HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: December 15, 2003 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairman Schulberg called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig Absent: None Staff Members Present: Ken Price, Recreation Director Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director-General Services Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager Liz Ketabian, Park Planner Anne Hysong, Senior Planner Jill Pritchard, Recreation Area Manager Kevin Granse, Recreation Supervisor ANNOUNCEMENTS Al Rodbell, 2227 Camino Roblando, Carlsbad, explained that he moved to Carlsbad 2Vz years ago with his wife because of the beautiful tennis facilities. He mentioned that he loved Carlsbad but added that the City needed to build better tennis facilities. He referred to an article in the Union-Tribune that focused on building regional tennis facilities. Mr. Rodbell stated that Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager, told him that tennis courts were approved at Poinsettia Park and that the tennis courts were part of the Master Plan but were postponed because it did not appear that the residents of Carlsbad were very interested in having the tennis courts built. He added that he would like to arrange to be on the agenda for a venue where the tennis courts could be discussed because he felt that the tennis courts were very doable. Chairman Schulberg explained that since the item was not on the agenda, the Parks and Recreation Commission could only ask staff to give the Commission an update when the information was available. Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, pointed out that it might be appropriate to discuss the issue prior to the CIP. Mr. Rodbell left his phone number and email address so he could be notified when the item was placed on the Park and Recreation Commission agenda. Parks and Recreation Commission -2- December 15,2003 APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on September 15, 2003 were approved. AYES: Commissioners Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, and Lyons NOES: None ABSTAIN: Chairman Schulberg and Commissioner Craig ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS None APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, the Agenda for December 15, 2003, was approved. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #1203-1 RECEIPT OF DONATION The Commission will receive a $2,000 donation from the Carlsbad Christmas Bureau. 2. AB #1203-2 RECEIPT OF DONATION The Commission will receive a donation in support of the "Pee Wee" Soccer Program. 3. AB #1203-3 RECEIPT OF DONATIONS The Commission will receive $800 in support of Opportunities Grant Program. 4. AB #1203-4 RECEIPT OF DONATIONS The Commission will receive $721.50 in support of the Opportunities Grant Program. 5. AB #1203-5 RECEIPT OF DONATIONS The Commission will receive $620 in support of the Opportunities Grant Program. 6. AB #1203-6 RECEIPT OF DONATIONS To approve the Summary Report of the September 15, 2003 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, AB #1203-1, AB #1203-2, AB #1203-3, AB #1203-4; AB #1203-5, and AB #1203-6 were approved. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Parks and Recreation Commission - 3 - December 15,2003 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 7. AB #1203-7 STATUS OF ROSALENA TRAIL REALIGNMENT Liz Ketabian, Park Planner, gave the presentation on this item. She reported on the status of the Rosalena Trail Realignment and referred to the map included in the Commissioners' packets. She provided the background of the trail, including the location and key conditions of the Master Plan. She explained what was constructed, what was being used, and how it was being maintained. Ms. Ketabian described enforcement action for the trail and outlined what was involved in the amendment process. She also described the history surrounding the construction of the trail and explained how the trail was divided by the Coastal Commission. She added that earlier an application was submitted for a Master Plan Amendment by the homeowners association, and that the application was recently resubmitted. Ms. Ketabian referred to the letter sent by Brechtel, and mentioned that the City Attorney's office was currently reviewing the request for the amendment and the submitted application. She described the next steps for trail alignment. Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Clarification of why the City, and not the developer, was taking the lead on the project • Reasons for delay of the trail being built along the bluff • Explanation of what had transpired with the homeowners associations regarding approval for the trail • Liability issues for homeowners • Lack of easement along some of the lots • Regulations regarding structures in backyards • Clarification of the new proposed trail • Recommendation that the trail go under I-5 • Difficulty in obtaining consensus for the trail by all the homeowners • Staff's position that the trail be surveyed to see if was feasible ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Comstock, AB #1203-7, to accept and file the staff report. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 8. AB #1203-8 MEMORIAL DEDICATION POLICY This item was postponed. 9. AB #1203-9 RESCHEDULE JANUARY COMMISSION MEETING Keith Beverly explained that the CIP was scheduled to be brought before the Parks and Recreation Commission. He added that there was a very short period of time for it to be put together, resulting in the need to reschedule the January Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, especially since the scheduled meeting was on a City holiday. After some discussion, it was decided to have the meeting on Wednesday evening, January 7th at 5:30 p.m., the location to be determined. 5 Parks and Recreation Commission - 4 - December 15,2003 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, AB #1203-9, to reschedule the January 2004 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to January 7, 2004 at 5:30 p.m., location to be determined. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 10. AB #1203-10 ELECTION OF COMMISSION OFFICERS FOR 2004 ACTION: After nomination and a vote by the Commission, Commissioner Comstock was elected Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and after nomination and a vote by the Commission, Commissioner Pacheco was elected Vice Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None COMMITTEE /COUNCIL REPORTS 1. None. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING 1. Capital Improvement Project - Budget submittal for FY 2004-05. ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:25 p.m. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Pacheco, Cunningham, Comstock, Hubbard, Lyons, and Craig NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cunningham and Lyons Respectfully submitted, Ruth Stark, Minutes Clerk