HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: April 19, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Castner called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer Absent: None Staff Members Present: David Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent Chuck Walton, Building Superintendent, Utilities & Maintenance Dept. Jim Bradshaw, Recreation Supervisor John Laurel, Recreation Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 15, 1993, were approved as written. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS: Award presentations were made to community volunteers for their outstanding services. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: None. 04 Parks and Recreation Commission - 2-April 19, 1993 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, a correction was made to the Agenda for April 19, 1993 for Item #4, changing it from an information item to an action item. The rest of the Agenda was approved as written. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #493-1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT To accept and file Director's Report for April - May 1993. AB #493-2 SUMMARY REPORT2. 3. To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the March 1993 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. AB #493-3 COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION To acknowledge community volunteer recognition. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, Items AB #493-1, AB #493-2 and AB #493-3 of the Consent Calendar for April 19, 1993, were approved as printed. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 05 Parks and Recreation Commission - 3 - April 19, 1993 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 4. AB #493 HOSPICE OF THE NORTH COAST Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation, gave the staff presentation on this item. He mentioned that staff received a request from Hospice of the North Coast to allow planting of trees in a city park(s) to memorialize individuals, and stated that staff did not have any problem with it. Mr. Bradstreet mentioned that a review of the request could be delegated to a subcommittee for the purpose of developing the rules and regulations. David Kulchin, 3014 Garboso Street, Carlsbad, represented the Hospice of the North Coast and explained that he thought this was an excellent opportunity for the public and private sector to work together. He stated that people would make a major gift donation of a tree to be planted in a grove at one of the new parks and that names would be posted on the trees. Mr. Kulchin mentioned that he would like to see recognition given to the Hospice of the North Coast for the grove and that the Parks & Recreation Department would be responsible for maintaining and watering the grove. He provided members of the Commission with a preliminary sketch. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Concern that not everyone could afford to make a donation in memory of a loved one. • Discussion of whether or not there would be enough space in the new Poinsettia Park for such a grove or at other park locations. • Possible confusion of the name Hospice Grove with Hosp Grove. • Development of specific details including determination of who would qualify to plant a tree; what kind of tree could be planted; and who would decide who would be memorialized. • Personal experiences of some of the commissioners and their thoughts. • Concern that a memorial might be depressing for people strolling through a public park. Chairman Castner appointed Commissioners Holmes, Ward, Cox and David Kulchin to form a subcommittee to look further into the request. David Bradstreet indicated that Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent, would act as staff liaison. 06 Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 - April 19, 1993 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer regarding AB #493-4, a subcommittee was formed to further investigate the request by Hospice of North County and make suggested recommendations. Subcommittee members appointed were Commissioners Holmes, Ward and Cox. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None r > \juJ^^ 5. AB #493-6 FACt44TY~STA"NDARDS UPDATE COMMISSION Chuck Walton, Building Superintendent, Utilities and Maintenance Department, gave the staff presentation on this item. He indicated that staff felt it was desirable to have the USWEST Cellular of California, Inc. mobile phone facility at Chase Field. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • What the cost would be to have the facility removed and who would pay for it if a community center was built at that location at a later date. • Specific information about the height and width of the antenna and concern as to whether or not it would interfere with radio or TV reception. Larry Doherty, Regional Real Estate Manager, USWEST Cellular of California, Inc., explained in detail what his company was proposing for the facility. He indicated that wattage was low and discussed the new technology in detail. Mr. Doherty described why Chase Park was chosen and mentioned that USWEST elected to go with a storage shelter for the City along with their project. He emphasized that the facility would be monitored on a 24 hour basis and that his company was aware of problems with graffiti. Mr. Doherty described the monopole structure that would replace an existing light pole and indicated that the facility would assist the public sector during a disaster. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Whether or not neighbors in the area were consulted about the project. (Commissioner Holmes left the meeting at 6:00 p.m.) • The actual size of the pole. 07 Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 - April 19, 1993 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer regarding AB #493-4, a subcommittee was formed to further investigate the request by Hospice of North County and make suggested recommendations. Subcommittee members appointed were Commissioners Holmes, Ward and Cox. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 5. AB #493-5 REQUEST TO LEASE PROPERTY Chuck Walton, Building Superintendent, Utilities and Maintenance Department, gave the staff presentation on this item. He indicated that staff felt it was desirable to have the USWEST Cellular of California, Inc. mobile phone facility at Chase Field. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • What the cost would be to have the facility removed and who would pay for it if a community center was built at that location at a later date. • Specific information about the height and width of the antenna and concern as to whether or not it would interfere with radio or TV reception. Larry Doherty, Regional Real Estate Manager, USWEST Cellular of California, Inc., explained in detail what his company was proposing for the facility. He indicated that wattage was low and discussed the new technology in detail. Mr. Doherty described why Chase Park was chosen and mentioned that USWEST elected to go with a storage shelter for the City along with their project. He emphasized that the facility would be monitored on a 24 hour basis and that his company was aware of problems with graffiti. Mr. Doherty described the monopole structure that would replace an existing light pole and indicated that the facility would assist the public sector during a disaster. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Whether or not neighbors in the area were consulted about the project. (Commissioner Holmes left the meeting at 6:00 p.m.) • The actual size of the pole. Parks and Recreation Commission - 5 - April 19, 1993 • Possible interference to radio and TV reception. • The range that would be covered by the facility and whether or not future facilities were planned for the area during the next five years. • How the rental amount was determined. • Why this park was selected and alternate locations. • Concern that this would be the first park where park land was leased to private enterprise. • Possibility of including in the contract that a screened roof be installed to keep balls out of the facility. • Provision of a storage facility for the Parks and Recreation Department and user groups. • Specific concerns would be addressed by the Planning Department. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer, Item AB #493-5 was approved and staff was directed to proceed to City Council for further approval. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Cox and Strayer NOES: Ward ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Holmes Commissioner Ward stated that she did not support Item AB #493-5 because she did not support park land being leased to private enterprise that was not recreationally related. (Commissioner Cox left the meeting at 6:28 p.m.) On order of the Chairman, the Commission recessed at 6:29 p.m. On order of the Chairman, the Commission reconvened at 6:35 p.m. 6. AB #493-6 FACILITY STANDARDS UPDATE David Bradstreet presented the staff report on this item. He explained the history of the Facility/Activity Standards which was adopted in November 1990 and described how the standards were determined. 03 Parks and Recreation Commission - 6 - April 19, 1993 Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Overlap of activities and how they were included in the calculations. • How the figures were adjusted with the new population information. • Discussion of how numbers were determined and what was in each quadrant. • Whether the city parks were active or passive parks. • Future predictions. • How Stagecoach was being used to alleviate problems at Levante. • Concern that 1990 census results demonstrated that Carlsbad had a larger mature population than originally thought and whether or not consideration was given to the amount of activities for the mature population. • Maintenance of soccer and baseball fields and the need for fields to have some down time to grow and protect them from damage caused by weather, and how these problems may be solved by scheduling. • Cutback of watering, fertilizing and maintaining parks as a result of budget restraints. • Possibility of changing the term "standards" to the term "goals" so that the guidelines were not in concrete. A motion was made by Commissioner Strayer, on Item #AB #493-6, to accept the Facility/Activity Standards as deemed necessary. The motion was amended to change the name from Facility/Activity Standards to Facility/Activity Goals and Guidelines. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Strayer, Item AB #493-6 was accepted with the amendment that the Facility/Activity Standards would be changed to Facility/Activity Goals and Guidelines. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Ward and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Holmes and Cox Parks and Recreation Commission - 7-April 19, 1993 COMMITTEE REPORT: Commissioner Heineman gave the report on the Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee. Chairman Castner gave the report on the Northwest Quadrant Subcommittee. AGENDA ITEMS FOR MAY: None. ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Heineman to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:35 p.m. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Lawson, Ward, and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Holmes and Cox Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk 10 PRESENTATIONS 11 April 27, 1993 TO: PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Park Development Coordinator LANDSCAPE MANUAL AWARD This is to let you know that the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual has won an "Award of Honor" from the California Council of the American Society of Landscape Architects. The Award of Honor equates to a first place designation in the category of "Planning and Analysis." The awards were part of the 1993 Professional Awards Program and were presented at the CC/ASLA Conference in Monterey. As you can see by the attached list, the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual joins many state, national, and international projects in being recognized. MARK STEYAERT Attachment c: Assistant City Manager Landscape Manual file mark\memos\landscap. man Award of Honor Sdirader/Bohnett Residence Los Angeles, California Rlos Associates, Inc. Los Angeles, California Parque del Recuerdo Santiago, Chile Royston Hanamoto Alley &C Abey Mill Valley, California City of Carlsbad landscape Manual City of Carlsbad, San Diego County Mark A. Steyaert Jr., ASIA Carlsbad, California Greenhorn Creek Trout Enhancement Project Quincy, California Plumas Corporation Quincy, California Kanozan Resort Chiba Prefecture, Japan Wallace Roberts & Todd San Francisco, California Zanja Madre Los Angeles, California The Architects Collaborative, Inc. San Francisco, California Award of Merit Hamilton Cove - Plant/Water Management Guide Catalina, California SLA Studio Land, Inc. Irvine, California Lewis & Clark College Schematic Landscape Design Portland, Oregon Sasaki Associates, Inc. San Francisco, California Sullivan Residence Fullerton, California Michael Sullivan Fullerton, California John Wiyne Airport Costa Mesa, California. The SWA Group Laguna Beach, California Heritage Park Olympia, Washington The SWA Group Laguna Beach, California Windsor Lakes Concept Plan Windsor, California Patrick Tormay Miller/2M Associates J_ 3 Berkeley, California City of Carlsbad Fire Department -atroi tM$ performance r-i I-Q expend my professional thanks for tre performance of your Lagoon p.5jf '••;•> I 'Cr-,jiri 3' 1st u''"-^'"- A^ v-:i?"'t-'Z f^n Anri] ] i ^993 Fncjins 1 1 an;1 M^ri'r 9 werA fjiqn.^f rr-.p^-j tj-; ^ rfi p f) • f • ^ i p.fnprn$nrv a* tne Anna ^erlinnna Lanoon F're (iena'""^rnenf unu-; arrived af Snua Harpor to find a jft SKI acr.ioent , witn an imured adu'tc* j female iy^nq 'n tne water and Deing attended Dy a Laqoon Patrol Specianst, Oscar Oscar performed in a n'qn]v orofess'onai manner after ceinq contacted Dv~ * ~ " "" -J ' ~ " .....^j-..- -i witnesses ^e entered tne water and maintained tne patients cervical some, •.v^'le Cirect:nQ Dyst3noer"s to assist in puHing the patient toward snor? He t^en ^cc;c-;ar-| p^r^r'v-iiir'- rs \A/HO pnt^r^n ^HA ^^tAr to asc>ecs fne natien^K 'niuriAc -'rally, ne w?.s ne'pfui 'n immoDiliz'ng tne patient on a Miller Extrication Device ar:d '"emcv'Mg rne patient frorn tne water^ The indiv'Cual performance demonstrated &y Oscar was instrumental in tne team approacn ro rnis difficult water rescue Please extent my personal and professional tnanks for 3 JOD well done You Ja^r? Tor^etto, r^e Captain Station i -A 256O Orion Way Carlsbad, California 92OO8 (619) 931-2141 May 3, 1993 TO DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION FROM: Acting Fire Chief VIA: Fire Captain Jim Torretto LAGOON PATROL EMS PERFORMANCE I would like to extend my professional thanks for the performance of Lagoon Patrol Specialist Oscar Alvarez. On April 11, 1993, Engine 11 and Medic 9 were dispatched to a medical emergency at the Agua Hedbnda Lagoon. Fire Department units arrived at Snug Harbor to find a jet ski accident with an injured adult female lying in the water and being attended by Lagoon Patrol Specialist Oscar Alvarez. Oscar performed in a highly professional manner after being contacted by witnesses. He entered the water and maintained the patient's cervical spine, while directing bystanders to assist in pulling the patient toward shore. He then assisted paramedics who entered the water to assess the patient's injuries. Finally, he was helpful in immobilizing the patient on a Miller extrication device and removing the patient from the water. The individual performance demonstrated by Oscar was instrumental in the team approach to this difficult water rescue. Please extend my personal and professional thanks to Oscar for a job well done. STEWART W. GARY Ib