HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Date of Meeting: October 16, 1989
Time of Meeting: 5:00 p.m.
Place of Meeting: City Council Chamber COMMISSIONERS
Chairperson Dahlquist-Bursvold called the meeting to
order at 5:00 p.m.
Present:Chairperson Dahlquist/Bursvold,
Commissioners Ward, Welshons, Castner,
Knox, Commissioner Strayer arrived at
5:06, Commissioner Lawson arrived at
David Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation
Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst
Ken Price, Principal Recreation Supervisor
Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent
Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager
Commissioner Castner requested a clarification on Page
8, last paragraph, to state that in place of "their",
replace it with the Northwest Quadrant Groups half of
the report. Commissioner Knox requested a change on
Page 5, changing the date of, and receipt of Michael
Dodson's letter to September 15th and not October
15th. The Minutes of September Commission meeting
were unanimously approved.
Commissioner Welshons was appointed Scribe for this
Commissioner Knox made the Motion to accept the
September scribe report as written. Motion passed
There were no request to address the Commission.
Dahlqi 1st
Parks and Recreation CommissionOctober 16, 1989Page 2
Commissioner Castner requested that AB#1089-3 National
Volleyball Center Proposal be the first issue
addressed in front of the Northwest Quadrant Park
Issue. With that change the Agenda was approved
unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Castner.
The Consent Calendar was affirmed by the Commission.
Motion was as follows:
Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and filed
the Director's Report for September/October 1989.
Commissioner Lawson made the motion that passed
David Bradstreet gave staff report regarding this
issue. He stated this issue has been before the Parks
and Recreation Commission for consideration at the
June Commission meeting at which time the Commission
had several questions regarding the proposal and
directed staff to return to the Commission with more
specific information regarding their concerns.
Mr. Bradstreet stated staff had met with Terry
Liskevych to specifically address concerns and that
a report had been prepared and attached to the agenda
bill for discussion. Prior to discussion of this
issue staff had prepared video tape for review by the
Commission. The first video tape was an introduction
of the volleyball program headed by Terry Liskevych
as interviewed on CBS morning news. The second video
was of the US Women's Volley Team and the US Men's
Volleyball Team in Olympic competition and the Men's
award ceremony for the Gold Medal.
Continuing with the staff report, Mr. Bradstreet
referred to the exhibits on the wall which identified
two alternatives. The first alternative consisting
approximately of five acres of land, this alternative
would consist of a practice facility, multi-purpose
gym (approximately 25,000 square feet), a sports
medicine fitness and health center (approximately
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 19893
10,000 square feet), office space (approximately
10,000 square feet), and an outdoor sand volleyball
court and seating area approximately (20,000 square
feet), and parking estimate for 100 cars at
approximately 40,000 square feet.
The second alternative for a National Volleyball
Center and Events Convention center would require
approximately 15-20 acres as estimated by staff.
In addition to alternative one this would require
37,000 square feet for an events facility/convention
facility seating for 5,000 people and a parking
estimate for 1,200 cars or 480,000 square feet which
would require 11 acres.
David Bradstreet again referred to the staff report
and stated that although no site had been permanently
identified for such a facility, the sites that were
being considered are Alta Mira, Alga Norte, Cannon
Lake, Macario Park and Zone 5.
Mr. Bradstreet made comment of Commission questions
during the June meeting regarding the cost of the
construction being born by the private sector, parking
requirements for anywhere from 100 to 1,200 cars
(depending on the alternative). Outlined a time of use
and the availability of the facility for public use,
and stated that there would be a use fee similar to
current fee supported recreation programs. The land
considerations would require an agreement for lease
and that there was no development time line. The cost
for maintenance and operation would need to be further
considered. The landscaping issues would need to be
determined. Possible revenues that could be generated
would be provided through sports medicine clinic,
fitness center, events center, and special events.
Revenues generated by the City could be used for
supervision and program cost and maintenance and
operation cost at a prorated basis.
Mr. Bradstreet stated that the benefit to the City of
Carlsbad would be local, State, National and World-
wide recognition, public use and revenues. He stated
that the gymnasium would be multi-purpose and future
issues which would be further considered would be
parking, traffic, circulation, building sizes,
neighborhood compatibility, and/or opportunities for
additional recreation amenities.
