HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION
Time of Meeting: 5:00 P.M.
Date of Meeting: MARCH 16, 1992
Chairperson Castner called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.
Present: Chairperson Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, and Ward.
Absent: Commissioner Strayer
Staff Members Present:
David Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation
Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst
Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent
Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Finnila, the Minutes of the Regular
Meeting held February 24, 1992, were approved as amended.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Ward
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Strayer
There were no requests to address the Commission.
There were no presentations made.
Parks and Recreation Commission -2- March 16, 1992
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Finnila, the Agenda for March 16,
1992 was approved as printed.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Ward
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Strayer
Chairman Castner requested Item #AB 392-3. Receipt of Donations, be removed from
the Consent Calendar.
To accept and file Director's Report for December-January 1991-1992.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, Item AB #392-1 and Item
AB #392-2 were approved as submitted.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Ward
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Strayer
Commissioner Strayer arrived at 5:05 p.m.
Joan Kindle, 622 El Aquila Lane, Volunteer Curator of Carrillo Ranch, distributed
brochures regarding Carrillo Ranch to the Commission and gave a historical view
relating to the creation of the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund and stated that the Trust Fund
was to be used only for the development, maintenance, and operation of the Ranch.
She presented a check in the amount of $604.66 to the Commission, bringing the
Fund balance to $9,232.98.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 3 - March 16, 1992
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer, Item #392-3 was approved
as submitted.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Strayer, Ward
NOES: None
4. AB #392-4 Levante Park Petition (Action)
Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent, gave an overview and listed the problems as
identified in the neighborhood petition received by staff:
• Noise
• Traffic parking problems
• The number of spectator events at the site
• Litter
• Damage to property
• Objects which land in their backyards
• The need to post signs regarding rules of the park
• Slope erosion
Mr. Price stated that several meetings were held between the homeowners and
administrative representatives of the sports organizations utilizing the park at which
several of the issues were discussed. He informed the Commission that was planning
more meetings in an effort to bring both the homeowners and the sports organization
to a mutual agreement.
Chairman Castner opened the meeting for public comment.
John Mitchell, 3302 Venado Street, representing La Costa 35 Athletic Club, spoke of
his involvement with the sports groups at Levante Park and informed the Commission
that it was hoped that the goal of bringing a Pop Warner Football group to the area
would be realized.
Larry West, 3478 Sitio Baya, representing Leucadia/La Costa Soccer Club, stated that
the sports groups could cooperate with residents.
In an effort to work with homeowners who experience problems, the following points
had been discussed:
• A telephone hotline had been set up.
__ Parks and Recreation Commission -4- March 16, 1992
• A newsletter would be issued to address the parking
• Coaches and team mothers were requested to be sensitive to
the problems associated with sports groups at the park
and had been requested to inform team members and parents
of the concerns of the surrounding residents.
• Saturday starting times could be changed to commence at
9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.
• Regarding tournaments, there was the possibility of using
Field No. 1 at Stagecoach Park to alleviate the activity
at Levante Park for player Divisions 6 and 7; however,
additional equipment would have to be purchased.
Mr. West said that the regularly occurring tournaments could be moved to Stagecoach
Park field No. 1 and that age group of the players participating in the tournament was
6-13 years. The soccer club was already using three other parks in the City.
Scott Pieratt, 7201 Manzanita Street, President of the La Costa Youth Organization,
stated that the trash problem could be addressed and acknowledged that it was a
difficult situation.
Coaches and team mothers had been asked to keep the players off the slopes and
away from private property.
Spectators were being requested to use the school parking lot as well as the
residential side of the street to alleviate the traffic parking issue.
Homeowners had been requested to hold on to all balls that land on private property
until a representative of the organizations could pick up the sports equipment.
With regard to damage caused by sports equipment, homeowners had been
instructed to find out what sports organization was on the field, because it was the
playing organization's responsibility to keep the damage to private property down to a
The organizations were trying to get batting cages built. The possibility of contracting
with the school district to use middle school ballfields was another option.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 5 - March 16, 1992
Mr. Pieratt suggested that once the first phase of a development was done, the
development of a park should be the next phase because there were too many new
homes and not enough parks available to keep kids off the streets.
As far as using a school site, the Jr. Hi would be ready in approximately two years
and would have a regulation-size soccer field for league play. He would prefer parks
that had regulation-size ballfields.
He stated that the City had been very helpful in developing new fields for play.
Andrew Frey, 3103 Levante Street, representing the Levante Park Neighborhood
Association, expressed his concern that staff recommendations did not address the
essence of the petition requests. Staff wanted to leave the negotiations to the
organizations and the neighbors. Verbal agreements were not acceptable because of
potential staff changes within the sports organizations.
