HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 5:30 P.M. March 15, 1999 City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richards called the Regular Meeting to order at 530 p.m. I3QusAL Present: Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Cox Absent: Commissioner Pieratt Staff Members Present: Ken Price, Recreation and Park Planning Manager Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor II Cynthia Haas, City Economic Development Manager Commissioner Pieratt arrived at 534 p.m. ANNOUNCFMF NTS Commissioner Davidson commented on a very successful youth basketball program again this year. He congratulated staff. r.- APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Richards, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on January 18, 1999, were approved with the following corrections: Page 5 - add trees to the next to the last paragraph to read” .... that he felt it was unfair to the homeowners to make them responsible for the street trees.” Page 6 - Change Chairman “Richardson” to read Chairman “Richards” in the line immediately prior to Item 7. Page 7 - Change the adjournment action to read “On motion by Commissioner Cox to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:OO p.m.” rc AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt Parks and Recreation Commission -2- - March 15, 1999 PRFSENTATIONS Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor II, explained that Tami Mason and Dana Hasson, of Coldwell Banker, Encinitas Branch, received CPRS recognition awards . PUBLIC OPEN FORUM None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None On motion by Commissioner Davidson, the Agenda for March 15, 1999 was approved . Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt I. AB#399-1 COMMISS IONERS RE PORT To accept and file the Commissioner’s Report for March 1999. 2. AB#399-2 SUM MARY REPORT To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the January 1999 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. /c ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None On motion by Commissioner Davidson, AB #399-1 and AB #399-2, of the Consent Calendar for March 15, 1999 were approved. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt PUBLIC HEARINGS None. DEPARTMEN TAL REPORTS 3. Ken Price, Recreation and Park Planning Manager, gave the staff presentation on this item. He described the background of this item, as contained in the Commissioners’ packets for the evening, and descried a similar arrangement involving Aviara in 1993. Mr. Price emphasized that staff did not have an opportunity to review the request by the San Dieguito Union High School District (SDUSD) for the City of Carlsbad to assume the scheduling responsibilities of fields for LCYO and Lightning Soccer until the construction of the school was complete. AB#399 -3 LACOSTA YOUTH ORGAN IZATION (OCYO) REQUES T Len Giuffre, President, La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO), 3450 Corte Curva, Carlsbad, explained that LCYO made a request to staff a few weeks ago to help pay for the advanced development of activity playfields at the location of the future junior high school site. He stated that they wanted to model what was done in Aviara. He added that they should have the final ,- Parks and Recreation Commission -3- - March 15, I999 site plans within the next two weeks. Mr. Giuffre emphasized that the ballfields would not require City funds, but staff would be required to administer the schedule. He described his organization’s past track record with City staff. - In response to Mr. Cunningham’s query about who provides the funds for parking and lighting of the fields, Mr. Giuffre stated that they provide finished paths, put in irrigation systems, and placed sod on the fields. He mentioned that the parking lot would be provided by the school district. Bob Wells, 3556 Sitio Baya, Carlsbad, explained that he was on the board of the baseball division and a manager of a team. He stated that the idea came up about three years ago for some additional fields. Mr. Wells said that he approached the school district and developer and that this site was recommended by both. He added that they had good support from the school district as long as the fields were multi-use and multi-purpose. Mr. Wells encouraged the Commission to support the recommendation from staff, adding that the city desperately needed playfields. In response to a query from Mr. Richards, Mr. Giuffree explained the process for approval of the project. Mr. Wells indicated that the fields will be built to the school’s future requirements and that there were commitments from the developer to help with the infrastructure. Joan Chinn, 6397 Ebb Tide Street, Carlsbad, explained that she was the newly elected president of Lightning Soccer. She stated that Carlsbad was losing fields with the reduction of class sizes in Aviara whereas the number of children wanting to play soccer and baseball has expanded. She added that her organization had a good working relationship with LCYO and that she was looking for the Commission’s support. - Warren Diven, 1032 C Street, Olivehain, indicated that he was a director for Lightning Soccer. He clarified that the school district was required to take the plans to the Planning Commission only for conformity to the City’s Plan and environmental report. He added that he could bring back the site plan when it was approved in the near future. Questions and discussion included the following issues: 0 Whether this would be a deal breaker if the City declined to provide the scheduling service 0 Approximate time and effort involved in staff scheduling the ballfields 0 Liability issues and responsibility 0 Monitoring of safety issues at the ballfields 0 Concern about a previous disagreement between LCYO and SDUSD ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, AB #399-3, to send the item back to staff for further review and return to the Commission with a recommendation. