HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION \ \ Date of Meeting: September 19. I9B6 \A\ Time of Meeting: 5 00 p.m. V£)\ Place of Meeting: Council Chambers V< COMMISSIONERS \ CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Lawson called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present - Chairman Lawson. Commissioners Castner. Dahlquist, Knox, Morrison, Strayer and ftelshons. Absent - None. Staff Present Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 15, 1988, were approved as presented. The Scribe Report and the Mayor's Comments of August 29, 1988, were approved by the same motion. Dave Bradstreet announced that Item #5, AB #988-5, Pacific Rim park Dedication had been removed from the Agenda at the request of the developer and will be back for review at the October meeting. APPOINT SCRIBE; Commissioner Castner was appointed Scribe for this meeting. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There were no requests to address the Commission. PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations. CONSENT CALENDAR. Parks and Recreation Commission affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: 0004 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Knox Morrison Strayer Welshons Lawson Castner Dahlquist Knox Morrison Strayer Vkelshons w\ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 19, 1988 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS WAIVER OF AGENDA TEXT READING: Parks and Recreation Commission waived the reading of the text of Agenda Items at this meeting. 1. AB #988 - 1 - DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed the September Director's Report. 2. AB #988-2 - PARKING LOT CIRCULATION/STAGECOACH COMMUNITY PARK. Parks and Recreation Commission approved the circulation redesign for the main parking lot at Stagecoach Park. PUBLIC HEARING: 3, AB #988-3 - PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT REVISION. Dave Bradstreet stated that in March a Subcommittee was appointed consisting of Commissioners Lawson, Popovich and Welshons. This Subcommittee met with Keith Beverly weekly to revise the Parks and Recreation Element and make it more succinct and germane and determine goals and objectives. Mr. Bradstreet said that the Element was rewritten and reviewed by City staff, the Planning Department and Growth Management Department, and their comments were incorporated Into Draft II. There will be one review this evening and one the third Monday in October at Stagecoach Park. Keith Beverly continued the report, using transparencies to illustrate the figures and charts contained in the Agenda Bill, and to show the significant changes In the Element. In answer to Commission query regarding the Pine School land acquisition, staff stated that was a long-term goal. The land by Carrillo Ranch was designated for a school but due to Its location near the airport was not suitable for an elementary school. Since this land is adjacent to the Carrillo property, it would be a desirable piece of property for parkland in the southeast quadrant. Mr. Bradstreet added that with other proposals that have been made to the City, there was the possibility of a corridor from Alga Norte to the Carrillo Ranch property. Commissioner Dahlquist inquired why Hub Park was not mentioned. Staff Indicated that is a special resource area and the City leases that land from SDG4E. Mr. Bradstreet added that staff was reviewing the Macario Plan and the Hub Park area would be utilized in that plan. Commissioner Welshons explained that the Subcommittee discussed that and whether to consider development on property that the City leases. MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 19, 1968 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bradstreet said that staff would discuss whether they wanted to include hub Park and might include it. Commissioner Heishons added that the Subcommittee wanted to have a timely document that would last five years. They allowed for inserts (addenda) to De made to the Element to eliminate the need to review and rewrite the entire Element each year. Chairman Lawson inquired whether a swimming complex would be a special use area, and staff indicated that if it were part of a community alone, it would be considered a S.U.A. (Special Use Area) Chairman Lawson opened the Public Hearing at 5:52 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Mario Monroy, 3810 Carlsbad Boulevard, addressed the Commission, giving his background of City service, and stated the "pay-as-you-go" system for parks was fine for three quadrants, but not so for the northwest quadrant. That quadrant is built-out and there is little construction or vacant land. Mr. Monroy stated there is no connection between the lagoons from the north to the south, and he suggested the railroad right-of-way be used to get pedestrians and bicycles off of Carlsbad Boulevard and onto a trail system. He felt a five-year plan should be considered for the southwest and northwest quadrants to try to tie the lagoons together. Mr. Monroy further stated the financing for parkland in the northwest quadrant should be studied and comments and recommendations made to the Council. He