HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; Minutes/•—NX— Minutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: August 16, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Castner called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Holmes, Ward, and Strayer Absent: Commissioners Lawson and Cox Staff Members Present: David Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator Ken Price, Recreation Superintendent " Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, it was moved to hold the minutes of the July 19th meeting until the September meeting. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioner Heineman, Holmes, Ward, and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lawson and Cox PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM: None. 004 Parks and Recreation Commission - 2 - August 16, 1993 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, the Agenda for August 16, 1993 was approved as printed. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Holmes, Ward, and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lawson and Cox CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #893-1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT To accept and file Director's Report for July - August 1993. 2. AB #893-2 SUMMARY REPORT To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the July 19, 1993 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, Items AB #893-1 and AB #893-2 of the Consent Calendar for August 16, 1993 were approved. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Holmes, Ward, and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lawson and Cox PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3. AB #893-3 ZONE 19 PARK LAND SWAP Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained the proposed land swap in detail. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Whether there would be access from Poinsettia to the park site. • Mention of the two plans that would be considered at a much later date. Parks and Recreation Commission - 3 - August 16, 1993 • What would happen to the locations of the day care facility and the community church. Mr. Paul Klukas, Hillman Group Properties, addressed that issue. • Location of different types of home sites. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, Item AB #893-3, to approve land swap in concept and direct staff to proceed with the property exchange. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Holmes, Ward, and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lawson and Cox Commissioner Cox arrived at 5:11 p.m. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 4. AB #893-4 - ON-STREET PARKING AT STAGECOACH PARK Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks and Recreation, gave the staff presentation on this item. He discussed the history of the parking problem and the steps taken to try and alleviate it. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Concern that parking is a problem at other Carlsbad parks. • Possibility of working closer with the Planning Department and developers on development of areas around future parks for parking. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ward, Item AB #893-4, to accept and file the staff update. AYES: Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Holmes, Ward, Cox and Strayer NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lawson PRESENTATION Chairman Castner presented a plaque to Commissioner Strayer who tendered his resignation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, effective after the end of the August 16, 1993 meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 -August 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS FOR SEPTEMBER 1. Budget Update 2. Update on the Habitat Management Plan ADJOURNMENT ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: On motion by Commissioner Ward to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 5:45 p.m. Chairman Castner, Commissioners Heineman, Holmes, Ward, Cox, and Strayer None None Commissioner Lawson Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk 007 September 14, 1993 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Recreation Supervisor I DIRECTOR'S REPORT - SEPTEMBER 1993 Enrichment Classes The instructional class program is presenting some special classes in anticipation of a busy holiday season ahead. Betsy Kennedy reports one class will allow participants to design their own personal Christmas or Holiday cards. Other items for gift giving or for yourself will also be covered in the class. The title of the class is "Calligraphy Christmas Project", and the date of the class is October 5, with subsequent sessions to follow. "Gourmet Goblins," a hauntingly delicious workshop for kids only, will teach new skills in the kitchen while allowing children to prepare a complete Halloween dinner menu. Recipes will include: Jack O'Lantern Chili, Devilish Red Punch, Wicked Witch Salad, and other Ghoulish offerings. Date of the class is October 27 and the site for the fun is Stagecoach Community Center. Davtrlppers Carmen Lopez is excited to pass on the news that her recent Laughlin Turn Around on September 11 was a resounding success. Her group came home with two big winners, one capturing a $9,000 jackpot and another lucky person copping a prize of $2,500. Congratulations to Carmen and the good luck she brings all of us! Carmen's next lucky trip is slated for October 10-11, an overnighter to Las Vegas. The next Laughlin stop will be a turnaround on November 13. Carmen and company will also be heading north to Los Angeles for the taping of the show "The Price Is Right1. Taping is scheduled for December 8 in a program added due to demand. Carmen forwards the information that room still exists for "Julian Apple Days" and trips to Tijuana and Calico Ghost Town. Julian is scheduled for October 2, while Tijuana and Calico are slated for October 30 and November 6, respectively. Facilities Gian Lauro states that Harding Community Center staff helped the Engineering Department in the downtown area with the recent "Streetscape" kick-off. Staff assisted with set-up, break down and serving refreshments to citizens. Aquatics Carl Pope reports that pool repairs are complete and programs are in full swing for the fall. The pool's shell has been repaired and Fall programs, highlighted by swim lessons and High School Water Polo are progressing nicely. 009 EXHIBIT 1 Page Two Special Events Aimee and Lori Smith state the second yearly installment of the Department's "Garage Sale" is scheduled for Saturday, September 18, at Holiday Park with more than 100 sellers expected and many thousands of buyers coming through the park during the day. Warming up for the holidays, staff is also formulating final plans for a bigger, more exciting Halloween Carnival and Hauntet House. Scheduled for the days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday the last weekend in October, staff eagerly awaits this new edition of what has become one of the Department's highlight events of the year. Calavera Hills Community Park will house the festivities. One final reminder comes from the Special Events Section - Don't forget to help with "Coastal Clean-Up Day", scheduled for Saturday, October 2. Staff will be coordinating volunteers in their efforts to clean-up both the ocean and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Youth Sports Robin Bettin reminds us that their biggest program of the year, Youth Basketball is about to begin. Registration takes place the end of September and continues through the start of October. The season runs from December through March. Robin also states that the Annual Youth Cross-Country meet is slated for Saturday, November 13, at Stagecoach Park. Running is truly a sport where youngsters of every ability and size can enjoy themselves in competition. Carlsbad has been fortunate to have had some outstanding young runners come through this program in past years. SENIORS Now in its seventh year, Gerico's Family Restaurant will again sponsor the Gerico's Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament and Dinner to support the Carlsbad Senior Center. The Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, September 18,1993 at the Lomas Santa Fe Executive Golf Course. Seventy-five energetic golfers will pick up their clubs for a great day of fun, sun and golf. Later that day, they will meet at Gerico's to enjoy dinner and pick up one of the many prizes. Every golfer gets a prizel Persons wishing to golf should contact Jeff or Martin at Gerico's, phone 729-4996. As in years past Gerico's will sponsor the annual fundraising dinner. Tickets cost $5.00 and will be on sale starting September 1,1993. They can be purchased at the Senior Center or from a Center Volunteer. Tickets are redeemable for a complete dinner at Gerico's Family Restaurant, 850 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad, or tickets can be used toward $5.00 off the price of a regular dinner at Koko Beach located at the corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Grand Avenue in Carlsbad. Tickets can be used any time from October 1, through October 31, 1993. We hope that everyone will come out and support this annual fundraising event made possible through the generosity of Gerico's. As always, 100% of the proceeds from both the golf tournament and the dinner ticket sales go to support the Carlsbad Senior Center. For ticket sales or for more information, contact the Senior Center at 434- 4127. O'O Page Three Seniors The Sunshine Players will perform at the Carlsbad Senior Center Auditorium at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, 1993. This hour is guaranteed to truly brighten your day. Parks The Parks Division assisted with the Pops concert that was held Sunday, September 5. Their efforts included: mowing the amphitheater and the parking area, transporting and taking down the stage, and cleaning up after the concert. The Parks Division has also been active in setting up all the soccer goals and preparing the park areas for the '93 soccer season. JIM BRADSHAW c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads Oil