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Parks and Recreation Commission -4- - March 15, 1999 - 4. AB#399 -4 CARLSB AD WATERSHED NETWORK (CWN) REQUES T/INSTALLATION OF BENCH AND PLAQUE Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, gave the staff presentation on this item. He described what had transpired with regard to the volunteer trail system, and explained that Penny Dockry, CWN, Chairman, requested that a bench and plaque be installed within Hosp Grove as part of the Volunteer Trails Development Project. He added that there were certain caveats, as outlined and included in the Commissioners’ packets. Gary Hill, 3289 Donna Drive, Carlsbad, explained that the Carlsbad Junior Women’s League donated $300 for the installation of a bench and plaque along the trail at Hosp Grove. He added that they were trying to complete the project on April 24th, California Trails Day. Questions and discussion included the following issue: 0 Who would own the bench and plaque ACTION : AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: On motion by Commissioner Baker, to approve AB #399-4, to grant the request for the Carlsbad Watershed Network to install a bench and plaque within Hosp Grove, subject to the following caveats: + The location for installation and bench construction and/or material is approved by the Park Superintendent + Wording of the plaque is approved prior to installation + Replacement expense, if required, is not the responsibility or expectation of the City of Carlsbad + The bench will be removed if it is vandalized beyond repair and/or if it becomes a safety hazard Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt None None None 5. AB #399-5 CAR1 SB AD. A CHA NGING PRO FILE Cynthia Haas, City Economic Development Manager, gave the staff presentation on this item. She explained that a committee was formed to look at the City of Carlsbad for the next five years. She stated that the Committee focused their views on the issues of traffic congestion, lack of schools, technology in the workplace or the City’s ability to keep up with changing technology, and the need for succession planning. Ms. Haas stated that she was gong to focus on the socioeconomic configuration of Carlsbad for this evening’s report. She distributed a copy of the presentation to the commissioners and described Carlsbad’s population in detail. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, to approve AB #I 99-8, to accept and file the staff report. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt Parks and Recreation Commission -5- - March 15, 1999 6. AB#398-6 COM MITTEE ASSIGNME NTS Keith Beverly explained appointments needed to be made to the standing committees of the Parks and Recreation Commission. c ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, AB #399-96 to eliminate all the standing committees until further needed, with the exception of the Parks Site, Facility Planning and Naming; School District Liaison; and Street Tree committees. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, the following four committees were established with the following appointments: + Parks Site, Facility Planning and Naming Commissioners Baker, Cunningham, and Richards Commissioner Davidson, alternate + School District Liaison Commissioners Cox, Pieratt, and Baker Commissioner Davidson, alternate + Street Tree Commissioners Schulberg, Davidson, and Cunningham Commissioner Pieratt, alternate + Parksite Amenity Goals and Guidelines Commissioners Baker, Pieratt, and Davidson AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt 7. AB#399 -7 STATUSU PDATF/PINE SCHOOL ACQU ISITION Keith Beverly gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) was approved for the sale of the Pine School property. He described what needed to be included as part of the process, as outlined in the Commissioners’ packets. He added that when and if the City acquires the site, there may be community pressure to begin the process of planning for the parksite development. Parks and Recreation Commission -6- - March 15, 1999 ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None On motion by Commissioner Cunningham, to approve AB #399-7, to accept and file the staff report. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt I Commissioner Davidson left the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 8. 1 IT NVN Keith Beverly invited the Commissioners to attend the Volunteer Awards Recognition Reception on March 24, 1999. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Davidson On motion by Commissioner Cox, to approve AB #399-8, to attend the Volunteer Awards Recognition Reception on March 24, 1999. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt COMM I1 I tt RE PORTS 1. Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent, updated the Commission on the Dog Park. 2. Doug Duncanson updated the Commission on the Street Tree committee. 3. Keith Beverly updated the Commission on the Parksite Amenity Goals and Guidelines. .- AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT COMMISSION MEET ING 1. Dog park 2. Golf course status 3. Baseballkoccer field scheduling 4. Update and feasibility parking facility in Mercario Canyon 5. Update on Zone 5 park ADJOURNMFNT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:45 p.m. to the Volunteer Recognition Awards Event, March 24, 1999, at 6:OO p.m. at the Gemological Institute of America Chairman Richards, Commissioners Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Davidson Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark, Minutes Clerk