HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; Minutes9 F Minutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: October 18, 1999 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers - Chairman Richards called the Regular Meeting to order at 536 p.m. ElQluau Present: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, Absent: None Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt Staff Members Present: Doug Duncanson, Public Works Manager Ken Price, Recreation Director Scott Carroll, Management Analyst ANNOUNCEMENIS r None. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 17, 1999 were approved. AYES: Chairman Richards, Commissioners Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt NOES: None ABSTAIN: Vice Chairman Davidson ABSENT: None ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on June 21, 1999 were approved. AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, and Pieratt NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Cunningham, Schulberg, and Cox ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS Doug Duncanson, Public Works Manager, introduced Scott Carroll, Management Analyst. None. 04 Parks and Recreation Commission -2- October 18,1999 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox, the Agenda for October 18,1999 was AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None approved. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt I. AB# 1099-1 COMMISSIONERS REPORT To accept and file the Commissioner's Reports for September and October 1999. 2. AR #1099-2 SUMMARY REPORT: To approve, accept and file the Summary Report of the June 1999 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. 3. AR #1099-3 CITY OF CAR1 ,SBAD 1999-2000 BUDGFT SUMMARY The Commission will receive an informational Budget Summary produced by the Finance Department. c ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Baker, AB #1099-1 , AB #1099-2, and AB #1099-3 of the Consent Calendar for October 18, 1999 were approved. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARINGS None. ~ 4. 1 -4 F V I I PARK Doug Duncanson gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that staff received a request to install a cellular site at Calavera Hills Community Park. He stated that Pacific Bell wants to place a wireless device, and mount it on field 3 on the light pole located along third base, and pointed out the area on the plan. He added that Pacific Bell also wanted to add a new storage structure. Mr. Duncanson mentioned that staff had a few concerns but basically agreed with the overall design. He added that it would be similar to the lease at the Safety Center for another cellular company. He described the procedure for approval. Robert Renfro, NCI, was present but did not have anything else to add to Mr. Duncanson's presentation. He added that he was available for questions. r 05 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- October 18,1999 Questions and discussions included the following issues: .- + Clarification that the light pole would replace the existing light pole and there would not be an additional light pole + Staff concerns including conflict with other community and recreational uses, damage to turf or existing landscape, and the possibility of additional storage being required + Possibility of adding two storage facilities, one for Pacific Bell, the other for the City + Placement of the storage facility(ies), its size, and the impact on the playing field + Amount of microwave radiation from the cellular unit + Placement of the cellular unit on the ground vs. the roof + Inclusion of conditions in the license agreement for cleanup if the unit is taken down after a certain period of time A motion was made by Commissioner Pieratt to approve the request for cellular amenities at Calavera Hills Community Park by Pacific Bell. Upon further discussion, the motion was amended to include the negotiation of an additional storage facility. rc ACTION: On motion by Vice Chairman Davidson, AB #1099-4, to approve the request for cellular amenities at Calavera Hills Community Park by Pacific Bell, and direct staff to negotiate for an additional storage facility at the site. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 5. A The Parks and Recreation Commission viewed the State of the City Video. 6. 2 A Ken Price, Recreation Director, gave the staff presentation and explained that staff received a request from a citizen for the development of a bocce ball court and indicated that the citizen would not be present at the meeting. He referred to the second page of a letter from the citizen, Joseph Granata, which outlined the requirements for a bocce ball court. Questions and discussions included the following issue: + Whether there was enough interest in the county to support a bocce ball court Commissioner Cox made a motion to table the item. After further discussion, Commissioner Cox amended the motion to table Item #6 and to place the request for a bocce ball court with similar requests for related activities such as lawn bowling, and to direct staff to keep the request as an active item for possible uses at future public park sites. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox, AB #1099-6, to table Item #6 and place the request for a bocce ball court with similar requests for lawn related activities such as lawn bowling, and to direct staff to keep the request as an active item for possible uses at future public park sites. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Parks and Recreation Commission -4- October 18, 1999 7. AR #1099-7 RFCREATlOrVPEPARTMENT/STRATFGlC PI ANNING EFFORTS ,- Ken Price gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that staff was proceeding with a strategic plan for the Recreation Department and said that the Commissioners’ packets for the evening included a summary of the Department’s strategic planning efforts. He added that another reason for the planning effort was to determine where the Department was so that a mission statement and vision could be used to guide the Department for the Zlst Century. Questions and discussions included the following issue: + Using the Web site as another source for input from residents of the City ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox, AB #1099-7, to accept and file staffs AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None report on the Recreation Department‘s strategic planning efforts. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt 8. AB #1099-8 INDlVlDUAl GOALS FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DFPARTMENT JU1ANAGmENT PERSONNEL Ken Price gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that the City Council has refined their goal statements and has developed four strategic goals, as outlined in the Commissioners’ packets for the evening. He added that individual goals for Parks and Recreation management personnel have been developed from those strategic goals, and c described what .was included. Questions and discussions included the following issue: + Clarification of the relationship between the City and the school districts .- ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, AB #1099-8, to accept and file staffs report on the individual goals for Parks and Recreation Department management personnel. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Nbne 9. AB #1099-9 CITY/SCHOO~LTlNG UPDATE Ken Price gave the staff report on this item. He explained what was discussed at the September 1 5th City/School Committee meeting and addressed the items on the agenda. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, AB #1099-9, to accept and file the AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None staff report on the City/School Meeting Update. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt Parks and Recreation Commission -5- October 18,1999 IO. AB #1099-10 WFDULING OF DEE- PARKS AND RFCREATlON c COMMISSION MEETING Ken Price explained that the December meeting was scheduled for Christmas week which resulted in the recommendation that it be changed to December 13*, the previous week. ACTION: On motion by Vice Chairman Davidson, AB #1099-10, to change the date AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None of the December meeting to December 13, 1999 was approved. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt Ken Price presented an update on the dog park. AGENDA ITEM~QNEXTSSION MEETING 1. Change hour for start of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. 2. Status of the golf course . 3. Hear a request for changing residency requirements by non-profit organizations to use Carlsbad fields. .c ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, to adjourn the Regular Meeting AYES: Chairman Richards, Vice Chairman Davidson, Commissioners Baker, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None at 650 p.m. Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox and Pieratt ResPectfullv submitted. Ruth Stark ' Minutes Clerk