HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION May 16, 1988 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Lawson called the Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - Chairman Lawson, Commissioners Castner, Dahlquist, Donovan and Popovich. Commissioner Morrison arrived at 5:06 p.m. Absent - Commissioner Welshons. Staff Present: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent Bob 3ohnson, Traffic Engineer Phil Carter, Growth Management Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 18, 1988, were approved as presented. APPOINT SCRIBE: Commissioner Donovan was appointed Scribe for this meeting. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM; There were no requests to address the Commission. AGENDA; The Agenda for tonight's meeting was approved as amended to move Item #8 under Departmental Reports to follow Item #5 under the same section. CONSENT CALENDAR; Chairman Lawson requested Item #4- be removed from the Consent Calendar. WAIVER OF AGENDA TEXT READING; Parks and Recreation Commission waived the reading of the Parks and Recreation Agenda Items at this meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #4, as follows: Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Popovich Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Popovich Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich 004 MINUTES 15- 1988 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Pa9e 2 COMMISSIONERS 1. AB #586-1 - DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed the Director's report. 2. AB #588-2 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted a donation of five hundred dollars ($500.00) from RecyCal, San Diego. 3. AB #588-3 - WOMEN'S OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL MATCH. Parks and Recreation Commission endorsed the Women's Olympic Volleyball activities during the week of Oune 21-24, 1988. 4. AB #568-4 - SOUTHWEST QUADRANT PARK LAND ACQUISITION. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB #588-4 - SOUTHWEST QUADRANT PARK LAND ACQUISITION. Dave Bradstreet reported the Commission asked for an update on this Item. Oohn Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, is in charge of this project and appraisals have been received. A letter has been sent to Sammis Properties regarding their obligation on the ten acres. Mrs. Beverly Southers, Realtor, representing Mr. Sherman, the current landowner, stated this would be a hard-fought battle, as Mr. Sherman Intended to fight the acquisition of his land. She stated there had been no overture from the City as far as money. Mr. Sherman purchased this land ten years ago and has not been allowed to do anything with it. At this point, the property is in escrow and it appeared that they were close to being able to do something with the land. Now the City wants to take this land to satisfy Sammis' requirement—which is even in another zone. Mrs. Southers stated Mr. Sherman wished the City would leave his property' alone. Phil Carter stated the Zone 9 plan was submitted two months ago and sent back to Sammis, who is working on it. Zone 20 was accepted by staff in December and they are working through the plan now. Mr. Carter stated the Sherman property would need to pay park fees, and any purchaser would have to go through the City to bring the requirement up to a 30-acre park. The suggestion was made to have Mr. Sherman speak with Phil Carter to have the requirements of the Growth Management Plan explained to him. Dave Bradstreet stated Sammis Properties was to negotiate with Mr. Sherman and to make an offer to him for the property. Mrs. Southers stated an offer was made, but it was too low. 005 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 16, 1988 COMMISSIONERS In answer to query from Commissioners as to whether Mr. Sherman would be willing to listen to an offer for his property, Mrs. Southers answered if he had a choice, no. She said the City does not pay a fair amount as a developer would pay more for the land. Dave Bradstreet stated Mrs. Southers would be notified of every meeting on this subject after tonight's meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed the report on this matter and requested staff to continue discussions and negotiations on this property. The request was made to add this item to the next agenda. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS; 5. AB #588-5 - ZONE 5 UPDATE. Phil Carter gave the staff report on this item, stating the developers in Zone 5 feel they can't provide all facilities upfront. However, a proposal is being put together at this time, and Mr. Carter referred to the letter to Mr. Hughes contained in the packet. When the proposal is received for the facilities, this Commission will receive a report. The Commission requested any proposal received be presented to this Commission. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed the staff report on this item. At this time, Item #8 was taken out of order. 8. AB #586-8 - TRAFFIC CIRCULATION REPORT (STAGECOACH PARK). Dave Bradstreet introduced this item, stating Stagecoach traffic circulation was to be discussed this evening. Bob Oohnson, Traffic Engineer, continued the report, using a transparency to indicate the area in front of the Community Center at Stagecoach where one-way traffic had been requested. Commissioner Donovan stated this was her request, and the problem times are peak use times when the parents are loading and unloading children. Mr. dohnson stated that one-way traffic with the parking lot as it is now would be difficult—especially with 90- degree parking. He added that arrows could be painted on the pavement and the people asked to obey those arrows. Commission suggestions included putting another curb-cut in close to the Center; angle parking; and an access by the building with the exit at the other end of the lot. Comment was made that at the present time, people do park where the curb is painted red, and this adds to the congestion. Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich 008 MINUTES °ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 16, 1988 Page * COMMISSIONERS Another suggestion was to have a walkway and steps out to the street for a drop-off spot. Mr. Oohnson stated that would be a problem, as there was a bike lane marked on the street. He agreed that making a curb cut and making an indented area for drop-off could be explored by staff. Comment was made that the entrance and landscaped areas are too tight and could be opened up to allow for better circulation. Dave Bradstreet suggested having the police there at peak times to ticket the people illegally parked. Some Commissioners felt monitoring would help, but that one- way traffic was necessary. Chairman Lawson asked staff to look into the costs of all such things as painting arrows; the number of parking spaces with angle parking and how that would affect the number of spaces. Commissioner Donovan made a motion and Commissioner Castner seconded to as expeditiously as possible paint arrows on the pavement to indicate one way traffic and change the parking angle in the main parking lot at Stagecoach Park and to look at ways to mitigate the problem in a structural manner. Commissioner Morrison stated she would prefer to monitor the one-way marking and angle parking before any structural changes are made. Commissioner Donovan agreed to delete that from the motion, and the second concurred. Chairman Lawson commented about the loss of parking spaces by angling the parking and said that he could not support any motion becauseof that loss of parking. Commissioner Castner stated he could not support a loss of 25 or 30 percent of the parking spaces, if it was determined the loss would be that great. Parks and Recreation Commission directed staff to paint directional arrows to indicate one-way traffic at Stagecoach Park and change the parking angle to re- enforce that direction. No action was taken on this item due to a tie vote. Those opposing the motion wanted to know the exact number of parking spaces to be lost before changing to angle parking. Parks and Recreation Commission directed staff to paint one- way directional arrows on the pavement in the main parking lot at Stagecoach Park and install signage. Study is to be made immediately to determine the exact number of parking spaces to be lost if angle parking were installed, with the angle to be such to keep the amount of lost spaces to a minimum. Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich 007 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 16, 1988 5 COMMISSIONERS Commission discussion on the parking included the suggestion that parking be allowed on the street, eliminating the bike lane, which is seldom used. The recommendation was made to refer the on-street parking proposal to the Traffic Safety Commission. Dave Bradstreet stated that when all the parks are in use, the heavy use of Stagecoach Park would probably taper off. 6. AB #588-6 - PRIVATIZATION FOR RECREATION FACILITIES. Dave Bradstreet reported that in 1982 privatization was discussed by the City, and this is a good idea when the City cannot afford to provide the infrastructure and needs private industry to come in and build the park areas. However, Carlsbad is different, and the idea now is to have the City build the park facilities and contract for people to operate those facilities. Chairman Lawson stated the sub-committee could deal with this and bring back recommendations or items for the Commissioners to discuss. Parks and Recreation Commission directed the sub- committee to discuss the matter of privatization and bring back recommendations to the Commission for discussion. 7. AB #5818-7 - CAR SHOWS WITHIN PARK FACILITIES. Dave Bradstreet introduced this item and Doug Duncanson continued the report. Staff recommendation was to adopt a policy of not allowing car shows on any park or turfed areas. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted staff recommendation to adopt a department policy of not allowing car shows on any park or turfed areas. 8. AB £588-8 - TRAFFIC CIRCULATION REPORT (STAGECOACH PARK) This item was taken out of order. (See page 3) COMMITTEE REPORTS: Parks and Recreation Element Revision Sub-committee Chairman Lawson reported the main concern of the committee is to continue working on goals and objectives of the Element. A report will be coming back to the Commission and will contain the item of privatization. Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich 003 MINUTES May 16, 1988 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS AGFNDA ITEMS FOR JUNE 20, 1968. Dave Bradstreet announced the Dune 20 meeting would be at City Hall and would adjourn to the welcome party at La Costa Ranch Company. The suggestion was made to schedule the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting someplace near that area, if possible. SCRIBE REPORT: Commissioner Donovan gave the Scribe Report. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 16, 1988, was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. Respectfully submitte ^"rriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 009