Games played at Levante Park create unendurable noise which lasts 7-8 hours.
Neighbors do not have a single day on the weekends in which to invite friends to
come and visit because of spectator events. Sometimes the events begin on
Thursday and go on Friday and end on Saturday afternoon. Sports groups could
cause any amount of havoc but with some recommendations from the Parks and
Recreation Department residents could be left in peace during an allotted time.
Members of the Parks and Recreation Department must encourage sports
organizations to make every effort to have organizations correct the problems
experienced by the residents to reduce time usage of the park.
Mr. Frey stated that recreational areas were not a right but a privilege and he urged
the Commission to extend those same rights to the residents of the Levante Park
Mr. Frey said that recreational areas were not a right but a privilege and he urged the
Commission to extend those same rights to the residents of the Levante Park area.
The residents of the Levante Park area were eager to cooperate with the sports
organizations, but emphasized that verbal agreements would not bring a lasting
Mr. Frey responded to Commissioner Lawson by stating that there was some level of
progress being made by the City with the exception of the development of other
Commissioner Finnila inquired how long Mr. Frey had been at his current address and
when did he notice the increase in park usage.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 6 - March 16, 1992
Mr. Frey replied that he purchased his home in 1973 and that the residents had not
been notified that the City had intentions to lease part of the school territory for a park.
He felt that had residents been informed they would have insisted on more
appropriate usage of the park.
Walter Tysenn, 3036 Levante Street, representing petition signers, informed the
Commission that he had resided across the street from the park for 2-1/2 years and
would like to continue with the joint meetings. He recognized that development had
occurred in the community and that sacrifices had been made by neighbors. Pro-
active solutions had been adopted in other areas of the county that were not
Mr. Tysenn requested an analysis of Levante Park fields to determine park usage and
suggested the analysis include other fields in other parks and schools that were
currently not in use.
In order to utilize 100% of the available ball fields in the City, residents would be glad
to assist sports groups in use agreement negotiations with the school district directly.
Mr. Tysenn requested that the Commission be sensitive to the dangerous traffic
situation and suggested that a 15 mph speed limit be implemented at La Costa
Heights School to minimize the risk of a fatal accident. There had been a number of
near accidents involving, children.
Chairman Castner closed public comment.
General discussion ensued regarding the following points:
• providing recreational facilities to meet the needs of the
• continued residential development was the main problem which
created additional burdens on existing parks and neighborhoods
• decibel readings could be taken in the area to see what the
levels of noise are
• parking illegal on the street creates problems
• residents have trouble getting out of their own driveways during
game times
• notification of game times should be distributed to residents
• wind carries noise of cheering spectators into the residential
• staff could be directed to interview residents who have not
signed petition
• possibility of additional fencing
• NIMBY (not in my back yard) situation
Parks and Recreation Commission - 7 - March 16, 1992
1 possible reduction in the speed limit
1 sports organizations could adopt a set of rules with penalties
for those members not adhering to rules
• penalties should be enforced
ACTION: On Motion by Chairman Castner, staff was directed to continue to
work cooperatively with the Levante Park Neighborhood Group
and community sports organizations in an attempt to address and
resolve the concerns of the residents who reside near the park.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Strayer, Ward
NOES: None
5. AB #392-5 Larwin Park (Action)
Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, briefly reviewed the planning
history of Larwin Park and referred to maps illustrating Plan A-Original Plan (prepared
by Van Dyke Associates), Plan B-Original Plan less ballfields, and Plan C-Major
modification (redesign alternative). The following were some concerns brought
forward during the design development and park planning process in 1991:
• Heightened public concern and expanded scientific research into possible health
hazards of electro magnetic fields (EMF)
• Biological report identifying sensitive coastal sage and a pair of gnatcatchers
• Updated grading figures (indicating quantities in conflict with the Hillside
Development Ordinance)
• Updated cost estimates ($3.5 million or $0.7 million over current CIP Budget)
During the August 1991 Commission meeting, the following points were expressed:
• Cost concerns
• Traffic
• Ballfield replacement at another site
• Site Inadequate for park purposes
Parks and Recreation Commission - 8 - March 16, 1992
• EMF issues (some concerned, others not)
• Additional tennis courts
• Tennis courts (elevation and lighting)
• Traffic concerns on Carlsbad Village Drive
• Change park name
• Cost
• Parking adequacy
• Add swimming pool
• Relocate eastern tot lot
• Use Lake Calavera for ballfields
Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, stated that there were plans for an
open space trail system, a parking lot to accommodate 30-45 vehicles, two tennis
courts and basketball courts, a tot lot, and because of EMF concerns amenities would
be moved away from power lines.