Mr. Bradstreet stated that if conceptual approval for
the facility would be recommended, that staff would
need to work with Mr. Liskevych and the City Manager's
office to further address this issue.
Terry Liskevych addressed the Commission at this time
stating that with a National Volleyball Center, you
would not only draw from the Men's and Women's Olympic
teams but other volleyball entities as well.
Mr. Liskevych reiterated that staff along with himself
and people from his organization have worked very hard
to formulate this concept of a national volleyball
center which could act as a national center for
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
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volleyball organizations.
Turned over for Commission discussion, Commissioner
Strayer spoke in favor of the proposal concept and
added that this proposal would be an opportunity for
a government contribution to the Olympic effort and
training of Olympic individuals.
Commissioner Strayer felt that this is an excellent
opportunity for not only Government but the citizens
of Carlsbad to contribute to the Olympic spirit.
Commissioner Knox stated she has no opposition to
exploring the possibility of this concept further,
however, she felt that there were an awful lot of
questions and concerns that need to be answered
definitely, before this project would be in the
development stages. She further stated that there is
a great deal of differeace between the two alternative
proposals and funding for these centers clearly needs
to be further defined. She stated in theory she felt
that she could endorse further study of this issue.
Terry Liskevych responded in saying that he
understands that the funding issues would obviously
need to be further explored, but if a conceptual
approval for this project were given, that he could
pursue even further his exploration for funding from
the private sector.
Mr. Liskevych stated that he would put together a
financial proforma prior to approaching private sector
funding and would also make that available for
Commission presentation.
Mr. Bradstreet stated that based on the Commission's
direction that staff is to provide for a balance of
recreational needs within the community. Reference
was made to a privatization approach of providing
additional recreation amenities over and above that
balance as stated in the element. If the possibility
exist to provide that, staff has in fact considered
that privatization approach. This volleyball center
may well provide for that type of a situation.
Commissioner Castner reiterated Commissioner Knox's
feelings that many questions still need to be
answered, however, he would be willing to give a
conceptual approval to start the process of providing
for this type of facility.
Commissioner Castner stated he felt it is important
for staff to make sure that this proposal would be a
win, win situation for all parties involved.
Commissioner .Castner further indicated that the
difference between providing a five acre parcel and
the difference between providing a twenty acre parcel
is quite significant and could not support a twenty
acre parcel for the volleyball proposal at Alta Mira
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October 16, 1989
Page 5
Mr. Bradstreet stated that Mr. Liskevych and staff
were well aware that an events center requiring up to
twenty acres would and should necessary not be a
consideration for a future community park site.
However, a facility such as that may well fit within
the future Macario Park.
Commissioner Welshons queried Mr. Liskevych as to what
would happen to the building should U.S.A. Volleyball
decide to vacate the proposed site.
Mr. Bradstreet stated he felt that was an excellent
question which needs to be further explored for a
actual determination.
Mr. Liskevych stated that issues such as that would
need to be addressed during a lease agreement
formation, however, he did not feel that his
volleyball organization would decide to make such a
move as Commissioner Welshons had referred to.
Commissioner Welshons asked Mr. Liskevych where his
training will take place until such a training
facility is established.
Mr. Liskevych responded that he is currently training
in the Balboa area of San Diego, however, the future
of that site is questionable at this time.
Mr. Liskevych further stated that his training
facility and administrative offices as well as therapy
centers are located in different locations throughout
San Diego.
Commissioner Welshons felt that the hours of use as
identified in the current report were excellent,
however, questioned what would happen if the
volleyball use time was greater and needed more hours
per day, and how that would be worked out.
Again, Mr. Liskevych responded that those are
particular questions that need to be addressed further
and would be done so in a lease agreement with the
Commissioner Welshons questioned whether the sports
medicine clinic would be opened to the public.
Mr. Liskevych indicated that yes, in fact it would be
open to all members of the community on a paying
basis. He further stated that the sports medicine
clinic would in all probability be a private venture.
In terms of the revenue mentioned in the proposal, Mr.
Liskevych indicated that any generation of revenue
would need to be further outlined in an agreement
between the City and the participants of the
volleyball organization.
