATION SOCIETY 3O31 FSTREET-STE 2O2-P.O. BOX 161118-SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95816 (916) 446-CPRS BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT •CHARLES 0 DAVIS Mission OaksPRESIDENT-ELECT •JONATHAN KORFHAGE OaklandVICE PRESIDENT •CHRIS JARVIAnaneim SECRETARY/TREASURER•JOAN HARVEY Cemtos PAST PRESIDENT •MICHAEL FENOERSONGarden Grove NORTHERN REPRESENTATIVE•JAMES RAYMONDPetalumaSOUTHERN REPRESENTATIVE•EILEEN BROWNELLFountain ValleyDISTRICT I DIRECTOR CHUCK CANADASan RafaelDISTRICT II DIRECTOR RON SUTERSacramento DISTRICT III DIRECTOR FRED FRAMSTED AlamedaDISTRICT IV DIRECTOR DAVID MUELA MilpitasDISTRICT V DIRECTORRICK DAHLGREN Los BanosDISTRICT VI DIRECTORTERRY DAVISMontereyDISTRICT VII DIRECTORRICHARD FERNBAUGHVisaiiaDISTRICT VIII DIRECTORPAUL LE SAGESanta ManaDISTRICT IX DIRECTORJACK NAKANISHI Culver CityDISTRICT X DIRECTORJACK KUDRON AnaheimDISTRICT XI DIRECTOR MIKE FARRIS Yucaipa DISTRICT XII DIRECTORNANCY McCAOAM Lemon Grove DISTRICT XIII DIRECTOR DAN CHADWICK Claremoni DISTRICT XIV DIRECTOR NELLO IACONO Glendale DISTRICT XV DIRECTOR DON MARTINBear Mountain ADMINISTRATORS' SECTION DIRECTORBILL BRUDNEY Concord EDUCATORS' SECTION DIRECTORDR DON PETERSON San DiegoSTUDENT SECTION DIRECTORBRIAN GAUDREAU NontindgeRECREATION SUPERVISORS1 SECTION DIRECTOR KEN BAILEY Roseville THERAPEUTIC SECTION DIRECTORBOB WINSLOWNorttrtgeCOMMERCIAL SECTION DIRECTORDAVID MILLER Fresno PARK OPERATIONS SECTION DIRECTOR LARRY TORRES Monteoello ARMED FORCES SECTION DIRECTOR DARRYL SHAW Lemoore January 27, 1988 City of Carlsbad Mark Steyaert Park Planner 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mark: The competition for the 1987 California Park and Recreation Society En- vironmental Planning Awards was very intense this year. The City of Carlsbad's entry was not selected for an award but did qualify for a Certificate of Merit in the Community Park category. Your project ex- emplifies the established standard of quality in design and development. Thank you for taking the time and effort to develop your entry. Your project will be displayed at the California and Pacific Southwest Recre- ation and Park Conference in Long Beach. The entries for the awards program will be displayed in the exhibit hall during the Conference and will be available for pick-up on Saturday, February 27, 4 p.m. at the awards booth. Please contact me at (213)550- 4864 if you have any questions. Chairman, Environmental Planning Awards MGL:gcg wcprsOOS 'EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AFFHMTEOF ATTACHMENT "I" NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION • CALIFORNIA BOARD Of PARK AND RECREATION PERSONNEL • CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS • CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. RECREATION AND DANCE