felt the northwest quadrant was being left behind due to land probiems and the opportunity to acquire any land in that quadrant will soon be gone. Chairman Lawson closed the Public Hearing until the .October meeting, when it will be opened again for public comment. Commission discussion regarding Mr. Monroy's suggestions resulted in the Commissioners feeling that staff should look into the possibilities of trails along the railroad right-of-way, including the liability, maintenance and safety involved in such a project. Chairman Lawson stated that the Planning Department is looking into these types of elements, and it really becomes a land use issue. Parks and Recreation Commission directed staff and the Park Site and Facility Planning Subcommittee to study the suggestion of trails to tie the lagoons to the south and north of the City together, with access along the railroad right-of-way, ana return to the Commission with recommendations. 0005 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Knox Morrison Strayer Welshons MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 19, 1988 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: (Continued) 6. AB #988-6 - PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS. Commissioner Welshons suggested a new committee category of Commission/Liaison and the Commission concurred. Parks and Recreation Commission and staff acknowledged the new Committee assignments, as follows: Park Site and Facility Planning Commissioners Dahlquist, Lawson, Welshons, Strayer and Knox Update City-Wide Development Plan Commissioners Morrison, Lawson, Welshons and Strayer Budget Commissioners Welshons, Lawson and Knox School District Liaison Commissioner Lawson - Enclnltas Commissioner Morrison - Carlsbad Commissioner Castner - San Marcos Special Programs/Projects Commissioners Morrison, Dahlquist and Welshons Street Tree and Si q rage Program Commissioners Lawson, Dahlquist and Castner Commission/Liaison Commissioner Welshons Commissioner Castner - Senior Citizen Commission Commissioner Dahlquist - CARA AGENDA ITEMS FOR OCTOBER 17, 1968. Parks and Recreation Element Review Stagecoach Community Center, 5:00 p.m. Report on Calavera Community Center Dave Bradstreet stated he would emphasize some points more in the staff presentation at Stagecoach Park, such as delineate future park sites; reiterate the grandfathering of reclassified park areas; also emphasize continuing the large community park concept. 0006 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Knox Strayer Welshons MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 19, 1988 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Chairman Lawson stated he would like to have comments with regard to special funding, recognizing that park development within the northwest quadrant Is limited. Commissioner Morrison left the meeting. Dave Bradstreet stated the PFF is City-wide and can be used in any quadrant, whereas the park-in-lleu fees must be used in the quadrant where they are collected. In order to get funds for the northwest quadrant, the policy would need to be changed. Chairman Lawson stated there were two items; funding for park facilities in the northwest quadrant and the funding for the trail system, and these topics should be discussed by the Committee. Commissioner Welshons suggested the Subcommittee continue their discussion on the Pine Street property acquisition. Commissioner Castner commented that the School District would have to vote unanimously to give up that property and he felt that would be difficult. Commissioner Welshons stated the draft would be re- submitted to staff for corrections. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: *• AB <988-fr - REQUEST TO PROVIDE NEWSPAPER RECYCLING DROPOFF AT SPINNAKER HILL. Dave Bradstreet gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. He stated that staff recommended the approval of the request. Don Connors, 921 Begonia Court, addressed the Commission stating this would be a metal bin that the homeowners will maintain and be responsible for upkeep and cleaning. This is to be a community project and a test project, and If it becomes a safety hazard, it will be withdrawn. In answer to Commission query regarding the Risk Manager, no comment had been received from him. Doug Duncanson will check with Mr. German on this request. Parks and Recreation Commission approved AB #988-4, a request by the Spinnaker Hills Homeowner's Association for the placement of a newspaper recycling depository on City property; subject to approval from the Risk Manager. This Is to be restricted to residential area homeowners' newspapers only and subject to a trial period review of six months. 5. AB t988-5 - PACIFIC RIM PARK DEDICATION. This Item was continued to the October meeting. Lawson Castner Dahlquist Knox Strayer Welshons MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 19, 1988 Page COMMISSIONERS SCRIBE REPORT: Commissioner Castner gave the Scribe Report. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 19, 1988, *es adjourned at 6:56 p.m., to Monday, October 17, 1988, 5:00 p.m., at Stagecoach Park. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk