HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: January 18, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Castner called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward and Strayer Absent: Commissioner Cox Staff Members Present: David Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, Growth Management Program Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator Dee Landers, Planning Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 21, 1992, were approved. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations made. 04 Parks and Recreation Commission - 2 - January 18, 1993 PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: Mr. Bailey Noble, Carlsbad, advised the Commission that the Planning Commission would be discussing dredging the Lagoon on Wednesday evening and asked for input before that meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, the Agenda for January 18, 1993 was approved as printed. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox Commissioner Cox arrived at 5:05 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #193-1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT To accept and file Director's Report for January 1993. 2. AB #193-2 SUMMARY REPORT To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the December 1992 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, Item AB #193-1, and AB #193-2 of the Consent Calendar for January 18, 1993, were approved as printed. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 05 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- January 18, 1993 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 3. AB #193-3 GOLF COURSE UPDATE John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, presented the update on the municipal golf course at Lake Calavera. He explained that City Council had requested staff to look into alternate sites in the event that the Lake Calaveras site was not available due to open space or conservation restraints. He stated that staff looked at five alternative sites and briefed the Commission on the status. Mr. Cahill indicated that City Council had authorized staff to take a more specific focus study on two of the alternate sites. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • What would happen to the balance of the Kelly Ranch if the municipal golf course was built on the property. • Suitability of the raceway property. • Plans for the Carltas property and why a resort golf course could not be merged with a municipal one. • Zoning on the raceway property and the Kelly Ranch property. • Future schedule and when milestones would be accomplished. • $650,000 spent so far on the Lake Calaveras site and assurances that this amount of money would not be spent on reviewing the two additional sites. • Feasibility of expanding to Veteran Memorial Park from the Kelly Ranch property, and that it might be a 27 hole course. • Topographical and environmental restrictions of using County owned property in the flight path at Palomar Airport as well as the intent to build an executive golf course at the site. • Explanation of why the Lake Calaveras property was suitable for a municipal golf course and what would have to be done if the City had to purchase property for a municipal golf course. • $20,000-$25,000 cost of investigating sites and obtaining appraisals. • Racetrack course would be smaller than the course would be at Lake Calaveras. Also discussed overlay of Melrose. 06 Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 - January 18, 1993 • Availability of reclaimed water at the racetrack site and what would have to be done for the Kelly Ranch site. • Purpose of a municipal golf course and who it would attract. • The City would be the major landowner if the Kelly Ranch site was selected. • These are just concepts and staff is in the initial stages. It is still possible that other property owners may come forward. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer, the Golf Course Update was accepted. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None 4. AB #193-4 GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE Don Rideout, Senior Management Analyst, Growth Management Program, explained that there are new ways of looking at growth management standards since development previously predicted did not occur. He used the City Administration Facilities as an example, and discussed supply and demand and new projections. He summarized that the new concept presented to City Council is to look at the idea of a five year period in terms of development impacts and explained the changes. Mr. Rideout emphasized the need to look at the whole program in a different way. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Clarification of what the 2.471 and 2.3178 persons per dwelling unit represented. • Importance of looking at the size of the park from developers based on population and also looking at buildout. • Where affordable housing would fit into the cap. • Concern that part of the ordinance may not be accomplished in a five year period since only a small amount of homes were being built due to the economic climate. • Discussion of what would happen if the standard was not being met. 07 Parks and Recreation Commission - 5 - January 18, 1993 • Clarification of density and how traffic standards would handle it with density increases. • Concern that properties should not be built out to maximum population to satisfy meeting park dedication requirements and that maximum development of properties should not be encouraged. • What would happen if a builder did not build to maximum. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer, the status report of the Growth Management program was accepted. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None 5. AB #193-5 PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT UPDATE Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained the history regarding the changes of the Parks and Recreation Element and mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Element is a portion of the General Plan Update. Mr. Beverly indicated the changes were not dramatic ones but rather changes in the language. He mentioned that modifications were made to population figures and amounts requiring park acreage. Mr. Beverly referred to the memo from the Planning Department dated January 7, 1993, which listed the changes in detail. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Changes were made in this element to conform with all the other elements of the General Plan. • Suggestion that in the future sections be marked to clarify where changes were made. • Emphasis that there were no significant changes. • Clarification of public/private ownership in Table 2 on page 25. • Frequency of update to keep up with what is happening in the City. • Buildout concerns and statistics. 08 Parks and Recreation Commission -6- January 18, 1993 • Effect of revision of redevelopment master plan and encouraging and monitoring development of small types of parks within the redevelopment area. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman, the revisions to the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan were approved. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None On order of the Chairman, the Commission recessed at 6:30 p.m. On order of the Chairman, the Commission reconvened at 6:40 p.m. 6. AB #193-6 LEVANTE CENTER Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that staff was authorized to pursue negotiations with the Encinitas School District and amend the existing use agreement deed of the Levante Center to the District. He stated the reasons behind the authorization and described the background of the Levante Center. Mr. Price indicated that the public needs would be met at Stagecoach and that the public could still use the Levante Park facility in the evenings. Questions and discussions included the following issues: • What assurance the public would have to use the fields in the future and the importance of incorporating it in the amended use agreement with the Encinitas School District. • Charges for use by the Encinitas School District. • Importance of eliminating runaround for the public in using the facility. • Effect of change in inventory. • Change is in ownership, not use. 09 Parks and Recreation Commission - 7 - January 18, 1993 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer, to pursue negotiations amending the existing use agreement for Levante Center with negotiation assurances that the general public will be able to continue to use the facility. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None 7. AB #193-7 REVISION OF FACILITY USE REGULATIONS Ken Price gave the staff report on this item. He explained the need to update the Parks and Recreation Facility Use Regulations. He discussed the most significant changes, as outlined in the packet. This included the following: • More specific liability insurance requirements. • Additional facilities available for community use. • Review and modification of application procedures, policies and classifications of applicants. • Increase in fees for Safety Center and staffing fee. • Guidelines for car shows. • Eliminating tennis tournament play at Stagecoach, Calavera and Laguna Riviera Parks. • Addition of elementary and junior high school athletic fields to fee schedule. Mr. Price indicated that a correction needed to be made to the Classification of Applicants and Fees where Mira Costa should be included in Category D and not Category C. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • What a user group has to do to apply for facility use. • Possibility of risk management department supplying available source of insurance and not leaving it up to the individual, and current policy of what is made available to the public. • Whether or not it was necessary that all requests change from 10 days to 14 days. 10 Parks and Recreation Commission - 8 - January 18, 1993 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, to review and approve the revised facility use regulations and recommend approval by the City Council with the correction of two levels of leeway time. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None 8. AB #193-8 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The Commission discussed commissioner appointments on various committees. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, to approve committees as modified. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. AB #193-9 1988 ROBERTI-Z'BERG-HARRIS GRANT/SENIOR CENTER BARBECUE Keith Beverly gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained the history of the Roberti-Z'berg grant funding and the recommendation by the City Council and State Parks and Recreation to construct a barbecue facility at the Senior Center but added that it has been suggested that the funds go to another project instead. He explained the alternatives in detail, which included light replacement in Chase Field, field enhancement at Aviara Oaks school, Tot Lot improvements to meet A.D.A. requirements, and funding be applied to first phase development of Poinsettia Community Park. Mr. Beverly emphasized the importance of private donations being included as part of the grant requirement. Questions and discussions included the following issues: • Estimate of the cost of the project at Aviara Oaks and what would be required for the fields. • Possibility of getting a private contract to help fund the project at Aviara Oaks. • Requirements for grant approvals. • Concern for replacement of lights at Chase Field and whether or not funds could be obtained from other sources absorbed in maintenance and operating costs. 11 Parks and Recreation Commission -9- January 18, 1993 • Timing of approvals. • Concern that building of the school at Aviara Oaks will destroy fields. • Explanation of why the City Council approved the barbecue pit for the Senior Center. • Importance of alleviating pressure on Levante Park. • Possibly using $1,500 of funding towards lights at Chase Field. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman to approve the project to obtain approval of the grant funds for the Aviara Oaks field enhancement in conjunction with the La Costa Youth Organization. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Cox and Strayer NOES: Commissioner Ward ABSENT: None COMMITTEE REPORT: 1 . Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee Chairman Castner reported on the Carrillo Ranch subcommittee and discussed the disagreement with developers as to how much land is due the City by the builders. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY: 1 . Carrillo Ranch Parkland Dedication 2,. Tot Lot request/S.W. Quadrant ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:00 p.m. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, (utn Stark Minutes Clerk 12