HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-22; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
530 P.M.
January 22,2001
Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center
Vice Chairman Pieratt called the Regular Meeting to order at 530 p.m.
Present: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Ramirez, Schulberg, and
Absent: Chairman Cox and Commissioner Cunningham
Staff Members Present:
Ken Price, Recreation Director
Keijh Beverly, Senior Management Analyst
Doug Duncanson, General Services Manager
Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator
Gail Watts, Recreation Supervisor II
John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager
Eric Munoz, Associate Planner
Dave Miliken, Recreation Supervisor II
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, the Minutes of the Regular
Meeting held December 18,2000 were approved.
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Davidson and
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Ramirez
ABSENT: Chairman Cox and Commissioner Cunningham
need for a new swim complex in Carlsbad. She explained that she has been trying to get
support for a new swim complex for the past four years and then she explained why. She
mentioned that it was very difficult to enroll a child for swimming lessons and was shocked
.- Lisa Cannon-Rodman, 3535 Simsbury Court, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission about the
Parks and Recreation Commission -2- January 22,2001
when her son, who was eligible to swim competitively, was told he would have to go to La Jolla
for practice due to the Carlsbad swim complex being unavailable. Ms. Cannon-Rodman pointed
out that she conducted a grass roots survey consisting of 1,500 signatures and that she also
presented 10 strong reasons for a swim complex to City Council. She asked what she has to do
to achieve her goal.
Staff was directed to bring the item back with the results of the survey at the next Parks and
Recreation Commission meeting.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, the Agenda for
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Ramirez, Schulberg,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Cox and Commissioner Cunningham
January 22,2001 was approved.
and Davidson
To accept and file the Commissioner’s report for January 2001. -
A letter to the Commission requesting a second swim complex be provided.
Information regarding a tour promoted by the Sister City Committee.
The Commission will receive a donation to the Opportunity Grants Program.
The Commission will receive a donation in support of the Opportunity Grants Program.
To ratify Commissioner Pacheco’s appointment.
Notification of the California Parks and Recreation Society Officer Installation Ceremony on
February 2,2001.
At the request of Commissioner Davidson, Item #2 of the Consent Calendar was pulled for
further discussion.
Parks and Recreation Commission -3- January 22,2001
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, AB #101-1, AB #101-3,
AB #101-4, AB #101-5, AB #101-6, and AB #101-7 of the
Consent Calendar for January 22,2001 were approved.
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Ramirez, Schulberg,
and Davidson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Cfiairman Cox and Commissioner Cunningham
Commissioner Davidson stated that the letter from Mr. Lantz was timely, based upon the public
comment made by Lisa Cannon-Rodman on the subject of a new swim complex. He expressed
concern that the item was sandwiched between consent items that did not require action. He
mentioned that a temporary solution was discussed before the Parks and Recreation
Commission the previous year and that he was concerned that in a city the size of Carlsbad,
there were no plans for another swim complex for the next 15 years. Commissioner Davidson
asked what would have to be carried out for a new swim complex to be built.
Keith Beverly, Senior Manager Analyst, explained that the pool issue was discussed by the
Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council which resulted in the identification of a pool
at Alga Norte and listing it in the CIP. He added that the property should be purchased by the
City this year. Mr. Beverly emphasized the importance of the infrastructure being in place for
access to the area prior to development of a swim complex. That infrastructure will be
developed as part of the Master Plan for the Villages of La Costa.
Other questions and discussion included the following issues: + Timeline for the pool complex + Competition among other Capital Improvement Program projects for funding
(Commissioner Cunningham arrived at 540 p.m.)
Possibility of speeding up the project
Ranking of the desirability of a swim complex on the citizen survey
Delay in the previous swim complex resulted in a smaller pool
Amount of time required to plan and develop a project
Pool project not ranked with Growth Management Plan, the highest ranking need which
drives the CIP
Other potential locations for a pool
Timeline for publication of citizen survey results
Inclusion of a pool complex as an agenda item for the next meeting
Breakdown of participants and quadrants in the citizen survey
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, that a report be given to City
Council in some manner passing along the interest for a swim complex
and bringing it back for discussion to the Parks and Recreation
and Davidson
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Cunningham, Ramirez,
NOES: Commissioner Schulberg
ABSENT: Chairman Cox
Parks and Recreation Commission -4- January 22,2001
Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, gave the staff presentation on this item. He
explained that staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Master Plan which included the
layout of the entire site. He presented’the background on this item and explained the status.
Mr. Steyaert described fie public workshops and stated that the community provided input for
the Zone 19 Park, as outlined in the Commissioner’s packets for the evening. He reviewed the
suggestions by the citizens.
John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, described the public workshops. He stated that
progress-was made in master planning the Zone 19 Park and outlined the proposed timetable,
, adding that it might be possible to begin construction on this park around this time next year.
Mr. Cahill referred to the concept plans on the board. He stated that the views were dramatic
from the north and west, and that the land was irregularly shaped. He added that the City
learned a lot from designing other park projects. He pointed out that there will be an emphasis
on a large community center, and explained that the purpose was for it to be a place where
community activities could take place.
Mr. Cahili described other components of the project. He mentioned that a drop-in center for
senior citizens would be included in the southern portion of the site.
rc Gary Wood, P & D Consultants, referred to Concept Plans A and B and pointed out that they
were a preamble to the citizen workshops. He stated that as a result of the workshops,
Concept B was the preferred approach with some modifications. He described the key
components, including the community center being located on the west side, the highest point
having views, picnic areas on the east side, and some additional changes including moving the
restroom facilities. Mr. Wood outlined the process to go forward if approved. He explained what
would be done next if the Preliminary Master Plan was approved by City Council.
Clark Ritter, P & D Consultants, stated his intent was to focus on the community center. Mr.
Ritter discussed the constraints around the building and mentioned that there would be open
terraces on three areas with maximum use.
Mr. Wood reiterated that the purpose of the Preliminary Master Plan was to solve the basic
problems for the Zone 19 Park, and once resolved, they would move forward with the details of
the project.
Questions and discussion included the following issues:
Confirmation that the Commissioners’ packages included a certifiable Preliminary Master
Plan for review by the Parks and Recreation Commission
Clarification of how a Park Master Plan fits into the City Master Plan for an area
Reason for lighted fields and the possibility of using shielded lighting with minimal impact on
homeowners in the area
Potential for a swim complex at the project
Approximate cost for developing the community center
Shortage of fields always a problem in the City of Carlsbad
Time pressure for completion of the park
Parks and Recreation Commission -5- January 22,2001
- RaOme Mikuta, 1319 Savannah Lane, Carlsbad, pointed out that she found out about the
meeting the previous evening. She explained that she purchased a lot close to the area where
the parking lot was designated and asked for clarification of what she would see from her
property. Mr. Wood explai,ned that the area will be landscaped so she would not see the cars.
Ms. Mikuta expressed concern about road noise from the cars and the amount of light in the
parking lot. -
Jim Comstock, 2755 Jefferson Street, Suite 102, Carlsbad, spoke as president of Carlsbad
Youth Baseball and Carlsbad Soccer Club. He emphasized there was a shortage of fields in
Carlsbad and explained what the clubs were doing to deal with the shortage. He added that
there was a shortage of lighted fields in Carlsbad, and that the fields were either at capacity or
over capacity. Mr. Comstock described the baseball and soccer schedule and indicated that
85-89% of the members were Carlsbad residents.
In response to a question about long term planning, Mr. Comstock pointed out that the
Carlsbad Soccer League had a five year plan, and offered to show the plan to any of the
commissioners upon request.
Debra Vaughan, 6301 Alexander Circle, Carlsbad, suggested moving the parking lot between
the two fields and explained why.
Mr. Wood responded that the key issue for the parking lot was to provide enough spaces for
future use of the park with a minimum amount of land. He added that moving into another
more passive area nearby. In response to a question by Commissioner Schulberg, Mr. Wood
said that they could move the parking lot to the recommended area and the tot lot to the slope,
Mr. Steyaert pointed out the need for access to the community center and mentioned that the
slope would be heavily planted to buffer the use. Mr. Steyaert added that if they further divided
the park with the parking lot, it would require that people walk through the parking lot to access
the restroom.
I configuration may be less efficient. He stated that residents expressed their preference for a
John Holko, 1752 Vesper Lane, Carlsbad, stated that he liked the park and location but was
unclear about some of the policies and procedures with regard to land uses. He wanted to know
if the reason the park was moving ahead was due to urgency to complete the road.
Commissioner Pacheco pointed out that the parks are not usually developed until the City
received the money when the homes were built. Mr. Steyaert clarified that the Preliminary
Master Plan approval was not related to the roads and explained why the Growth Management
Plan was set up. He added that the City was trying to maintain the Park Performance Standard
of the Growth Management Plan.
Other questions and discussion included the following issues: + Procedure for building the infrastructure for a project + Suggestion to add swing sets + Potential for swapping a swimming pool with a soccer field and what would be required + Timeframe for completing a pool complex at this site
I Joe Canales queried whether the soccer groups used the school fields and was told that they
Parks and Recreation Commission -6- January 22,2001
A motion was made by Commissioner Cunningham to approve the Zone 19 Park Preliminary
programs. The motion was not seconded.
