HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION \ \ \ \ \ Date of Meeting: Dune 20, 1988 \ \ VA \ Time of Meeting: 5:00 p.m. \O\ Y&\.A Place of Meeting: Safety and Service Center \^ Y^V»\O COMMISSIONERS \^\$$\ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Lawson called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Lawson, Commissioners Castner, Dahlquist, Donovan, Morrison, Popovich and Welshon: Absent - None. Staff Present: Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly, Management Analyst Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent Mark Steyaert, Park Planner Phil Carter, Growth Management Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 16, 1988, were approved as presented. Commissioner Castner questioned the Scribe Report for the May 16, 1988, meeting, stating paragraph five should state the angle parking was to be reviewed. Dave Bradstreet stated staff would correct the report. APPOINT SCRIBE: Commissioner Welshons was appointed Scribe for this meeting. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There were no requests to address the Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion was made and seconded to accept the Consent Calendar as presented, but was later withdrawn by Chairman Lawson and the second. Commissioner Dahlquist requested Item f6 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Parks and Recreation Commission affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #6, as follows: 004 • Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Welshons Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION June 20, 1988 2 COMMISSIONERS WAIVER OF AGENDA TEXT READING: Parks and Recreation Commission waived the reading of Agenda Items at this meeting. 1. AB #686 - 1 - DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed the Report. 2 . AB #688 - 2 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDS. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted Grant Funds of $750 from the Southern California Tennis Association and recommended acceptance by City Council. 3. AB #688 - 3 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted a donation of $2,850 from the Southwest Bank for the 1988 Triathlon and recommended acceptance by City Council. AB #688 - 3A - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted a $250 donation from the Markstein Beverage Company for the 1988 Triathlon. <K AB #668 - » - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER m. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed the Order. 5. AB »688 - 5 - ZONE 5 PARK MITIGATION FEE UPDATE. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed staff report . 6. AB »688 - 6 - BEACH AND LAGOON ACCESS UPDATE. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 6. AB »688 - 6 - BEACH AND LAGOON ACCESS UPDATE. Commissioner Dahlguist announced there would be a walk tomorrow at 4:00 p.m., with Commissioners to meet at Park Drive at the public access area. There can be no more than three Commissioners present for the walk. Parks and Recreation Commission continued this item to the Duly meeting for review of the activity that took place on the walk. 005 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Welshons MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 3une 20' 1988 Pa?e 3 COMMISSIONERS Dave Bradstreet stated the checks for the donations have been received and a letter of appreciation will be written in the name of the Commission. PUBLIC HEARING: 7. AB #688 - 7 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL PLANT MATERIAL AT CALAVERA HILLS PARK AND ADJACENT PROPERTY. Dave Bradstreet gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Commissioners Castner and Donovan expressed concern with planting trees on private property, and felt the trees should be planted on the Park property. In answer to query as to how many homeowners requested trees on their property, staff answered there were only two. Dave Bradstreet stated the City had made the offer to alleviate the problem of the two homeowners. The remainder of the trees would be planted in the common area of the homeowners association. Mr. Bradstreet stated the latest technology would provide lights that would be shielded and would not create a problem. However, the lights installed there do create a problem and even though trees were planted in the park, because of the height of the lights, it was felt trees needed to be planted closer to the homes. Commissioner Dahlqulst inquired whether there were signs in all future park areas informing the public that there will be a park in that area. Mr. Bradstreet stated there had been signs in Calavera Hills stating there would be a park in that area. Doug Duncanson added the Hunt property is the only one that does not have signs at this time. Commissioner Welshons inquired whether there would be the same light problem in the second phase of the park. Mr. Bradstreet replied the City had changed electrical contractors and changed the specifications for lights in the second phase. They are to be glare-proof. In answer to Commission query regarding the City's liability in the future of any tree planted on private property, Mr. Bradstreet .stated an agreement would be signed that once the tree was planted it became the property of the owner or the homeowners, and there would be a waiver of liability. Chairman Lawson opened the public hearing at 5:30 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Caroline Prescott, a resident at the Cape in Calavera Hills, stated her home sits high on the hill and she now has noise and sees the lights. She stated she was ready and willing to sue the City and Parks and Recreation to have the lights torn down, turned off, etc. Ms. Prescott stated the compromise was reached to plant the trees, and inasmuch as there was no room in the park itself, the trees would be on the common ground and the homeowners association would sign a release form. 006 MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oune 20, 1988 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Ms. Prescott stated she has the approval of the Board of Directors to represent the homeowners of the Cape. She stated one third of the homeowners are directly affected by the lights and there are 2W) people living