Dave Bradstreet stated that developers were willing to work with staff to use park in-
lieu of fees for land acquisition and that staff wanted to use half of the money to buy
land and the other half to develop the parkland. When the economic environment is
better, staff will work with the area developers to work out a dedication and
development plan.
Two petitions had been received: One from a group of people who would like a park
and the other from people who wanted a toned down park.
Staff was recommending the Commission proceed with Plan C and that staff be
directed to work with the development community and the school district for further
park land and amenities enhancement. Parks & Recreation element to mitigate
Discussion ensued regarding:
• the amount of in-lieu of funds available to purchase land
• the possibility of utilizing the ballfields at the proposed
Calavera Hills Jr. High School
The Chairman opened the meeting to public comment.
Arnold Mueller, 2641 Vancouver Street, stated that there had been great improvement
in the plans since the park's plan inception. He suggested the use of bark chips
rather than the large amount of turf planned because of the current drought.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 9 - March 16, 1992
Lawrence Hicks, 3400 Santa Clara Way, suggested that the tennis courts be placed
on the north side of the parking lot with the playing level dropped an additional five
feet and that the trees not be planted too high because it would obstruct his view. He
was also concerned that the traffic signal had not been installed.
Miriam Lerner, 3355 Concord Street, stated her concerns with the integrity of the
neighborhood, that commercial and developing interests were taking over the
community, commented on the increased traffic and unnecessary speed as well as the
added parking problems. She stated that six years ago Larwin Park was anticipated
as being a passive park, but evidently those plans were now being replaced by an
active park. Mrs. Lerner stated that $1.6 million was a lot of money to pay for
ballfields and tennis courts and was helping decrease the amount of open space
Anna Caples, 3117 Vista Rica, stated that she would go along with the plan submitted
by staff so long as ballfields are placed in the Northeast Quadrant. Medians and
speed bumps should be utilized to eliminate the danger to children crossing Carlsbad
Village Drive. She submitted a petition from residents of Spinnaker Point who were in
support of the proposed park.
Arthur Wood, 2697 Vancouver, stated that Plan C for Larwin Park was a much better
proposal and urged the Commission to approve it. He said that the Northeast
Quadrant of the City contained no parks and that before developers are allowed to
proceed with development, that a park should be in place and houses should be built
around the park.
Charles Macklin, 2740 Waterbury Way, urged staff to use creative approaches to
secure fields which would meet old standards and the possible use of buffers.
Paul Santy, 2693 Vancouver Street, stated that he had attended meetings for the past
year and commented that staff was aware of the difficulty and frustration in developing
an acceptable park plan. He informed the Commission of his support for Plan C.
Tim Campbell, 2683 Waterbury Way, inquired if evening lights were planned for Larwin
Mr. Bradstreet stated that the parking lot and tennis courts would be lighted and that
the park would close at 10:00 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 10 - March 16, 1992
speed of traffic. Residents were familiar with traffic problems but that visitors to the
park would not be. He commented that if the park were for day use only, the City
would encounter less opposition and would spend less money.
Chairman Castner closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Strayer stated that with growth comes other problems such as the
placement of ballfields, more park facilities, and more traffic. He did not agree with
the statements that the creation of a park would further residential growth. He felt that
recreational facilities were not being addressed in the development of Larwin Park.
Commissioner Ward suggested that there be vehicular access in the picnic and play
areas otherwise the park would only be available for neighboring residents. She
recommended that the City could work with neighbors regarding preservation of their
views. Commissioner Ward stated that ballfields were always being requested and
suggested that a major ballfield center be developed in the industrial area because the
land was flat. This center would not be near residential areas, and the land could be
leased by the City.
Mr. Bradstreet stated that in the 70's Hub Park was planned to be the sports complex.
However, out of 90 acres at the Hub Park site, only 20 acres were developable and
was not large enough for a sports complex.
Commissioner Heineman stated that the City was very much in need of passive park
areas; however, the majority of people using the tennis courts are working young
adults. Lighting was definitely a necessity in that the only time working people could
play as in the evening. Perhaps low sodium vapor lights could be used to keep the
glare down.
Mr. Bradstreet stated that the latest lighting techniques would be installed and that
possibly a park ranger program could be instituted.
Commissioner Finnila stated that Plan C did not meet the need of the Northeast
Quadrant and that the Plan meets the needs of the homeowners. She was opposed
to the Plan because no ballfields were planned for Larwin Park.
Chairman Castner stated that he would vote for Plan C if the Parks and Recreation
Element to the General Plan was amended to specifically include that the ballfields
deleted from the original Plan A be built in the Northeast Quadrant. He suggested
that land should be dedicated up front from the developer or the City could borrow to
purchase park land. He further stated that school sites should not be used to fulfill
the City's responsibility to provide parks.