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October 16, 1989
In conclusion, Commissioner Welshons said that she can
support the idea in concept and was appreciative of
such an opportunity where corporate sponsors could
support amateur athletics. She further stated that
this has the potential to bring elite coaches for the
children and young adult athletes in Carlsbad.
Commissioner Ward had several questions, one, she
wanted to know what the financial status was of Mr.
Liskevych's organization towards building this type
of facility.
Mr. Liskevych stated that although he did not
necessarily have a financial basis as of yet, his
group is prepared to work towards the commitment of
funding for this proposal during the next couple of
months. And further stated that there are a number
of entities which would be joining in on the venture
as it relates to a national volleyball training
Commissioner Ward further queried Mr. Liskevych as to
when he anticipated such a facility coming on line and
if he was willing to wait three to five years for this
facility to become a reality.
Mr. Liskevych responded that he was aware that such
a facility would not be constructed before 1992 or
1993 in time for the upcoming Olympics.
Mr. Liskevych acknowledged that indeed it may take
until 1995 or 1996, before all the pieces of a
complete development are put together, and further
acknowledged the possibility of Macario Canyon
providing a piece of the development scenario and
realizing that the park will not come on line until
Commissioner Ward stated she did have some
reservations regarding this development proposal. Oneof which being the assessed evaluation of land in
Carlsbad as being second only to San Diego within the
County, and in terms of providing one of these
scenarios, 20 acres would be quite a bit of money.
Commissioner Ward felt that this was a good
opportunity for private development, but reiterated
that 20 acres is quite a large donation. She felt
that as a government donation that government already
has a very large demand on it for donations from
varying aspects, everybody wants something from
Commissioner Ward stated that she felt this type of
proposal would have a very heavy impact on residential
neighbors, both in terms of visual effects, and
traffic concerns. She felt she considered this
proposal a major development proposal in size, scope,
and traffic, and further stated that the facility
exceeds Carlsbad building height. Parking was another
concern and suggested the requirement of the events
center would take up to 8 acres. She felt that the
community park should be 100% available to the
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
community which it serves. She again reiterated she
felt this was a great opportunity for private
Commissioner Lawson questioned again regarding the 5
acre proposal, and the 15-20 acre proposal, and the
amenities associated with each one.
Mr. Bradstreet reiterated the 15-20 acre site would
include an events facility/convention center.
Commissioner Lawson stated that the figures on the
graphic displays would indicated that the alternative
with the events center would indicate an area of 24
Mr. Liskevych commented that these are approximate
acreage figures and square foot figures and that
actual acre size may vary.
Commissioner Lawson questioned Mr. Liskevych if he has
run any proforma on these two different scenarios.
Again, Mr. Liskevych said to date he has not, but
pending a conceptual approval his group would work
towards that end.
Commissioner Lawson questioned who would be funding
the refinement of further investigation because he had
some concerns over the use of staff time to perform
this type of work. His concern was over the amount
of staff time that would be required to be consumed
with further studies.
Mr. Liskevych stated that they have not explored the
future investigation of this proposal. However, he
felt that the National Volleyball Association
Incorporated would absorb the great majority of the
cost for further investigation, but would necessarily
need to depend on staff input.
Mr. Liskevych responded that he would have no
objection to discussing the issue of who would prepare
or bear the cost further. Again, Mr. Liskevych stated
he would need to pursue that further with staff, and
return for further direction.
Commissioner Lawson questioned David Bradstreet as to
if there are negative concerns that would arise over
providing office buildings in parks, because of the
specified land use designation.
Mr. Bradstreet stated he would need to investigate
that situation further, and return at a future point
in time in a more refined development proposal.
Mr. Bradstreet further stated a great deal of issues
would necessarily need to be reviewed by departments
within the City that possess a great deal more
expertise in matters related to their jurisdiction.
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
Commissioner Lawson further queried staff as to
whether this would be an example of privatization
development as discussed in the 1989 Park and
Recreation Element.
