HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesI
Minutes of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
530 P.M.
November 18,2002
City Council Chambers
Chairman Pieratt called the Regular Meeting to order at 530 p.m.
Present: Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Hubbard, and
Absent: Commissioner Schulberg
Staff Members Present:
Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst
John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager
Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director
Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager
Lori Swenck, Recreation Area Manager
Gail Lynn, Recreation Area Manager
Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner
Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager
Gian Lauro, Recreation Area Manager
Steve Herrera, Recreation Supervisor
Kevin Granse, Recreation Supervisor
Carol Pope, Aquatics Supervisor
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, the Minutes of the Regular
AYES: Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Pacheco, Hubbard, and Comstock
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Cunningham
ABSENT: Commissioner Schulberg
Meeting held on October 28, 2002 were approved.
None. -
Parks and Recreation Commission -2- November 18,2002
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, the Agenda for
AYES: Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Hubbard, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Schulberg
November 18,2002 was approved.
To accept, approve and file the Summary Report of the October 28,2002 Parks and
Recreation Commission Meeting.
ACTION: On motion by Chairman Pieratt, AB #I 102-1 was approved.
AYES: Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Hubbard, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Schulberg
John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, gave the staff presentation on this item, assisted by
Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner. Mr. Cahill provided the background on this item, as contained in
the Commissioners’ packets for the evening. He described the location and size of Alga Norte
Community Park, and pointed out how close the park will be to other community parks. He
outlined the budget and schedule for the park and defined the term “aquatics center”. He emphasized the importance of having a lot of flexibility in the Master Plan in order to
accommodate different activities.
Pat Caughey, Wimmer, Yamada, & Caughey, described the process involved in developing the
Master Plan. He explained what was looked at, including existing conditions, which he
described in detail. He clarified how input was received from the public at two community
workshops and how that information was used.
Mr. Caughey summarized the findings from the workshops which included the request for a
swim complex, playing fields, skateboard park, open turf, and the public’s willingness to pay a
nominal fee to use the swim complex. He displayed the proposed Master Plan and described it
in detail. He added that there was an allowance for 520 vehicles for parking in several areas of
the park. He described the pool area and pointed out the more passive areas where there
would be no structural sports activities.
Mr. Caughey reviewed ideas for a skate park and its location, indicated where a multi-hard
court could be located, and described a proposed area for open play in the middle of the park.
He pointed out a possible location of the playing field areas and amenities that could be - included. He added that a dog park could be located at the south edge of the park. Mr.
Parks and Recreation Commission -3- November 18,2002
Caughey also described the proposed maintenance facilities. (Commissioner Schulberg arrived
at 5:45 p.m.) -
He reviewed access to the park and clarified where pathways could be located. He referred to
parking and explained why it was broken up, and added that there would be a landscape island
and shade trees in the parking areas to avoid a “sea of asphalt” look for the parking lots.
Mr. Caughey described how art could be used within the park and mentioned that a theme
could be integrated into the park. He clarified that the purpose of the Master Plan was to include
concepts of the Park but still allow opportunities to go into at the next stage.
Questions and answers included the following issues:
0 Inclusion of a sand volleyball court
0 Repeated requests from the public for an aquatics center
0 Clarification of what should be included at the Master Pian stage
0 Description of potential picnic areas, shelters, and their locations
0 Composition of trails and how they could be used
0 Adequacy of parking allocation
0 Distinction between meters vs, yards for a pool
0 Discussion of multiple pools vs. one pool
0 Clarification of State Health Code requirements for pools
Maintenance of pool(s) and cost recovery
0 Recreational vs. competitive use of pool(s)
0 Number of San Diego high schools with pools
0 Additional cost for a recreation pool
0 Importance of integrating all phases of a child’s learning of swimming in a pool complex
Chairman Pieratt opened the public hearing.
Fred Arbuckle, President, Morrow Development, explained that his group was developing the
Villages of La Costa. He mentioned that he worked closely with City staff and explained that his
company was working on a document to transfer the ownership of the land for the park to the
City. He described the area being developed and indicated that he hoped the area would be
under construction during the first quarter of next year.
Mr. Arbuckle recommended that landscaping should be increased between Alicante and the
parking lot to serve as a buffer. He referred to the edge of the riparian corridor, and suggested
that the architecture of this park mirror that of Carrillo Park. He asked the Parks and Recreation
Commission to adopt the Master Plan with his recommended modifications, and suggested
developing a multi-pool complex rather than a single pool.
Lisa Rodman, 3535 Simsbury Court, Carlsbad, explained that she would like to see the timeline
moved up on the pool, have it a three pool complex, and requested that the plan be approved
as stated that evening. She clarified that she had been trying to move the pool up for six years
and described what had been done. She said she was disheartened to hear that only one pool
was planned because it would not serve everyone. She pointed out that voters approved
Proposition C and expected a three pool complex. Ms. Rodman added that the slide part was
new but had its place and would be very well done. She asked the Parks and Recreation
Commission to approve the pool so it would not disappear, requested that they look at three
pools, and move the pool complex up on the timeline. I
Parks and Recreation Commission -4- November 18,2002
Larry David, 6965 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, also concurred with Ms. Rodman, and explained
that 13,000 people voted for Proposition C. He mentioned that the pool was a priority and
wanted to know why a 50 meter pool was decided upon. He pointed out that he thought the
current City pool was inadequate to meet the needs of the public. Mr. David emphasized that
the pool complex needed more urgent study and that it should be built as soon as possible,
especially since the City had the money in the bank to pay for the pool complex.
Commissioner Comstock asked for clarification of the operating cost and if cost recovery would
be an option. Mr. David said that water polo participants were willing to pay fees if necessary.
Commissioner Comstock pointed out the importance of differentiating between school districts
and cities. Mr. David responded that it was important to undertake a study to determine if there
should be more than one pool. Chairman Pieratt closed the public hearing.
Discussion included the following issues:
Preference for matching the architecture of the park to Carrillo Park
Interest in different compositions for trails
Number of pools and cost recovery to make more than one pool viable
Agreement that a buffer on the outside street of the park was preferable
Recommendation for a study to determine if there should be more than one pool
Addition of a dog friendly area would make Carlsbad a dog friendly city
Timeline for construction of pool should be moved up
Concept of the skateboard park was different and very good
Suggestion that staff look at other aquatic areas
Praise for staff
Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, summarized the comments made by the Parks and
Recreation Commission to include the following: Endorse the Master Plan especially in light of
Proposition C, move up funding of development of the Park, and build the aquatic center in the
first phase. In the design of the aquatic complex: Evaluate a multi-pool complex and make that
recommendation to City Council. Ancillary issues included: Benefits of shade structure in this
park and other specimens to provide shade, walkway/trail area to include dg as well as
concrete in the park, a landscape buffer along Alicante, and coordinate the architectural
consistency of this park with the architecture of Carrillo Park.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cornstock, AB #I 102-2, to accept the
Master Plan as presented with the following included:
In light of the approval of Proposition C, construct the entire park
complex, including the aquatics component, in one phase;
0 In designing the aquatic component, evaluate the benefit of and
opportunity for a “multi pool” aquatic center for consideration by
City Council; and
walkway surfaces, enhancing the landscape buffer along Alicante,
and making the park architecturally consistent with Carrillo Park.
Address the ancillary issues which include shade, trail and
AYES: Chairman Pieratt, Commissioners Schulberg, Cunningham, Pacheco,
NOES: None
Hubbard, and Comstock