there. Commissisoner Welshons stated she had a letter addressed Cathy Regan stating any suits would be up to Individual owners to pursue. to Commissioner Dahlquist stated she did not feel there should be any trees planted on the two private lots. Commissioner Donovan asked Ms. Prescott whether she was aware there was to be a park there, and she answered she was aware of that, but they did not show the lights at the height they are now installed. Mrs. Donovan further asked whether Ms. Prescott thought this was to be a passive park, or did she know there were to be ballfields, and Ms. Prescott answered she did not think the noise would reach as far as it does. Commissioner Popovich commented that an expert had testified that vegetation does not stop sound unless It Is so dense that you cannot see light through it. He continued, stating the City spent a lot of money to put a park in for the convenience of the residents in that area. It is costing a lot of money to light the ballfields, and if the surrounding residents do not want that, then cut out the lights and schedule no more night ballgames. When the ballplayers complain, refer them to the homeowners association. Since no one else wished to address the Commission on this Item, the public hearing was closed at 5:<t5 p.m. Commissioner Castner stated the lights could not be turned off—the City put five million dollars Into that park and the people of Carlsbad will use it. He added he did not like planting trees on private property, but if an agreement and release were signed and this would satisfy the people, he would support this. Chairman Lawson concurred with Commissioner Castner, stating the goodwill toward the City and this Commission would be worthwhile. The residents around that park knew there was to be a park there and ballfields. He stated he would support this if there was assurance this would not come back again. Commissioner Donovan stated she did not support this, as this happens every time the City builds a park--noise, lights or something else is a complaint by those buying around the park. She felt the people should investigate what is going to be in that park and not buy there if that annoys them. Mrs. Donovan felt this would set a dangerous precedent to put trees or anything else on private property- -just because they are "wronged" by the City. She stated she was angry at the intent to intimidate by threatening to sue the City and Parks and Recreation and felt the matter needed more investigation. 007 MINUTES 3une 20' 1988 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Pa9e 5 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Morrison stated there were only two residents who accepted the offer to plant trees on their property, and those people could sign a waiver. However, she was not certain this would solve the problem, and felt all of the residents there should accept this solution, as well as the homeowners association. Commissioner Dahlquist stated there were only two residents who wanted trees on their own property and she felt the developer should have some integrity. She stated she would not support trees on private property. Commissioner Welshons suggested directing staff to work out an agreement that would be the final solution. She stated this should go back to the residents for their signing. Commissioner Donovan said that would be it and it would now be the homeowners' problem. Commissioner Morrison added it should state In the agreement that this is the final agreement. Commissioner Dahlquist made a motion and Commissioner Castner seconded it to accept the agreement worked out regarding Items 1, 2 and 3 in the staff report, excluding planting of trees within private property and fenced yards. Motion was later withdrawn. Dave Bradstreet stated those three items have already been done, and he recommended the Commission look at Exhibit 1 on page 33 of the agenda. There are four items recommended by Mr. Salvado in his letter dated Oune 9, 1988. The items listed there are: 55 melalucla trees, 12 podocarpus trees, 75 piracantha shrubs and 1,000 wooden slats, with a total cost of $3,317. Mr. Bradstreet said staff should be directed to work out an agreement as a final solution with the homeowners and the City. Commissioner Popovich read the last paragraph of Mr. Salvado's letter as follows: "The execution of this offer by the Department of Parks and Recreation will make many residents of The Cape very pleased. Although I must tell you that there are some remaining homeowners that are investigating a potential suit on the City." Parks and Recreation Commission accepted the compromise agreement outlined by staff and the Homeowners Association, excluding any planting of trees or shrubs on private property. Staff is to work out an agreement with the City and the Homeowners Association stipulating this agreement is the final solution to the noise and lighting complaints at Calavera Hills Park. Parks and Recreation Commission changed the name of the group to the Board of Directors of The Cape Homeowners Association. 008 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Welshons Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Welshons MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION June 20, 1988 Page 6 COMMISSIONERS :<p DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 8. AB #688 - 8 PARK AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN UPDATE. Dave Bradstreet gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, detailing the information given on the charts. Parks and Recreation Commission approved the proposed park inventory and facility location map, as corrected, to be included within the revised Parks and Recreation Element. Commissioner Dahlquist commented all those areas shown on the map as future parks should have a sign "Future Carlsbad Park" prominently displayed. SCRIBE REPORT: Commissioner Welshons gave the Scribe Report. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting of Dune 20, 1988, was adjourned at 6:4-0 p.m., to La Costa Ranch House for a social function. Respectfully submitted, fiftf' ** • /j^ Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 009 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Donovan Morrison Popovich Welshons X X X X X X X X