Mr. Bradstreet stated that in his opinion it was
indeed an aspect of privatization approach to
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that all of her
questions had been answered through the Commission
discussion and further stated that she liked the idea,
and realized that it is conceptual at this point, and
the big picture must still be further analyzed. She
further stated she could endorse the concept at this
point and referenced that this is the type of
situation that was the type of development that was
suppose to be incorporated within Macario Canyon all
Mr. Don Conner, 921 Begonia Court, addressed the
Commission and stated that he was a member of the
Southwest Quadrant coalition which represented over
3,500 residents. Me spoke essentially in opposition
of this type of development within Alta Mira park.
In summarization he was essentially in favor of this
type of development in support of athletes, however,
could not specifically endorse the City's donation or
lease of land for this venture. But again, did
support such a facility for the type of training that
it could provide.
Mrs. Renada Mulrey, addressed the Commission in
opposition of this proposal. Her primary reason for
opposition was because she did not feel that such a
privatized proposal such as volleyball or any other
privatization approach toward development belongs in
the development of any City park.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold reiterated that the
privatization approach toward recreational development
within Macario Canyon has long been thought of, and
told Mrs. Mulrey that this is not a new approach in
terms of the philosophy of Parks and Recreation
Commissioner Knox made the motion to accept in concept
for further exploration to research the possibility
of a national volleyball center and events/conference
center in Carlsbad.
Commissioner Lawson requested further clarification
if in fact the motion addressed his concerns regarding
staff time and cost involved in the efforts put forth
in the formation of any further studies regarding this
Commissioner Ward referred to developer fees that must
be paid for development proposals submitted to the
Commissioner Knox restated her motion and indicated
that was in fact the intent of her motion was that
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 19899
staff further investigate on the possibility providing
this center. With that clarification, the Motion
passed 6-1, with Commissioner Ward voting in
opposition for reasons so stated in the affirmed
mentioned minutes.
Commissioner Knox then reiterated that her motion was
to reflect further details to be worked out regarding
staff time, and the cost of such time and who that
cost was to be absorbed by. She requested this issue
clarification and those items come back to the
Commission in the next month or two.
The Commission at this point adjourned for a period
of twelve minutes.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold referenced a memo
received by the Commission from Clint Phillips, staff
liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission,
requesting the Commission to consider the purchase of
the Ramsey House in reference to the Northwest
Quadrant Park issues, and also requested further
explanation on the location of the proposed 10 acre
purchase within the Northwest Quadrant as outlined in
the report.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold introduced the item
stating that the Subcommittee representatives would
address each of these six issues as outlined in the
The first item for discussion was whether school
acreage should be counted within the parks inventory.
The issue was addressed by Commissioner Welshons.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold proceeded to introduce
the item and read briefly from the Agenda Bill
prepared for this issue, highlighting the time
sequence and events which occurred during the
committee proceedings.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that the goal
of the committee was to discuss parks issues related
to the Northwest Quadrant of Carlsbad for
consideration to and recommendation by the Parks and
Recreation Commission for ultimate consideration by
the City Council. She explained that was the
responsibility the committee was charged with.
At this point, Commissioner Welshons addressed issue
number one concerning counting school park property
towards the park acreage requirements as identified
in the park inventory. Commissioner Welshons
highlighted the committee findings.
1. The City of Carlsbad has joint use/maintenance
agreements with the school district for their
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October 16,
Page 10
2. The school sites provide recreational use for the
3. The Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department
schedules the use of those facilities by the
4. The children who are residents of Carlsbad utilize
the playgrounds and hard court surfaces during
school P.E. classes and recess periods, as well
as the afternoon and weekend basis.
5. The school sites are open to all members of the
community on an after school and weekend basis for
recreational use.
6. The City provides financial support for the
rehabilitation development and/or maintenance of
the school facilities to enhance their
recreational potential;
7. The school district does not have the financial
resources to enhance these areas to the degree
that the City maintenance forces do.
8. The Civic Center Act guarantees the opportunity
for continued recreational use of these facilities
should the property become for sale. The property
is offered to local governing agencies at 25%
below the fair market value of that property.
Commissioner Welshons stated the Subcommittee
recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission
was that school district property should continue to
be counted towards meeting the parks standard as
identified in the park acreage inventory. She further
stated that she emphasized the word continue in that
this Commission approved the adoption of the 1989
Parks and Recreation Element in which it was
identified that park property should count towards
meeting the parks standards and that it was also
included as adopted in the 1982 Parks and Recreation
At this point, Commissioner Strayer commented that in
south Carlsbad a number of years ago, the school
facilities were the only sites that provided
recreational opportunity in that location at a point
in time when there were no other facilities available.
