HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 530 P.M. May 19,2003 City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schulberg called the Regular Meeting to order at 530 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Pacheco and Pieratt Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Hubbard, and Comstock Staff Members Present: Ken Price, Recreation Director Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director-General Services Carl Pope, Aquatics Manager Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager Jill Pritchard, Recreation Area Manager Pat Kelly, Principal Building Inspector Dave Felt, Code Enforcement Officer Gian Lauro, Recreation Area Manager - Brenda, Recreation Supervisor ANNOUNCEMENTS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pacheco and Pieratt On motion by Commissioner Comstock, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 21, 2003 were approved. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Hubbard, and Comstock PRESENTATIONS Jill Prichard, Recreation Area Manager, and Brenda Bunnell, Recreation Supervisor, described the planned activities for the 2003 Carlsbad Triathlon 3 Parks and Recreation Commission -2- May 19,2003 APPROVAL OF AGENDA ,- e ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pacheco and Pieratt On motion by Commissioner Comstock, the Agenda for May 19,2003, was approved as amended to pull AB #503-2 from the Consent Calendar. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Hubbard, and Comstock CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #503-1 SUMMARY REPORT To accept, approve and file the Summary Report of the April 19, 2003 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. 3. AB #503-3 RECEIPT OF DONATIONS To receive donations of product, goods and services in support of the 2002 and 2003 Triathlon. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pacheco and Pieratt On motion by Commissioner Comstock, AB #503-land AB #503-3 were approved. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Hubbard, and Comstock 2. AB #503-2 RECEIPT OF DONATIONS To receive a donation of $550 and recommend acceptance by the City Council. Pat Kelly, Principal Building Inspector, and Dave Felt, Code Enforcement Officer, presented a check of $550 from the City’s Strategic Change Team to support the Recreation Department’s Opportunities Grant Program. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pacheco and Pieratt On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #503-2 was approved. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Hubbard, and Comstock DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 4. AB #503-4 AQUATIC FEE INCREASES Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, explained that this item was brought back because staff found additional information that might affect the Commissioners’ decision on this item. He provided a brief history of what had occurred at past meetings. (Commissioner Pieratt arrived at 550 p.m.) - Y Parks and Recreation Commission -3- May 19,2003 rcL Mr. Beverly clarified that in researching the City Document Management System, staff discovered minutes from the May 9, 1989 meeting in which City Council desired a 45% cost recovery for the swimming pool and 60% cost recovery for other programs. He added that the other recreation fee supported programs currently operated at 65-70% cost recovery. He further clarified that 45% cost recovery vs 50% could result in different numbers for the Commissions’ recommendations relating to changes in the fee schedule. He reviewed the fiscal impact and displayed a new fee schedule, pointing out the difference between recommendations made during the April Parks and Recreation Commission meeting and what the amounts would be at a 45% cost recovery rate. He further discussed recommendations made regarding operation of the pool during the evening hours and the additional charges for Carlsbad High School. He emphasized that staff was not endorsing one fee over another and that the purpose of this presentation was to make the Parks and Recreation Commission aware of what was requested by City Council in 1989 and how it affected the numbers. Questions and answers included the following issue: 0 Comparison of Carlsbad High School fees based on $6 per lane and $5 per lane Chairman Schulberg opened the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Lisa Rodman, 3535 Simsbury Court, Carlsbad, apologized to Commissioner Pieratt for a private comment made to him at another meeting. She mentioned that she thought it was time that the pool usage fees were increased. She explained that there was a give and take between the City and the School District regarding the pool and explained what that was. She asked that the amount of the increase be reduced and stated that she would like to see a shared use agreement in effect. Ms. Rodman added that she felt $5 fees were fair, and clarified that Booster clubs raised money for the “fluff and not for every day activities. She ended by saying that she was worried that the program would be cut due to the increase in fees. - Anna Alcorn, 1353 Tower Drive, Vista, explained that she was a teacher at the high school and also a diving coach for the school team. She said there were serious budget problems at the schools already and it would be awkward for the team to move to another school. She added that there was a star diver on the team this year and that the number of divers had tripled to 14. In response to Chairman Schulberg’s query, Ms. Alcorn said that they could justify the fee increase but a 42% fee increase seemed to be too much at this time due to budget constraints. Michael Cavanaugh, 1776 Troy Lane, Oceanside, explained that he was the JV Coach for the swim team for the past 11 years. He said that he wanted to reiterate what the other two speakers said, including the fact that he thought the $6/lane fee was too exorbitant and there should be a compromise, possibly making smaller incremental increases on a regular basis. He asked the Parks and Recreation Commission to consider $5/lane or an amount closer to that number rather than raising the fee to $6/lane. Barbara Gauthier, La Costa Canyon High School, explained that she was the Assistant Principal at the school. She mentioned that she attended the Friday meeting with staff, and asked the Parks and Recreation Commission to consider either not raising the pool fee or to consider a different fee schedule. She added that the La Costa Canyon High School Aquatics program had to pay for pool usage strictly by fund raising. + Parks and Recreation Commission -4- May 19,2003 r.