HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of Date of Meeting- Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION November 21. 1988 5 00 p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Lawson called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Lawson, Commissioners Castner, DahlquJst, Morrison and Strayer. Absent: Commissioners Knox and Kelshons. Staff Present: Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 17, 1988. were approved as presented. The Scribe Report and Mayor's Comments of November 2, 1988, were approved by the same motion. *. APPOINT SCRIBE: Commissioner Dahlqulst was appointed Scribe for this meeting. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: There were no requests to address the Commission. PRESENTATIONS: Dave Bradstreet presented the Commission with a $1,000 check from Dooley McCluskey's for youth recreation. He stated an appropriate thank-you letter will be sent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Parks and Recreation Commission accepted the Agenda as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR; Chairman Lawson requested Item #1 be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Parks and Recreation Commission affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item 1. as follows: 0004 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Morrison Strayer Lawson Castner Dahlquist Morrison Strayer Lawson Castner Dahlauist Morrison Strayer MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION November 21, 1988 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS WAIVER OF AGENDA TEXT READING: Parks and Recreation Commission waived the readina of the text of Agenda items at this meetino. 2. AB #1188-2 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Commission accepted the $1 .000 donation from Dooley McCluskey's for youth recreation events and recommended acceptance by the City Council. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. AB #1188-1 - DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Dave Bradstreet reported that one of the items in his report dealt with a breakin at the Calavera Hills Community Park center. This occurred two weeks ago Saturday evening and the unknown persons climbed onto the roof of the building and gained access through a trap door in the roof. Skylights were broken; a foot went through the ceiling and in the gym the newly sanded floors were damaged by skateboards: stored light fixtures were broken and glue was sprayed all over the walls: control fixtures were knocked off of the walls, leaving holes. Mr. Bradstreet stated there was a $500 reward posted for names of the individuals responsible for this damage—approximately $45,000 worth—but the February opening date should still be possible. Commissioner Dahlquist stated that if the persons responsible were found to be under the age of 18, she felt the parents should be held responsible for the damaqes. Dave Bradstreet stated there will be a guard on duty now. and Commissioner Morrison stated that should be a recommendation for future park buildings. Commission accepted and filed the Director's Report of October - November, 1988. PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were no Public Hearings scheduled. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS : 3, AB #1188-3 - CURRENT/FUTURE BALLFIELD INVENTORY AND BALLFIELD STANDARDS. Dave Bradstreet gave the report, stating the Department met with C.A.R.A. and agreed upon on the standards presented to the Commission. He said he had a new National Parks and Recreation Association Guideline and that had been used in determining the standards. However, the National standards call for one ballfield for every 5.000 population, and the City of Carlsbad requires one for every ^.000. Mr. Bradstreet commented that the reason our standard is higher is that not too many cities across the nation have our good weather. 0005 Lawson / Castner Dahlguist Morrison Strayer \ rv1 /r~- X ^ <v —~^ X X X X X *•••«—•»' ^0 <3 N / ^K. _^-- s/ MINUTES PARKS WO RECREATION COMMISSION November 21, 1988 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS; (Continued) Mr. Bradstreet stated the National standard calls for one field for every 10,000 population for soccer, but because soccer is very popular in this area, he recommended our standard should be one for every 't-.OOO persons. Mr. Bradstreet stated the tennis court standard was one court for every 2.000 population. Mr. Bradstreet commented that accordinq to other professionals in the field, they count private tennis courts in order to meet the standards. He recommended this concept be considered in Carlsbad to meet the tennis standards. There was Commission discussion about the tennis court standard, and Mr. Bradstreet suggested if the private courts are not counted toward the standard, then the number of people using those private courts should be subtracted from the total population numbers. The consensus of the Commission was to not count private tennis courts. Parks and Recreation Commission continued this item to the next meeting to allow staff to incorporate the discussion into the report. 4. AB #1168-4- - PACIFIC RIM PARK SITE. Chairman Lawson abstained from the discussion and vote on this item. Commissioner Morrison chaired the meeting for this item. Dave Bradstreet referred to the copy of a letter in the packet written to Pacific R*m Development accepting the park site. Parks and Recreation Commission accepted the letter of acknowledgment for the Commission's acceptance of Pacific Rim's Park dedication requirements for 2^.25 acres, as presented. Chairman Lawson resumed the chair. Commissioner Strayer left the meeting at 5:52 p.m. 0006 Lawson Castner Dahlquist Morrison Strayer Lawson Castner Dahlquist Morrison Strayer MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION November 21, 1988 Page <<•COMMISSIONERS COMMITTEE REPORTS Dave Bradstreet stated that the Commission had requested the Macario Canyon Master Plan to he revised inhouse. and he said that staff has been doing that, and the revision Is in the preliminary stages. He asked for the Park Planning Subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Commission to review and make a report to the Commission on the Macario Master Plan. AGENDA ITEMS EOR DECEMBER 19. 1988- Election of Officers Current/future ballfield inventory and standards SCRIBE REPORT- Commissioner Dahlqulst gave the Scribe Report. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of November 21. 1988, was ad.tourned at 5-59 p.m., to Saturday. December 3, 1988, Beach View Terrace Inn, for a Commission Workshop. Respectfully submitted. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 0007