HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: September 15, 2003 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman Pacheco called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:39 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Cunningham, Lyons, Hubbard, and Comstock Absent: Chairman Schulberg Staff Members Present: Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director-General Services Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager Sheila Cobian, Senior Office Specialist ANNOUNCEMENTS Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, informed Commission of upcoming CCPS Workshops to which the Commissioners would be invited. A date had not yet been set for those workshops. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on August 18, 2003 were approved. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Hubbard, and Cunningham NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Lyons ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg PRESENTATIONS None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Lyons, the Agenda for September 15, 2003, was approved. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Hubbard, Comstock, and Cunningham NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #903-1 SUMMARY REPORT To accept and file the Summary Report of the August Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission - 2 - September 15,2003 2. AB #903-2 RECEIPT OF DONATION To receive donations to the Carrillo Ranch Archive Collection and Trust Fund and recommend approval by City Council. 3. AB #903-3 RECEIPT OF DONATION To receive donations to the Carrillo Ranch Archive Collection from Mr. and Mrs. Clay Bartels and recommend approval by City Council. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #903-1, AB #903-2 and AB #903-3 were approved. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Lyons, Cunningham, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 4. AB #903-4 BUDGETARY AND ECONOMIC FORECAST PRESENTATION Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Economic Forecast of the City of Carlsbad for the next several years. Questions and answers included the following issues: • What is the square footage of Company Stores versus the Forum which is going in? • Time Shares vs Hotel Room in new Hotels • What was occupancy of the hotels? • Will return rates for PERS yield rise above 8.75%? • Do the revenues take into account the new parks coming on line? • What are terms of Deficit Reduction Bond? • Discussion of Sales Tax Allocation • What about the City reserves? Commissioner Comstock, with unanimous agreement by all other Commissioners that were present, instructed staff to re-iterate in the Summary Report to City Council, their support for the development of the Municipal Golf Course Project after hearing the Economic Forecast presentation. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #903-4, to accept and file staff's report. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Lyons, Cunningham, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg 5 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- September 15,2003 5. AB #903-5 APPROVED PARK DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) BUDGET - FY 2003-2004 THRU BUILDOUT Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager gave a PowerPoint presentation on the recently approved CIP Budget with respect to the park development projects. Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director - General Services, reported on the various park improvement projects that were approved for FY 03-04. Questions and answers included the following issues: • Golf Course on-going maintenance programs • Alga Norte Park construction and opening dates • Cost for park acreage in NE Quadrant Park ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cunningham, AB #903-5, to accept and file staff's report. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Lyons, Hubbard, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg 6. AB #903-6 NAMING OF A FUTURE COMMUNITY PARK Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager asked that the Commissioners who served on the committee for the name selection to please advise staff of the name that was ultimately selected. The name that has been chosen to be forwarded to City Council for approval is "Hidden Canyon Community Park". Commissioner Hubbard made suggestion of combining Hidden Canyon Park with Buddy Park making the name "Hidden Canyon / Buddy Park in honor of Mayor "Bud" Lewis. ACTION: A motion by Commissioner Lyons to name the Larwin Site "Hidden Canyon Community Park" was approved unanimously and recommended to be forwarded to City Council for their consideration. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Hubbard, Cunningham, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg 7. AB #903-7 AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst suggested various Agenda items for the October 25th Commissioner Workshop. Agenda items selected by Commissioners were: • A review of the park inventory to included discussion of the Veterans Memorial Park Site, Golf Course, Trails and Habitat Management Plan. • Strategic Plan Update(s) • Holiday Dinner Venue • Public Works / Park Maintenance "Standards of Care" • Management Employee Goals of Park Maintenance, Park Development and Recreation Staff Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 - September 15,2003 It was agreed upon by all Commissioners that the October 25th Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop would take place in lieu of the regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting on October 20, 2003. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock. AB #903-7, to approve agenda items for the October 25, 2003 Parks and Recreation Commission workshop. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Lyons, Hubbard, and Cunningham NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg COMMITTEE /COUNCIL REPORTS 1. None. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cunningham to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:14 p.m. AYES: Vice Chairman Pacheco, Commissioners Lyons, Hubbard, and Comstock NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Chairman Schulberg Respectfully Submitted, Sheila Cobian, Minutes Clerk