- Ms. Gauthier recommended having different fee schedules for public and private entities. She mentioned that the use of the pool by the school would give Carlsbad exposure and clarified that it was not a budget item for San Dieguito schools. She also mentioned that the school was using other pools for practice but would like to use the Carlsbad pool for practice. She ended by stating that all funding for the pool fees came from Boosters and fundraising. James Smith stated that he was a volunteer assistant water polo coach and that Palomar College was treating the team well. He mentioned that the use of the Carlsbad pool was a matter of convenience. He added that 60% of the participants were Carlsbad residents and that the program was growing. Mr. Smith commented that the team had to purchase their own equipment to place at the complex, and that they were hoping to use the Carlsbad pool as their base. Chairman Schulberg closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Questions and discussion included the following issues: 0 Fee charges of $5/lane vs $6/lane 0 Incremental and scheduled increases 0 Concern about funding the new pool 0 Importance of consistency in increasing fees for residents and non-residents 0 The need to bring fees up to par 0 Confirmation that staff will be conducting a comprehensive review of all City fees 0 Non-residents vs residents was only an issue in the masters swim program at the pool ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, AB #503-4, to adopt an Aquatic Fee Schedule, Exhibit 2, page 19 dated 05/14/2003, column E 45% cost recovery numbers with the intent to review these numbers annually. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham and Comstock AYES: NOES: Commissioners Pieratt and Hubbard ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Pacheco Chairman Schulberg called a break at 655 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:OO p.m. 5. AB #503-5 PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE AND AMENDMENT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY #28 TO INCORPORATE THE CARRILLO RANCH FACILITY USE REGULATIONS Gian Lauro, Recreation Area Manager, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that Carrillo Ranch will be dedicated in August and described the procedures, policies and fees that will be established. He reviewed similar historic landmarks that were considered and clarified that the two areas that could be rented by the public were the cabana and pool area, and the patio area. He described the categories in detail and outlined the daily fees. Mr. Lauro explained that the City Attorney’s office and some of the people of the Friends of Carrillo Ranch reviewed the recommended fees. Questions and discussion included the following issues: 0 0 0 Clarification that the fee schedule in the slide presentation should be used Reaction from the Friends of Carrillo Ranch on the proposal Non-availability of Dee Dee’s house for rental to the public Parks and Recreation Commission -5- May 19,2003 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Emphasis that the rental of facilities and operation of the Carrillo Ranch was a “work in progress” Preference to review the fees on an annual basis Confirmation of the amount of people able to use the facilities at one time Suggestion that the fees could be impacted by the number of people using the facilities Hours of operation of the park Supervision requirements due to Carrillo Park being a historic park Security and alcohol issues already addressed under City Council Policy #28 Agreements with surrounding neighbors regarding lights What was covered in the conditional use permit Noise and how it would be handled Refund policy Liability insurance if alcohol was provided Events targeted Maximum number of people 60% cost recovery Suggestion to track events during the first year and determine how many people were turned away ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, AB #503-5, to accept staffs recommendations for the Facility Use Regulations and Fee Schedule relating to Carrillo Ranch Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Pieratt, Hubbard, and Comstock AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Pacheco 6. AB #503-6 PARK INVENTORY REVIEW Keith Beverly explained that this item was pulled and would be discussed at the Commissioner’s workshop during the summer. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Pacheco On motion by Commissioner Comstock to defer AB #503-6 to a Parks and Recreation Commission workshop at a date to be determined. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Pieratt, Hubbard, and Comstock COMMITTEE /COUNCIL REPORTS 1. Council Workshop - Alga Norte ParWAquatic Facility - June 2, 2003. 2. Budget Workshop - CIP and Operating Budget - Dates to be announced AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING 1. Golf course. 2. Poinsettia Park - Parks and Recreation Commission -6- May 19,2003 ADJOURNMENT c ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Pacheco On motion by Commissioner Comstock to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:15 p.m. Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Cunningham, Pieratt, Hubbard, and Comstock Respectfully submitted, +& Ruth Stark, Minutes Clerk