Had it not been for those joint use agreements, the
opportunity for recreational sites would have been non
existent had it not been for school sites.
Commissioner Strayer further stated that the
Commission should do everything in their power to
continue the process by which school acreage is
counted toward meeting the parks standard.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold addressed issue number
two, "accepting tne 1989 Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that the
Subcommittee position was that the 1989 Parks and
Recreation Element should be accepted as presented and
outlined the process by which that element revision
was formulated. She stated that there were several
Subcommittee meetings which were open to the public
in order to formulate this document. The element was
presented as a Commission item under public hearings
in both the north and south portion of Carlsbad. The
element was unanimously approved, it was reviewed by
the General Plan Review Committee with recommended
changes, and those changes have been so noted and the
element will go before the Planning Commission for
consideration shortly and then to the City Council for
adoption. She further stated that the Commission
had acknowledged that if a change is necessitated in
the element that provisions do exist to change the
element up to three times per year.
Issue number three was also addressed by Commissioner
Dahlquist-Bursvold and the issue was park
acquisition/development plans for the Pine Street
school site (replacement plan, reallocation of P.I.L.
funds). Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that
through the Subcommittee proceedings it was
acknowledged that perhaps the acquisition of Pine
Street school may not become available in the time
frame as acknowledged in the Parks and Recreation
Element. The committees findings were that
consideration should be given for the reallocation of
funds as identified in the C.I.P. budget (for Pine
school acquisition).
Issue 4, "to improve upon the number of existing areas
for recreational use in the Northwest Quadrant, the
following sites have been identified for possible buy,
sell, lease, trade, develop or rehabilitate."
Commissioner Lawson introduced this issue, and
reported that this perhaps was the focus of the
Subcommittee's efforts in terms of a request to
provide additional specific parks in the Northwest
Quadrant as they relate to serving the demographics
of the quadrant.
Commissioner Lawson stated that the committee members
toured the park sites as outlined in the committee
report and stated that essentially these park sites
were brought up by members of the Northwest Quadrant
group. However, in terms of placing each of these
park sites in a prioritization, the voting members of
the committee as a whole placed them in priorities 1-
5. The prioritization was more or less a consensus
of the entire group.
Commissioner Lawson stated that the committee findings
and position on each of these possible future park
sites is outlined in the report, however the priority
which they were listed does not necessary reflect the
Parks and Recreation Subcommittee's prioritization of
those items, but reflects the prioritization of the
entire group as a whole.
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
Commissioner Lawson referenced priority #1, the
establishment of a trail system and stated that staff
is currently investigating the formation of a trail
system in relation to the Open Space Committee and the
work that they have done and felt that a continuation
in the evaluation of this possible trail system is
part of an ongoing study.
Commissioner Lawson also referenced the property north
of Denny's Restaurant and stated that it was not part
of the original tour, and that it was indeed brought
up later in discussions. He felt that this area was
brought into discussion, as part of the demographics,
its location being between the two lagoons east of the
railroad tracks and just west of 1-5, which would
serve an area with a great deal of population.
With reference to Hosp Grove, potential for park
development, Mr. Lawson stated it did not
particularily fall into the aforementioned
demographics, however the Commission Subcommitee
members felt that because the property is owned by the
City, it does have a great potential for development
in terms of providing for a quicker development.
In reference to priority #3, Commissioner Lawson
stated the area in the vicinity of the Civic Center
seems to be unclear in terms of the future development
because the property is currently being utilized for
municipal purposes and the community garden as
outlined in the report, currently provides for
recreational use.
In reference to the future Pine Street community park,
Commissioner Lawson reiterated there is some
uncertainty as to the future possibility of that site,
however it had always been thought of by the
department to be a future community park at some point
in time. The reason for the future Pine Street
community park was always thought of as fulfilling the
initial concern of this Committee which seemed to be
providing community parks where the people are, or
providing for the demographics. He stated although
the development possibility is uncertain at this time,
the basic concept of providing a community park within
that location should not be dismissed and should be
held onto, at least in concept.
