HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-24; Parks & Recreation Commission; Minutes- Minutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 530 P.M. Date of Meeting: March 24, 2003 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schulberg called the Regular Meeting to order at 535 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Pacheco, Pieratt, Hubbard, and Comstock Absent: Commissioner Cunningham Staff Members Present: Ken Price, Recreation Director Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner Carl Pope, Aquatics Manager Dave Gorsline, Aquatics Specialist Peter Gordon, Arts Manager Liz Ketabian, Park Planner ANNOUNCEMENTS John McKaig, 1401 Panorama Ridge, Oceanside, explained that he represented the businessmen in the area and requested suggestions for a place to plant a tree in memory of Jerry Mcllellan. Chairman Schulberg assured Mr. McKaig that the City could probably accommodate him and that he should contact Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director, to discuss it further. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Pieratt, Hubbard, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Pacheco ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham held on December 16, 2002 were approved. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM None. I 3 Parks and Recreation Commission -2- March 24, 2003 - APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, the Agenda for March 24, 2003, was AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Pacheco, Pieratt, Hubbard, and NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham approved as amended to place AB #303-6 ahead of AB #303-5. Comstock CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #303-1 SUMMARY REPORT To accept, approve and file the Summary Report of the December 16,2002 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. 2. AB #303-2 RECEIPT OF DONATION To receive a donation to the Carrillo Ranch from Joan Kindle, the volunteer Carrillo Ranch Curator. 3. AB #303-3 CITIZEN’S LETTER REGARDING THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT COMMUNITY PARK To acknowledge a letter to the City Council regarding approval of the Park Master Plan. - 4. AB #303-4 RICK LANTZ LETTEWAQUATIC COMPLEX AT ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK To acknowledge receipt of a letter regarding the future aquatic facility. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, AB #303-1, AB #303-2, AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Pacheco, Pieratt, Hubbard, and NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham AB #303-3, and AB #303-4 were approved. Comstock DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 6. AB #303-6 PROPOSED FEE INCREASES FOR THE EXISTING AQUATIC FACILITY AND PROGRAMS Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, explained that Carl Pope, Aquatics Manager and Dave Gorsline, Aquatics Specialist, would give the staff presentation on this item. Mr. Pope explained that the Aquatic Complex Master Plan was on the Park and Recreation Commission’s agenda during the previous year. He added that the Parks and Recreation Commission directed staff to investigate and make recommendations for raising aquatic fees. Mr. Pope described the steps staff followed to determine how much fees should be increased, and reminded the Commission that City Council has recommended a goal for 50% recovery of costs for the facility. He explained how the goal was met in the last 3-4 years but stated that recently it was more of a challenge to meet that goal. He displayed a chart that showed the - 4 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- March 24,2003 c current fees, the mean, and the recommended fees. Mr. Pope described the various fees, and added that the City did not currently operate all programs listed but explained that the programs remained on the list for the future. He also discussed what was included in rental fees, and described the fees for special events and use during “after normal” operation hours. Questions and answers included the following issues: Percentage of contract fees that the City received 0 Clarification of lifeguard fees 0 Estimation of whether the recommended rates would meet the 50% recovery cost goal 0 Actual expenditures and actual revenues 0 Possibility of raising fees higher than currently being recommended by staff 0 Recommendation for raising fees for special events 0 Description of the Scholarship Program 0 Timing of increasing the fees 0 Inclusion of a buffer Chairman Pieratt opened the public hearing. Rick Lantz, 2844 Wilson, Carlsbad, explained that he was a manager for one of the clubs using the pool, and added that his group was happy to have the time, even if it was late in the day. He stated that his group incurred the costs of lifeguard and utilities for after hours and suggested that everyone should share the costs. Commissioner Pieratt asked for clarification of how the pricing was established. c- Larry David, 7042 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, indicated that Mr. Lantz covered what he had planned to discuss. He expressed concern about the large number of non-residents using the programs. He added that he felt that nighttime costs should be spread over to the daytime users. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, AB #303-6, to direct staff to return at a later date and recommend fees which will bring recovery costs to 52%, and to amortize the extra costs for after normal hours among all users. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Hubbard, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham 5. AB #303-5 ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARWAQUATIC COMPLEX MASTER PLAN John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner, and Carl Pope gave the staff presentation on this item. Mr. Cahill described the results from the Aquatics Complex Study. He explained the project goals and needs, and emphasized the importance of meeting the needs for today and for the future. Pat Caughey of Wimmer, Yamada & Caughey, gave an overview of the project. He pointed out had been accomplished since January, and added that a group of people, including staff, City ,- the Master Plan and specifically addressed the location of the pool project. He explained what s Parks and Recreation Commission -4- March 24, 2003 I Council members and representatives of this Commission, went to Sacramento to look at three other aquatic complexes. He described each of the complexes in detail and stated that each of the complexes was unique. Mr. Caughey explained that a public workshop was held on February 27‘h. He described the six options that were