HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-04-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: Time of Meeting: 530 P.M. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 19, 1999 City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richards called the Regular Meeting to order at 530 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioner Cox and Pieratt Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, and Schulberg I Staff Members Present: Ken Price, Recreation Director Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor II Gian Lauro, Recreation Supervisor Kathleen Hughes, Office Specialist P ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent, introduced Kathleen Hughes, the new Offtce Specialist. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 15, 1999 were approved as corrected. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, and Sch ul berg AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cox and Pieratt PRESENTATIONS None. I Parks and Recreation Commission -2- - April 19, 1999 c PUBLIC OPEN FORUM Gordon Baker, 2035 Charleen Circle, addressed his frustration with the revised hold harmless agreement submitted to the homeowners on Charleen Circle. He expressed concern that the homeowners were given 10 days to sign the agreement, a date prior to the next hearing. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Cox On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, the Agenda for April 19, 1999 was approved. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, and Schulberg CONSENT CALENDAR 1. 2. 3. - 4. 5. 6. 7. AB# 499-1 COMMISSIONER’S REPORT To accept and file the Commissioner’s Report for April 1999. d AB W99-2 SUMMARY REPORT To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the March 15,1999 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. AB #499-3 LETTER OF SUPPORT/BOYS & GIRLS CLUB To accept and file a letter supporting the Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club’s efforts to secure grant funds. AB W99-4 LETTER FROM LYNNE BAKER To accept and file a letter from the Parks and Open Space Chairperson, Sierra Club of San Diego and Imperial Counties AB #499 -5 VOLUNTEER TRAILS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY To acknowledge a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on April 24, 1999 AB W99 -6 DONATION TO CARRILLO RANCH TRUST To receive a donation to the Carrillo Ranch Trust account and recommend acceptance by the City Manager I AB #499-7 DONATION FROM NORTH COU NTY TRANSIT DISTRICT To receive a donation from NCTD and recommend acceptance by the City Manager. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cox and Pieratt On motion by Commissioner Cunningham, AB W99-3, was pulled from the Consent Calendar for April 19, 1999. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, and Schulberg 085 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- - April 19, 1999 ,- ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, AB M99-1, AB M99-2, AB M99-4, AB M99-5, AB M99-6, and AB M99-7 of the Consent Calendar for April 19, 1999 were approved. Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, and Schulberg AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Cox Commissioner Cunningham asked for clarification of the letter supporting the Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club’s efforts to secure grant funds. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Cox On motion by Commissioner Davidson, AB M99-3 of the Consent Calendar for April 19, 1999 was approved. Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, and Schulberg # PUBLIC HEARINGS None. - DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 8. ABM99 -8 LACOS TA YOUTH ORGANIZATION (LCYO) REQUEST Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor II, and Gian Lauro, Recreation Supervisor, gave the staff presentation on this item. Ms. Bettin summarized the research conducted by staff in the past and Gian pointed to the site on a map of the area. Ms. Bettin explained that staff met with Eric Hall, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services with the San Dieguito Union High School District. She explained there were several issues of concern which needed to be resolved before the City could become involved. These issues were: + Property ownership + Plan and design approval + Lease or use agreement + Liability and indemnification + Access road and parking + Future use expectations + Utilities and ongoing maintenance Questions and discussion included the following issues: + Misconception by Mr. Hall that the City would be involved in all issues + Expectations of the two groups with regard to what the City would do + importance of issues being resolved before the City could become involved in the scheduling of the fields until the school was built - (Commissioner Pieratt arrived at 6:05 p.m.) 006. Parks and Recreation Commission -4- - April 19, 1999 P + Importance of the Risk Manager being involved + Review of the arrangement at Aviara + Liability issues + The intent for staff to send out a letter to LCYO and Lightning Soccer explaining the City’s current position + Alternative schedulers A motion was made by Commissioner Davidson, AB M99-8, that the Parks and Recreation Commission accepts staff recommendation that no action be taken regarding a City commitment to schedule use of playfields at the future La Costa Valley site until the other outstanding issues and requirements outlined to staff by the San Dieguito Union High School District are resolved. After a short discussion, Commissioner Davidson withdrew the motion. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, AB M99-8, that staff is willing at a conceptual level to consider scheduling, pending resolution of all the items outlined in the staff report. Furthermore, staff considers the resolution of these issues to be the responsibility of LCYO, Lightning Soccer, and the San Dieguito Union High School District. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt I AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox 9. ABM99 -9 INDUSTRIAL PARKSITE STATUS UPDATE Ken Price, Recreation Director, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained the fee on industrial development and its purpose, as outlined in the Commissioners’ packets for the evening. He stated that the plan was to meet with the industrial community to identify the types of recreation amenities to go on the site. Questions and discussion included the following issues: 0 0 Purpose of the roundtable 0 0 How soon would staff meet with the industrial community Whether $2,000,000 was enough to develop the parksite Possibility of entering into a partnership with a private entity ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox On motion by Commissioner Davidson, to approve AB #499-9, to accept and file the staff report. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt 10. AB W99 -10 CITY/SCHOOL CO ORDINATING CO MMllTEE UPDATE Ken Price updated the Commission on this item. He described the following in detail: 7 + The Pine School appraisal process + Aviara and Jefferson fields + Future playfield development at Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue Parks and Recreation Commission -5- - April 19, 1999 tc + Future playfield development at Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue + Acquisition of future school sites + Future sites for CUSD operation and maintenance, transportation, administration and warehouse facilities Questions and discussion included the following issue: + Whether the public could attend the next City/School Coordinating Committee meeting ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, AB M99-10, to accept and file the staff report. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Ken Price updated the Commission on the Doi Park. 2. Keith Beverly updated the Commission on the Parksite Amenity Goals & Guidelines. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT COMMISSION MEETING 1. Hold Harmless Agreement/Street Trees 2. Dog Park 3. Gold Course/HMP c- ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 650 p.m. to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Hosp Grove - SUA, April 24, 1999 and to the Skateboard Park Dedication Ceremony scheduled for May 8, 1999. Chairman Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox Respectfully submitted, Ruth hark Minutes Clerk - 008 e- .- --