In reference to the acquisition and development of
property adjacent to Valley Jr. High School,
Commissioner Lawson stated that the Committee felt
that this may have some potential, especially with
respect to the fact the City currently has joint use
agreements with the school district and that the
school district was considering the acquisition and
development of this property themselves.
With respect to the remaining priorities 4 and 5,
Commissioner Lawson stated that the issues as outlined
in the report were pretty self explanatory and the
sites basically had less and less of a consensus among
Committee members, and stated if further explanation
was necessary that he would be glad to address any
questions that the Commission may have on these sites.
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
Commissioner Castner questioned staff as to the size
of the Parks and Recreation Administration yard.
Mr. Bradstreet stated the size was approximately two
Commissioner Castner queried the staff on the size of
the community garden.
Staff stated approximately one acre.
Commissioner Castner also questioned the size of the
property north of Holiday Park.
Staff stated it was approximately 3 or 4 residential
size lots.
Commissioner Castner said that the area would be most
appropriate for increased parking around the Holiday
Commissioner Lawson stated that most of the sites as
outlined in the report for park development did not
correspond to the park development philosophy as
outlined in the 1989 Parks and Recreation Element in
terms of development of larger park sites and stated
that park development currently entails larger but
fewer park sites.
Commissioner Knox asked for clarification regarding
the establishment of this priority list in view of the
fact that the members of the Northwest Quadrant did
not consider school acreage to be appropriately
counted toward park acreage, and therefore did not
consider the school sites as meeting the demographics
need of the community.
Commissioner Knox questioned that if these priority
park sites outlined in the report were to be
established that we would in fact go over and above
our park acreage standard in the Northwest Quadrant
if in fact the school sites were continued to be
Commissioner Lawson agreed. However, Commission
discussion centered around the fact that these
possible park sites were not specifically a reflection
of just the Parks and Recreation Subcommitee, however
a prioritization of both the Parks and Recreation
Subcommittee and members of the Northwest Quadrant
Commissioner Lawson reiterated these sites would
simply be an enhancement to the Northwest Quadrant
given the fact that the Commission still considers
school sites as a valid park use.
Commissioner Strayer commented on the one park site
that he found to be of interest referring to the
development possibility of Hosp Grove as providing a
very large passive picnic area similar to that of
Balboa park.
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October 16, 1989
In reference to the railroad right-of-way linear park
concept, Commissioner Strayer questioned the
opportunity to develop is in light of the Risk
Manager's view of liability.
With regard to the use of existing community parks
sites now other than school sites, Commissioner Ward
stated that the primary users of those facilities
during school hours are mothers' with young children
and the senior population. She stated that for any
future park possibility off of this list, that those
facilities should provide for any shortages that would
be created if in fact school district property were
not counted i.e., activity fields, playground, hard
court surfaces.
Issue #5, identifying the financing method(s) that
will be utilized for the acquisition or develop of
each specific project.
Commissioner Lawson stated that each particular type
of financing method was discussed during the committee
1. Park-in-lieu fees
2. Quimby Act/Parkland Dedication Requirements
3. Block Grants
4. Reallocation of C.I. P. monies
5. Redevelopment Funds
6. Public Facility Fees
7. Special Assessment Districts
8. Special Bonds
9. Joint Purchase Agreements
10. Park Bond Monies
11. Certificates of Participation
Commissioner Lawson further stated that through the
committee proceedings questions arose as to whether
the P.I.L. funds as currently being collected had been
appropriately evaluated in order to purchase future
park sites.
Commissioner Lawson indicated that the previous issue
regarding park development opportunities suggested
perhaps appropriate funding mechanisms to pursue for
each individual item.
Commissioner Castner commented that the Open Space
Committee was asked by the City Council for further
exploration in the funding of the committee's proposed
development of open space areas.
Issue #6, "Park dedication requirements for Zone 8 and
24 (land or money)."
Commissioner Welshons stated that the committee
findings were that the City Council has the
opportunity to require either land or money for park
purposes and that the choice between the two is made
based on the following:
1. The Parks and Recreation Element
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October 16, 1989
Page 15
2. The Topography, Geology Access location of land
in the subdivision available for dedication.
