HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: March 15, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Castner called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer Absent: None Staff Members Present: David Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 22, 1993, were approved as written. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS: Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation, reported on the award received from the State of California Parks and Recreation Society for the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. He gave special recognition to Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator for planning and coordinating the manual. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: None. 003 Parks and Recreation Commission - 2 - March 15, 1993 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, the Agenda for March 15, 1993 was approved as written. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #393-1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT To accept and file Director's Report for March - April 1993. 2. AB #393-2 SUMMARY REPORT To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the February 1993 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, Items AB #393-1 and AB #393-2 of the Consent Calendar for March 15, 1993, were approved as printed. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 3. AB #393 HISTORICAL SOCIETY REQUEST/MAGEE HOUSE Dave Bradstreet gave the staff presentation on this item. He mentioned that it was joint room I, not E, that the Carlsbad Historical Society was interested in using. He discussed his meetings with Mrs. Irvine, as outlined in his memo to the City Manager. He used a transparency to illustrate the rooms that the Carlsbad Historical Society was interested in sharing. 004 Parks and Recreation Commission - 3 - March 15, 1993 Mr. Bradstreet discussed the table and chairs that were mentioned in the report and explained that the furniture was currently at the depot. He recommended relocating the table and chairs to the Granary. Mrs. Amelia Irvine, President of the Carlsbad Historical Society, discussed her request for additional space for board of directors meetings and other functions. She also described the conditions at the depot and suggested that better care would be given to the table and chairs if the furniture was moved to Magee House. Mrs. Irvine explained the Society's need for storage space and the desire to place all supplies in one location instead of different locations around the City. Questions and discussions included the following issues: • Whether the table and chairs would fit comfortably in the rooms at Magee House. • The importance of placing the table and chairs in a protected area. • Why the table and chairs were moved to the depot. • Who would use the table and chairs. ACTION: On an amended motion by Commissioner Heineman, Item AB #393-3 was approved allowing the Carlsbad Historical Society joint use of rooms A, I and J and exclusive use of one closet room (K) at the Magee House, with the exception that staff be instructed to find a protected location for the table and chairs other than the Granary. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 4. AB #393-4 COASTAL ACCESSWAYS TIME LOCK GATES/COASTAL COMMISSION RECONSIDERATION Chairman Castner briefly summarized the history of the request for time locks, and Dave Bradstreet discussed the presentations made to the Coastal Commission in this connection. He emphasized that the Coastal Commission was determined not to allow the new time locks. Questions and discussions included the following issues: • What had transpired when the original time locks were approved by the Coastal Commission. 005 Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 - March 15, 1993 • The ordinances that currently exist regarding debris, etc. • Reactions of the police chief and the property owners. • Possibility of leaving out the time lock in the middle and just asking for the other two. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, Item AB #393-4 was accepted and filed. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None COMMITTEE REPORT: Chairman Castner reported that the Northwest Quadrant Sub-committee was scheduled to meet on March 22 at 12 noon. AGENDA ITEMS FOR APRIL: 1. Volunteer Awards Recognition 2. Facility Amenity Standards 3. Citizen Request/Establishment of Donation Account for Tree Planting 4. Possibility of forming a sub-committee to review difficulty with traffic and parking at Stagecoach Park 5. Update on Poinsettia Park ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 5:45 p.m. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk 006