presented at the workshop and how public input was given. Randy Mendioroz presented details of the six alternatives, and clarified that two new options were added after receiving public input. He stated that Option #7, the two-pool layout, was the recommended alternative since it fit closely with the funds allocated for the project. John Cahill explained that staff was recommending Option #7 because it clearly and most closely matched the existing CIP budget of $6,000,000, it met most program needs for dollars invested, and it provided the most flexibility in growth potential for the future. Mr. Cahill reviewed the development cost of all the options, as contained in the report given to the Commissioners and included in the Commissioners’ packets for the evening. Questions and discussion included the following issues: e e e e e e e e e e e e Recovery costs and the impact on including two lanes and adding a slide to the recreation pool, bringing it closer to Option #5 Clarification that there was a need to decide on the number and size of the pools Staffs obligation to make recommendations that were within the budget Recreational components contribute significantly to revenue components Importance of remembering who the users are Concern that development in phases ultimately ends up with less being built Necessity of building a pool for citizens Recommendation to look at cost recovery at the beginning and tap into Proposition C funds to be earmarked for the pools Breakdown on current uses Discussion of adding a river pool and spray features Suggestion of using sponsorships for items such as pavers to raise additional funds Concern that the parking allotment was too high Chairman Schulberg opened the public testimony. Jeff Lee, 4335 Tieste Drive, Carlsbad, referred to Option #8, particularly the therapy pool. He explained his motivation and added that his child’s therapist indicated that if the option was available, the therapist would use the pool for all patients. Larry David, 7042 El Fuerte Street, Carlsbad, addressed staff from a water polo perspective. He stated that Option #7 was satisfactory and addressed expanding the budget to fully accommodate all users. Rick Lantz, 2844 Wilson, Carlsbad, wanted to clarify that he used the current pool from all standpoints. He described the competitive user groups and asked the City to focus on a multi- pool complex, not a water pool park, that would meet competitive swimming needs. James Hamilton 2352 Hosp Way, Carlsbad, explained that water polo was a growing force and could attract top-notch competition. He added that a smaller pool could have children eight having bleachers for opposing fans which would bring in revenue. _- years and under learn a sport that was recreational. He suggested moving the smaller pool and Parks and Recreation Commission -5- March 24,2003 "7 Chairman Schulberg closed the public testimony. Further discussion included the following issues: e e e e e e e e e e 0 e e e e e e e Importance of serving all residents Competition, instruction, and recreation, with recreational needs currently vastly underserved Inclusion of all three elements from the beginning rather than in phases Warm water for small children Addition of a river Swim meets were a money loser High costs were in maintaining pools rather than building them Timing of development and the need to build the aquatic complex as soon as possible Importance of being a place for non-organized sports people Options #5 vs #7 Clarification of the size of the therapy pool, the cost, and the need for one Suggestion to include a therapeutic pool and add to lanes to the recreation pool for Option #7 Clarification that Option #5 consisted of a one size children pool whereas another option had two separate children pools Possibility of combining seniors and juniors by designating different hours for the groups or grading one area where the section could gradually get deeper Most facilities resulted in being compromises due to cost Feasibility of phasing of recreational components, a detailed description of what was included, and cost recovery rates Clarification of why workshop users selected Option #6 and not Option #5 Concern about the economy taking a downturn which could affect future funding for the pool complex if developed in phases ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, AB #303-5, to recommend to City Council to accept Option #5 with the addition of increasing the number of lanes in the recreation pool from 8 to 10 lanes, and building the complex now rather than in phases, and also to include the therapy pool of approximately 375 square feet. and Comstock AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Pacheco, Hubbard, NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham 7. AB #303-7 PROPOSED PUBLIC ART COMPONENT FOR LARWIN COMMUNITY PARK Liz Ketabian, Park Planner, gave the staff presentation on this item. She reported on the design of the art component for the Park and updated members of the Commission on what Sylvia Tidwell, the artist, had done up until now. She referred to the mockups on the table and described the artist's concepts of the pieces. She explained the process, including obtaining public input, and stated that 66% of the responses from the public were positive. Ms. Ketabian - mentioned that the Arts Commission approved the project, Parks and Recreation Commission -6- March 24,2003 - Questions and discussion included the following issues: 0 Concern that a split rail fence would not hold up 0 Importance of art 0 Residency of the artist, which was addressed by Peter Gordon, Arts Manager for the 0 Whether there was an escape clause if the citizens did not like the artwork 0 Recommendation for an educational plaque explaining the artwork City of Carlsbad ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #303-7, to accept staffs report and recommend including an explanation of the art work theme represented by the art piece. Comstock AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Pacheco, Pieratt, Hubbard, and NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham COMMITTEE /COUNCIL REPORTS None. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING 1. Request staff to find a location for a memorial tree for Jerry Mcllellan 3. Amendments to the Park and Recreation Element L 2. Addition of a teenager to the Parks and Recreation Commission ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg to adjourn the Regular Meeting at AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Pacheco, Pieratt, Hubbard, and NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cunningham 8:15 p.m. Comstock Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark, Minutes Clerk 8