3. The size and shape of the subdivision
4. The feasibility of dedication.
5. The availability of previously acquired
Commissioner Welshons further stated the Parks and
Recreation Subcommittee position was that each
individual park dedication requirements of developers
should be determined on a case by case basis, as
current needs are determined.
For reference, Commissioner Lawson illustrated on the
map the location of Zone 8 and Zone 24, of the Growth
Management program.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that in recent
times the Commission for the most part opted to
require land dedication for park development
Commissioner Lawson stated that in terms of
demographics and providing parks where the people are,
in a situation such as this, the Commission may wish
to consider requiring money dedication from developers
in order to enhance a possible park development in the
northern most portion of Carlsbad, where the majority
of the population is located.
Commissioner Castner reiterated a point made earlier
by Commissioner Strayer regarding parks in close
proximity to the rail road right-of-way. Commissioner
Castner was not in favor of this concept.
At this point, during public input, Mr. Bill Beverly,
4605 Portalata Lane, addressed the Commission
concerning issue #1, applying the school district
property use for recreation toward the City's park
standard and including that property within the park
Mr.Bill Beverly stated that he felt total credit for
school land was not appropriate and neither was a
total neglect of that property for park purposes in
relation to the park standard.
Mr. Bill Beverly stated that their should be some
happy medium between counting or not counting that
property, specific reference was made to tennis courts
and the lack of availability to use those facilities
during school hours. He felt in particular that
partial credit should be given in terms of the
facility standards i.e., as indicated on the ball
field inventory. Again, particular reference was made
to tennis courts.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that in regards
to the Valley Jr. High school tennis courts that even
though they are on school district property, before
the point in time when the City of Carlsbad put money
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
towards the rehabil itation of those particular courts,
they could not be used at any time, and that was a
point that she wished to make.
Commissioner Castner questioned staff regarding the
amount of tennis courts to be constructed in the new
tennis complex at Alta Mira.
Mr. Bradstreet stated between 11 and 20 courts.
Commissioner Castner also commented that the tennis
standards as adopted in the City's facility inventory
is a rather liberal figure.
Mr. Bill Beverly stated that reference was made to
tennis courts, but did not strictly relate to those
alone. In addition, he mentioned ballfields and other
facilities located on school grounds.
Motion was made regarding Issue #1, to endorse the
Parks and Recreation Subcommittee's position of school
district property should continue to be counted
towards meeting the park standard. The Motion was
seconded by Commissioner Knox.
Commissioner Lawson stated during the Commission
comments that counting school property or not can
become a show game and is in favor of providing
additional facilities within an inventory i.e., tennis
courts, playground, ballfields, if they are needed.
Commissioner Ward indicated she has long been in favor
of shared facilities and could support this issue.
However, if it meant that pre-school children would
not have facilities if school district land was
counted, she could not.
Commissioner Strayer referenced Mr. Bill Beverly's
comments and felt as though he may have a good point
on this issue and should be considered in the future
by the Commission.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold stated that the
children utilizing those school facilities during
school time are in fact Carlsbad citizens' and that Dahlqx
should be considered as well. r
The Parks and Recreation Subcommittee position /
regarding Issue #1, passed unanimously by the ^ "
Commissioner Knox moved to endorse the position of the Dahlqx
Parks and Recreation Subcommittee regarding that the^ __
1989 Parks and Recreation Element should be excepted." ""
Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Knox moved to except the Parks and
Recreation Subcommittee position regarding the Pine
Street school site, and the park acquisition Danla.
development plans for Pine Street school. And the^, q
Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommitee was that"'
the acquisition of the Pine Street school for use as
a future park site at this time is uncertain. Motion
passed unanimously.
- 019
Warrinct^ u
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
In reference to Issue #4, the improvement of the
existing for recreational use in the Northwest
Quadrant which listed a number of sites and
prioritized them. Commissioner Strayer questioned
whether acceptance would be approving of the priority
listing of these items.
Commissioner Welshons stated that the priority 1 isting
represents a combination of both groups. The Parks
and Recreation Commission and Northwest Quadrant group
and does not necessarily reflect just the Parks and
Recreation Subcommittees priorities.