- Master Plan including the "preferred concept plan", community center plan, park, and building
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, to direct staff to continue
processing the Preliminary Master Plan and consider other suggestions
made by the public and the Parks and Recreation Commission, including
the possibility of building a swim complex on the site in lieu of the soccer
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Ramirez, Schulberg,
and Davidson
NOES: Commissioner Cunningham
ABSENT: Chairman Cox
Vice Chairman Pieratt called a recess at 7:15 p.m. The Commission re-convened at 7:25 p.m.
Mark Steyaert gave the staff presentation on this item. He provided the background for the
City's purchase of the 13 acre site on Faraday and pointed out that the City was replacing the
ballfield that was being eliminated at the Safety Center. He added that staff recommended
placing the interim ballfield at the lower portion of the site.
Questions and discussion included the following issues:
+ Purpose of the industrial park + The industrial park and its relation to the Growth Management Plan + An explanation of "interim classification" for ballfield + Clarification of handouts in the Commissioners' packet and what was included with the
- + Feasibility of locating the swim complex at this site
agenda item
Prudence Sweeny, 2349 Longfellow Road, Carlsbad, indicated that she was an owner of
property below the park and requested that residents be included in input for the park since
they will be using the facilities on evenings and weekends. She reminded the Commission that
there were residents who worked in the area and might participate in the financing. Ken Price,
Recreation Director, assured Ms. Sweeny that property owners will be notified as part of the
Park Master Planning process which will define its ultimate design.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, AB #101-9, to approve the
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Ramirez,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Cox
Zone 5 Interim Ballfield Plan.
Schulberg, and Davidson
Parks and Recreation Commission -7- January 22,2001
10. AB #101-10 INTERIM USE RECOMMENDATION FOR THE PINE SCHOOL PROPERTY - Keith Beverly gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that the item went to
City Council on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, and that it dealt with the proposed interim use of the
facility. He added that City Council directed staff to go out into the community and make sure
that the community understood staffs recommendations and explain the eventual Master
Planning process to the community, and what that process will entail.
Mr. Beverly explained wkat has been done to date with the workshops. He referred to the area
on slides and explained the current status of the property, as outlined in the Commissioner‘s
packets for the evening. Mr. Beverly described staffs recommended interim use as well as
three alternatives., also outlined in the Commissioners’ packets. He stated the costs for the
proposed plan and for the alternative plans, and suggested alternative sources for funding.
Questions and discussion included the following issues: + Concern that the Parks and Recreation Commission was left out of the loop before the item
+ Clarification on the direction staff received on the item + Recommendation that the City follow the park siting use process + Procedure if another alternative was recommended by the Parks and Recreation
+ Explanation of why the recommended action was selected + Suggestion that Alternative #1 would give something back to the community + Importance of keeping children occupied as soon as FL=sible to prevent them from
was presented to City Council
becoming involved in criminal activities - + Competition among different projects for funding with desire to build all facilities now + Source of funding for a park in the Northwest Quadrant + Possibility of beginning the planning process right away on the Pine School Property + Clarification of park-in-lieu fees
Joe Canales, Carlsbad, explained that his mother lived near the baseball field and asked for
clarification of potential road connections. Mr. Beverly explained that nothing has been decided
at this point. Mr. Canales also asked for clarification of when the school district was vacating the
building. He suggested placing the swimming pool or a satellite police department at the site.
He recommended going forward with the project, and suggested that this type of issue should
come before the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to being heard at City Council. Mr.
Beverly addressed the issues raised by Mr. Canales.
Mario Monroy, 749 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, stated that the Northwest Quadrant Group
suggested that no minimal expenditures be made before the Master Plan was developed. He
added that once the Master Plan was developed, money would move ahead. He mentioned that
the Mayor said that a bond could be considered. He expressed his hope that the Commission
move the planning process ahead, including the bond issue.
Questions and discussion included the following issues: + After Aviara Oaks School, no other schools could be used to meet park inventory according
+ Issue of leaving the buildings as is
+ Feasibility of spending an additional $300,000 more than staffs recommendation and to
to City Council
.- + Importance of obtaining citizen input
begin the Park Master Planning process sooner
Parks and Recreation Commission -a- January 22,2001
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, AB #AlOl-10, to recommend an
" additional alternative, which is to recommend Alternative #l as outlined in
the City Council Agenda Bill and to immediately move fonvard into
Alternative #2 with the community center added.
Schulberg, and Davidson
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Ramirez,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Cox
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Davidson, AB #101-11, to table the item
AYES: Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Ramirez,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Cox
until the next meeting.
Schulberg, and Davidson
On motion by Commissioner Ramirez to adjourn the Regular Meeting at
9: 10 p.m.
Vice Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Ramirez,
Schulberg, and Davidson
Chairman Cox
Respectfully submitted, p \
Ruth Stark
Minutes Clerk