Parks and Recreation Commission -11 -March 16, 1992
ACTION: On motion by Chairman Castner, to recommend to the City
Council the adoption of Plan C, that the Parks and Recreation
Element to the General Plan be amended to identify additional
park enhancement opportunities in the Northeast Quadrant which
would provide that the ballfields deleted from Plan A be included,
that this additional park enhancement should be a piece of land of
20+ acres and should be owned and operated by the City, and
that the joint use of a school site should not be considered as
fulfillment of this requirement.
Commissioners Heineman and Lawson requested that the motion be broken down
into four separate motions.
ACTION: On motion by Chairman Castner, to recommend to the City
Council the adoption of Plan C for Larwin Park.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Frazier, Heineman, Lawson,
Strayer, Ward
NOES: Commissioner Finnila
ACTION: On motion by Chairman Castner, to recommend to the City
Council that the Parks and Recreation Element to the General Plan
be amended to identify additional park enhancement opportunities
in the Northeast Quadrant which would provide that the ballfields
deleted from Plan A be included.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Strayer, Ward
NOES: None
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, to recommend to the City
Council to take immediate steps towards acquisition of additional
park land thru park-in-lieu dedication or park-in-lieu of funds
sufficient to site ballfields plus ancillary facilities needed such as
rest rooms, parking and any other structures as necessary.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Strayer
NOES: Commissioner Ward
ACTION: On motion by Chairman Castner, to recommend to the City
Council that the joint use of a school site should not be
considered as fulfillment of park requirements or ballfield
Parks and Recreation Commission - 12 - March 16, 1992
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Strayer, Ward
NOES: None
On order of the Chairman, the Parks and Recreation Commission recessed at 7:38
On order of the Chairman, the Parks and Recreation Commission reconvened at
7:44 p.m.
6. AB #392-6 General Plan Survey Update (Action)
Dave Bradstreet gave a general description of the results of the General Plan Survey
The Commission unanimously accepted the staff report.
7. AB #392-7 Lifeguard Issue (Action)
Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the report which noted the cost
to provide lifeguard service, alternatives in lieu of lifeguard services, and alternative
methods for funding of this request. He commented that this had come about
because a citizen had requested the City to establish lifeguard services.
Chairman Castner opened the meeting to public comment.
Lee Bohlmann, 5411 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, distributed
copies of a letter addressed to Mr. Pete Biltchik. He was concerned with funding of
items that would be necessary such as rest rooms, changing rooms, drinking
fountains, and gate closures.
Pete Biltchik, 352 Christensen Way, said he didn't want Carlsbad to be known as the
only city on the coast not providing lifeguard service. He stated that a drowning had
occurred four years ago.
Commissioner Lawson inquired if Mr. Biltchik had spoken to property owners
regarding the possibility of a special assessment to provide for lifeguard services.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 13 - March 16, 1992
Mr. Biltchik responded that he had not spoken with property owners regarding a
special assessment and was not in favor of using the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)
to fund lifeguard services.
Chairman Castner closed the meeting for public comment.
Commissioner Finnila stated that the solution for saving lives in the water was to have
Jet Ski patrols because water safety was the No. 1 issue. She stated that Jet Ski
patrol could be run by the police, department. Officers could be trained in the use of a
Jet Ski.
There were still problems being experienced with surf boarders mingling with
swimmers. A shore patrol could only wait until the surfer comes out of the water to
correct the situation.
Commissioner Ward felt that a lifeguard would only create more problems to an
already heavily impacted area and would require the need for rest rooms, showers,
etc. She was not in favor of a Jet Ski patrol because it implied that the City was liable.
Commissioner Strayer stated that water safety was very important and a Jet Ski patrol
might be the beginning of the City taking responsibility for people using the beach.
Commissioner Heineman suggested that the Jet Ski patrol be given citation powers.
Chairman Castner stated that the City had a morale responsibility to provide a life
saving service.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, to recommend that plans
be made immediately to fund a Jet Ski patrol [in conjunction with
a vehicular patrol] with the idea that in the future, funds permitting,
the City expand to lifeguard service on the beach.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
NOES: Commissioners Lawson, Ward
8. AB #392-8 Committee Appointments (Action)
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, to adopt the Parks and
Recreation Commission appointments to various committee
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier,
Heineman, Lawson, Strayer, Ward
NOES: None
Parks and Recreation Commission -14 - March 16, 1992
1. Split Pavilion
2. Levante Park
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, to adjourn the Regular
Meeting at 8:55 p.m. to the Planning Commission meeting of
March 18, 1992.
AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Finnila, Frazier, Heineman,
Lawson, Strayer, Ward
NOES: None
Respectfully submitted,
- Isabelle Paulsen
Minutes Clerk