The Motion to accept the Parks and Recreation
Commission Subcommittee findings and positions
regarding Issue #4, was unanimously accepted with the
recommendation that the priority listing was not
particularly the issue being reviewed and that the
park sites as identified under this issue follow the
normal channels of facility development in relation
to sell, lease, trade or develop the sites. Reference
was made that the sites for consideration should be
forwarded to the proper committee for processing
whether it be budgetary or future park planning sites
within the Commission.
It was reiterated during the Motion that priority Dahlqi
listings of these sites was not an issue being
approved during this Motion. The Motion was then
passed unanimously.
With regards to Issue 15, the identity of financing
methods that will be utilized for the acquisition or
development of each specific project. Mr. Bradstreet
questioned whether the Commission would like to add
to the existing list as identified under this issue,
monies received from the buy, sell, lease of property.
Commissioner Strayer queried as to whether monies
collected from the sale of properties in one quadrant
must be applied within that quadrant.
Staff responded yes, it must be spent within the
quadrant in which the park site is sold.
Commissioner Knox made a Motion regarding Issue #5,
and moved that the Commission accept the findings of
the Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee and
endorse the standard operating procedure for the
acquisition and development of specific projects.
Under Commission discussion, Commissioner Knox stated Dahlqi
that the Commission already has a procedure in place
to determine the appropriate funding mechanisms in
relation to the development of park project. The
Motion as presented passed unanimously.
Motion regarding Issue #6, was made by Commissioner
Knox to endorse the Parks and Recreation Subcommittee
position that staff should recommend dedication Dahlq
requirements of developers (land or money), on a case
by case basis as current needs are determined. Motion
passed unanimously.
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold made a Motion, an
additional Motion was made by Commissioner Dahlquist-
Bursvold that staff continue working on the 1990-91
C.I.P. budget in order to establish a specific 5 year
plan for parks in the northwest quadrant.
Commissioner Lawson during Commission comment stated
that this in fact was the ultimate direction for the
Commission as identified by the City Council. Motion
passed unanimously.
At this point, Commissioner Knox thanked the members
of the Subcommittee who worked on preparing this
Commissioner Knox further stated that she believes in
the system of current government process of addressing
citizens' concerns and believes that groups working
in good faith to establish compromise and solutions
to issues is the way that it should work. She further
stated that she did not feel that was the end result
of this committee's proceedings through no fault of
the Commission Subcommitee. She felt that this report
as it will be presented to the City Council will have
a big whole in it, and stated that staff went through
a great deal of work in facilitating the committee
proceedings and that the Commission went above and
beyond the call of duty. However, the committee that
requested this issue be addressed failed to follow
through with a conclusion to these issues.
Commissioner Dahlquist-Bursvold also thanked the
Subcommittee members and staff for the great deal of
time that they contributed towards this effort.
Commissioner Lawson also extended appreciate to all
members involved and also stated that he was
disappointed that the entire process of the report was
not concluded as anticipated.
Commissioner Welshons also expressed her appreciation
to members of the Subcommittee and staff as well. She
further stated that the exercise resulting in the
conclusion of this report was very costly and that she
had learned a great deal through the committee
Commissioner Strayer also offered his appreciation to
the Commission members.
1. Carrillo Ranch Restoration
Commissioner Welshons addressed the Carrillo Ranch
Restoration. She stated that several members of
various staff and commissions had met with the
representative D. Wayne Donaldson to discuss a
strategy as it relates to the expenditure of
restoration funds for the Carrillo Ranch.
Commissioner Welshons stated that the main areas of
concerns regarding expenditures of funds were the
seismic retrofit of the structures, providing access
Dahlqi 1st-Bursvold
Parks and Recreation Commission
October 16, 1989
in the vicinity of the current bridge, restoration of
the Dee Dee House and the Cantina, and correcting a
situation regarding an underground water surface
She stated that this issue will return to the City
Council to establish a restoration plan instead of a
previously discussed master plan for the Carrillo
Ranch at this time.
1. Parks and Recreation Annual Christmas Dinner
Awards Banquet - Specifically, invitation of
2. Tour of the Carrillo Ranch to be determined by
staff in the near future.
Commissioner Lawson gave the Scribe Report.
By proper motion, the Meeting of October 16, 1989 was
adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela J. Aim, Secretary
Parks and Recreation Department
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